Introduction for participants

Introduction to tests

Tests check your learning level utilizing questions. Tests can contain different types of questions.

Participants will find on the tab Info:

  • The button Start Test is used to open and start the test.
  • Information about the test, such as how it is scored, how the results are published, or the time frame available, if any.

Show test information

You want to view information about the test settings.

  1. Click the View more information link.

ILIAS displays the following information.

  • Settings of the test: author, title, use of previous solutions
  • Execution: functions for participants: order of questions
  • Scoring: Information about the distribution of points
  • Results output: Time of results output
  • Execution: Number of test runs
  • General: language and author
  • Tags: tags of all users and your set tags
  • Additional information: Link to the test, creation date, and owner of the test and read accesses of registered users.

Note: If the Show additional information link is unavailable, the test properties have been disabled in the General settings of the test.

Start test

You want to start the first test run.

  1. Click on the Start Test button.
  2. ILIAS opens the editing test.

Note: If this button is not displayed, you have already started or performed the first test run. To continue the test or start a new test run, click the Continue Test button.

Resume test

You have interrupted the test and now want to continue it.

  1. Click on the Continue test button.
  2. ILIAS switches to the editing view to continue the test.

Start a new test run.

You have already completed at least one test run and want to start a new one.

  1. Click on the Start new test run button.
  2. ILIAS opens the editing test.


  • This option is only displayed if the maximum number of test runs is set to 0 (= unlimited) or > 1 in the test settings and the maximum number of possible runs has not yet been reached.
  • Whether the best or the last test run is scored depends on the test settings.

Introduction for teachers

Test Scenarios: Introduction

Answers to test questions provide you and your participants with information on whether the main learning objectives have been achieved.

The test itself can serve different purposes:

  • In self-tests (self-assessments), learners assess their level of learning concerning performance expectations.
  • In e-examinations (written exams), the learning success is finally determined. The results of e-exams are often relevant to careers.
  • Learning content is deepened and consolidated when cramming using the flashcard method using questions.
  • Test questions can also be used to measure competency.

The test can be linked with other learning resources to form scenarios:

  • You can use the test as an introduction to a course to determine participants' prior knowledge.
  • Participants work through a fixed learning path in a specific order. The test can be the entry point or the conclusion.
  • Test questions can be embedded directly into learning content. Questions embedded in learning modules leave learners in only one context.

You can use different question types in tests. Test questions can be compiled from question pools or created directly in the test.

Design the source and order of questions, accessibility of the test, conditions of test administration, grading scheme, and scoring.

After the test has been administered, you can export the participant data, correct it manually and make it available to the test participants. Various output options of the test results are available.

Self-tests / Self-assessment

Self-tests enable learners to locate their learning status concerning performance expectations.

However, self-test questions are also a "promise" from the teacher that any subsequent examination questions will be comparable.

Self-tests regularly allow learners to

  • take multiple runs of the test, often automatically scoring the best run
  • can take the test without recording their name or anonymously
  • can request solution notes during the test in exchange for points and also have access to content for review.

Self-tests are not a final, legally sound performance measure like e-exams.

Self-tests do not support complete and systematic question-oriented repetition and practice of learning content like tests based on the flashcard method.

E-exams / written exams

E-exams take place in a controlled environment and with very restrictive settings. They are career-relevant performance reviews. E-exams are secured against cheating attempts and configured to be "as close as possible" to the paper exam.

Typical safeguards against cheating attempts include:

  • a separate platform for exams only, separated from other learning platforms
  • only one execution with limited processing time in kiosk mode the
  • the defined time window for access to tests and results
  • random question order
  • targeted invitation of certain participants and assignment of a fixed IP to exam computers
  • automatic logout after submission of the e-exam (e.g. automatic logout)

Typical settings to create proximity to the paper exam:

  • Display of a question list
  • Display of points in the question title
  • Possibility to mark questions
  • Extension of the maximum processing time for individual participants

Card index box' method

You can provide your participants with a card index box with questions in ILIAS. The participants work independently with these questions until they have mastered a topic area.
Test questions enable learners to deal with the learning content independently: They review it and gain routine.

You first compile the questions on the topic in a question pool.

Only for this type of test can you add more questions while learners are already working on the questions.

  • The order of the questions to be worked on is determined by the question sorting that you, as the author, create in the outline of the question pool: You can organize the questions by difficulty level or subtopic.
  • Learners start and interrupt these tests themselves; they can continue and end them self-directed. Learners can take individual "packets" and work through them - like in a card index: questions that learners do not answer or answer incorrectly are placed at the end of the respective questions. However, learners can also be presented with specific questions that they have "not completely answered correctly".
  • The goal is to work through the entire card index with questions. Learners can get an overview of previous test performance at any time while working through and completing a question set.

Tests for competence measurement

In ILIAS, competency definitions can be created in the administration.

Test questions can be assigned to individual competency proficiencies, allowing learners to be automatically assigned to specific competency proficiencies based on test results.

Users' competencies can thus be documented and evaluated within a predefined framework.

The German and European Qualifications Frameworks provide examples of competency catalogs that you can use as a guide.

Determining prior knowledge of participants

You can define a test as a so-called start object in a course. Participants then have to work through the test before the rest of the course content is made accessible to them.
In doing so, you can check the learning level of the participants and determine their prior knowledge.

  • The test must also be located within the relevant course if it is to serve as a launch object. Here you will find a description of how to proceed when setting the test as a start object.
  • If users want to edit an external object before taking the course, you can set this using preconditions.
  • You can implement sophisticated entry tests and final test scenarios by learning objective-oriented courses.

Fixed learning path

You can use preconditions to define a mandatory learning path.

This enables you to ensure that users work through learning content in a specific order. Only after the successful completion of a learning object is the next one automatically released.

Alternatively, negative preconditions can also be used: Content is only retrievable if a performance requirement has not (yet) been met. In this way, for example, you can make learning content available for some participants to catch up on.

Read the introduction to preconditions for these topics and follow the instructions to create a learning path.

Page view - What can I do here?

Editing questions in the page view

In the Questions tab, you create and manage the questions of your test. In the page view, you will see approximately one question at a time, as it will be displayed to participants later.

In the side view of the Questions tab, you can

  • add new questions and create them directly in the test. You can also move the questions to another position in the test.
  • add already existing questions from a question pool.
  • add already existing questions from another test.
  • remove questions and [could not resolve link target: il_6127_pg_14216] .
  • start the test.
  • change existing questions in your test. Changes you make to a question in the test can also be applied to the question in the question pool if you have saved that question in a question pool.
  • add additional images, tables, files, or content to the question using the page editor. Click the (+) icon inside the bar above or below the question.

Each question is assigned an individual question ID so that questions can be easily identified. When questions are copied, the copy of the question gets a new identification number. The question ID is displayed in the Questions, Manual Assessment, Post-Correction, and Statistics tabs, as well as in the test results and within the archive file of the test.

Note: You cannot edit the questions once someone has taken the test. You must first delete the participant data in the Results tab to change questions.  If necessary, export the test results in the Export tab first.

Switch to the previous/next question.

There are already some questions in your test. You want to switch to the previous or next question in the side view of the questions, e.g., to edit them.

  1. Click on the Previous question or Next question button.
  2. ILIAS shows you the previous or the next question.
  3. You want to go to a specific question, e.g., to edit it.
  4. Select the desired question in the Jump to question drop-down menu.
  5. ILIAS shows you the desired question.

List view - What can I do here?

Overview of all questions, add questions

In the list view, all questions of a test object are listed. The table shows the question ID, the question title, whether a question has been marked as mandatory, the description, the question type, the points, the author, the processing time per question, and the selected question pool.

In the list view of the Questions tab, you can:

  • add new questions.
  • add already existing questions from a question pool.
  • add already existing questions from another test.
  • randomly select questions from different question pools and add them to the test.
  • start the test.
  • Sort questions in a specific order in which they should appear in the test. mark questions as mandatory, provided you have previously checked the mandatory questions checkbox in the test settings.
  • Change existing questions in your test by clicking on the title of the respective question. Changes you make to a question in the test can also be applied to the question in the question pool, provided you have saved this question in a question pool.

Note: You can change the display of the columns in the list view by clicking on the column menu on the right above the questions and activating the check boxes of the columns that should be displayed in the display.
You can only access the edit mode of a question from the list view if no one has yet taken the test. If it has already been edited, the participant data must be deleted (Results tab) to allow editing of the questions. If you want to save the test data beforehand, export the test results in the Export tab.

Insert questions into the test.

Create new question

You want to create a new test question.

  1. Open the Questions tab in your test and click the Create Question button.
  2. ILIAS will show you a new form.
  3. In the Question Type drop-down menu, select what type of question you want to create.
  4. In the Position drop-down menu, select where to place the new question in the test.
  5. Under Feedback and Solution Notes Editor, select how you want to edit additional question content, such as feedback or solution notes. Select the rich text editor or the ILIAS page editor. If you choose the ILIAS editor, please consider that a rich editor is no longer available for editing the question set and answer options.
  6. Under Pool selection, select whether and in which pool the question should be saved. Activate the corresponding radio button:
    Do not use question pool: You only want to use the question in this test and do not want to save it additionally in a pool to use it later in another test, if necessary.
    Use existing question pool: You want to use the question in this test and save it in an existing pool. If you choose this option, ILIAS will show you a selection menu with all question pools you can access. Select the question pool you want to use.
    Create and use a new question pool: You want to use the question in this test and save it in a pool that is now directly created anew. If you choose this option, ILIAS will show you an input field.
  7. Enter a title for the new question pool.
  8. Click on the Create button.
  9. ILIAS opens the editing form for creating the question.

Note: You cannot edit the questions once someone has taken the test. You must first delete the participant data in the Results tab to change questions.  If necessary, export the test results in the Export tab first.

Add questions from the question pool.

You want to add questions from a question pool to the test.
Make sure that the question pool is online. Only then can you add the questions stored there to a test.

  1. Open the Questions tab in your test and click the Add from Pool button.
  2. ILIAS opens a new page with all the questions you could add to your test.
  3. You can search for specific questions.
  4. Click the Show Filter link above the list of questions on the right.
  5. In the text entry fields of the filter, optionally enter a title, description, author, or question pool title, or select a question type to search for from the drop-down menu. You can also combine several filter options to narrow down the result.
  6. Click the Apply Filter button. You can also use the Repository filter to refine your search by Repository section. To do this, select an area in the Repository. ILIAS will only show you the questions from this area.
  7. Activate the checkboxes of the questions you want to add to the test. If you want to add all questions to the test, activate the Select all checkbox at the end of the table.
  8. Click the Insert button.
  9. ILIAS will insert the selected questions.

Note: You cannot edit the questions once someone has taken the test. You must first delete the participant data in the Results tab to change questions.  If necessary, export the test results in the Export tab first.

Adding a question from another test

You want to add one or more questions from another already existing test.

  1. Open the Questions tab in your test and click on the Add from another test button.
  2. ILIAS opens a new page with all the questions you could add to your test.
  3. You can search for specific questions. Click the Show Filter link above the list of questions on the right.
  4. In the text entry fields of the filter, optionally enter a title, description, author, or question pool title, or select a question type to search for from the drop-down menu. You can also combine several filter options to narrow down the result. Click the Apply Filter button. You can also use the Repository filter to refine your search by Repository section. To do this, select an area in the Repository. ILIAS will only show you the questions from this area.
  5. Activate the check boxes of the questions you want to add to the test. If you want to add all questions to the test, activate the Select all checkbox at the end of the table.
  6. Click the Insert button.
  7. ILIAS will insert the selected questions.

Note: You cannot edit the questions once someone has taken the test. You must first delete the participant data in the Results tab to change questions.  If necessary, export the test results in the Export tab first.

Edit existing questions - page view.

Edit existing question

You want to open an existing question in the side view to change it.

  1. Just click anywhere on the question to edit it.
  2. ILIAS opens a selection menu.
  3. Select the Edit link.
  4. Click on the link.
  5. ILIAS opens the edit form in the Edit Question tab.

Note: You can also apply the changes to the same question in the question pool as long as it is saved there.
After saving, ILIAS asks whether the changes should also be applied to the question in the question pool.
Click the Yes or No button.

Add and edit learning content.

You want to edit a question in the side view or add images, tables, text, etc., to the question.

  1. Click the (+) icon inside the shaded bar above or below the question. If you select the upper (+) icon, the element will be inserted above the question. If you select the lower (+) icon, the element will be inserted below the question.
  2. ILIAS opens an actions menu.
  3. Select an item to add the corresponding element to the question.
  4. Edit the added element and click the Save button.
  5. ILIAS saves your changes.

Remove and move question - page view.

Remove question

You want to delete a question.

Note: If you delete a question that is not additionally stored in a question pool, it will be permanently deleted.

  1. Open the Questions tab in your test. You are in the page view.
  2. In the Jump to question drop-down menu, select the question you want to delete.
  3. Click on the Remove question button.
  4. ILIAS opens a new page and asks you to confirm the deletion.
  5. Click on the Confirm button.
  6. ILIAS deletes the question.

Note: You can only delete questions if no one has taken the test. If it has already been edited, the participant data must be deleted (Results tab) to allow the questions to be edited.
If you want to save the test data beforehand, export the test results in the Export tab.

Move question

You want to move a question to another position in the test.

  1. Open the Questions tab in your test. You are in the page view.
  2. In the Jump to question drop-down menu, select the question you want to move.
  3. Click on the Move question button.
  4. ILIAS opens a new page.
  5. Select the new position of the question in the drop-down menu.
  6. Click on the Submit button.
  7. ILIAS will accept your change.

Note: Once someone has taken the test, you can no longer edit the questions. You must first delete the participant data in the Results tab to change questions.  If necessary, export the test results in the Export tab first.

Drawing questions randomly from question pools

Inserting a random selection of questions

You want to insert a random selection of questions from different question pools into the test.

  1. Click on the Random selection button.
  2. ILIAS opens a new page.
  3. Enter the desired number of questions (1, 2, 3, n) in the text input field.
  4. In the drop-down menu, select the first question pool from which the questions should be randomly selected.
  5. Click on the Submit button.
  6. ILIAS displays a list of random questions.
  7. Click the Accept Compilation button.    
    Note: You disagree with the selection. Click on the New Compilation button. ILIAS creates a new selection of questions.
  8. ILIAS copies the questions into the test object.
  9. Repeat the process to add more questions from other question pools.

Note: If the questions are randomly selected, the questions are compiled only once, and all participants receive the same questions in a test. If you want a different random selection of questions for each participant, so everyone handles different questions, select the Set test mode with random question selection.

Edit existing question - list view

Edit existing question

You want to open a question in the list view to edit it.

Note: You can only edit the questions in the test object if no one has taken the test. If it has already been edited, the participant data must be deleted (Results tab) to allow editing of the questions.

  1. Click on the question title of the question you want to edit.
  2. ILIAS opens the editing form of the question in the Edit question tab.
  3. Edit the question and click the Save and Return button.
  4. ILIAS asks if the changes should also be applied to the question in the question pool if it is saved there.
  5. Click the Yes or No button.
  6. ILIAS returns to the list view.

Managing questions in the test

Copy question

You want to copy a question.

This is useful, for example, if you want to use a question as a template. You can then edit the copied version as you wish. You can recognize a copy of the question by a number in brackets behind the question title. One (2) marks the first copy, one (3) the second, and so on.

  1. Activate the checkbox in front of the question you want to copy. You can also select several or all questions.
  2. Select Copy from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click on the Execute button.
  4. ILIAS creates a copy of the question(s).

Note: When a question is copied in the test, ILIAS does not create a copy of the question in the question pool. The copy of the question is then only in the test.

Remove question

You want to remove a question.

Note: If you remove a question that is not additionally stored in a question pool, it will be permanently deleted.

  1. Activate the checkbox in front of the question you want to remove. You can also select several or all questions.
  2. Select the Remove entry in the selection menu.
  3. Click on the Execute button.
  4. ILIAS opens a new page and asks you to confirm the deletion.
  5. Click on the Confirm button.
  6. ILIAS removes the question(s).

Changing the order of questions

Move question

You want to move a question to a different position in the list of questions.

Note: The order in the question list corresponds to the order of the questions in the test unless you have activated the Shuffle questions checkbox within the general test settings.

  1. Select the checkbox in front of the question you want to move. You can also select multiple questions.
  2. Select the Move entry in the selection menu.
  3. Click on the Execute button.
  4. ILIAS reports Question(s) selected to be moved.
  5. Activate the checkbox of the question before/after which the selected question is to be inserted.
  6. Select the entry Insert before/Insert after in the selection menu.
  7. Click on the Execute button.
  8. ILIAS moves the question to the desired position.

Changing the sort order of the questions

You want to sort the questions in a specific order, the way they should appear on the test.

  1. Enter the desired position (1, 2, 3, n or 10, 20, 30, n) in the text input field next to the question.    
    Note: ILIAS stores the order of the questions in steps of ten. You can specify the desired sorting in steps ten and step one. ILIAS will then sort them accordingly.
  2. When you have assigned a new position to the desired questions, click on Save Sort and Obligations.
  3. ILIAS will apply the new sorting.

Note: If you want the questions to appear in the defined order in the test, deactivate the "Mix questions" option in the general test settings.

Define mandatory questions

Defining mandatory questions

You want to mark some questions of the test as mandatory.

This is possible for the question types Single-Choice, Multiple-Choice, Kprim-Choice, Free text, and Upload file.
The test can only be completed if all mandatory questions have been answered.
ILIAS informs the participants about this on the info page before the test starts.

In the test, each mandatory question is marked by an asterisk (*) with the note that an entry is required.

First, enable the option to make questions mandatory:

  1. In the test, open the Settings tab and go to the General Settings page.
  2. Activate the checkbox Mandatory questions.
  3. Click on the Save button.
  4. ILIAS now allows you to select individual questions in the Questions tab that must be answered to complete the test.

Make individual questions mandatory.

  1. In the test, switch to the Questions tab and go to the List View page.
  2. In the Mandatory column, you will see checkboxes behind the questions that you can mark as mandatory.
  3. Check the check boxes of the questions that you want to be mandatory to work on.
  4. Click on the Sort and Save Obligations button.
  5. ILIAS takes over your entries.

Adding a question to a question pool

Adding a question to a question pool

You want to add a question from the question list to an existing question pool.

Note: The desired question pool must be online, and you need editing rights.

  1. Activate the checkbox in front of the question you want to add to a question pool. You can also select several or all questions.
  2. Select the Add to question pool entry in the selection menu.
  3. Click on the Execute button.
  4. ILIAS opens a new page with the selection of question pools.
  5. In the selection menu, select the question pool to which the question should be added.
  6. Click on the Submit button.
  7. ILIAS adds a copy of the question to the selected question pool

Remove participant records

Deleting participant records

You want to delete the participant records to be able to edit the questions again, change the settings of the test or retake the test. Remember that many test settings cannot be changed if participant records exist.
If participant records already exist or you are not allowed to edit the test further, ILIAS displays information with a link.

Note: If you want to save the test data beforehand, export the test results in the Export tab.

  1. Open the Results tab. (If you want to rerun the test, switch to the Info tab).
  2. Click on the Delete test data of all participants button.    
    Note: If you only want to remove individual test data, activate the checkbox next to the participant whose test data you want to delete. Select Delete test data from the drop-down menu above or below the list of participants. Click on the Execute button.
  3. ILIAS asks you to confirm the deletion process. Click on the Continue button.
  4. ILIAS deletes the participant records.
  5. Switch back to the Questions tab. You can now edit the questions.
  • Alternatively: Switch back to the Settings tab. You can now edit the test settings.
  • Alternatively: Switch back to the Info tab. You can now perform the test again.

Random test

Random test - introduction

Random tests ask each test-taker, and for each test run, a fixed number of randomly drawn questions from selected question pools.
To create a random test, set Random Question Selection in the General Settings sub-tab of the Test Settings when selecting test questions.

Set configuration for question selection

Random tests ask each test-taker, and a set number of randomly drawn questions from selected question pools on each test run.

  1. To have your test randomly pull questions from pools, first set the test question selection to Random question selection in the General Settings sub-tab.
  2. Click Save.
  3. Switch to the Questions tab.
  4. ILIAS will only show you the form to configure random question selection instead of the ability to create questions yourself.
  5. If you want to use only evenly scored questions in your random test, select the Only question pools with questions of the same score checkbox.    

    Note: The number of available question pools will be drastically limited, and all questions in your test will have a similar impact on passing the test.  Under Number of questions, select whether the random test questions should be drawn from the pools without further specification or whether you want to specify how many questions should be drawn per topic or difficulty level, for example.
  6. Specify the number of questions for the entire test: Enter how many questions should be drawn for each random test in the text input field.
  7. Specify the number of questions per selected question pool or taxonomy node: You can also specify how many questions are drawn from each of the pools (if you have organized your pools by topic) or how many questions are drawn from each taxonomy node if you have organized your questions in a pool by specific topics.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Now switch to the Selected Question Pools sub-tab to determine the question pools for the random test.

Selecting question pools

You want to select a question pool for the random test.

Prerequisite: For a question pool to be displayed in the selection menu, it must be switched online.

  1. Open the selection menu and select a question pool.
  2. Click on the Add rule for question selection button.
  3. ILIAS opens a new page.
  4. If the selected question pool contains taxonomies, you can select them and use the questions in the taxonomy node for the test. Select whether you want to use taxonomies as a filter and activate the corresponding checkbox.    
    Note: If you have chosen to use taxonomies as filters, click the Select link. ILIAS opens a new window. Select the taxonomy and click the Select button. ILIAS adds this taxonomy as a question filter.    
    Note: If you have set the number of questions to be defined individually for each question pool or taxonomy filter on the Question Selection Configuration page, enter the number of questions in the text input field.
  5. Click on the Save and back buttons.
  6. ILIAS will accept your question pool selection.

Change rules for question selection

You want to change the rules for question selection of already added question pools.

  1. In the Questions tab, open the Selected question pools sub-tab.
  2. In the Rules for random question selection section, open the Actions menu in the row of the relevant question pool.
  3. Select the Edit entry.
  4. ILIAS opens a new window.
  5. Set new rules for question pool selection.
  6. If necessary, select taxonomies as question filters or reset the taxonomy selection if all questions from the question pool should be available.
  7. If it is specified in the question selection configuration that for each question pool, the number of questions can be set individually for each question pool or taxonomy filter, enter the number of questions in the text input field.
  8. Click on the Save button.
  9. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Removing selected question pools for the random test

You want to remove a selected question pool for the random test.

  1. In the Questions tab, open the Selected question pools sub-tab.
  2. In the Rules for random selection of questions section, open the Actions menu in the row of the relevant question pool.
  3. Select the Delete entry.
  4. ILIAS deletes the question pool from the list.

Set the number of questions per question pool/taxonomy node

You want to set the number of questions per question pool/taxonomy node.

Prerequisite: You have set an individual selection of the number of questions per question pool/taxonomy node on the Question Selection Configuration page.

  1. In the Questions tab, open the Selected question pools page.
  2. In the section Rules for random selection of questions, there is a text input field in the row of the relevant question pool.
  3. Enter the number of questions for the relevant question pool/taxonomy node in the text input field.
  4. Click on the Save button.
  5. ILIAs accepts your entries.

Resubmission mode - all questions of a question pool

Resubmission mode - introduction

A resubmission mode test can be used to create a self-test that selects a question pool whose questions test-takers can answer. The test can be run until all question pool questions have been answered in the best possible way. Questions that have not been answered correctly and questions that have been put on hold can be processed again. The test run is never finished. As soon as questions are added to or changed in the question pool, they are available to the participant again for processing. The test data of changed and deleted questions in the question pool are deleted in the test.

For question pools arranged in taxonomies, it is possible to display the taxonomy filter in the test. The participant then has the possibility, for example, to select questions of specific thematic taxonomies or questions with a certain level of difficulty.

Creating a test in resubmission mode

You want to create a test in resubmission mode.

Prerequisite: You have selected and saved the Resubmission mode - all questions of a question pool radio button in the Settings tab on the General settings page under Selection of test questions.

  1. You are in the Questions tab.
  2. Select a question pool from the drop-down menu in the Continuous question selection section.
  3. In the Question order section, select whether the questions in the test should be ordered by date or taxonomy node. Activate the corresponding radio button.    
    Note: If you have selected an order by taxonomy node, select the taxonomy whose assigned questions will be processed in the test in the drop-down menu.    
    Note: If you want the taxonomy filter to be displayed in the test so that the participants can select the questions to be edited according to the taxonomies and nodes themselves, activate the Show taxonomy filter checkbox.    
    Note: If you want the editing status of all available questions to be displayed in the test so that participants can filter all available questions, select the Show filter for the answer status checkbox.
  4. Click on the Save button.
  5. ILIAS accepts your entries and creates the test in resubmission mode.

Make tests available for participants

Putting the test online

You want to switch the test online to make it available for the participants.

  1. In the Settings tab, open the General Settings sub-tab.
  2. Scroll down to the Availability section.
  3. Select the Online checkbox.
  4. Click on the Save button.
  5. ILIAS switches the test online.

You can print out the test or create a PDF. This document contains all questions with their complete content, including the solution and any graphics, the question title, the question ID, and the possible score. The print view is only possible for tests with a fixed question selection.

Note: ILIAS provides other print and PDF options elsewhere, for example, for signing off on completed e-exams (written exams) or permanent archiving of test results.

You want to print the test.

  1. Open the Questions tab in the test.
  2. Click the Print view link directly under the tabs.
  3. Click on the Print or PDF Export button.
  4. ILIAS sends the print job to your printer or opens the save dialog of your browser.

Simplest quality assurance

Proofreading test questions with the help of the preview

The preview shows you a list of test questions. ILIAS shows you the question title, the possible score, the question, and the contents of the question page. The solutions to the questions are not displayed.

So you can open the preview now and then to get a feeling for your questions without working through the whole test immediately.
You can print the preview or save it as a PDF to have the test proofread without the correcting person having to log in to ILIAS.

You want to print the preview of the test questions or save it as a PDF on your computer.

  1. Open the Questions tab and click on the Preview sub-tab directly below the tabs.
  2. Click on the Print button. ILIAS will send the print job to your printer.
  3. Click the PDF Export button and save the PDF of the question preview to your computer.

Perform tests on a trial basis

You would like to take the test.

Prerequisite: Your test already contains questions and is online.

  1. If necessary, switch to the Info tab and click on the Start test button.
  2. ILIAS will switch to test mode to run the test.
    Note: If this button is not displayed, you have already started or performed the first test run.

Do you want to continue the test or start a new test run?

  1. Switch to the Info tab and click the Continue Test button.
  2. ILIAS switches to test mode to continue the test.

If no more test runs are available, you have to delete the participant records to be able to rerun the test.

Viewing Test Results, Placement, and List of Responses

Displaying test results

You want to view the test results of each test run.

  1. Open the Results tab.
  2. ILIAS opens a new page with an overview of all results and grades.
  3. Use the ▼ menu on the right side of the screen to view the detailed test results.

Show placement

This page displays the test takers' placement according to their individual performance. Information such as points and completion time is displayed depending on the test settings.

You can also select whether the placements are anonymized and whether participants are shown their placement and/or the top placements. In addition, you can determine the number of top placements displayed.
You want to view the placement in the test.

The Results tab displays the participants' performance in the Placement sub-tab. Information such as points and the processing time are displayed depending on the test settings.

You can also select whether the placements are anonymized and whether participants are shown their placement and/or the top placements. In addition, you can determine the number of top placements displayed.

Prerequisite: In the Evaluation sub-tab, the Participants see test results setting has been activated in the Announcement of the results section, and the Placements setting has been activated in the Test results details section.

  1. Click on the Placements sub-tab in the Results tab.
  2. ILIAS will show you the desired overview:
  • Grade of the median
  • The placement by points
  • The placement according to the processing time

View the list of answers

You want to see the list of given answers.

Prerequisite: In the Evaluation sub-tab, the Participants see the test results setting activated in the Announcement of the results section. The Test results in the details section have activated the Printable list of answers setting.

  1. In the Results tab, click the Show scored answers sub-tab.
  2. ILIAS opens a new page with the list of answers.
  3. Click the Print button to print the list of answers. ILIAS opens the print dialog of your browser.

You cannot start the test?

Putting the test online

In the Info tab, you will see that you cannot start the test because the test is offline. You want to put the test online so that it is available for the participants.

  1. Click on the Edit settings link.
  2. ILIAS opens the General Settings sub-tab in the Settings tab.
  3. Scroll down to the Availability section.
  4. Select the Online checkbox.
  5. Click the Save button.
  6. ILIAS switches the test online.

Overview of test results

Overview of test results - Introduction

In the test results overview, you can see information about your assessed test runs, the number and date of the runs, the number of questions answered, the points achieved, the percentage achieved, and the grade.
You can also print and export the test results as a PDF here and download a certificate if you passed the test.

The access, the test results' presentation, and the certificate's availability depend on the teacher's settings for the test. Depending on the settings, more or less information is displayed in the test results overview.

Show detailed results

You want to view a detailed view of the results of the test runs.

Prerequisite: You are in the Results tab in the Test Results sub-tab.

Note: This view shows for each test run the order of the questions, the question ID, the titles of the questions, the maximum achievable score, and the achieved points per question as well as the information on how many percent of the possible points were achieved and which grade was achieved in total.

  1. Click on the Detailed Results link of the test run whose detailed test results you want to view and click on the Detailed Results link.
  2. ILIAS opens a detailed view of the test results.

Delete a single test run.

You want to delete the test data of previous test runs.

Prerequisite: The possibility of deleting a single test run depends on the settings the teacher has made for the test.

  1. Open the Actions menu of the test run you want to delete.    
    Note: The scored test run marked with a circle cannot be deleted.
  2. Click on the Delete entry.
  3. ILIAS asks you to confirm the deletion.
  4. Click on the Delete button.
  5. ILIAS deletes the data of the test run.

You want to print the test results.

  1. Click on the Print button.
  2. ILIAS sends the print job to your printer.

Save test results as a PDF file.

You want to save the test results as a PDF file on your computer.

  1. Click the PDF Export button above the test results.
  2. ILIAS opens the save dialog of your browser.
  3. Save the PDF file on your computer.

Download Certificate

You want to download a certificate for your test result.

Prerequisite: The availability of the certificate depends on the settings the teacher has made for the test.

  1. Click on the Certificate button.
  2. ILIAS opens the save dialog of your browser.
  3. Save the certificate on your computer.

General test settings

General settings - introduction

In these test settings, you define the basic settings of the test. You can adapt the respective settings to your desired test scenario.
To switch an option on or off, activate or deactivate the corresponding radio button or checkbox. Afterward, click on the Save button so that ILIAS applies your settings.

Note: You can only change some settings if no participant records exist. If your test has already been conducted, you will no longer be able to activate, deactivate or fill in some radio buttons, checkboxes, or text input fields. To edit these settings again, switch to the Results tab and remove the test data. If you want to save the test data beforehand, export the test results in the Export tab.

Rename test

You want to rename the test.

Note: Entering a test title is mandatory.

  1. In the Test Settings section, enter a new name for the test in the text entry field under Title. Note: Entering a description for the test is optional.
  2. Click on the Save button.
  3. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Determine the source of the test questions.

You want to determine the source of the test questions. You can create the test questions directly in the test object or add them from an existing question pool. Likewise, you can save questions that you have newly created in the test object in a question pool. If you do not want test questions to be able to be added from already existing question pools, you can disable the question pool selection for already existing question pools.

  1. Scroll down to the Settings section of the test.
  2. Check the Create questions only in the test radio button.
  3. Click on the Save button.
  4. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Note: If the questions are also to be used in other tests, it is advisable to save them in a question pool, at least afterward. There the questions can be collected and are available for further tests.

Determining the selection of test questions from question pools

You want to determine how the test questions are selected.

In the Settings section of the test, activate a radio button of the desired option.

  • Fixed question selection: All test participants will receive the same test questions with this option. You select any number of questions from one or more question pools or create the questions directly in the test object.
  • Random question selection: With this option, each participant in the test receives a different selection of test questions. You select one or more question pools and specify how many questions from each pool should be used or how many questions the test should have. If you only specify the number of test questions, ILIAS will randomly determine from which specified pool how many questions will be used for the test. You can specify the number of questions per selected question pool or taxonomy node. For each test taker, the test questions are randomly compiled from the selected question pools for each new test run.
  • Resubmission mode - all questions of a question pool: With this option, you select a question pool. From this pool, questions are selected individually for each test participant. The question pool questions are presented to the participants repeatedly, so the test does not end by itself and keeps running. Incorrect or non-answered questions are put back. Participants can start, pause, continue, and end the test independently. In this way, you can create a self-test for the participants, which can be run, for example, until all questions have been answered in the best possible way. You can also set whether taxonomies should sort the questions. Test takers can then select the questions in the test specifically based on taxonomies.
  1. Click on the Save button.
  2. ILIAS accepts your entries.
  3. Now switch to the Questions tab to add questions or question pools to the test.

Anonymize test

Anonymize test

You want test takers to be able to take the test anonymously. All users who can access the test will no longer see the names of the test takers.

Note: As soon as the first participant performs the test, subsequent anonymization, as well as de-anonymization, is no longer possible. In the case of anonymized tests, manual test scoring is also anonymized.

Prerequisite: You are in the General settings sub-tab of the Settings tab.

  1. In the Settings section of the test, activate the Test results without name / Anonymous test radio button in the Privacy setting.
  2. Click on the Save button.
  3. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Availability of the test, introduction, and display of test properties

Putting the test online

For test-takers to access the test, you must switch the test online.

  1. In the Availability section, activate the Online checkbox.
  2. Click on the Save button.
  3. ILIAS switches the test online.

Setting the time of availability of the test

Once created, the test is set to be available for an unlimited time. Users will see the test and can access its home page.
By selecting an availability start and end time, you can control the period during which the test is visible to users and when they can access its home page. If you want to limit the availability of the test in time, e.g., for the duration of an e-exam, proceed as follows:

  1. In the Availability section, select the Time-limited availability checkbox.
  2. ILIAS opens selection menus for setting the start and end time of the test's visibility.
  3. Set the desired start and end time by selecting the year, month, day, and time from the drop-down menu, respectively.    
    Note: You want the test to be visible to participants outside the availability period. Participants will then be able to view the information on the home page, but they will not be able to take the test.
  4. Select the Always visible checkbox.
  5. Click on the Save button.
  6. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Introductory text

You want to give test takers information that will be displayed on the About page before they begin the test.

  1. In the Getting started information section, select the Introduction checkbox.
  2. ILIAS opens a text input field.
  3. Enter an introductory text in the text input field.
  4. Click on the Save button.
  5. ILIAS accepts your entries.

Restricting the visibility of test properties in the Info tab

You do not want test participants to be able to view all test properties on the Info page, but only the most important information and, if available, the introductory text.

Prerequisite: You are in the General Settings sub-tab of the Settings tab.

  1. In the Getting started information section, uncheck the Show test properties checkbox.
  2. Click on the Save button.
  3. ILIAS accepts your entries.

Access properties of the test

Setting the start and end time of the test

You want to set the start and end time of the test so that users can only edit the test within this time period.

With the start time, you control from which point users can start the test. Only from the time you set it will the Start test button be visible to users, and you will be able to edit the test. With the end time, you define a time at which ILIAS automatically ends the test, and the participants can no longer edit the test. Outside the time period you set, ILIAS will display a message to users in the Info tab that the test cannot yet be edited and at what point it will be possible to start the test. If you want to restrict the feasibility of the test in terms of time, e.g., for the duration of an e-exam, proceed as follows:

  1. In the Execution: access section, activate the Start and/or End checkboxes.
  2. ILIAS opens selection menus for setting the start/end time of the test.
  3. Set the desired start or end time by selecting the day, month, year, and time in the selection menus.
  4. Click on the Save button.
  5. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Password-protected test access

You want to regulate the test access by a test password. To run the test, participants must enter this after clicking Start Test. All participants of this test object must enter the same test password to be able to edit the test.

  1. In the Execution: Access section, activate the Test password checkbox.
  2. ILIAS opens a text input field.
  3. Enter the desired test password in the text input field.
  4. Click on the Save button.
  5. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Grant test access to selected participants only

You want only specified participants to have access to the test.

Prerequisite: You are in the General Settings sub-tab of the Settings tab.

  1. In the Execution: Access section, activate the Only selected participants checkbox.
  2. Click on the Save button.
  3. ILIAS will apply your changes.
  4. Now switch to the Dashboard tab.
  5. In the User text input field, enter the user you want to allow to test.    
    Prerequisite: You know his name/username, and he has an ILIAS user account.    
    Note: If you do not know the names of the participants, use the search function.
  6. Click on the Add button.
  7. ILIAS adds the user to the list of test participants.

Limit the number of simultaneous participants.

You want only a certain number of participants to be able to take the test simultaneously.

  1. Scroll down to the Execution: access section.
  2. Select the Limit number of concurrent participants checkbox.
  3. ILIAS opens two text input fields.
  4. Enter the desired number in the text input field under Maximum number.    
    Note: Set a maximum participant inactivity time, after which participants are not allowed to continue working on the test, and the test is interrupted for these participants.
  5. Click on the Save button.
  6. ILIAS accepts your entries.

Settings of test execution, duration, and repeatability of the test

Limit the number of test runs

Prerequisite: The test is set so that participants can repeat it unlimited times. If you want to limit the number of possible repetitions, proceed as follows:

  1. In the Execution: control test run section, select the Limit number of test runs checkbox.
  2. ILIAS opens a text input field.
  3. In the text input field under the Maximum number of test runs, enter the possible number of runs you want.
  4. Click on the Save button.
  5. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Force waiting time between runs

You want to force that a new test run can only be started after the defined time period has elapsed since the previous run.

  1. In the Execution: Control test run section, select the Force waiting time between runs checkbox.
  2. ILIAS opens selection menus for setting the waiting time.
  3. Set the desired waiting time by selecting the number of months, days, hours, and minutes in each drop-down menu.
  4. Click on the Save button.
  5. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Specifying the duration of the test

You want to limit the processing duration of the test, e.g., for an e-exam.

Note: The option to interrupt the test should be deactivated as the test time continues to run, even if the test is interrupted.

  1. In the Execution: Control test run section, select the Limit processing time checkbox.
  2. ILIAS opens a text input field for setting the test duration.    
    Note: The test duration suggested by ILIAS is automatically calculated from the information on the processing time of the individual questions. By default, ILIAS suggests one minute per question as the processing time.
  3. Set how many minutes the test should take in the text input field Processing time.    
    Note: You want the processing time you set to always be available to the participants for each test run. Activate the Reset maximum processing duration for each test run checkbox.    
    Prerequisite: You have set that the test can be performed more than once.
  4. Click on the Save button.
  5. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Activate exam view/kiosk mode.

You want to write an e-exam. In the exam, only the screen elements that belong to the test are displayed to the participant in the exam view. All other screen elements are hidden in this browser window.

Note: The exam view cannot prevent test takers from opening other browser windows or programs. For this reason, you should supplement the ILIAS exam view with an operating system kiosk mode for an e-exam.

  1. In the section Execution: Control test run, activate the checkbox Exam view.    
    Note: Activate the checkboxes Title of test or Name of the participant if you want this information to be displayed in the page's header during the test.
  2. Click on the Save button.
  3. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Note: Additionally, you can assign a unique ILIAS test number to each participant, which will also be displayed in the page header.

Show ILIAS exam number during the test.

You want ILIAS to assign a unique exam number to each participant during a test run.

The ILIAS exam number is automatically regenerated for each test run and each test participant as soon as the participant starts the test. It is displayed to the participant while they are working through the questions. After the participant has finished the test, his exam number is no longer visible. With the help of the ILIAS test number, a participant can be assigned to his or her respective test result.

  1. In the section Execution: Control test run, activate the checkbox Show ILIAS exam number.
  2. Click on the Save button.
  3. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Test behavior during execution

Display of question titles and scores during test execution

You want to set the display of question titles and achievable scores that will be shown to test takers during test delivery.

Activate the corresponding radio button in the Display of question titles option in the section Conduct: question behavior:

  • Question titles and achievable points
  • Question title only
  • Neither question title nor achievable points
  1. Click on the Save button.
  2. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Save answers automatically

You want ILIAS to automatically save your answers at a certain interval.

  1. Activate the checkbox Automatic saving in the section Execution: behavior of the question.
  2. ILIAS opens a text input field.
  3. In the input field that appears, enter the saving interval (in seconds) at which the answers should be saved.
  4. Click on the Save button.
  5. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Note: If you do not select automatic saving, ILIAS will save each participant's input whenever he or she clicks on a button (e.g., Next, Question Overview).

Mixing questions in the test

You want the questions for each test participant to be mixed. If test takers have multiple test runs available, the questions will be shuffled for each run by the same taker.

  1. In the Conduct: Question Behavior section, select the Shuffle questions checkbox.
  2. Click on the Save button.
  3. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Note: If you want to sort the questions into a fixed order, deselect the checkbox and set a fixed order in the Questions tab in the List view.

Show solution notes

You want to be able to display the solution hints you have created in the test.

While the participants are working on the test, you will be offered hints for the individual questions. Participants can decide if they want to request these hints. If points are deducted for claiming the hints, participants will be notified.

  1. In the Conduct: question behavior section, select the Solution hints checkbox.
  2. Click on the Save button.
  3. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Note: To create solution notes, switch to the Questions tab. Open the edit mode of the question for which you want to create hints. Then open the Solution hints tab.

Direct feedback on test questions

You want the participant to be able to view feedback on his given answer directly after answering the question.

  1. Open the Settings tab in the test.
  2. In the Conduct: question behavior section, under the Direct feedback option, select one or more checkboxes:

    Feedback contents:
    Points Achieved:  The participant is shown the points he has achieved with his given answer.
    Feedback on the correct solution: If the participant answered the question completely correctly, the feedback that you entered in the Feedback tab for the respective question for the correct solution is displayed to him. Suppose the participant did not answer the question completely correctly. In that case, the feedback you entered in the Feedback tab for the respective question is displayed in case at least one answer was not answered correctly.
    Different feedback per given answer: Depending on how the participant answers the question, different feedback is displayed. You also store this feedback manually in the Feedback tab for the respective question.
    Show the best possible solution: Here, the correct solution to the respective question is displayed to the participant.

    Feedback trigger:
    Participants can trigger the feedback themselves: Feedback is available to participants but is not shown until the participant triggers it.
    Feedback is shown when questions are answered: By answering a question, the feedback is triggered automatically.
  3. Click the Save button.

Note: To create feedback for questions, switch to the Questions tab. Open the edit mode of the question for which you want to create the feedback. Open the Feedback tab and add feedback.

Record answers after feedback

You want that - after the participant has clicked on the Request feedback button during the test - his answers given up to this point are locked, and he cannot change his answers anymore. You want an answer to be locked in when the following question is displayed.

Prerequisites: You have entered feedback in the questions and activated Direct Feedback in the Execution: Question Behavior section. This prerequisite is only necessary for confirmations but not for writing down the answer to the next question.

  1. Open the Settings tab in the test.
  2. In the Execution: Question Behavior section, activate a radio box in the Participant Responses option:
    Do not fix answers during the test run: Participants can change their answers if a test run is not completed.
    Lock answers when feedback is displayed:  Participants cannot change their answers once they have requested feedback.
    Lock answers when the follow-up question is displayed: The participant can no longer change the answer when switching to the follow-up question.
    Locking answers with the display of feedback or the follow-up question: If the participant has requested feedback or is to be shown the next question, they cannot change their answers afterward.
  3. Click the Save button.

Note: To create feedback for questions, switch to the Questions tab. Open the edit mode of the question for which you want to create the feedback. Open the Feedback tab and add feedback.

Define mandatory questions

You want to mark some questions of the test as mandatory. This is possible for the question types "Single Choice", "Multiple Choice" and "Free Text". The test can only be completed if all mandatory questions have been answered. ILIAS informs the participants about this in the Info tab before the test starts. In addition, each mandatory question is marked by an asterisk (*) with a note that an entry is required.

Step 1:

  1. Open the General Settings sub-tab in the Settings tab.
  2. In the Implementation: question behavior section, select the Mandatory questions checkbox.
  3. Click on the Save button.
  4. ILIAS will apply your settings.

Step 2:

  1. In the Questions tab of your test, switch to the List View sub-tab.
  2. In the Mandatory column, you will see checkboxes behind the questions that you can mark as mandatory.
  3. Activate the checkboxes of the questions that you want to be mandatory to work on.
  4. Click on the button Sort and Save Obligations.
  5. ILIAS will apply your settings.

Note: The Mandatory questions option is only available in the Fixed defined question selection test mode.

Functions for participants during test execution

Display previous solutions during multiple test runs

You want participants to be able to view their solutions from previous test runs. This is suitable for self-assessment scenarios, for example.

Prerequisite: You have set the test to allow participants to perform more than one test run.

  1. In the Execution: functions for participants section, activate the Use previous solutions checkbox.
  2. Click on the Save button.
  3. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Allow interruption of the test.

You want participants to be able to interrupt the test in between and resume it later.

If you select this function, participants will see the Pause Test button during the test and can pause the test for themselves.

  1. In the Execution: Functions for participants section, select the Show 'Pause test' checkbox.
  2. Click on the Save button.
  3. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Note: Do not use this option with a limited test completion time, as the set time for participants will continue to run even if the test is paused.

Move unanswered questions to the end of the test.

You want to give test takers the option to push a question to the end of their order.

The pushed questions will then be automatically resubmitted to the test takers at the end of the test in the order in which they pushed the questions.

  1. In the Execution: Functions for participants section, check the Unanswered questions will be pushed to the end of the test radio box for the Unanswered questions option.
  2. Click on the Save button.
  3. ILIAS accepts your entries.

Note: Moving the questions individually changes the order of a participant's questions within the test.

Display the question list and completion status in the test

You would like the test participants to be shown a list of all questions and the processing status of the test questions during the test.

The participants can call up the list and the processing status at any time in the test, allowing them to jump between questions and show the number of questions already answered. Depending on the selected test settings, the titles of questions, achievable points for each question, mandatory questions, and marking of individual questions are also displayed.
In addition, you can specify at what point during the test execution the question overview should be displayed automatically.

  1. In the section Execution: Functions for participants, activate the checkbox Display question list and processing status.
  2. ILIAS opens three selection options. Activate one or more checkboxes if you want the processing status to be displayed automatically at a certain point during test execution or if the processing status should contain question descriptions.
  3. Click on the Save button.
  4. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Note: Please note that it is possible to bypass defining the question order by activating the question list and the processing status.

Enable question marking in the test.

You want participants to be able to mark individual questions in the test, e.g., to see whether questions still need to be checked or answered.

  1. In the Execution: Functions for participants section, activate the Mark questions checkbox.
  2. Click on the Save button.
  3. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Note: If "Show question" list and processing status are activated, the question marking is also displayed there.

Completing the test

Display all questions and give answers before submission

You want participants to see a complete view of the test with all their given answers before submitting it. This is especially important for e-exams.

  1. Open the Settings tab in the test. Scroll down to the section.
  2. In the section Complete the test, activate the checkbox Overview of given answers.
  3. In addition, activate the PDF download checkbox. ILIAS offers the participants a PDF document with all questions and gives answers for download before the final submission of the test.
  4. Click on the Save button.
  5. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Note: After reviewing the test, the participant can exit or return and change their answers if necessary.

Information after submitting the test

You want to display information to participants after finishing the test. For example, this information may concern the publication of scores or the next steps in the learning process.

  1. In the test, open the Settings tab.
  2. In the section Finalize test, activate the checkbox Final remark.
  3. ILIAS opens a text input field.
  4. Enter a Closing remark in the text input field.
  5. Click on the Save button.
  6. ILIAS accepts your input.

Note: The closing remark is only displayed after finishing the last possible test run. It will not be displayed if the test can be repeated indefinitely.

Set up forwarding after test completion.

You want participants to be automatically logged out or redirected to another ILIAS object after completing the test, e.g., another test or survey, which they should complete.

Prerequisites: Access to testing results must be set to a future date or disabled. Otherwise, forwarding is not possible.

  1. In the test, open the Settings tab.
  2. In the section Complete test, activate the checkbox Forwarding.
  3. ILIAS opens selection options for forwarding:
    Always to the defined target page: Forwarding is always performed regardless of the other settings.
    Only if the exam view is activated: The test only forwards if the exam view is activated at the same time.
  4. Enter the target address in the text input field under the URL target page.

    The target address of an ILIAS object can be found on the Info tab of the target object. Scroll to the

    Additional Information section and copy the entire link to this page from the text box. On the Info tab, click the Show additional information link if necessary if the entire page is not displayed. Now paste the link under the URL Destination page in the test settings.

    The destination address for the automatic logout can be found at the top of your browser's address bar when you have logged out of ILIAS. Copy the destination address and paste it after logging in again under the URL Destination page in the test settings.
  5. Click on the Save button.
  6. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Digitally sign tests

You want test participants to confirm their participation with a digital signature before completing the test.

Prerequisite: The signature plugin must be installed and activated to enable a digital signature. Contact your administration via the Contact Administration link at the bottom of this page.

  1. In the Complete Test section, select the Digital Signature checkbox.
  2. Click on the Save button.
  3. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Receive an e-mail when the participant has completed a test

You would like to receive the test result of the participants by e-mail or at least be notified which person has finished the test and when.

Prerequisite: You must be the owner of the test object. You can check if you are the owner in the Info tab under the Show more information link.

  1. Open the Settings tab in the test.
  2. In the Complete test section, activate the Notification checkbox.
  3. ILIAS opens selection options for the content of the notification.
    - Only the user name and date of completion
    - Complete test result per user
    - If you want an e-mail sent to you even after each test run, activate the corresponding checkbox. An e-mail will also be sent when the individual test runs are completed.
  4. Click on the Save button.
  5. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Measuring competencies

Measuring competencies with tests - Introduction

You want to measure the competencies of the participants using test questions.  To do this, you can assign several competencies to one question, i.e., have one competency measured by several questions.

The test participants can access their competency results in the Info tab by clicking the Show competency results button next to their test results, provided that you grant them access to their test results.

  • You design the questions so that the questions ask about different aspects of the competencies.
  • You assign the questions to the competencies.
  • The answer options for the questions are assigned points. You determine how many points are needed to attribute a particular competency.

You must first activate the competence service and assign competencies and proficiencies to the questions.

Prerequisite: To assign questions to competencies, you must first create competencies and their proficiencies. This is done in the administration. If you do not have access to the administration, use the Contact Administrator link at the bottom of this page to contact the responsible department and clarify how to proceed.

Activate competence service

You want to activate the competence service.

Prerequisite: The Activate competence service checkbox is only displayed if your system administrator has also activated competence management for the entire platform.

The competencies and proficiencies you assign to the test questions are also stored in the system administration. Contact your administration via the Contact Administration link at the bottom of this page.

  1. In the Settings tab on the General Settings page, scroll down to the Other section.
  2. Select the Enable competency service checkbox.
  3. Click the Save button.
  4. ILIAS will show you a new Competencies tab in the test. Here you can assign the questions to the individual competencies stored. You will also see the participants' competency results in the test results.

Assigning questions and competencies

You want to assign the questions of your test to specific competencies.

Prerequisite: You can only use the competencies if you have previously activated the Competencies checkbox in the Settings tab in the Additional functions area.

Prerequisite: To assign the questions to the competencies, you must first create competencies and their proficiencies. This is done in the Administration. If you do not have access there, contact the responsible department via the Contact Administrator link at the bottom of this page and clarify the further procedure.

  1. Open the Competencies tab in your test.
  2. ILIAS will show you a list of all questions in the test.
  3. At the end of the line of the question you want to assign to a competency, click the Manage Competency Assignments link.
  4. ILIAS shows you the tree of competencies stored in the administration.
  5. To select a competency, click on the title. To open a category, click on the small gray arrow.
  6. ILIAS assigns the competency to the question and shows you the list of questions again.
  7. Repeat steps 3 to 6 until you have assigned all questions to a competency.

Next, you need to assign thresholds to the competencies.
Note: You can unassign a competency by clicking the Remove Competency link in the row of the question.

Assign thresholds

To map the question results to the individual proficiencies of competency, you need to store thresholds.

  1. Open the Competencies tab in the test. Below the tab, select the link Competency Thresholds.
  2. ILIAS shows you a table with the competencies assigned to the questions. The proficiencies of the competencies are listed at the end of the row.
  3. For each proficiency (competency level), enter a threshold value in percent bi to which this proficiency should be attributed to the participants.
  4. Click Save.

Using special characters in the test

Special characters and foreign fonts

For editing texts (e.g., description, introductory text, concluding remark, but also for answers in a free text or cloze questions), a special character editor is available, which allows you to insert selected special characters into your text.

Depending on the settings, the special character editor is also available to the test takers for answering the questions in the test.

To insert special characters into your text, proceed as follows:

  1. Click on the Ω-button in the upper area of the editing form.
  2. ILIAS opens the special character editor in the header area of the page.
  3. In the drop-down menu, select the category of special characters you need for your text.
  4. ILIAS displays the selected special characters in the header area of the page. If the list of special characters is several pages long, scroll down the page using the scroll bar. Alternatively, click the Next/Back buttons or select the desired page from the drop-down menu.
  5. To insert special characters in the text, first position the cursor where you want to insert the special character.
  6. Click on the desired special character in the called special character category list.
  7. ILIAS inserts the special character at the desired position.
  8. Repeat the process as often as you like.
  9. If you want to close the special character editor, click the Ω-button again.

Determine a selection menu with special characters

You want to specify the Unicode character selection for the test. In the test, the selected special characters will be available for the participants to use in free text or cloze questions, for example.

Prerequisite: The special character editor has been activated in the platform administration. Only then will the following options be offered to you at all.

  1. In the Settings tab, open the General Settings sub-tab.
  2. Scroll to the Execution: Question Behavior section.
  3. In the Execution: Question Behavior section, in the Selection Menu with the Special Characters setting, select an appropriate radio button:
    Apply platform and individual user settings: Select this option if you want the Unicode character selection to be applied according to the platform or user settings.
    Show special character selection: Select this option if you want to customize the selection of Unicode characters yourself. If you have activated the radio button, select the character blocks you want to make available to the participants in the Available special characters (Unicode) selection menu. Add more character blocks via the (+) icon if necessary. If you want to provide a special selection of characters, enter the desired characters in the Special Selection text input field according to the instructions in the form.
    Do not show special character selection: Select this option if you do not want to provide a selection of Unicode characters for the test.
  4. Click on the Save button.
  5. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Creating and editing a grading scheme

Grading scheme - introduction

The grading scheme consists of several grade levels. At least two grade levels are required: "Test passed" and "Test failed".

By default, ILIAS provides these two grade levels and sets that the test is passed with 50%.

You can change this default at any time: you have the option to create a more sophisticated grading scheme.
To do this, you specify multiple grade levels and the minimum percentage for each level. Then you determine at which grade levels the test is passed.

You can also designate the grade levels individually. These designations for the grade levels are displayed in the test results. If you have specified a grading scheme, ILIAS will show you a grade summary of the participants in the Statistics tab after taking the test.

You can also adjust the grading scheme after the test has been conducted if you have set a date for accessing the test results in the test settings under Evaluation that has not yet been reached.

If this option is set, you can assign ECTS grades in addition to the grades in the grading scheme.

Add new grade levels.

You want to create a differentiated grading scheme and add a new grade level.

  1. In the Settings tab, open the Grading scheme sub-tab.
  2. Click on the button Create new grade level.
  3. ILIAS adds another grade level. This process can be repeated several times.
  4. Set the minimum percentage for the grade level and enter short and official names.
  5. Please check the box in the Passed column for all grade levels for which the test should be passed.
  6. Click on the Save button.
  7. ILIAS will save the changes.

Delete grade levels

You want to delete one or more grade levels.

  1. In the Settings tab, open the Grade Scheme sub-tab.
  2. Activate the checkbox in front of the grade level you want to delete.
  3. Click on the Delete button.
  4. ILIAS removes the grade level.

Reset grade scheme to "Pass" / "Fail."

You have created a differentiated grading scheme and want to reset your grading scheme to the simple "Passed" / "Failed."  This consists of two grade levels with a 50% hurdle.

  1. In the Settings tab, open the Grade Scheme sub-tab.
  2. Click on the Reset to Simple Grading Scheme button.
  3. ILIAS will generate two grade levels: Fail (minimum percentage 0) and Pass (minimum percentage 50).

Apply ECTS Grading Scheme

The option of showing ECTS grades in the sub-tab Grading scheme.

You want to use ECTS grades in addition to the "pass"/"fail" grading or to your self-created grading scheme.

The ECTS grading scale classifies student performance according to statistical criteria. Thus, the ECTS grading system requires data on student performance.
It divides the tested participants into two groups: A group that passed and a group that failed.
This is done based on a predetermined minimum score.

If a participant lacks only a small number of points to pass, the grade FX is assigned instead of F. The group that passed is then ranked based on their score and assigned to different grade groups, with an A, the top grade, given to the top 10% of students.
The next top 25% will receive a B.

Prerequisite: The test results of all participants are already available. Therefore, you will only see the ECTS grade assignment option if the test result output is set to a specific date.

To date, the results output proceed as follows:

  1. In the Settings tab, open the Evaluation sub-tab.
  2. In the Announcement of test result section, activate the Participants see test results checkbox.
  3. Under Time, select the From defined date option.
  4. Enter a date for the results output that is still in the future.
  5. Click the Save button.
  6. To edit the ECTS grades, now switch back to the Grading scheme page.
  7. ILIAS will show you the option Show ECTS grade and the achieved grade.
  8. Enter the corresponding percentiles for the respective ECTS levels.
  9. Click on the Save button.
  10. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Change ECTS percentiles

You want to change the default ECTS percentiles.

  1. Enter the new percentile values in the text entry fields next to the ECTS grades.
  2. Click on the Save button.
  3. ILIAS will apply your changes.

Control evaluation and scoring

Evaluation - Introduction

In these test settings, you define the evaluation criteria of the test as well as access to the test results and the presentation of the test results. You can adapt the evaluation criteria to your desired test scenario.

In the Settings tab, open the Evaluation sub-tab.

Here you can make the following settings, among others:

  • Scoring system: specify whether points can be scored only by correct and complete answers or partially correct answers.
  • Multiple-choice questions with blank answers: Nothing can be selected here for new tests. By default, it is selected that no points are awarded for multiple-choice questions that are not answered.
  • Negative points: Specify whether the negative points achieved per question are set to 0 points or whether the scores of all questions are totaled, and only the overall result is set to 0 points.
  • Scoring for multiple test runs: Specify whether the last or the best test run is scored.
  • Clear runs: Specify whether participants are allowed to delete previous test runs.

Note: You can only change some evaluation settings if no participant records exist. If your test has already been run, you will not be able to check or uncheck some radio buttons or checkboxes. To edit these settings, switch to the Participants tab and remove the test data. If you want to save the test data beforehand, export the test results in the Export tab.

Evaluation of partial solutions

You want to specify whether the questions must be answered entirely or only partially correct for the points to count toward the final score of the test.

  1. In the Settings tab, open the Evaluation sub-tab.
  2. In the Scoring section of the test, select Scoring system:
    Even partially incorrect answers score points:  All points achieved by the participant will be added up at the end of the test. For example, the participant gets points if he or she does not fill in all the gaps in a cloze question but only some, or if he or she has selected some correct and some incorrect answers in a multiple choice question.
    Only correct and complete answers score points: Participants must answer the question correctly to score any points. If they answer the question correctly, they also receive the maximum number of points. If this is not the case, 0 points are awarded for the question.
  3. Click on the Save button.
  4. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Multiple-choice questions with a blank answer

Multiple-choice questions allow points to be awarded for selecting and points for not selecting.

If students do not answer multiple-choice questions in a test (no answer options are selected), students automatically receive no points.

ILIAS no longer accepts multiple choice questions in which at least one answer MUST be selected!

Negative points

You want to decide whether negative points are cut off at 0 for individual questions or whether negative points are subtracted from the positive ones only at the end of the test, and the total is cut off at 0.

  1. In the Settings tab, open the Evaluation sub-tab.
  2. In the Evaluation section of the test, under Negative points, select:
    Change negative points per question to '0 points' if you do not want any question to award minus points. The worst result of a question will then be 0 points.
    Change the total negative score to '0 points' if you want individual questions to be able to award negative points, but the total score of the test will never be negative. Individual questions may award negative points that positive points could offset. However, if the total score is still negative, the points will be truncated at 0, so the test will end up with 0 points.
  3. Click on the Save button.
  4. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Note: Although the use of negative points is widespread, it has been judged in court as a test of the examinees' willingness to take risks instead of a test of their level of knowledge (decision of the Higher Administrative Court of NRW of January 11, 2011, AZ 14 B 1109/11).
Therefore, it should not be possible to collect negative points, at least in career-avoiding examinations (written examinations).

Last or best test run?

You want to determine which of several test runs of the participant should be evaluated.

Prerequisite: You must allow the test participants to perform multiple test runs. You can set this in the General Settings sub-tab of the Settings tab.

  1. In the test, open the Settings tab, the Evaluation sub-tab.
  2. In the Scoring section of the test, under Scoring for multiple test runs, select:
    Score the last test run if you want the most recent run to be scored.
    Score the best test run if you want the run with the highest score to be scored.
  3. Click on the Save button.
  4. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Are participants allowed to delete their test results?

You want to set whether participants can delete their previous test runs themselves or not.

  1. In the Settings tab, open the Evaluation sub-tab.
  2. In the Evaluation section of the test, select Delete runs:
    Do NOT allow deletion of previous runs if you do not want participants to be able to delete the test data of previous test runs. This way, participants will only have the maximum number of test runs they have set. Test results can then only be deleted by administrators and not by participants.
    Deletion of previous runs is allowed if you want participants to be able to delete the test data of previous test runs themselves. This allows participants who have already reached the maximum number of allowed test runs to delete old runs and re-process the test.    
    Note: An exception is the scored test run (the best or the last run, depending on your settings). Test takers cannot delete this.
  3. Click on the Save button.
  4. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Displaying test results to participants

Controlling access to test results

You want to give participants access to their test results.

The test result only consists of the test date, the number of questions answered, the number of points achieved, and the % of the test answered correctly. This information is displayed in the test result if the test was passed or given a grade.
If a certificate was created, it could be downloaded in the result presentation.

You can also enrich this rather summary test result with additional information.

  1. In the Settings tab, activate the Evaluation sub-tab. In the area Announcement of the test result, select the checkbox Participants to see the test results.
  2. ILIAS opens a sub-menu with the options:
    Immediately: Participants can view the test results at any time on the 'Results' tab by pausing the test. They might cheat.
    After the test run: Participants can view the results after answering the last question. On the 'Results' tab, they will be offered the Test Results sub-tab.
    After passing the test: Participants will see their results after they have passed the test. They can view their results anytime in the 'Results' tab.
    From defined date: In the drop-down menu, set a date and time from which participants can view their test results. On the 'Results' tab, they will be offered the test results sub-tab from this date onwards.    

    Optional: To show participants a detailed overview of their performance in individual questions, activate the checkbox 'Show table with detailed test results' per run at the selected time.    

    Note: Do you use free text or file upload questions in your test? These are not automatically evaluated by default but must be corrected manually. Do not give your participants access to their test results until you have completed the manual scoring. Schedule this time so as not to confuse participants with preliminary test results.
  3. Click the Save button.
  4. ILIAS will accept your entries.

"Pass" / "Fail" or show grade.

You want to inform participants whether they have passed the test or what grade they have achieved on the test.

Participants will then see their test results in the overview as "Passed" or "Failed" and their achieved grades.

  1. In the Evaluation sub-tab of the Settings tab, in the Announcement of test result section, activate the Participants see test results checkbox.
  2. Activate the checkbox Show 'Passed' / 'Failed'.
  3. Activate the checkbox Show resulting grade.
  4. Click on the Save button.
  5. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Note: Keep in mind that test-takers can only view this information if you grant them access to the test results.

Enriching test results with further info

Scored participant responses, feedback, and content for review.

You want to specify which data and content you want the test results to display to your participants.

Prerequisite: Participants have access to the test results and are shown the detailed test results.

The following options configure what should be displayed in the table with detailed test results:

  1. In the Settings tab, open the Evaluation sub-tab.
  2. In the Details test results section, select the following options that can be combined:
    Scored participant responses: a corrected test is displayed: What did the participant answer, was it correct, and how many points were scored? To show the correct solution to the questions, activate the Best possible solution. This allows the participant to determine the best way to answer each question.
    Feedback: If the participants can view this along with the test results. You must also have Scored Participant Responses and/or Printable List of Responses enabled for this to work.
    Retake content: If you have assigned retake content to the test questions, participants can view it along with the test results.
  3. Click on the Save button.
  4. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Participants print their answers.

Your participants should be able to print the completed test.

In the Scored answers sub-tab of the Test results tab, participants are offered an additional button to print their test with their answers.

Prerequisite: For participants to see the printable list of answers in the Scored Answers sub-tab, you must grant them access to the test results.

  1. In the test, open the Evaluation sub-tab in the Settings tab.
  2. For the Test Results Details section, enable the Printable List of Answers.
  3. ILIAS offers you two more options:
    Show the best possible solution in 'Table with detailed test results', so that participants can compare their given answers and correct the solution in the table with detailed test results.
    Print results (answers only) so that only the questions and answers are printed, but not any additional images or texts.  These are the texts or images placed before and after the question text in the Edit Content tab during question creation.
  4. Click on the Save button.
  5. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Publish ranking list

Participants can see where they are placed in the ranking list of results in the Results tab after the test.
If applicable, the rankings of other participants will also be displayed.

Prerequisite: Participants must be given access to the test results.

  1. In the Settings tab, open the Evaluation sub-tab.
  2. In the Test results details section, activate the Placements checkbox.
  3. ILIAS opens display options for the placement.
    Select whether participants should be shown only their rank, a leaderboard, or both. Enter how many entries should be displayed in the leaderboard in the text input field.
    Hide the names of the people on the leaderboard. Do not show names. The respective viewer of the list will have his name displayed but not the names of the others. This way, you can give your participants an impression of where they stand compared to the most successful test participants.
    You can add more data to the ranking list: display the date when the respective participant achieved the result. This is especially interesting for self-tests, which are freely accessible over a longer period.
    You can display in the score list how many points were scored by each participant.
    Select this option if your test is scored with percentages and not points.
    You can disclose how many times the participant or a person on the leaderboard requested a solution hint to answer the question.
    You can display how long it took participants to complete the test. This is especially interesting for self-tests, which can be answered in any amount of time.
  4. Click the Save button.

ILIAS will show participants' corresponding placement information on the Results tab after the test.

Participants sign e-exam

Participants should authorize an e-exam. They should attest that the questions they have been asked and the answers they have given are correct.

This document may also be used for tamper-proof archiving of the e-examination.

Participants can print the exam with their answers after the test, and a section for signature will be included in the printout.

Prerequisite: You must select the Participants to see the test results checkbox in the Announcement of test result section.
To view the list of answers, enable the Printable list.

  1. In the test, open the Evaluation sub-tab in the Settings tab.
  2. In the Details test results section, activate the Placeholder for a signature checkbox.
  3. Click on the Save button.
  4. After the test, ILIAS provides participants with a list of answers on the Results tab in the Scored Answers sub-tab, which can be used to print out the e-exam ready for signature.

Each e-exam should have a unique identification number assigned by the learning platform. A separate ILIAS exam number is generated for each test run.

Prerequisite: You must first set that such an identification number is generated and displayed at all:

  1. Open the Settings tab in the test.
  2. In the General settings sub-tab, in the section Execution: Control test run, activate the checkbox Show ILIAS exam number.

You want to have the exam number displayed in the running test and printed on the printouts of the e-exam to be signed, if necessary.

Prerequisite: You must activate the checkbox Participants see test results in the section Announcement of test results.
To display the list of answers, activate the Printable list.

  1. In the test, open the Evaluation sub-tab in the Settings tab.
  2. In the Details test results section, activate the Show ILIAS test number checkbox.
  3. Click on the Save button.
  4. ILIAS will list the ILIAS exam number on the e-exam printouts. Participants can trigger the post-test printout of their e-exam on the Results tab in the Scored Answers sub-tab.

Item statistics for single-choice tests

ILIAS does not provide item statistics in the true sense. There is a rudimentary exception for pure single-choice tests. You can add an extra data sheet with item statistics to your single-choice test result export.

Prerequisite: This functionality can only be used for tests that consist solely of single-choice questions.

  1. Select the Item Statistics Export for Single Choice Only Test checkbox in the Test Results Details section.
  2. Click on the Save button.
  3. You will get a separate data sheet when you export the test results in the Export tab. Select the export type Create result file.

Offering solution hints and feedback during the test

Solution hints

You want participants to have the opportunity to receive hints on how to solve a question or other relevant information about the question.
Participants decide independently during the test whether or not to request these hints.
If points are deducted for requesting solution hints, ILIAS informs the participants about it.

Solution hints are only displayed if they were activated as a function in the test settings and entered for each question.
Instead of offering solution hints before the answer, you can also have feedback on the given answer after the answer has been submitted.

You want to enable solution hints for the test first:

  1. In Settings, under the General Settings sub-tab in the Conduct: question behavior section, select the Solution Hints checkbox.
  2. Click the Save button.

You want to create solution hints for individual or all questions:

  1. Switch to the Questions tab.
  2. Open the editing mode of the question for which you want to create solution hints.
  3. Then open the Solution hints tab.

Feedback during the test

You want participants to receive feedback on their answers while taking the test.
Participants should be able to request feedback on their answers immediately after answering a question.
This feedback can be purely formal and only mention the points scored with the answer, or it can be particular to the answer option chosen. There are several options available to you.

Note: Participants must click the Request Feedback button to see the corresponding feedback after answering a question. So, not all feedback will be automatically pushed to all participants.

You want to enable feedback for your test:

  1. In the Settings tab, open the General Settings sub-tab.
  2. In the section Conduct: question behavior, activate one or more checkboxes of the Direct feedback option:
    Points Earned: Participants will see how many points their answers scored. For this formal feedback, you do not have to store a separate feedback text; it will be displayed automatically by ILIAS.
    Feedback on the correct solution: For this type of feedback, you must enter two for single or all questions. You can store exactly two feedback texts: One will be displayed if the question was answered correctly, and the other text will be displayed if the answer somehow deviates from the utterly correct solution. The text is the same for all wrong or incomplete answers.
    Different feedback per given answer: for this type of feedback, you need to for single or all questions for each answer option. You can store a specific text for each selected answer option, which points out typical mistakes or misunderstandings that led to the selection of this answer option, or summarize the correct answer and its solution path or underlying principles again.
    Show best possible solutions: This is where the correct solution to the question is displayed to the participant. You do not need to enter a separate feedback text for this formal feedback; it will be displayed automatically by ILIAS.
  3. Click on the Save button.

Note: To create specific feedback texts for questions, switch to the Questions tab.

  1. Open the edit mode of the question for which you want to create the feedback.
  2. Open the Feedback tab and add feedback.

Viewing test results

Viewing test results during execution

You will see a listing of all test takers in the Dashboard tab. From the table, you can see the following information for all test participants:

  • whether the test has already started, is still unfinished, or has been finished
  • the number of test runs performed
  • unfinished test run or Finished
  • the time of the last access to the test

Viewing test results after execution

You want to view the test results of the participants after the execution. You can see a list of all test participants in the Results tab.
From the table, you can see the following information for all test takers:

  • Questions Answered
  • Points achieved
  • Result in percent
  • Evaluation
  • Grade
  • a link to the participant's test results
  1. In the Results tab, select the checkboxes of the participants whose test results you want to see. Select the Select all checkbox if you want to view the test results of all participants.
  2. Select one of the following options in the drop-down menu above or below the list of participants:
    Results overview: list overview of questions, points achieved, and percentage achieved.
    Answers: List of questions with given answers.
    Detailed test results: List overview of questions, points scored, and percentage scored, as well as a list of questions with answers given.
    Remove test data: Removes the test data of the selected users.
  3. Click on the Execute button.
  4. ILIAS switches to a new page with the desired result view.

Show an overview of individual test runs.

You want to view the overview of the test runs of individual participants.

The overview table contains information about the scored runs, the number of runs, the date of the runs, the number of questions answered, the points achieved, the percentage achieved, and the grade.

  1. In the test, open the Results tab.
  2. ILIAS shows you the table "All participants."
  3. Open the ▼ menu to the desired participant.
  4. Select the entry Test results.
  5. ILIAS opens a new page with the tabular overview of the participant's test runs.

Show details of the test runs.

You want to view a detailed view of the test runs of individual participants. You can view two things here:

  • a table, with results of all questions of a run of the user in question.
  • a detailed list of test questions with the given answers.
  1. Open the Results tab.
  2. ILIAS displays a table All participants.
  3. Open the ▼ menu in the row of the participant whose detailed test results you want to view.
  4. Select the Test results entry.
  5. ILIAS opens the view of the participant's test results.
  6. Click the Detailed Results link for the desired test run, or click Detailed Results in the Actions menu.
  7. Click on the respective question titles to get a detailed view of the individual questions.
  8. In the detailed view of the questions, click Back to the run overview to return to the results view.

Note: In the Statistics tab, you can see whether a participant has passed.

Delete all execution data or individual test runs

Deleting a single test run of a participant

You want to delete the test data of individual test runs of specific participants. This enables participants, for example, to repeat the test if the maximum number of possible test runs has already been reached.

Prerequisite: You have set the Evaluation sub-tab to allow the deletion of previous test runs.

  1. Open the Results tab.
  2. Click on the Test results link.
  3. Open the Actions menu of the test run you want to delete.
  4. Select the Delete entry.
  5. ILIAS will ask you to confirm the deletion. Click on the Delete button.
  6. ILIAS deletes the data of the test run.

Delete all test data of a participant.

You want to delete all test data of a participant.

  1. Open the Results tab in the test.
  2. Activate the checkbox next to the participant whose test data you want to delete.
  3. Select Delete test data in the selection menu above or below the participant list.    
    Note: You can also delete several test data at the same time.
  4. Click on the Execute button.
  5. ILIAS asks you to confirm the operation.
  6. Click on the Confirm button.
  7. ILIAS deletes the test data of the participants.

Delete all test data of all participants.

You want to delete all test data because, for example, you want to edit the questions again.

  1. Open the Results tab in the test.
  2. Click on the button Delete test data of all participants.
  3. ILIAS asks you to confirm the deletion.
  4. Click on the Continue button.
  5. ILIAS deletes all test data.

Saving and reusing test configurations

Apply test settings with one click.

Putting together the settings of a test takes a little time.

Once you have put together a test the way you want, you can save those settings to apply to other tests with just one click.

The following pages explain how to save your test settings as a personal template to use for subsequent tests.

In your default settings, you can save the test settings you have made from General Settings, Grading Scheme, and Evaluation.

You can also create multiple personal test settings for different test scenarios that you can repeatedly use for tests.

However, you cannot transfer your default settings to another author.

Saving personal default settings

You want to save the test settings of the opened test to apply them to other tests.

  1. Open the Personal default settings sub-tab in the Settings tab.
  2. ILIAS will show you a possibly empty table "Available default settings".
  3. Enter a name for the default setting in the text input field to save precisely the settings made in your open test for later use in other tests.
  4. Click the Add button.
  5. ILIAS saves your current test settings of the opened test as a template. ILIAS displays the Personal Default Settings in the Available Default Settings table.


  • Read here how to apply Personal Default Settings to a new test.
  • Personal Defaults can only be applied to tests by yourself. Other authors may have to ask you to create a preset test and then save it as a personal default.
  • The test settings of the sub-tabs General settings, Grading scheme, and Evaluation are saved in the personal default settings.

Apply personal default settings.

You want to apply default settings that have already been saved for your test.

Prerequisite: You have already defined personal default settings, and participants have not yet edited the test.

  1. In the Settings tab, open the Personal default settings sub-tab.
  2. ILIAS shows you the table Available default settings.
  3. Activate the checkbox in front of the Personal default setting you want to apply to the test.
  4. Select Apply settings for the test from the drop-down menu.
  5. Click on the Execute button.
  6. The settings from the Personal Default Settings are applied and adjusted on the General Settings, Grading Scheme, and Evaluation pages.


  • If a test already contains questions, warning messages may appear under certain circumstances. E.g., if you have sorted the questions into a fixed order, the default setting is to select questions randomly. ILIAS will then ask you how to proceed.
  • Personal default settings only affect the settings of the pages General Settings, Grading Scheme, and Evaluation.

Delete personal default settings

You want to delete personal default settings.

  1. Open the Settings tab in the test.
  2. ILIAS will show you the General Settings form.
  3. Click the Personal default settings link immediately below the tab navigation.
  4. ILIAS shows you the table of Available default settings.
  5. Select the checkbox in front of the default setting you want to delete.
  6. Select Delete from the drop-down menu.
  7. Click on the Execute button.
  8. ILIAS deletes your selected default setting.

Printing test results or archiving them as PDFs

You want to archive the test results of the participants. To do so, export the test results as a PDF file.

  1. Open the Results tab in the test.
  2. ILIAS shows you the table "All participants".
  3. Open the Test Results entry in the Actions menu in the row of the participant whose results you want to print. Read the instructions on how to proceed in case of multiple test runs.
  4. ILIAS shows you the test results for the selected user.
  5. Click the Print button in the toolbar below the tab navigation.
  6. ILIAS will send the print job to your printer.

Archive test results as PDF

You want to archive the test results of the participants. To do so, export the test results as a PDF file.

  1. Open the Results tab in the test.
  2. ILIAS shows you the table "All participants".
  3. Open the Test Results entry in the Actions menu in the row of the participant whose results you want to print. Read the instructions on how to proceed in case of multiple test runs.
  4. ILIAS shows you the test results for the selected user.
  5. Click the PDF Export button in the toolbar below the tab navigation.
  6. ILIAS opens the save dialog of your browser.
  7. Save the PDF file on your computer.

E-exam for selected participants only

Granting access to the test only to selected participants

E-exams (written exams) are typically only intended to be taken by particular and known individuals. All other users are not allowed to view or use the e-exam.

You want only selected participants to have access to the test.

Prerequisite: the participant must have an ILIAS user account and know their name/username. If you do not know the names of the participants, use the search.

  1. In the Settings tab, open the General Settings sub-tab.
  2. In the Execution: access section, select the Selected participants only checkbox.
  3. Click Save at the end of the form.
  4. Now switch to the Dashboard tab.
  5. ILIAS displays an additional input field above the Selected participant's list. In the User text input field, enter the name of a user you want to allow to take the test. You can also add all members of a course, group, or role.
  6. Click the Add button.
  7. ILIAS adds the user to the list of test participants.

Adding several people as participants at the same time

In one step, you want to simultaneously give multiple users access to the e-exam as permanent test takers. Or you want to add a user whose name you do not know.

Prerequisite: You have set that this test can only and exclusively be taken by persons who are entered in the Dashboard tab.  Only then will the following search function be displayed.

  1. Click the Search Participants button in the toolbar above the Selected Participants table.    
    Note: This button is only displayed if you have selected Only selected participants in the test settings.
  2. ILIAS opens a new page. Depending on what you know about the user, you can here:
    Search for users: Enter the last name or user name.
    Search for role members: Enter a role description of the user.
    Search for course members: Enter the name of a course.
    Search for group members: Enter the name of a group.
    Others: Depending on the global settings on your ILIAS installation, other user data fields can also be searched here. If necessary, contact your ILIAS administrator in this regard.
  3. Click on the Search button.
  4. ILIAS will generate a list of results of the appropriate search type:
    Search for Users: You will be directly presented with a list of eligible users. Follow the instructions from step 6 onwards.
    Search for role members: You will be shown a list of eligible roles. Select the checkbox in front of the role you want and click the List Users button.
    Search for Course Members: You will be presented with a list of eligible courses. Select the checkbox in front of the desired course and click the List Users button.
    Search for group members: You will be presented with a list of eligible groups. Select the checkbox in front of the desired group and click the List Users button.
  5. ILIAS presents a list of users.
  6. Select the checkbox in front of the user or users you want to add as participants to your e-exam. You can also use the Select All checkbox at the end of the list.
  7. Click the Add button.
  8. ILIAS adds the user or users as permanent test takers.

Alternatively, you can use Selected Users Only to add individuals as participants by name.

Withdraw access from participants.

Typically, only particular and known individuals should participate in e-exams (written exams). All other users are not allowed to view or use e-exams.

You want to revoke access to the e-exam for people you have given access to as selected participants or remove a fixed test participant from the group.

Prerequisite: You have set that this test can only and exclusively be taken by persons who are entered in the Dashboard tab.

  1. Open the Dashboard tab in the test.
  2. ILIAS shows you the list of participants allowed to take this test.
  3. Activate the checkbox next to the participant you do not want to grant access to this test.
  4. Select Remove as a permanent participant from the drop-down menu.
  5. Click on the Execute button.
  6. ILIAS removes the user from the list of fixed test participants. This person no longer has access to this test, even if they would be authorized to use it via the roles and rights.

Assigning a fixed computer place to participants

You want participants to be able to take the e-exam only from a fixed computer seat.

Prerequisite: This option is only displayed if you have made the test available only to selected participants in the Test settings in the Execution: Access area.

In the Client IP column, enter the address that appears to the server as the sending address for connecting to the participant. It could be:

  • the IP of the computer,
  • the IP of the Internet connection
  • or in complex networks, the IP of the last router before the server.
  1. Activate the checkboxes next to the subscribers whose client IP you want to save.
  2. Select Save in the drop-down menu above or below the subscriber list.
  3. Click on the Execute button.
  4. ILIAS saves the client's IP.

Extending the processing time or ending test runs

Extending the processing time of the test

Suppose you have created a test with a maximum processing time that the participants can only complete once. In that case, you can extend the processing time during the test for individual or all participants.
The participants have started the test, and you want to extend the test time for individual or all participants.


  • The time to complete the test is limited.
  • There is only one test run.
  • The participant has already started the test and has not yet actively completed it.

An additional view is displayed in the Dashboard tab if these prerequisites are met.

  1. Click on the Time extension sub-tab.
  2. ILIAS opens an overview of all participants.
  3. Click on the Time extension button. In the drop-down menu under Participants, select the participant whose processing time you want to extend. Alternatively, select the entry All participants if you want the processing time to be extended for all participants.
  4. Enter the number of minutes the processing time will be extended in the Time extension text input field.
  5. Click on the Save button.
  6. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Note: If you want to extend the time again for one or all participants, add the new extension time to the previous extension time and enter the sum in the text input field. Example: You extended the processing time by 10 minutes the first time. The second time you want to extend the processing time by another 5 minutes. Then enter 15 minutes in the text input field. If you enter only 5 minutes the second time, the test will be shortened by 5 minutes again so that the processing time may have expired and the test is finished.

End all test runs

You can end all test runs simultaneously or only by individual participants.

  1. Open the Dashboard tab.
  2. Click on the End all test runs button to end the test runs of the test participants or
  3. Open the Actions menu of the participant whose test run you want to end.
  4. Confirm the request by clicking the Continue button.

Sorting and filtering the list of participants

Sorting the list of participants

You can see a list of all test participants in the Results tab. You can sort the list of participants by the columns. Which columns are displayed may vary depending on the test settings: User name, name, start and end time of the test, test runs already performed, or last test access.

  1. Click on the heading of the column by which you want to sort.
  2. ILIAS will re-sort the participants accordingly. Click the sort arrow next to the column heading again to reverse the sort order.

Personally assessing free text and file questions.

Rating free text questions and file upload questions

Most question types are scored automatically. The exception is question types, where participants work out answers independently rather than selecting pre-set options.
It is good practice for instructors to read answers to free-text questions and file-upload questions first and then score them manually.


  • Be sure to complete the manual scoring of questions before giving test takers access to their test results.
  • Free-text questions are manually corrected and scored by default. Free text questions can also be scored automatically if you enable automatic scoring when creating the questions.
  • Other question types can only be scored manually if unique settings are made in the system administration.
  • Manual test scoring is anonymous if the test was taken anonymously.

File upload questions cannot be scored automatically in principle. Free text questions should not be scored automatically.

In the Manual scoring tab, you can manually assign points for answers to test questions and change the point assignment for individual test questions. You can

  • on the Scoring by Participant page, use the filter function to search for specific groups of participants to score their answers manually
  • or use the Score by Question page to score all participants' answers to a question.

Furthermore, you can enter manual feedback for each question and add content for review if necessary. You can have the information about the assessment, manual feedback, and content for repetition automatically emailed to the participant via ILIAS.

Manually grade answers of all participants to a question

You want test questions that need to be manually re-scored (e.g., free text and file upload questions).

  1. Switch to the Scoring by question sub-tab.
  2. In the drop-down menu, select the question you want to score manually.
  3. In the drop-down menu, select the test run from which you want to score the question manually.
  4. Click the Apply Filter button.
  5. ILIAS displays a list of the participants and, in the Scored column, the information on how many points they got for this question.
  6. To view the answers given, click the View Answer link.
  7. ILIAS opens a new, small window with the participant's answer.
  8. Once you have reviewed the answer, enter the points for that question in the Points Earned text entry box.
  9. Click on the Save button.
  10. ILIAS will accept your entries.
  11. Proceed in the same way with all other answers.

Manually score all answers of individual participants

You want to grade the test questions of individual participants manually.

Note: If you want to score the test questions of a specific set of participants, apply the filter first.

  1. Switch to the Rating by participant sub-tab.
  2. Click the Change Assessment link next to the test participant you want to assess manually.
  3. ILIAS opens a new page with the questions available for manual scoring.
  4. Scroll to the question you want to score manually.
  5. Type the new score you want in the text entry box next to the points for the answer.
    Enter Manual Feedback for the test taker if you want to provide feedback on their answer to a particular test question.
    If the option is displayed for a question, assign content for review.
    At the bottom of the page, in the Participant section, select the Mark as scored checkbox if you want to note that the participant has already been scored manually.
    At the bottom of the page, select the Send notification checkbox in the Participant area if you want the manual assessment to be sent to the test participant via ILIAS mail.
  6. Click on the Save button.    
    Note: Click the Save and Return button to return to the assessment by a participant. Click the Save and Continue button to jump directly to the next participant's test review.
  7. ILIAS saves the manual assessment.

Show only graded or ungraded participants.

If you have many participants to evaluate manually, you may have to evaluate the answers in several steps. The filter can help you identify those participants you have not yet manually rated.

In the Participant Status drop-down menu, select which participants should be displayed in the table:

  • Unrated participants: these users have not yet been manually rated.
  • Already rated participants: These users have already been rated manually.
  • All users: All participants who have already performed the test or are still in the process of performing it.
  • Active users only: These participants are currently performing the test.
  • Only non-active users: These participants have already finished the test.
  1. Click on the Apply Filter button.
  2. ILIAS now displays only the desired group of test participants in the table.

Mitigating the effects of unfortunate questions

Post-correction - Introduction

After taking a test, you discover that a question was not cleverly worded, was not adequately understood by many participants, and was therefore not answered appropriately. The scoring of this question distorts the results of the entire test, and you want to alleviate this distortion.

In the Post-Correction tab, you can re-edit individual test questions after completing the test. You can

  • change, remove, or add scores with points of answer options of a question,
  • change, remove, or add individual answer choices of a question,
  • view an answer summary, and remove any manual scores already created.

Re-scoring a particular question seems useful if, after completing the test, you find that a question was asked ambiguously. For example, you can score the question with fewer points.

Example: Participants have given a correct answer to a cloze question, but this was not considered when the question was created. You can use post-correction to add this answer choice and score it as correct.

Change already answered test questions.

After taking a test, you discover that a question was not cleverly worded. The scoring of this question distorts the results of the entire test, and you want to alleviate this distortion.  You want to change the test results without deleting them.

Note: Which question types can be post-corrected depends on the settings in Administration > Test and Assessment.

You want to correct a test question.

  1. Open the Post-Correction tab in the test you are running.
  2. ILIAS displays a table with all the questions asked in the test.
  3. Click on the title of the question you want to post-correct.
  4. ILIAS opens the question for editing in a form. You have the option to change the scoring for this question subsequently.
  5. Make your changes to the question:
    Change the points.
    If you want an overview of the answers, click on the Answer Statistics sub-tab. ILIAS opens a new, small window with the overview of the given answers.
    For the cloze question, additional answer options can be applied here.
  6. Click on the Save button.
  7. ILIAS accepts your entries and recalculates the test results.

You can delete complete questions from the test by clicking the Remove button.


Statistics - Introduction

You can view the results of the test in the Statistics tab.

Open one of the three sub-tabs in the Statistics tab:

  • Evaluation for all users: this view shows the test results for all users, including points achieved, grades, number of questions answered, total time is taken to complete the test and a link to detailed statistics for each participant.
  • Aggregated test results: This view displays key figures about the entire test, such as grade point average or average completion time.
  • Results for individual questions: In this view, collected answers are displayed for each question. You can also download all questions' answers here or upload answer files.

In addition, you can export this data as an overview of all users or critical figures over the entire test as a Microsoft Excel or CSV file for further processing.

Evaluation of all users

Overview of all users

You want to view the overview of all users. The overview provides information such as Points Achieved, Grades, Questions Answered, Time Taken, and detailed statistics. In the list of participants, you can display additional columns such as gender, e-mail, institution, city, country, or similar.

  1. Click on the columns above the table.
  2. ILIAS shows you the selection of additional data that can be displayed.
  3. Activate the checkboxes of the information that should be displayed additionally.
  4. Click on the Refresh button.
  5. ILIAS displays the additional columns.

Filter overview of all users' bypasses status.

You want to use the filter to search for specific participants, e.g., only display participants who have passed or only display participants of a specific group or course.

  1. Click the Show filter link above the table.
  2. Enter the name of a participant, group, or course in the text input fields or activate the Only passed tests checkbox.
  3. Click on the Apply filter button.
  4. ILIAS will only show the participants that match the criteria of the filter.

Note: Click the Reset filter link to get the complete list displayed again.

Export overview of all users

You want to export the overview of all users who have edited the test.

  1. Open the Statistics tab in your test.
  2. ILIAS shows you a table with all participants who have worked on the test in the Evaluation sub-tab for all users.
  3. You can sort the individual columns in ascending or descending order by clicking on the respective column header.
  4. You can export the displayed data of the table: In the selection menu, choose Export evaluation data as
    Microsoft Excel to edit the data in a spreadsheet program.
    Comma Separated Values (CSV) to import the data into an external statistical program.
  5. Click on the Export button.
  6. ILIAS opens the save dialog of your browser.
  7. Save the file on your computer.

Viewing the response behavior of individual users

You want to check which answers an individual user has given, how long this person took to answer the questions, which rank the person has compared to others, etc.

  1. In the Statistics tab, open the Evaluation for all users sub-tab directly below the tabs.
  2. ILIAS opens a new page with the statistics of the participant's test results.
  3. Click the Show detailed statistics link.
  4. ILIAS presents metrics about how this person did with the test, how long they worked with it, or their ranking among all test takers.
  5. ILIAS will also show you what the question results were in the test run(s). Click the Back button on the detailed statistics page for that participant to return to the summary page.

Aggregated test results

Key figures for the entire test and individual questions

You want a brief overview of the important metrics about the participant data of your test to know how many participants started and finished the test and how long it took them to complete it.

You want to know how many points participants scored on average per question: How many times was a question answered in total, and how many points were scored on average?

  1. Open the Statistics tab in your test. Then click on the Aggregated test results sub-tab.
  2. ILIAS will show you two tables, one below the other:
    Aggregated Test Results: Key figure overview of the entire test.
    Average score achieved: Overview per question.
  3. You can sort the individual columns in ascending or descending order by clicking on the respective column header.
  4. You can export the displayed data of the table: In the selection menu, choose Export evaluation data as
    Microsoft Excel to edit the data in a spreadsheet program.
    Comma Separated Values (CSV) to import the data into an external statistical program.
  5. Click on the Export button.
  6. ILIAS opens the save dialog of your browser.
  7. Save the file on your computer.

Results for individual questions

Download collected answers to single questions.

You want to download all answers to a single question in a single PDF or download the files uploaded for a question.

You want to download individual questions with given answers as a PDF or download the uploaded answer files.

  1. In the Statistics tab, open the Results sub-tab for individual questions.
  2. ILIAS shows you a table with all questions answered in this test. It shows how often this question was answered.
    Click the PDF Export link in the row of the question for which you want to download the answers in a PDF.
    Click Download in the row of the question for which you want to download the uploaded files. ILIAS has packed all uploaded files into a .ZIP file.
  3. ILIAS opens the save dialog of your browser.
  4. Save the file on your computer.

Download Certificate

Download certificates from the statistics tab

You want to export all certificates of your participants as a PDF file.

Prerequisite: You have created and activated a certificate for your test in the Settings tab under Certificate.

  1. In the Statistics tab, in the Export evaluation data as a drop-down menu, select Certificate (PDF).
  2. Click on the Export button.
  3. ILIAS opens the save dialog of your browser.
  4. Save the ZIP file on your computer. This contains the certificates of all participants as PDF files.

History - History of the editing of the test.

Who changed what in the test?

You want to track who made what changes to your test and when. This is about changes made by test authors to the test object.

The History tab in the test shows a log of changes:

  • Were questions added, removed, moved, or copied?
  • Were the settings of the test changed?
  • Was test taker data deleted from test takers?
  • Were manual assessments performed?

Each change is recorded on which date and time and which user made which changes.

You can have the table with the log entries sorted by the columns in ascending or descending order: To do so, click on the column title. To reverse the order, click again.

If there are many log entries for your text, they may be displayed on several pages. In this case, click the small Back or Next links at the bottom of the table to switch between pages.

Note: The History tab is only displayed if in the Administration, in the Test & Assessment area, in the Log Data tab, the option
Logging of tests and assessments is enabled. Contact your administrator using the Contact Administrator link at the bottom of the page.


Exporting tests or participant data

You want to:

  • Export the test with its questions and settings to save an editable copy of your test or transfer it from one ILIAS installation to another.
  • Perform further analysis of the participant data in a spreadsheet program to further analyze the data beyond the standard analysis in ILIAS.
  • Save a complete archive of the participant answers as a PDF file, the sample solution, and the test log file.

    ATTENTION: This setting makes extreme demands on the hardware used, do not use it without consulting your administrator. Your online exam could turn into a disaster.
  1. Open the Export tab in the test.
  2. In the selection menu, choose Type,
    Export file to export the test with all its questions and settings but without the participants' data.
    Export file (incl. test results) to export the test with all its questions and settings and the participants' data.
    Results file, to export the participant data (who gave which answers), which are in your test object.
    Archive file to export a complete archive of the entire test execution.
  3. Click on Create export file.
  4. ILIAS creates the export file and displays it in the table.
    The export file contains your test object in XML format. Do not rename your export file, or you will be unable to import it successfully.
    The resulting file consists of one XLSX and one CSV file each, which contains your test's participant data (e.g., test results and completion time).
  5. Click the Download link at the end of the line next to your export file to download the file to your computer.

Note: To import the XML export file on an ILIAS platform.

Delete export file

You want to delete an export file that has already been created.

  1. Select the checkbox to the left of the export file you want to delete.
  2. Click the Delete button above or below the list of export files.
  3. ILIAS asks you if you want to delete the export file.
  4. Click on the Delete button.
  5. ILIAS removes the selected file from the list of export files.

Set the number of displayed rows

Changing the number of displayed rows in a table

You want to adjust the number of rows displayed in the table.

  1. Click on Rows on the right above the table.
  2. ILIAS opens a drop-down list where you can specify how many rows are displayed in a table per page.
  3. Select how many rows should be displayed in a table. Click on the corresponding entry.
  4. ILIAS displays the table with the selected number of rows.