Personal Workspace: Portfolio


Portfolio - Introduction

A portfolio is a personal place where you can collect and publish content. This includes personal ideas, learning processes, text, images, and sound results.

You can create multiple portfolios for different purposes and audiences. For each portfolio, you can choose what content you want to present and how. You can decide to make the portfolio available only to specific user groups.

Use cases for portfolios:

  • Personal development tool: a portfolio should provide an opportunity to apply newly learned material and reflect on the learning process (for example, a learning diary). ]
  • Evidence of achievement: a portfolio can be used as evidence of competencies in a particular area (for example, a project report).
  • Application Portfolio: A neatly designed portfolio provides a good basis for an application.

This activity guide will teach you how to create portfolios as stand-alone items under Portfolio. Alternatively, you can include portfolios as part of the assignment of an exercise. The action instructions in the Exercise section under Portfolio: Create a new portfolio.

Working with the Portfolio

Creating a Portfolio

You want to create a new portfolio.

  1. Open Portfolio.
  2. ILIAS will show you the My Portfolios tab.
  3. Click on the Add Portfolio button.
  4. ILIAS opens a new page.
  5. In the Add Portfolio section, enter a title for your portfolio in the Title section.
    You can create the portfolio using a template in the New Portfolio section.
    Note: The Create from Template radio button can only be activated if you have already created a portfolio template or if a template has been provided to you.
  6. If necessary, select the type of the first page under Create without template:
  7. To create a simple page, select the Page option. Under Title, enter a title for your page and select a page layout as desired. On pages, you can insert all kinds of text, files, any web-enabled media objects, tables, and so on.
  8. To create a blog on the first page, select this option. A blog is a chronologically sorted list of articles, with the most recent post always at the top. In blog articles, you can also insert all kinds of texts, files, all Internet-enabled media objects, tables, and so on.
    Note: The Blog option appears only if you have already created a blog in My Workspace.
  9. Click the Save button.
  10. ILIAS saves the portfolio and reports, "Portfolio has been added".

Edit portfolio

You want to edit an existing portfolio.

  1. In the My Portfolios tab, you will find all existing portfolios.
  2. Open the Actions menu to the right of the desired portfolio.
  3. Click on the Settings link.
  4. ILIAS displays the Edit Portfolio page.
  5. Set the desired portfolio properties.
  6. In the Title section, you can enter a new title.
    - Use the Online checkbox to determine whether the portfolio is available to other users.
    - Via the Show profile picture checkbox, you determine whether your profile picture is displayed within the portfolio.
    - In the Banner section, you can upload a banner for your portfolio using the Select file button.
    - Use the Public Comments checkbox to determine whether other users can comment on the portfolio.
  7. Click on the Save button.
  8. ILIAS will accept your entries and report "Changes saved".

Adding a page to the portfolio

You want to create a new page in the portfolio.

Prerequisite: You have already created a portfolio.

  1. Open the Actions menu to the right of the desired portfolio.
  2. Click the Edit Content link.
  3. Click the Add Page button in the upper left corner.
  4. ILIAS opens a new page.
  5. Under Title, enter a name for your page.
  6. You have the option to use a page layout. ILIAS will show you several options.
  7. Depending on your preference, select the checkbox of the page layout you want to use or select the "none" checkbox if you do not want a page layout.
  8. Click on the Save button.
  9. ILIAS displays the newly created page in the Pages table and reports, "Page has been added".
  10. Repeat the process to add more pages.

To design the new page and add content, click the Edit Page link in the corresponding table row.


You want to preview a portfolio.

  1. Open the Actions menu to the right of the desired portfolio.
  2. Click the Preview link of the desired portfolio.
  3. ILIAS opens the preview on a new page.
    Note: Click the Edit Portfolio link to make changes to the portfolio.

Rename portfolio page title.

You want to rename the title of an individual page in a portfolio.

  1. Click the Edit Content link in the Actions menu.
  2. ILIAS opens the Contents tab of the portfolio. This will display all the pages it contains.
  3. In the Title column, enter a new title for the page in the desired text entry field.
  4. Click the Save order and title buttons.
  5. ILIAS saves the title and reports: "Changes saved".

Copy portfolio page

You want to copy a portfolio page. You can add it to a new portfolio, for example.

  1. Open the Actions menu to the right of the desired portfolio.
  2. Click on the Edit content link.
  3. ILIAS opens a new page with the content of the portfolio.
  4. Click the arrow to the right of the Edit Page button to be copied.
  5. Select Copy tab from the drop-down menu.
  6. ILIAS opens the Copy portfolio page(s).
  7. Check the New Portfolio radio button as the destination and give it a title.
    You can also select an existing portfolio as the destination if you already have multiple portfolios.
  8. Click on the Save button.
  9. ILIAS reports, "The pages have been copied".

Export portfolio as HTML file

You want to export a portfolio as an HTML file to use it outside ILIAS, for example.

  1. Open the Actions menu to the right of the desired portfolio.
  2. Click on the Edit content link.
  3. ILIAS opens the desired portfolio.
  4. Click the Export as HTML file button.
  5. ILIAS generates a ZIP file with all the necessary data for displaying the portfolio outside ILIAS. It opens the download dialog or downloads the file immediately, depending on your browser settings.

You want to print a portfolio as a PDF file.

  1. Open the Actions menu to the right of the desired portfolio.
  2. Click the Edit content link.
  3. ILIAS opens the desired portfolio.
  4. Click the Export as PDF button.
  5. ILIAS opens a new page.
  6. Check the Declaration of Independence checkbox to declare that you wrote the written assignment independently.
  7. Activate the checkbox Field for signature if the PDF should contain a field where you can sign.
  8. Under Selection, you can use the radio button to choose whether to export the entire portfolio or select parts of the portfolio as a PDF.
  9. Click the button depending on your preference:
    Export as PDF:  ILIAS generates a PDF file with all the required data for displaying the portfolio outside ILIAS. It will open the download dialog or download the file immediately, depending on your browser settings.
    or Export as PDF (DEV): ILIAS opens a new page showing the portfolio as PDF. With a right-click on the page, you can print the portfolio.

Delete Portfolio

You want to delete an existing portfolio.

  1. In the My Portfolios tab, you will find all existing portfolios.
  2. Open the Actions menu to the right of the desired portfolio.
  3. Click on the Delete button.
  4. ILIAS will ask you to confirm the deletion.
  5. Click the Delete button again.
  6. ILIAS reports, "Portfolios have been deleted".

Using additional portfolio content

Adding a blog to the portfolio

You want to add a blog to a portfolio.

Prerequisite: you have already created a blog under Personal and Shared Resources, which you can add to your portfolio.

  1. You are in the My Portfolios tab.
  2. Open the Actions menu to the right of the portfolio you want to add.
  3. Click the Edit content link.
  4. Click the Add blog button.
  5. ILIAS opens a new page.
  6. In the Blog section, you can choose to add a new blog or use an existing blog.
    - Select the radio button to add a new blog. Enter a title.
    - Select the Use existing blog radio button. Select the drop-down menu for the desired existing blog.
  7. Click the Save button.
  8. ILIAS will accept the blog and report "Blog has been added".

Use portfolio as profile

You want to use your portfolio as a profile.


  • If you want to use your portfolio as a profile, you must share it at least with all registered users.
  • You are in the My Portfolios tab.
  • The portfolio must be switched online. To do this, activate the checkbox in the Online column and click Save Status and Title.
  1. Under Actions, click the Set as my profile link next to the portfolio you want.
  2. ILIAS will open a new page if your portfolio is not yet shared with all registered users. You can choose the sharing there.
    Select Share with registered users only or Share with unregistered users as well.
    Important: In the latter case, your portfolio can be viewed by all internet users even without ILIAS access. Your technical management can disable this setting.
  3. ILIAS will set the portfolio as your profile.

Note: You can undo your action. To do so, click the Do not use as my profile link in the Actions column.

Personalize Portfolio

To personalize your portfolio, you can display your profile picture in it.

Prerequisite: You are in the edit view of your portfolio.

You want to use your profile image for the entire portfolio.

  1. Click on the Settings tab.
  2. Activate the Show profile image checkbox.
  3. Click on Save.
  4. ILIAS reports "Changes saved" and displays your profile picture next to the portfolio title in the future.

Use the comment function in the portfolio.

As an exchange possibility and to receive feedback, you can activate the comment function. Other users can then comment on their portfolio or a blog from their portfolio.

Prerequisite: You are in the edit view of the desired portfolio.

You want to activate the comment function in the entire portfolio.

  1. Click on the Settings tab.
  2. Select the Public comments checkbox.
  3. Click on Save.
  4. ILIAS reports "Changes saved".

You want to enable the comment function in a blog.

  1. Open the desired blog and follow the corresponding instructions for action in the blog.

Certificate in the portfolio - introduction

Certificates in portfolios can help to prove achievements in ILIAS to your portfolio visitors. To do this, you must first acquire a certificate.

To acquire a certificate, the following requirements must be met:

  • You participate in a test, course, exercise, or SCORM learning module.
  • Your instructor has configured and activated the certificate in the appropriate object.
  • You have passed the test or successfully completed the course, exercise, or learning module.

You will only receive a certificate to add to your portfolio when all these requirements are met.

Add a certificate to the portfolio.

You want to add a certificate to a portfolio.


  • You must have already acquired the certificate.
  • You are in the edit view of a page of the desired portfolio.
  1. Click the grayed-out button of the page editor.
  2. Select Insert Certificate from the drop-down menu.
  3. ILIAS opens a new page.

Activate the checkbox of the origin of the desired certificate:

  • Persistent Certificates
  • Workspace certificates
  1. Select the desired certificate from the drop-down menu.
  2. Click on the Save button.
  3. ILIAS opens the edited page including the added certificate. This will be displayed as a download link.

Adding competency results to the portfolio

You want to add your acquired competencies to a portfolio.


  • You have already received competency assignments by editing an object or adding your competencies under My Competencies.
  • You are in the edit view of a page of a portfolio.
  1. Click the gray shaded button of the page editor.
  2. Select Insert Competencies from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select the desired competency from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click on the Select button.
  5. ILIAS inserts a placeholder for the competencies in the page editor. In the portfolio, the competencies are displayed in full at this point.

As a teacher: show contact hours in the portfolio.

You want to publish your office hours in your portfolio as a teacher or contact person for learners.


  • You have created office hours in your calendar.
  • You are in the edit view of a portfolio page.
  1. Click on the grayed-out button of the page editor.
  2. Select Insert office hours from the drop-down menu.
  3. ILIAS opens a new page.
  4. Activate the checkbox in front of the desired mode.
    In Automatic mode, all your office hours will be published.
    In the Manual mode, only the office hours of selected groups will be displayed. To do this, activate the checkbox before the desired consultation hour group.
    Prerequisite: You can only activate the manual mode if you have created consultation hour groups in your calendar.
  5. Click on the Select button.
  6. ILIAS returns to the page editor and displays a placeholder for office hours. A calendar with the office hours dates will be displayed in the portfolio.

Inserting your courses in the portfolio

You want to add a list of all your courses to a portfolio.

Prerequisite: You are in the edit view of the portfolio page.

  1. Click on the gray shaded button of the page editor.
  2. Select Insert my courses from the drop-down menu.
  3. ILIAS opens a new page.
  4. Activate the checkbox in front of the desired default sorting:
    - Alphabetically
    - By location, i.e. by the position of the course on your ILIAS installation.

    Note: Viewers of your portfolio can customize the sorting if desired.
  5. Click the Save button.
  6. ILIAS returns to the page editor and displays a placeholder for the course list. In the portfolio, a list with links to all your courses will be displayed at this point.

Share Portfolio with Others

Quick guide: Share Portfolio

You want to share your portfolio with other users.


  • You are in the My Portfolios tab.
  • The desired portfolio is online.
  1. Open the Actions menu next to the desired portfolio.
  2. Click the Share link.
  3. Open the drop-down menu and select who you want to share the portfolio with:
    - Named users.
    - All members of a course or group
       Note: You must be a member of at least one course or group to see these options.
    - All registered users on your ILIAS platform
    - All visitors from the internet, even without a login on ILIAS (if necessary with password protection)
       Note: Your technical lead can disable the Internet sharing option.
  4. Click on the Add button.
  5. Depending on your selection, you still have to select the desired users or courses/groups. ILIAS will then share your portfolio with the desired group.

If you need more detailed instructions, please read the following chapters on the different release types.

Share portfolio with selected users.

You want to share your portfolio with selected users.

  1. Open the Actions menu next to the desired portfolio.
  2. Click the Share link.
  3. Open the drop-down menu and select Selected users.
  4. Click the Add button.
  5. Enter the name of a user.
  6. Click the Search button.
  7. ILIAS displays the search results.
  8. Select the checkbox in front of the desired user and click the Share with Users button.
  9. ILIAS displays who the portfolio is shared with.

Note: Sharing is only successful if the portfolio is also online.

Share portfolio with whole groups/courses.

You want to share your portfolio with whole groups/courses.

  1. Open the Actions menu next to the portfolio you want to share.
  2. Click the Share link.
  3. Open the drop-down menu and select Group members or Course members.
    Note: You must be a member of a course or group to see the Course Members and Group Members options.
  4. Click the Add button.
  5. ILIAS displays a list of all possible groups or courses.
  6. Select the course or group you want.
  7. Select Share with Members from the drop-down menu above the list, and then click the Run button.
    Note: If you want to share the portfolio with individual members only, select List members in the drop-down menu.
  8. ILIAS will display who the portfolio is shared with.

Note: The release is only successful if the portfolio is also switched online.

Share portfolio with single members of a course/group

You want to share your portfolio only with single members of a course/group.

  1. Open the Actions menu next to the desired portfolio.
  2. Click the Share link.
  3. Open the drop-down menu and select Group members or Course members.
    Note: You must be a member of a course or group to see the Course and Group Members options.
  4. Click on the Add button.
  5. ILIAS will show you the possible groups or courses.
  6. Activate the checkbox in front of the desired course or group.
  7. Open the drop-down menu and select the List members entry.
  8. Click on the Execute button.
  9. ILIAS displays a list of members.
  10. Select the members you want to share your portfolio with, and then click the Share with Members button.
  11. ILIAS displays which members the portfolio is shared with.

Note: Sharing is only successful if the portfolio is also online.

Share portfolio with all registered users.

You want to share your portfolio with all registered users on your ILIAS platform.

  1. Open the Actions menu next to the desired portfolio.
  2. Click the Share link.
  3. Select All registered users from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click the Add button.
  5. ILIAS releases the portfolio and updates the list of shares.

Note: The release is only successful if the portfolio is also online.

Share portfolio for the internet

You want to share your portfolio with the Internet.

Note: If you select this option, your portfolio will be publicly accessible to all Internet users without login.

  1. Open the Actions menu next to the portfolio you want to share.
  2. Click the Share link.
  3. Open the drop-down menu and select Internet/WWW.
    Note: Your technical lead can disable this sharing option.
  4. Click the Add button.
  5. ILIAS releases the portfolio and reports that it is now visible to all Internet users.

Note: The release is only successful if the portfolio is also online.

Release portfolio password protected for the internet

You want to password-protect your portfolio for the Internet.

  1. Open the Actions menu next to the portfolio you want to share.
  2. Click the Share link.
  3. Open the drop-down menu and select Internet/WWW with a password.
    Note: Your technical lead can disable this sharing option.
  4. Click on the Add button.
  5. ILIAS opens a new page.
  6. Enter a password of your choice in the text fields.
    Note: Please observe the respective password guidelines.
  7. Click on the Save button.
  8. ILIAS releases the portfolio and reports that it is now visible without for all internet users after entering the password.

Note: The release is only successful if the portfolio is also switched online.

Release portfolio - do not forget to switch online!

For releases, ensure that the Online checkbox is activated in the portfolio in the Settings tab. Otherwise, the portfolio will not be visible to the selected user group, even though it has been shared.

End sharing with others

You want to stop sharing your portfolio.

  1. Open the Actions menu next to the desired portfolio.
  2. Click the Sharing link.
  3. In the Actions column, click the Remove link to end sharing with a user or user group.
  4. ILIAS saves the settings and reports, "The entry has been deleted".

Note: If you want to temporarily cancel a share (for example, to update your portfolio), you can simply set the portfolio offline in the Settings tab. Then no one but you will have access to it. If you then put it back online, all the shares you have set up will work again.

Using the portfolio of others

Viewing the portfolio of other users

You want to view the portfolio of another user.

Prerequisite: The user has shared the portfolio and put it online.

  1. Open the Portfolios of other users tab.
  2. Select a filter to search for shared portfolios:
    Username/Name: Who shared the portfolio?
    Resource title: What is the name of the shared portfolio?
    Shared from: When was it released?
    Type of resource: what type of resource?
    Released to: Who was it shared with?
    Course/group members: For which course/group was it shared?
  3. Enter the desired information in the text entry fields, open the drop-down menus, and select the desired option.
  4. Click on the Search button.
  5. ILIAS lists the relevant portfolio(s).
  6. Click on the link of the desired portfolio in the desired table row under the column heading Title of Resource.
  7. ILIAS opens the portfolio.

You want to view another user's portfolio directly via a link. The direct link allows you to access another user's portfolio without detours.

Prerequisite: The user has shared the portfolio with you and put it online. To find out how to access and open another user's portfolio, see the entry Viewing the portfolios of other users.

  1. Open the portfolio of another user.
  2. Click the Link to this page link at the bottom of the page.
    Note: Always use this permalink. The link that appears in your browser's address bar cannot be used to navigate the page.
  3. ILIAS highlights the link, and it is now colored blue.
  4. Copy the link. On Windows, use the key combination Ctrl+C. On Mac CMD+C.
  5. You have copied the permanent address of the portfolio. You can now use it to go directly to the portfolio. To do this, paste the URL into your browser bar. On Windows, use the key combination Ctrl+V. On the Mac CMD+V.
  6. Click on Enter.
  7. ILIAS will open the desired portfolio.