ILIAS User Documentation

ILIAS Dashboard

Summary of Activities Dashboard introduction Your work with ILIAS usually starts on the Dashboard. In the middle of it, by default, there is a block called Favorites or My Courses and Groups. You can perform various actions and view information from your Dashboard. These are displayed in small blocks on

Using objects

Important areas in ILIAS Main menu There are several large areas in ILIAS. On the left side there is the main menu with different entries: Click on an entry to open a context menu with further entries. * After you have logged in, ILIAS usually shows you the Dashboard page. From

Personal Workspace: Calendar

Create a new calendar You want to create your own calendar and then share it with other users. Variant 1 1. Open Calendar. 2. Open the Manage calendars tab. 3. Click the Create new calendar button. 4. Enter a calendar name. 5. Select your desired calendar type. 6. Activate the

Personal Workspace: Portfolio

Introduction Portfolio - Introduction A portfolio is a personal place where you can collect and publish content. This includes personal ideas, learning processes, text, images, and sound results. You can create multiple portfolios for different purposes and audiences. For each portfolio, you can choose what content you want to present

Personal Workspace: Personal and shared resources

Personal and shared resources - introduction Under Personal and Shared Resources, you can store your materials ("resources"). These include your certificates, links, and files. Blogs can be created as a special object type. The materials are not accessible to others at first. Conversely, you can also view and

Personal Workspace: Notes

Notes - Introduction You can annotate learning content and objects in ILIAS. Prerequisite: If the notes feature unavailable, it is disabled. Please get in touch with your ILIAS administrator. The lists of notes you have attached to objects are displayed under Notes. * Use Private Notes to make a digital dog-ear

Learning outcomes: Competences

Competencies are skills, knowledge, and experience that everyone needs to be able to perform certain tasks successfully. Examining your own competencies should help you strengthen, expand, and reflect on them.

Learning successes: learning progress in objects

Learning progress - Introduction Learning Progress - Introduction The learning progress shows if and how learners use certain objects in ILIAS. For this purpose, the accesses of users to contents and functions in ILIAS are logged. Learners can quickly see which areas they have already worked through. Teachers can check

Learning successes: learning progress

Introduction - Learning Progress You can access the learning progress via Learning Successes > Learning Progress. Here you can view the status you have reached while editing content in ILIAS and thus track what progress you have made. You can see which learning objects (e.g. learning modules, tests, or

Learning achievements: Badges

Badges- Introduction Digital learning badges, so-called "Badges", document certain skills and knowledge of the users. You can actively assign badges to individual users or have them assigned automatically via ILIAS. Behind a digital badge, there is further information: a description and certain criteria determine when a badge is

Learning outcomes: Certificates

View certificates under learning achievements You want to view a certificate you have already purchased. 1. In the main menu, select the Certificates option. 2. ILIAS lists all the certificates you have already acquired. Note: At this point, you can also sort to find a specific certificate document more quickly.

Communication: Contacts

Networking with other users Contacts - Introduction Contacts can allow you to build an ILIAS internal contact list to compile a buddy list. Then you can contact ILIAS users immediately and without any search effort via email or chat if necessary. Furthermore, existing contacts and people with whom contact requests

Communication: Mail

Reading and replying to mails Mail - Introduction Mails support learning processes. Often the tutorial support of your course will send emails to explain the procedure. You can send emails to other users and enter into an exchange. With the help of the integrated mail function, you can: send mails

Communication: News

Show news News shows you messages about changes from the objects. The news informs, for example, about new forum posts, edited wiki pages, or messages written by lecturers. You want to view the news. 1. Open Communication > News. 2. ILIAS displays the news. If necessary, click on the linked

Communication: Comments

Public comments Comments - Introduction You can annotate learning content. In ILIAS, you can make two different types of annotations: Private notes can only be viewed by yourself. Use private notes to: * make a digital dog-ear of the content and quickly find your way back to the marked points. * Write

Profile and Privacy

Create profile Introduction Profile You want to create your profile. The profile is available in courses and groups via the Members tab. Your profile picture and username will be displayed when you create forum posts. If you create an object, your profile will be linked under the entry Owner. Also,

Personal settings

Change password, language, and settings Make personal settings You want to customize ILIAS to your personal preferences. You can make the following settings individually; they only affect user access. They can be changed at any time. Note: The following options are not enabled on every ILIAS installation; you may only


Introduction A poll can be used to get a brief opinion from other users on a specific topic. Use polling to facilitate appointments or to get concise feedback. In a poll, a single question is asked with predefined answer options. You can determine whether one or multiple answers should be


Blog - Introduction The term "blog" is the abbreviation of weblog and is derived from the terms World Wide Web and logbook. In other words, a blog is a logbook that can be created on the Internet and made accessible to other users. A blog is a chronologically

Booking pool

Booking pool - Introduction You can use the booking pool to manage the use of resources such as: * Reserve seminar or meeting rooms for specific times * Book equipment and supplies for classes or workshops * Manage special workstations or lab times * Assign papers or seminar work efficiently Different types of booking


Introduction Chat Introduction Chat A chat is used for communication between two or more people. The participants have to be in the chat at the same time to be able to exchange small message texts. Chats can be created anywhere in ILIAS. The communication in the chat is organized in


Introduction: File You can use the File object to make learning and working materials available to other users in any format (e.g., DOC, PDF, MP3, JPEG, etc.). To do this, you create the File object using the Add New Object button. Optionally, you can specify a title and a

Data Collection

Working with the data collection Data collection - Introduction The data collection allows systematic and structured collection and organization of data. Users can create entries in the data collection and filter, evaluate or export the stored data. Possible application examples are: * Link lists or literature recommendations * Distribution of topics or


The Forum from the Learner's Perspective Forum - Introduction Forums are used for communication. In forums, you can discuss and exchange information with other users. In a forum, the discussion is organized into different topics to which posts are made. It is not necessary that all participants are

Question pool for a test

Question pool for test - introduction Introductory notes You can collect and manage your questions in the question pools. For example, you can assign a question to a question pool according to content criteria. You can create and edit different types of questions in the question pool. You can also


Working with the glossary Glossary - Introduction Glossaries can be used to provide dictionaries and collections of term definitions. One or more definitions can be assigned to the individual terms. The glossary entries can be designed with text, images, and multimedia elements. Glossaries are used to present the conceptual background


Overview: How do I use a group as a member? Groups - Introduction Groups allow you to work together in a protected area in learning groups or teams. A group can contain almost any content. Learners can often create their own learning content, upload files, or share content in groups.

Content page

Overview: What are content pages? The content page is a new, particularly simple object type and has existed since version 5.4 in ILIAS. It allows offering short impulses, learning motivations, or working hints in a simple way. The content is designed with the page editor and can contain all


Introduction Category Category - Introduction Categories are recommended for all ILIAS installations that contain more than a handful of objects. Categories belong (like courses, groups, and folders) to the container objects in ILIAS. They, therefore, contain other contents and serve to structure the repository. A category can contain all kinds

Category link

Introduction to the Category link Categories are 'containers' for objects. They can be compared to folders on a hard disk. Besides categories, there are also category links. Using a category link, an already existing category can be accessed not only from its actual position but also from another


Overview: How do I use a course as a member? Introduction to courses Courses support teaching and training events. A course can contain different content, such as sessions for event dates, files with slides for presentations, or tests to check your learning. For orientation: * You access course content through the

Course link

Introduction Course Link Introduction to Course Link A course link allows you to access an existing course from another position additionally You can provide additional access to an existing course: Link one to an existing course anywhere in the repository. Deployment scenarios with course links in the repository: * Both sociologists

Course and group: General texts

Define registration processes How do users get into the course or group? Users must be members of a course or group to read and edit content. There are three ways users can become members of courses and groups: * Users join independently: The course or group is configured for independent enrollment.

HTML learning module

Uploading websites to ILIAS Learning module HTML - Introduction The learning module HTML uploads and displays websites in HTML format (including any associated media, CSS, and JavaScript files) in ILIAS. This is useful if you already have learning content in HTML format on a webserver/web space or your local

Learning module ILIAS Presentation

Introduction to Learning Module ILIAS Presentation ILIAS has an integrated authoring tool with which instructors can create ILIAS learning modules (web-based training) and make them available to learners. As a learner, learning content is presented to you in a self-contained unit. Learning modules are learning units containing texts and/or

ILIAS Learning Module

Introductory notes Introduction Creating an ILIAS learning module With the help of the ILIAS learning module, you can provide your learners with all internet-enabled content in a self-contained unit. Beyond the general possibilities of the ILIAS editor, the ILIAS learning module offers the following content-related possibilities: * Outlines with chapters and

Learning module SCORM presentation mode

Introduction SCORM Learning Module Presentation SCORM and ILIAS - Introduction Presentation Mode SCORM learning modules can be used in ILIAS and run on other platforms. Therefore, these learning modules are often chosen to provide elaborate content for a large audience. Two usage scenarios of SCORM in ILIAS can be distinguished:

Learning module SCORM authoring mode

Introduction SCORM and ILIAS - Introduction Authoring Mode SCORM learning modules can be used on ILIAS and run on other platforms. Therefore, these learning modules are often chosen to provide elaborate content for a large audience. Two usage scenarios of SCORM in ILIAS can be distinguished: * Presentation mode: You import

Learning sequence

Introduction learning sequence Starting a learning sequence Managing and configuring steps of a learning sequence Determining the sequence of steps You have already added content to the learning sequence and now want to determine the order of the content. 1. In the Position column, adjust the numbers according to your


Bibliography Introduction Introduction Use literature lists from literature management programs like Citavi or Endnote in ILIAS. * Export your literature list from your literature management program. * Create a new literature list in ILIAS with the export file or import an existing literature list object. * The imported literature lists can be displayed


Retrieving Mediacast contributions Mediacast Introduction Mediacasts (also known as "podcasts") are collections of media contributions. They can be audiocasts (audio-only pieces), slidecasts (presentations with animations or additional audio), or videocasts (video files). But graphics can also be provided as a mediacast. Mediacasts can also be played from mobile

Media pool

Media pool introduction Introduction Media pools are the appropriate tool to create content together with other authors. In media pools, shared libraries of media objects or content modules can be created and managed: * Media objects are images, graphics, animations, and audio or video files. These media objects are created and

Object block

Introduction object block What is an object block? ILIAS can combine several objects in an object block under an individually named section. With an object block, you provide your participants with 'packages' that belong together in terms of content or time. For example, you can group a file,


Introduction Folder Folders - Introduction The use of folders is recommended for all courses and groups with more than a handful of objects. Folders belong (like courses, groups, and categories) to the container objects in ILIAS. They contain other contents and serve the structuring of courses and groups. A folder

Portfolio Template

Introduction Portfolio Template - Introduction Creating a portfolio can be complicated and lead to very different results for your users. You can create a portfolio template to make working with the portfolio easier. This contains operating instructions and placeholders for content and provides a layout. Even a large group of


Introduction Sessions What are the sessions? You can use sessions to structure a course, continuing education, or blended learning unit in terms of time. You can make information and files available in an appropriate order and also specify the group of participants. It is possible to activate a separate registration

Study program

Participating in study programs How do I use a study program? The study program to which you belong is displayed in a separate section at the top of the Personal Desktop. If nothing is displayed there, you are not assigned to a study program, and the following information does not


Introduction for participants Introduction to tests Tests check your learning level utilizing questions. Tests can contain different types of questions. Participants will find on the tab Info: * The button Start Test is used to open and start the test. * Information about the test, such as how it is scored, how


Overview: How do I use an exercise? How do I use an exercise? With an exercise, you can: * set and collect scheduled tasks, * provide feedback to participants on their solution and/or ask participants to provide peer feedback to each other, * record a pass status as well as a grade


Survey introduction Standard or 360° feedback survey? The survey function is very versatile and offers you various options. You can evaluate courses, survey people anonymously, conduct publicly available questions, or assess people's developments. ILIAS offers you two survey options. You can decide between the Standard type or the

Question pool for surveys

Introduction - Question pool Question pools, surveys, and questions - introduction You can conduct surveys with ILIAS: Evaluate courses, survey groups of people anonymously, and conduct publicly available surveys on the Internet. How do surveys, questions, and question pools interact? * Surveys correspond to conventional paper questionnaires. But they contain more

Web feed

Introduction to Webfeed With the Web feed object, you create an information box (at the right column border) that contains subscribed contributions of external Internet pages. Current contributions from external Internet sites are automatically imported into the web feed box. The technology behind this is called RSS. You can display

Web links

Create, select, and manage web links Introduction Web link The web link object leads to ILIAS internal or external internet pages. With a web link, you can refer to content already available somewhere on the internet and include it in your course. This way, you can compile a source collection


Introduction Wiki Wiki - Introduction A wiki allows you to collaboratively create, edit, and easily link web pages. Learners and teachers can add content to existing pages, modify them and create new wiki pages. Older versions can be restored or compared at any time. The changes are assigned to the

News and Timeline

Being informed about news News - Introduction With the help of news, you can inform yourself about current events in ILIAS. If, for example, a new forum post is written in a course or group, a new file is uploaded, or a new wiki page is created, a news item

Add objects (Create dialog)

Contents and tools in ILIAS Overview of contents and tools You want a rough overview of the most important contents and tools in ILIAS. Contents and tools are called "objects" in ILIAS. Six didactic purposes have been formulated and a selection of contents and tools has been assigned

Manage objects

Deleting, moving, linking, and sorting content Differences: move, link, copy You have several options to place an object that already exists in ILIAS at a specific location. * Move: An object is removed from one place and moved to another. No new object or access to the object is created. You


Rich text editor - introduction Instead of the ILIAS page editor you can use the rich text editor (TinyMCE editor) in many places. This offers much more options and leans in the functionality of known writing programs. This makes it easier to edit the text in text fields. The TinyMCE

Page Editor

The page editor at a glance Page Editor - Introduction With the page editor, you can customize the appearance of a page in different ILIAS objects and insert many types of page elements. This includes pages in learning modules and wikis but also of container objects (categories, courses, groups, or


Styles in ILIAS Styles in ILIAS - Introduction In ILIAS the content and its appearance are separated. With styles, you can design the appearance of your content. You can change fonts, colors, frames, spacing, icons, and navigation elements. The information needed for this is stored in so-called "stylesheets"

Designing a page

Designing and laying out this page Designing a page - Introduction You want to design the start page of categories, courses, folders, or groups according to your wishes. The content of the page can be designed similarly to a web page: * You can insert texts, images, animations, and videos. * You


Metadata in ILIAS Introduction: What is metadata? The word "metadata" is a bit unwieldy initially, but it hides a helpful tool. As "data about data," metadata describes the content you create in ILIAS. Metadata helps you to identify your authorship, license content, or to document revisions


Export Create export file ILIAS allows you to create export files for most objects. This way, you can download your information to use it on another ILIAS installation, for example. The procedure is very similar for many objects, which is why it is described in general terms in this manual.


Permissions settings Permissions- Introduction The permissions system regulates access to ILIAS, its functions, and the set contents. Permissions are not assigned to individual users but always to roles. The permissions of a user result from the sum of the roles a user holds. The principle of permissions inheritance applies when

Design table view

Searching with the help of a filter You want to search the table according to certain criteria. For this purpose, you can work with a filter. 1. Click the Show filter button. 2. ILIAS opens the view of the filter menu above the list of participants. 3. Click on the


Search Search You want to search for a course, instructor, or other materials: The search function allows you to search courses, groups, and other materials specifically for a keyword. You will find the search on the right in the header. The search is supported by auto-completion. ILIAS provides you with


Making topics visible: Taxonomies in categories Use of taxonomies in categories The structure of the Repository often maps the structure of the organization: Categories represent departments or faculties, courses of study, or fields of study. Users do not have an overview of the topics covered in such a structured Repository


Create, export, or delete the certificate Certificates in ILIAS - Introduction With the certificate function, ILIAS offers the possibility to certify successful participation in courses, the processing of learning materials, or passing tests. All you have to do is create and activate a certificate template. ILIAS then automatically generates the

DEFINITION: Glossary of the online help

Administrators and technical support Who takes care of "my" ILIAS? * ILIAS is usually run by the institution where you learn and teach. This can be a university, school, or company. * While ILIAS development is centrally coordinated, the individual institutions are responsible for installing and maintaining ILIAS on-site. * Thus,

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