Introduction Wiki

Wiki - Introduction

A wiki allows you to collaboratively create, edit, and easily link web pages. Learners and teachers can add content to existing pages, modify them and create new wiki pages. Older versions can be restored or compared at any time. The changes are assigned to the respective author. A well-known wiki is Wikipedia.

A wiki page can be edited very easily with the help of the ILIAS-internal page editor. Programming knowledge is not necessary. Wikis are the only objects in ILIAS that users can edit without editing rights by default.

Each wiki initially has only one start page after its creation. You can add new pages if you want to structure the wiki or, for example, explain a term in the text in more detail.

Defining the wiki settings

Defining general settings

You want to change or add to the general settings you made when you created the wiki.

  1. Click on the Settings link in the Wiki Functions block.
  2. ILIAS opens the General Settings view.
  3. Make entries and changes:
  • Edit the title of the wiki.
  • The description you enter here will appear below the title of the wiki.
  • Add an introduction, which is displayed in the Info tab.
  • Under Home, change the title of the wiki.
  • Users can only see and use the wiki if they select the Online checkbox.
  • Select the Enable Rating checkbox to allow users to rate the wiki as a whole.
  • To rate individual wiki pages, select the Allow rating of pages checkbox. ILIAS displays additional options:
    • To allow newly created wiki pages to be automatically rated, check Enable rating on new pages.
    • To allow criteria-based rating, select the Enable rating categories checkbox.
    • The Enable rating on the new pages option only applies to pages created afterward. If the wiki already contains pages, you must enable these pages for rating individually.
    • If you disable the rating features and ratings already made, those ratings cannot be restored.
  • Users can add public comments below each wiki page if they check the Comments checkbox.
  • Select the Enable Page Summary checkbox to display a table of contents for the wiki page at the top of the page.
  • Activate the Automatic linking of wiki pages.
  • Enable Custom metadata for your wiki.
  1. Click the Save button.
  2. ILIAS saves the changes.

Edit rights settings in the wiki.

You want to assign additional rights in the wiki to the course or group members. This can be useful in collaborative wikis to extend the design options of the members.

  1. Click on the Settings link in the Wiki Functions block.
  2. ILIAS opens the General settings view in the Settings tab.
  3. Click on the Rights settings link.
  4. ILIAS displays the Rights settings page. In the Rights form, the following rights are listed:
    • Edit Navigation
    • Delete page
    • Activate write protection
    • Export HTML
  5. Behind this is the local role of the directly surrounding object (course or group) to which you can assign this additional right. The designation crs can recognize course members, and the abbreviation grp identifies group members.
  6. Activate the checkboxes in front of the desired right to assign it to all local roles of the wiki.
  7. Click on Save.
  8. ILIAS reports "Changes saved."

Note: You can change further rights settings in the wiki via the Rights tab if you have the necessary rights.

Add wiki page to wiki navigation.

In the Wiki Navigation block, you can compile links to essential pages of the wiki in quick navigation. Initially, this block only contains the start page of the wiki.

You want to add an existing wiki page to the Wiki Navigation block.

  1. You have two options to edit the wiki navigation settings:
    • Click the Settings link in the Wiki Functions block. ILIAS opens the General Settings view. In the Settings tab, click the Wiki Navigation link.
    • Click the gear in the Wiki Navigation block and select Edit from the drop-down menu.
  2. ILIAS opens the Wiki Navigation form.
  3. In the drop-down menu above the table, select the wiki page title that should appear in the Wiki Navigation block. Note: ILIAS will only show you pages filled with content.
  4. Click on the Add button.
  5. ILIAS adds the title of the wiki page to the Wiki Navigation block.
    • You can change the order of the added wiki pages by entering an appropriate numbering in the text entry fields in the Order column (e.g., "01" to "10" for ten titles). The start page always remains at the top.
    • You can indent the titles by choosing between levels 1 and 2 in the drop-down menu in the Indent column.
  6. Click the Save Order and Indent button.
  7. Click the Last Visited tab to check that the titles in the Wiki Navigation block are now listed as desired.

Note: You can allow course or group members to edit the navigation.

Delete Wiki Page from Wiki Navigation

In the Wiki Navigation block, you can compile links to important pages of the wiki in quick navigation. Initially, this block only contains the Wiki's start page.

You want to remove a page from the navigation block.

  1. You have two options to edit the wiki navigation settings:
    • Click the Settings link in the Wiki Functions block. ILIAS opens the General settings view. In the Settings tab, click the Wiki Navigation link.
    • Click the gear in the Wiki Navigation block and select Edit from the drop-down menu.
  2. ILIAS opens the Wiki Navigation form.
  3. In the table's left column, select the checkbox of the page you want to delete from the navigation block. The start page cannot be removed from the navigation block.
  4. Select Remove from the drop-down menu above or below the table.
  5. Click the Execute button.
  6. ILIAS opens a confirmation form.
  7. Click the Remove button.
  8. ILIAS removes the wiki page title from the Wiki Navigation block.

Note: You can allow course or group members to edit the navigation.

Set the wiki page as the start page

In the Wiki Navigation block, you can compile links to essential pages of the wiki in quick navigation. Initially, this block contains only the start page of the wiki by default.

You want to designate any wiki page as the start page.

  1. You have two options to edit the wiki navigation settings:
    • Click the Settings link in the Wiki Functions block. ILIAS opens the General settings view. In the Settings tab, click the Wiki Navigation link.
    • Click the gear in the Wiki Navigation block and select Edit from the drop-down menu.
  2. ILIAS opens the Wiki Navigation form.
  3. In the table's left column, select the checkbox of the page you want to set as the start page.
  4. In the drop-down menu above or below the table, select Set as the start page.
  5. Click on the Execute button.
  6. ILIAS displays the desired page as the start page in the first row of the table and reports "Changes saved."

Note: You can allow course or group members to edit the navigation.

Create page templates

You can create and use templates for wiki pages. The templates ensure that certain standards are met regarding the content and design of the pages. Page templates can be applied to existing or newly created wiki pages.

You want to design a page template.

  1. Open the wiki page you want to use as a page template.
  2. Add any headings, tables, images, text, and instructions that you want to appear on the default pages.
  3. In the Wiki Functions block, click the Actions on the page link.
  4. ILIAS opens a selection menu.
  5. Select the entry Use as page template.
  6. ILIAS displays a form with the new page template.
    • If you want the template to be selectable when creating a new page, activate the checkbox in the column Available for the new page.
    • If you want the template to be applied to existing wiki pages, activate the available for existing page column checkbox.
  7. Click on Save.
  8. ILIAS reports "Changes saved."
  9. To return to the presentation view of the wiki page, click the Last visited page tab.


  • If you want to remove a page template, activate the checkbox in front of the corresponding page in the form and click on "Do not use as page template anymore.". Alternatively, you can click the Actions on page link directly on the wiki page in the Wiki functions block and select the option No longer use as page template.
  • You can use the page template in the page editor.

Enable automatic linking

You want to automatically link custom metadata to wiki pages with the same name. Metadata entries in the page block whose title matches the title of a wiki page are thus displayed as links. When the link in the page block is clicked, the wiki page with the same name is called.
Note: Only wiki pages filled with content can be linked.

Prerequisite: At least one set of custom metadata has been created and activated for the wiki.

  1. Click the Settings link in the Wiki Functions block.
  2. Activate the Automatic linking checkbox.
  3. Click Save.
  4. ILIAS reports "Changes saved" and links all metadata records in the page block to wiki pages with the same name.

Export HTML

At the end of a learning section, it can be important to keep the wiki as an accessible collection. To do this, you can export the wiki to HTML for further viewing.

You want to export a wiki to HTML.

  1. Click on the Export HTML link in the Wiki Functions block.
  2. ILIAS starts the HTML export and shows the creation status by a progress bar.
  3. You will receive a .zip file with the title of the wiki.
  4. Click on the title of the .zip file and the folder with the same name. Click on the title "Index."
  5. A non-layout HTML copy of your wiki home page will open.

Note: You can allow course or group members to export the wiki to HTML.

Creating and editing wiki pages

Creating a new wiki page

A newly created wiki initially has only one page - the home page. You create new wiki pages by including cross-references in an existing wiki page. These so-called wiki links lead to newly created wiki pages in the same object.

You want to create a new wiki page.

  1. Open an existing wiki page and click on the Edit tab.
  2. ILIAS shows the edit view of the page editor.
  3. You have two options to create a wiki link:
    • Click on the light gray area with the small plus sign. Select Insert Text from the drop-down menu and enter your text.
    • Click on an existing text section. Select the Edit entry in the selection menu. In your text, select the part that should link to a new wiki page. The selected text section will serve as the title of the new wiki page.
  4. Click the [[Wiki]] button in the edit bar above your text under Links.
  5. ILIAS will put double square brackets around the highlighted text.
    Note: You can also click the [[Wiki]] buttons and then type your text between the brackets or manually type the square brackets in the page editor.
  6. Click the Save and return buttons.
  7. ILIAS will display the edit view of the wiki page. The wiki link is now highlighted and clickable.
  8. Click on this link.
  9. ILIAS creates a new (empty) wiki page. The page has the same title as the link. Note: If page templates have been created for your wiki, ILIAS will ask you which page template you would like to use. For an empty wiki page, activate the Empty page checkbox. For one of the offered templates, activate the corresponding checkbox.
  10. ILIAS opens the new wiki page in edit mode.
  11. You can design the page with the page editor.

Designing content with the page editor

You want to change or add content to a wiki. Wiki pages can contain, e.g., text, images, or links and are edited like other content with the page editor.

  1. Click on the Edit tab in the wiki.
  2. ILIAS switches to the page editor.
  3. Add content and design elements of the page editor to the wiki page or create new wiki pages.
  4. To return to the presentation view of the wiki, click the Page tab.

Rename page

You want to assign a new title to a wiki page.

  1. Open the wiki page whose title you want to change.
  2. In the Wiki Functions block, click the Actions on the page link.
  3. ILIAS opens a selection menu.
  4. Click on the Rename page entry.
  5. ILIAS shows you a form in which you can change the title.
  6. Enter the desired title in the text input field New page title.
  7. Click on the Rename button.
  8. ILIAS changes the page title and saves the changes.

Note: All links pointing to the wiki page will change automatically.

Linking existing wiki pages

Linking between wiki pages works like creating a new wiki page, i.e., entering the page's title to be linked in two square brackets or using the [[Wiki]] button. However, the link will only lead to the desired page if the title entered exactly matches the title of the desired page. If the titles differ, you will create another new wiki page. To avoid this, you can search your wiki for wiki pages that have already been created and then link to them.

You want to link to already created pages.

  1. Open an existing wiki page and click on the Edit tab.
  2. ILIAS shows the edit view of the page editor.
  3. You have two options to link a wiki page:
    • Click on the light gray area with the small plus sign. Select Insert Text from the drop-down menu and enter your text.
    • Click on an existing text section. Select the Edit entry in the selection menu.
  4. You can select the part in your text that you want to link to a wiki page or click where you want to place a wiki link.
  5. In the Links section, click the 🔗 Wiki button.
  6. ILIAS opens a new window.
  7. If you had previously marked a part of the text, this word would be in the input window Target page. If you have not marked anything or want to change the entry, enter search terms under the Target page to search for the desired wiki page.
  8. Click on Search.
  9. ILIAS shows the result of the search:
    • Pages were found for the search term:
      • ILIAS shows a list of the pages found.
      • To complete the search, click on the link of the desired wiki page.
      • To continue the search, click Back and repeat steps 7 and 8.
    • No pages were found for the search term:
      • Click Back.
      • To continue the search, repeat steps 7 and 8.
      • To create a new wiki page for the search terms, enter the corresponding text in the text input field Target page.
  10. ILIAS displays the input window. The text input field Target page contains the searched title of a wiki page or terms entered by you.
  11. In the text input field Link text, you can enter a text with which the wiki page should be linked. This can be useful if the title of the linked wiki page does not fit into the text flow, e.g., instead of the wiki page with the title "Deciduous tree," a link of "Deciduous trees."
  12. Click Add Link.
    Note: If you have entered search terms under Target Page that does not denote an existing wiki page, ILIAS will create a new wiki page with this entry.
  13. ILIAS shows the editing view of the page editor with the inserted wiki link.
    Note: If you have entered a text in the input field Link text, ILIAS shows only the link text of the wiki link, e.g., "Deciduous trees." The page editor will then say, for example, [[Deciduous tree|deciduous trees]]. You can also enter and edit this link manually in the page editor. To do this, use the format [[Wiki page title|link text]].
  14. To return to the presentation view of the wiki, click the Page tab.

You want to set links to the profiles of users in a text.

  1. Navigate to a wiki page.
  2. Open the Edit tab.
  3. ILIAS opens the edit view of the page editor.
  4. Click on the gray placeholder, select Insert Text from the drop-down menu, or edit an existing text.
  5. In the Links section, click the button with the human silhouette.
  6. ILIAS automatically inserts the text of the type [ iln user = "[your username]"/ ].
  7. To link to another user, enter another user's username between the quotation marks instead of your own. Give an example.
  8. Click Save and return.
  9. Depending on whether the linked profile is visible to logged-in users, ILIAS shows the following views:
    Profile visible: ILIAS displays the text consisting of SURNAME, FIRST NAME [USERNAME] underlined. The link leads to the Personal Profile of the linked user.
    Profile not visible: ILIAS now displays the automatic URL as [USERNAME] underlined only.

Use content template

You want to use a page template for a wiki page. This can be helpful to simplify or standardize the design and content of wiki pages.

Prerequisite: Page templates have already been created.

  1. Open an existing wiki page and click on the Edit tab.
  2. ILIAS displays the editing view of the page editor.
  3. Click on the light gray area with the small plus sign. In the drop-down menu, select the Insert Content Template entry.
  4. Note: If this entry is not displayed, no page templates are available for the wiki.
  5. ILIAS displays a new page.
  6. In the Template section, select the checkbox of the page you want to use as a template.
  7. Click the Insert button.
  8. ILIAS shows the editing view of the wiki page with the inserted page template. To return to the presentation view of the wiki, click the Page tab.

Protecting and deleting wiki pages

Activating/deactivating write protection for a wiki page

If learners should not edit certain individual pages of the wiki, you can lock individual wiki pages. Learners can still see this wiki page but cannot change it. This can be useful, for example, if you describe assignment and assessment criteria on a wiki page.

You want to lock a wiki page for course members.

  1. Navigate to the wiki page you want to lock for learners.
  2. In the Wiki Functions block, click the Actions on the page link.
  3. ILIAS opens a selection menu.
  4. Click on the entry Write protection for page.
  5. ILIAS activates the write protection for the page.    
    Note: To deactivate the write protection again, click on the entry Unprotect page in the selection menu of a write-protected page.
  6. The Edit, History, and Clipboard tabs are hidden on this wiki page for learners. Learners cannot change the page. ILIAS displays the message "Page is read-only" above the locked page content to all users.

Note: You can allow course or group members to use read-only.

Remove wiki page

You want to delete a wiki page completely. All versions of this wiki page will be deleted.

Note: The start page of a wiki cannot be deleted.

  1. Navigate to the wiki page you want to delete.
  2. In the Wiki Functions block, click the Actions on the page link.
  3. ILIAS opens a selection menu.
  4. Click on the entry Delete page.
  5. ILIAS opens a new page and asks for confirmation of the deletion. ILIAS summarizes how this page is integrated into the wiki:
    • Which pages of the wiki link to the page to be deleted?
    • Who else contributed to the page to be deleted?
    • How many users have written notes or comments on the page to be deleted?
  6. CLICK the Delete button to delete this page permanently. Click Cancel to keep the page.
  7. ILIAS deletes the wiki page and displays the All Pages view.
  8. Note: You can allow course or group members to delete pages.

Set editing lock

You can set that one user can only edit a text. Other users will not be able to edit during this time. This prevents accidental loss of data during simultaneous editing.

If this feature is enabled in your application and you or another user is editing, ILIAS will report that the page is locked for editing by you or another user. You can unblock editing if necessary by clicking Stop Editing.

If this is not the case, contact your technical support. Ask technical support to enable this feature under "Administration> Editor> Edit Lock."

You want to open a page in the Wiki.

  1. Click on a colored link in the text.
  2. ILIAS will open the linked wiki page.


  • Links can also take you to external web pages or other places in ILIAS (outside the wiki). These links are also marked in color and cannot be distinguished visually from links to wiki pages.
  • If necessary, selected pages are listed in the Wiki Navigation block, which you can click on directly.

Open home page

You are on any page in a wiki and want to navigate back to the start page.

  1. Click on the top link in the Wiki Navigation block.
  2. ILIAS opens the start page of the wiki.

Note: By default, the Wiki Navigation block contains only the start page of the wiki. However, an administrator can add additional wiki pages.

Search a text in the Wiki.

You want to search all wiki pages at once for a specific text. You can navigate directly to the pages in the wiki where the text was found.

  1. Enter your search term in the text input field in the Search block.
  2. Click on the Search button.
  3. ILIAS will show you a list of search results. These are the titles of the pages where your search term is located.
  4. Click on the title of a page in the Search Results list to navigate there.
  5. ILIAS will open the corresponding page.

What is linked here?

You want to see what pages link to the page you are currently on.

  1. Click on the tab What links here?
  2. ILIAS opens a list of the corresponding pages.
  3. Click on the title of a page to open it.

You may want to sort this list by different criteria.

  1. Click on the column heading you want to use to sort the pages.
    Page: Sort alphabetically by page title
    Last modified: sort by date
    Last change from Sort by author
  2. ILIAS sorts the list of wiki pages according to the desired sort criterion.

Page lists

You want to get an overview of the properties of the pages in a wiki.

  1. Click on the link Page lists in the block Wiki functions.
  2. ILIAS opens a selection menu.
  3. Click on the desired entry:
    • All Pages: The view lists all pages that this wiki contains. By default, the list is sorted alphabetically by the title of the pages. However, you can also sort by date or by the names of the contributors by clicking on the Last Changed or Last Changed By column title.
    • New pages: This view shows you the order in which the wiki pages were created. By default, the list is sorted by the date the page was created (column title Created on). However, you can also sort alphabetically by page title or by the names of the contributors by clicking on the column title Page or Created by.
    • Popular pages: This view shows you which wiki pages are accessed most frequently. By default, the list is sorted by the frequency of page views. However, you can also sort alphabetically by page title by clicking on the column title.
    • Orphaned pages: This view shows you, in alphabetical order, all pages that other pages can no longer access. This can happen if pages or links have been deleted. Note: You should either delete the pages to which no link leads anymore and which can no longer be accessed or set new links on accessible pages so they can be reaccessed.
  4. ILIAS opens the selected page list.
  5. To open one of the listed pages, click on the desired page title.
  6. ILIAS opens the clicked page.

You can sort the list according to your needs and open one of the listed pages directly.

Note: If the list contains many wiki pages, they will be displayed on multiple pages. To scroll, click the Next or Back link or open another part of the list in the Page drop-down menu.

Printing or exporting wiki pages

Printing selected wiki pages

You want to print one, several, or all wiki pages. In the print view, you see only the contents of the wiki pages, e.g., text and images. You can choose in which order the wiki pages should be arranged for printing.

  1. Open the Print Preview tab.
  2. In the Print Preview Selection area, select what exactly you want to print:
    • Current page: only the page you have just viewed will be prepared for printing.
    • Entire Wiki: All pages of the wiki will be prepared for printing. The total number of pages will be displayed to you.
    • Selected pages: A list of all pages in the wiki is displayed, from which you can select the pages to be prepared for printing. Activate the checkboxes in front of the desired pages.
  3. Click on the button Print view.
  4. ILIAS opens a new view. Here you can determine the order of the pages. Note: The views of steps 4 to 9 are only shown if you want to print more than one page.
  5. ILIAS presents numerical values in the input fields in front of all pages.
  6. Change the numerical values so that they result in the new order. For example, give a page the value 09 to arrange it above a page with the value 10.
  7. To put the pages in the new order, click the Update button.
  8. ILIAS will change the order accordingly.
  9. When you are satisfied with the order, click Next.
  10. ILIAS opens the print view of the wiki pages. At the same time, the print dialog of your end device opens. This allows you to view and print the pages you want to print.
  11. Print the pages by operating the print dialog. It may look different depending on your operating system or browser.

Create PDF from Wiki pages.

You want to create a PDf from one, several, or all wiki pages. In PDFs, you will only see the content of the wiki pages, e.g., text and images. You can choose in which order the wiki pages should be arranged in the PDF.

  1. Open the Print Preview tab.
  2. In the Print Preview Selection area, select what exactly you want to print:
    • Current page: only the page you have just viewed will be created as a PDF.
    • Entire Wiki: A PDF containing all the wiki pages will be created. The total number of pages will be displayed to you.
    • Selected pages: You will be shown a list of all pages in the wiki, from which you can select the pages to be included in the PDF. Activate the checkboxes in front of the desired pages.
  3. Click on the PDF export button.
  4. ILIAS opens a new view. Here you can determine the order of the pages. Note: The views of steps 4 to 9 are only shown if your PDF should contain more than one page.
  5. ILIAS presents numerical values in the input fields in front of all pages.
  6. Change the numerical values so that they result in the new order. For example, give a page the value 09 to arrange it above a page with the value 10.
  7. To put the pages in the new order, click the Update button.
  8. ILIAS will change the order accordingly.
  9. When you are satisfied with the order, click Next.
  10. ILIAS opens the dialog for saving a PDF.
  11. Operate the PDF dialog. It may look different depending on your operating system or browser.
  12. To return to the presentation view of the wiki, if you have created only one PDF page, click on the Page tab. If you have exported multiple pages, click the Back tab.

Changes and notifications in the wiki

Displaying the list of changes

You want to view an overview of recent changes in a wiki and navigate directly to a recently changed wiki page.

  1. Click the Recent Changes link in the Wiki Functions block.
  2. ILIAS displays a list of all changes in the wiki sorted chronologically downwards by date and time. For each change, the page and author are indicated.
  3. Click on the title of the page you want to navigate to.
  4. ILIAS opens the page.

Note: If many changes exist, they will be displayed on multiple pages. To scroll forward or backward, click on the "Next" or "Back" link or open the desired list page in the Page drop-down menu.

Enable/disable notifications for the whole wiki.

You want to be notified via the ILIAS mail system when any wiki page is modified. You can also specify to receive notifications only from selected wiki pages.

  1. On any page in the wiki, open the Actions menu at the top right of the page.
  2. Select the Enable notification for wiki entry.
  3. ILIAS activates the notification function. The bell icon next to the Actions menu now appears in color.

Note: To cancel the notification, select the entry Disable Notification for Wiki in the Actions menu. The bell icon next to the Actions menu now appears in gray.

Enabling/disabling notifications for individual wiki pages

You want to enable a notification function for a wiki page so that the ILIAS mail system informs you about changes on this wiki page or new comments on the wiki page. You can also be informed about changes in the entire wiki.

Note: This feature will not be available if notifications are already enabled for the entire wiki.

  1. Navigate to the page in the wiki for which you want to activate the notification function.
  2. Open the Actions menu at the top right of the page.
  3. Select the entry Activate notification for the wiki page.
  4. ILIAS activates the notification function. The bell icon next to the Actions menu now appears in color.

Note: Select the Disable Notification for Wiki Page entry in the Actions menu to cancel the notification. The bell icon next to the Actions menu now appears in gray.

What can be rated in the wiki?

Assessment and rating - overview

In the wiki, both the contributors and the content can be rated.

  • The assessment of contributors is only available to teachers. Here, they can view who has contributed to the wiki and decide on the passing and grading of the users involved.
  • For content assessment, contributors can also grade the entire wiki or just individual pages. You can also ask for the rating by specified criteria for individual pages.
  • For the wiki to be rated in terms of content, you must adjust the settings of the wiki in advance and, depending on your needs, enable the rating of individual wiki pages and define specific rating categories.

Who is involved in the wiki?

You want to know which users have contributed to the wiki so far.

  1. Click the Contributors link in the Wiki Functions block.
  2. ILIAS displays a table listing all the people who have made changes to at least one wiki page. The table contains the following columns:
  • Contributor(s): names and, if applicable, images of users who have contributed to this wiki.
  • Changed pages: Titles of the changed wiki pages. The brackets after the titles indicate changes to the respective wiki page.
  • Rating: Selection menu with the options Not rated, Passed, and Failed and text input field Grade. Here you can rate the collaboration on the wiki.

Rate collaboration on the wiki

You want to rate how contributors to the wiki have participated.

Note: You can rate all users who have made at least one change to the wiki. However, the rating in the wiki cannot be used as a precondition for access to other objects in ILIAS.

  1. In the Wiki Functions block, click the Contributors link.
  2. ILIAS displays a table of users who have contributed to the wiki.
  3. For the person, you want to rate, select the desired option in the Rating column.
    • In the drop-down menu, choose between the options Not graded, Passed, and Failed.
    • Enter a grade in the Grade text entry box. You can enter a number (e.g., 1.7), a letter (e.g., A+), or even a word (e.g., good).
  4. Click the Save button.
  5. ILIAS saves the changes. The entries "Passed" are now marked in green, and "Failed" are marked in red. The date and time of the last change are displayed under the rating.

Rating individual wiki pages

You want to activate the rating option for a wiki page.

Prerequisite: In the wiki settings, the rating of the pages is allowed.

  1. Navigate to the wiki page for which you want to enable rating.
  2. In the Wiki functions block, click the Actions on page link.
  3. ILIAS opens a selection menu.
  4. Click on the entry Allow rating.
  5. ILIAS adds the Rate wiki page block to the wiki page you are on. You can rate the wiki page.


  • If you have selected the Enable rating for new pages option in the wiki settings, the rating option for the wiki page may already be enabled. You must manually enable rating for wiki pages created before this option was enabled.
  • You can deactivate the rating for the wiki page again by selecting the entry Do not allow rating in the selection menu. ILIAS then removes the block Rate wiki page on this wiki page. For all other wiki pages, the rating function remains enabled.
  • You can rate wiki pages undifferentiated using a single scale or differentiated with categories.

Creating a rating category

You want to offer a more complex rating function for a wiki.

You can enter your criteria as rating categories, e.g., usefulness, originality, or preparation. This enables users to rate the wiki pages differently based on individual criteria. The rating categories and the rating results are displayed in an additional block on the right side of the wiki.

Prerequisite: The Enable rating categories option is enabled in the wiki settings.

  1. Click the Settings link in the Wiki Functions block.
  2. ILIAS opens the General settings view.
  3. Click on the Rating categories link.
  4. ILIAS shows you a list of assessment categories that may already exist.
  5. Click the Add category button.
  6. Enter a title in the text entry field.
  7. Optionally, enter a description.
  8. Click on the Add button.
  9. ILIAS adds the new category to the list of rating categories.
  10. You can rate the wiki page according to the criteria.


  • You can only use the rating categories to rate individual wiki pages. This is not possible for rating the entire wiki.
  • You can have individual pages rated either differentiated with rating categories or undifferentiated.
  • You can edit, sort, export, and delete the rating categories.

Change the title or description of a rating category

You want to change the title or description of a rating category.

  1. Click on the Settings link in the Wiki Functions block.
  2. ILIAS opens the General Settings view.
  3. Click the Assessment Categories link.
  4. ILIAS shows you a list of assessment categories.
  5. Click the Edit link next to the assessment category you want to change.
  6. ILIAS opens the Edit Category form.
  7. Make your changes.
  8. Click the Save button.
  9. ILIAS saves your changes and displays the list of assessment categories.

Arrange assessment categories

You want to change the order in which the rating categories are displayed in the Rate Wiki Page block.

  1. Click the Settings link in the Wiki Functions block.
  2. ILIAS opens the General Settings view.
  3. Click the Rating categories link.
  4. ILIAS shows you a list of rating categories.
  5. In the text entry fields in the Position column, enter a numbering corresponding to the desired order (e.g., 01 to 04 for four titles).
  6. Click on the Save order button.
  7. ILIAS saves your settings.
  8. Click the Last visited page tab to check if the categories in the Rate wiki block are listed as desired.

Export of rating categories

You want to create a table of rating categories as an Excel file to save it outside ILIAS or to edit it further.

  1. Click on the Settings link in the Wiki Functions block.
  2. ILIAS opens the General Settings view.
  3. Click on the Assessment categories link.
  4. ILIAS shows you a list of assessment categories.
  5. Click on the Export button.
  6. ILIAS opens the save dialog of your browser.
  7. Open or save the file.

Delete assessment category

You want to delete an assessment category.

  1. Click on the Settings link in the Wiki Functions block.
  2. ILIAS opens the General Settings view.
  3. Click on the Rating categories link.
  4. ILIAS shows you a list of assessment categories.
  5. Click the Delete link next to the rating category you want to delete.
  6. ILIAS will ask you to confirm the deletion.
  7. Click the Confirm button.
    Note: Deleting an assessment category will delete all assessments already made in that category. These assessments cannot be restored.
  8. ILIAS will delete the selected rating category.

Rate wiki pages

Rate whole wiki

You want to rate the wiki as a whole.

Note: Depending on the wiki settings, you can rate the entire wiki and individual wiki pages. The rating of the whole wiki is displayed outside the object next to the title. The rating of an individual wiki page is displayed inside the wiki on the right side in the Rate wiki page block.

  1. Click on the five stars displayed at the top right of the wiki.
  2. ILIAS opens the Rate Wiki menu, which also contains five stars.
  3. Click the star that corresponds to your rating.
  4. ILIAS shows the average rating of all users by the corresponding number of colored stars. You can recognize your rating by the dot above your chosen star. To the right of the five stars, you can see the number of ratings for this wiki.

To change your rating:

  1. Click on the five stars again.
  2. ILIAS opens the Rate Wiki menu.
  3. Click on the star that corresponds to your new rating.
  4. ILIAS updates your rating by displaying the blue dot above the new star you selected. ILIAS displays the new average rating by the corresponding number of colored stars.


  • Click on the five stars to delete your rating and select the Remove Rating link.
  • The administrator must enable the rating feature in the wiki settings to use this feature.

Rating a single page in a wiki

You want to rate a single page in a wiki.

Note: Depending on the wiki's settings, you can rate individual wiki pages and the entire wiki. The rating of a single wiki page is displayed inside the wiki on the right side in the Rate wiki page block. The rating of the entire wiki is displayed outside the object next to the title.

  1. Navigate to the page of the wiki you want to rate.
  2. Five gray stars are displayed on the Rate wiki block on the right. Click the star that corresponds to your rating. If rating categories have been set up for the wiki, you can rate the wiki page based on individual criteria.
  3. ILIAS indicates your rating by the corresponding number of colored stars.


  • You can change your rating by clicking on the star corresponding to your new rating. ILIAS updates your rating by displaying the corresponding number of colored stars.
  • To delete your rating, click the Remove Rating link. ILIAS will display the stars in gray again.
  • For you to use this feature, the administrator must enable the rating feature of the pages in the wiki settings.

Rate the wiki page by criteria.

You want to rate the page of a wiki-based on criteria.

  1. Navigate to the page of the wiki you want to rate.
  2. Several criteria are displayed in the Rate wiki block on the right, each with five gray stars. Click the star that corresponds to your rating in each case.
    Note: If no rating criteria have been defined for the wiki, rate individual wiki pages using a single scale.
  3. ILIAS indicates your rating by the corresponding number of colored stars.
  4. Click the Rate link.
  5. ILIAS displays the average ratings of all users by the corresponding number of colored stars. You can recognize your rating by the dots above your chosen stars.


  • You can change your rating by clicking on the stars corresponding to your new rating. Click on the Rate link. ILIAS will update the colored stars and the position of the dots.
  • To delete your rating, click the Remove Rating link.
  • For you to use this feature, the administrator must enable the rating feature in the wiki settings.

Adding notes and comments

Creating a private note

You want to create a private note for a wiki page.

  1. Navigate to the wiki page you want to write a note for.
  2. Open the Actions menu located above the wiki.
  3. Select the Notes entry.
  4. ILIAS opens an additional window Private Notes.
  5. Enter your text in the text entry field.
  6. Click on the Add note button.
  7. ILIAS saves your changes.
  8. When you exit the entry window, the note icon appears next to the Actions menu in the upper right corner. The number next to the icon signifies the number of notes you have written for this wiki page.


  • You can also go directly to your notes by clicking the note icon.
  • You can also access your private notes via the Personal Desktop > Notes and Comments drop-down menu.
  • You can edit and delete your notes.

Modify a private note.

You want to edit (add to or change) a private note.

  1. Navigate to the wiki page for which you want to edit a note.
  2. You have several options to edit your notes:
    • Click the Actions button at the top right of the wiki.
      • ILIAS shows a selection menu.
      • Select the Notes entry.
    • Click on the wiki's private notes icon in the upper right corner.
  3. ILIAS opens an input window.
  4. Click the Edit link next to the note you want to change.
  5. ILIAS opens a text entry box with your note.
  6. Edit your note.
  7. Click the Update note button.
  8. ILIAS saves your changes.
  9. Close the window to return to the wiki.


  • You can also access your private notes via the Personal Desktop > Notes and Comments drop-down menu.
  • You can also delete your notes again.

Sorting private notes

You want to sort the order of the private notes for a wiki page.

  1. You have several options to sort the notes:
    • Click the Sort Ascending or Sort Descending link above the notes in the lower part of the wiki.
    • Click the Actions button at the top right of the wiki.
      • ILIAS shows a selection menu.
      • Select the entry Notes.
      • ILIAS opens an input window.
      • Click the Sort Ascending or Sort Descending link above the notes.
    • Click on the public notes icon at the top right of the wiki.
      • ILIAS opens an input window.
      • Click the Sort Ascending or Sort Descending link above the notes.
  2. ILIAS will change the chronological order of the comments according to your preferences.


  • You can access your private notes from the Personal Desktop > Notes and Comments drop-down menu.
  • You can add, edit, and delete notes.

Delete private note

You want to delete a private note.

  1. Navigate to the wiki page to which you want to delete a note.
  2. You have several options to delete your notes:
    • Click the Actions button at the top right of the wiki.
      • ILIAS shows a selection menu.
      • Select the entry Notes.
    • Click the private notes icon at the top right of the wiki.
  3. ILIAS opens your notes in an additional window.
  4. Click the Delete link next to the note you want to delete.
  5. ILIAS will ask you to confirm the deletion.
  6. CLICK on the Delete button.
  7. ILIAS will delete the note.


  • You can access your private notes from the Personal Desktop > Notes and Comments drop-down menu.
  • You can also edit your notes and set the sort order.

Add a public comment.

You want to write a public comment on a wiki page that all users can read. The comments are located below the wiki pages.

  1. Navigate to the wiki page you want to comment.
  2. You have several options to write a comment:
    • Write your comment in the Public Comments text entry below the wiki.
    • Click the Actions button at the top right of the wiki.
      • ILIAS shows a selection menu.
      • Select the entry Comments.
      • ILIAS opens an input window.
    • Click on the public comments icon at the top right of the wiki. ILIAS opens an input window.
    • Note: This option is only available if comments have already been written on the wiki page.
  3. Enter your comment in the text input field
  4. Click on the Add comment button.
  5. ILIAS saves your comment.
  6. Your comment is now visible below the text input field for all users. The public comment icon appears at the top next to the Actions menu. The number next to the icon signifies this wiki page's number of Public Comments.


  • You can edit and delete your comments and determine the sort order of all comments.
  • For you to use this feature, the administrator must enable the comments to feature in the wiki settings.

Edit public comment

You want to change a public comment that you have written yourself.

  1. You have several options to edit a comment:
    • In the lower part of the wiki, click the Edit link below the comment you want to change.
    • Click on the Actions button at the top right of the wiki.
      • ILIAS shows a selection menu.
      • Select the entry Comments.
      • ILIAS opens an input window.
      • Click on the Edit link next to the comment you want to change.
    • Click on the public comments icon at the top right of the wiki.
      • ILIAS opens an input window.
      • Click the Edit link next to the comment you want to change.
  2. ILIAS opens a text input field containing your comment.
  3. Add to or change your comment.
  4. Click on the Update Comment button.
  5. ILIAS saves your changes.

Note: You can delete your comments again and determine the sort order of all comments.

Sorting public comments

You want to sort the order of comments on a wiki page.

  1. You have several options to sort the comments:
    • Click the Sort Ascending or Sort Descending link above the comments in the lower part of the wiki.
    • Click the Actions button at the top right of the wiki.
      • ILIAS shows a selection menu.
      • Select the entry Comments.
      • ILIAS opens an input window.
      • Click on the Sort Ascending or Sort Descending link above the comments.
    • Click on the public comments icon at the top right of the wiki.
      • ILIAS opens an input window.
      • Click on the Sort Ascending or Sort Descending link above the comments.
  2. ILIAS changes the chronological order of the comments according to your specifications.

Note: You can add, edit, and delete comments.

Remove public comment

You want to delete a public comment that you have written yourself:

  1. You have several options to delete a comment:
    • At the bottom of the wiki, click the Delete link below the comment you want to delete.
    • Click the Actions button at the top right of the wiki.
      • ILIAS shows a selection menu.
      • Select the entry Comments.
      • ILIAS opens an input window.
      • Click the Delete link next to the comment you want to change.
    • Click on the public comments icon at the top right of the wiki.
      • ILIAS opens an input window.
    • Click the Delete link next to the comment you want to delete.
  2. ILIAS opens a new view asking for confirmation of the deletion.
  3. Click on the Delete button.
  4. ILIAS deletes your comment.


  • You can also edit your comment and set the sort order of all comments.
  • You can remove other users' comments if you have admin rights.

Simple statistics about the wiki

What simple statistics are available?

You want to get an overview of the existing pages of a wiki or the usage intensity of the wiki.

You can use the so-called page lists or the statistics tab for such an overview.

  • In the page lists, you will find information about the number of pages, a list of all pages sorted by creation date, a list sorted by the number of read accesses, and a list of pages that are no longer accessible via a link.
  • In the Statistics tab, you can find information about the number of changes, reads, links, words, characters, and ratings in the wiki. You can view statistics for the entire wiki and individual wiki pages.

Statistics on the entire Wiki

You want to know statistics about the whole wiki, e.g., the number of pages or the average rating.

  1. Click on the Settings link in the Wiki Functions block.
  2. ILIAS opens the General Settings view.
  3. Open the Statistics tab.
  4. ILIAS shows you a graphical and tabular overview of various key figures. The tabular overview includes key figures for today and yesterday.
  5. You can control the content of the graph using the drop-down menu above the Statistics section:
    • Select a metric, month, or period and click View.
    • ILIAS prepares the selected data as a graph.
  6. You can export the statistical data:
    • Select a metric, month, or period and click Export.
    • ILIAS exports the data.

You can also view statistical data of individual wiki pages.

Statistics of individual wiki pages

You want to know vital statistical figures for a wiki page, e.g., the number of changes or read accesses.

  1. Navigate to a wiki page.
  2. Open the tab Statistics.
  3. ILIAS shows you a graphical and tabular overview of various key figures. The tabular overview includes key figures for today and yesterday.
  4. You can control the content of the graph using the drop-down menu above the Statistics section:
    • Select a metric, month, or period and click View.
    • ILIAS prepares the selected data as a graph.
  5. You can export the statistical data:
    • Select a metric, month, or period and click Export.
    • ILIAS exports the data.

You can also view statistical data for the entire wiki.

Automatically group wiki pages by topics

Metadata in the Wiki - Introduction

You can categorize wiki pages by topic and make it much easier to find pages by those topics.

  • You can assign one or more thematic viewpoints to each wiki page. To do this, you use so-called user-defined metadata.
  • Metadata assigned to a page is then displayed in a separate block in the right column in the Page tab. If you have tagged wiki pages with metadata, you can display all pages with the same metadata bundled together. This is done with the help of so-called page lists, which you can insert anywhere on a wiki page.
  • The advantage: The page lists are automatically updated by ILIAS. Whenever new pages are tagged with the corresponding metadata, they will automatically appear in the page list afterward. Using user-defined metadata and page lists, it is thus possible to display wiki pages collectively on specific topics or target groups without much effort.

  • You create a "Target group" metadata record in your company wiki. This contains the selection of field managers, shift supervisors, employees, temporary workers, and trainees.
  • You mark each page with the appropriate metadata that determines the target group.
  • You can then insert a page list anywhere in the wiki that lists all the wiki pages aimed at your trainees.
  • This list will be updated as more pages are tagged with the "Target Group > Trainees" metadatum.

Procedure: Create metadata

The concept of custom metadata requires a short learning curve. Afterward, you will save a lot of time in return and make your wiki even more helpful. Proceed as follows:

  • Learn what custom metadata is.
  • Enable custom metadata in your wiki.
  • Create LOCAL or GLOBAL custom metadata records.
  • Draw wiki pages with custom metadata.
  • Create dynamic, thematic page lists.


  • You can export and import custom metadata sets.
  • You can edit the custom metadata records.
  • You can show and hide the custom metadata records on any wiki page.
  • You can automatically link metadata records to wiki pages.

Adding dynamic, thematic lists to pages

You want to add a page list. This design element inserts a list of all wiki pages tagged with selected metadata.

Prerequisite: Wiki pages are already tagged with metadata, and the desired metadata records are searchable.

  1. Open the wiki page on which you want to insert the page list.
  2. Open the Edit tab.
  3. Click on the dashed bar at the point where you want to insert the page list.
  4. ILIAS opens a selection menu.
  5. Select the entry Insert page list.
  6. ILIAS shows a new page.
  7. Select your page list type (Unnumbered / Numbered) in the selection menu.
  8. ILIAS displays all metadata available for page lists below.
    Note: ILIAS only displays searchable metadata records. You can edit the metadata record settings to do this.
  9. Select the desired metadata that all wiki pages of a page list must have. To do this, activate the corresponding checkboxes or select the entries in the drop-down menus.
  10. Click on Select.
  11. ILIAS displays the Edit tab. It now contains a list of all pages with selected metadata characteristics.


  • If other metadata is assigned to one of the listed pages and the previous specification is removed, this page will no longer be displayed in the list.
  • If the selected metadata characteristics are not assigned to any wiki page or the metadata record is inactive, ILIAS shows a bullet with ellipsis points at this point to indicate the created page list.