Introduction Sessions

What are the sessions?

You can use sessions to structure a course, continuing education, or blended learning unit in terms of time. You can make information and files available in an appropriate order and also specify the group of participants. It is possible to activate a separate registration for sessions to limit the number of participants.

Working with sessions offers the following advantages:

  • The structure and time sequence is clear at a glance.
  • Information about the lecturers and the venue can be seen at a glance. Information on how to get there, including a map, can be stored.
  • Materials such as files, slides, or other ILIAS learning content (such as exercises, surveys, etc.) can be assigned to each session.
  • You can define whether participants must register for the respective session or whether all members of a course or group can access related sessions without registration.
  • You can set the availability of the session (via the arrow to the right of the session object in the course) so that the next session is only displayed shortly before it starts. This makes it possible to reduce content in a course at the beginning and keep the range of information arranged. At the same time, it gives you, as the instructor, the ability to stagger sessions.
  • You can track attendance and print a list of participants in the session.
  • If the calendar is activated, sessions appear in the respective course or group calendar, as well as in the calendar on the personal desk of the respective member.

Participate in sessions

Logging in or out of a session

These instructions will help you register for a session or unregister from a session if you no longer wish to participate in it.

  1. Click on the title of the desired session.
  2. ILIAS opens the tab Info of the desired session.
  3. Click the Login button to join the session.
  4. ILIAS reports, "You have been registered for the session.
  5. To log out of a session, click the Log Out button.

Note: If an application is required to join a session, an administrator must confirm your joining. You will be notified as soon as this is done. You will be automatically added to the session if no application is required.

Downloading files

ILIAS offers the possibility to make materials and files available within a session.

You want to view and download files and materials within a session.

  1. Click on the title of the desired session.
  2. ILIAS opens the tab Info of the desired session.
  3. Below the tabs is the table with the heading "Materials for the session".
  4. Click on the desired name of the file you want to download.
  5. ILIAS starts the download and saves the file on your PC.

Create session

Creating a new session

ILIAS allows you to create sessions for attendance events (e.g., seminar dates or lecture events) in a course or a group. Sessions help to structure the time. You can view information, materials, files, and media.

You want to create your session.

  1. Click on the Add New Object button and select the Session entry.
  2. ILIAS opens a new page.
  3. In the Session option section, under the Type setting, activate the desired form of the session.
    Activate the Standard option.
    Enable the Closed session option to make it invisible to non-participants.
  4. Activate the checkbox "All-day" appointment and enter the desired start time in the input field above
  5. Start and the desired end time of the session in the input field above End.
    You can also set the desired appointments by clicking on the calendar and the desired date.
  6. Under the Repeats setting in the▼ menu, select the desired repeat form of your session.
  7. (De)activate the checkbox in the Activate learning progress section.
  8. In the Session information section, enter the desired title of the session in the input field.
  9. In the Session information section, enter the desired description for the session in the input field.
  10. In the Session information section, enter the desired location of the session in the input field.
  11. In the Session information section, enter additional details about the session.
  12. In the Presented by section, enter the desired contact details in the input fields.
  13. Activate the desired radio button in the Login by user section to specify the appropriate login procedure for your session.
  14. Optionally, activate the checkbox next to "Limited number of participants".
  15. In the Assign files area, you can attach files to the sessions. Click the Browse button and select a file from your PC.
    Click the + or - to add or remove another item.
  16. In the Additional Features section, you can enable the Checkbox "Custom Metadata".

Note: If you have activated a limited number of participants, a new settings area opens where you have to define the maximum number of participants. Furthermore, activate the desired radio button to set the waiting list. Closed sessions are not visible for non-participants.

Edit session settings

Change date/time

ILIAS allows you to change settings afterward.

You want to change the date and time of an existing session.

  1. Open the Settings tab.
  2. Enter the desired start time in the input field above Start and the desired end time in the input field above End.
    You can also set the desired dates by clicking on the calendar and the desired date.
  3. Click on the Save button.
  4. ILIAS accepts your entries and reports: "The changes have been saved".

Edit information

ILIAS allows you to change settings afterward.

You want to change the information about the session about the presenter.

  1. Open the Settings tab.
  2. In the Session Information section, enter the desired changes to the title, description, location, and session details.
  3. In the Presented by section, specify the desired changes to the contact information.
  4. Click the Save button.
  5. ILIAS accepts your entries and reports, "The changes have been saved."

Registration and participants

ILIAS allows you to change settings after the fact.

You want to edit the registration procedure for sessions.

  1. Open the Settings tab in the session.
  2. In the Logon by user section, activate the desired option for the login procedure.
  3. Click on the Save button.
  4. ILIAS accepts your entries and reports: "The changes have been saved".

Assigning materials to a session

What does assign materials mean?

Materials (objects and files) uploaded in the course can be directly assigned to the session. Files do not have to be uploaded again.

You want to assign ILIAS objects to a session.

Upload new materials

ILIAS offers the possibility to make materials available in a session. So all participants can access them.

You want to upload new files, which will be displayed under materials.

  1. Open the Settings tab of the desired session.
  2. Click the Select file button in the Assign files section.
  3. Click the Save button.
  4. ILIAS uploads the file and reports: "The changes have been saved".
  5. The file is now in the Materials tab.

Note: To upload multiple files, click the plus sign to create a new row to upload.

Assigning existing materials

ILIAS offers the possibility to make materials available in a session. This way, all participants can access them.

You want to assign materials (e.g., an exercise) to a session already available in the parent course or group.

  1. Open the Materials tab in the session.
  2. ILIAS displays a list of materials. Objects with a green check mark in the Status column are already assigned to the session; objects with a red cross are not.
  3. Activate the checkboxes in front of the materials you want to make available in the session.
  4. Click on the Save button.
  5. ILIAS accepts your entries and reports: "The settings have been saved.

Note: If the list is empty, you have not yet created any objects in the parent course or group. Follow these instructions. If you want to cancel an assignment, uncheck the checkbox before the object and save your settings.

Creating and assigning materials

ILIAS offers the possibility to make materials available in a session. So all participants can access them.

You want to create new ILIAS objects and assign them directly to a session.

  1. Open the Materials tab.
  2. Open the ▼ menu "Add new" object.
  3. Select the desired object.
  4. ILIAS automatically assigns the successfully created object to the session.

Managing session participants

Participant registration for a session

ILIAS offers several ways to add participants to a session.

You want to register participants for sessions as an administrator:

  1. Open the Manage session participants tab in the desired session.
  2. ILIAS shows you a list of all course members.
  3. In the Registered column, select the checkboxes of the participants who have registered for a session.
  4. Click on the Save button.
  5. ILIAS accepts your entries and reports, "The settings have been saved."

You want the participants to log in themselves:

  1. Open the Settings tab in the desired session.
  2. Under the User logon procedure setting, activate the desired procedure:
    Direct login: When everyone is allowed to log in.
    Request participation: If everyone can request participation, you have to grant it.
    No login required: When no login is required, and everyone has access.
  3. Click the Save button.
  4. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Note: Participants can now log in independently by calling the session and clicking the Log in button. You will get an overview of all logged-in participants in the Manage session participants tab.

Keeping track of participation in sessions

ILIAS offers you the possibility to track your participants in a session.

You want to confirm the participation of a member in a session.

  1. Open the tab Manage session participants in the desired session.
  2. Activate the Participated checkbox in the row of the desired participant.
  3. Click on the Save button.
  4. ILIAS will accept your entries.

ILIAS allows you to keep track of your participants in a session.

You want to create and print a list of participants.

  1. Open the tab Manage session participants.
  2. Click on the button "Create list".
  3. The input fields Title and Description will be filled in automatically by ILIAS. Edit them if necessary.
  4. Activate the checkboxes in front of the information that should appear as columns on the participant list.
  5. Add additional columns if necessary.
  6. Click the plus sign to create additional columns and enter the desired column text in the input field.
  7. In the Selection of users section, activate the checkboxes in front of the desired role holders that should appear on the list.
  8. Press the Print list button.
  9. ILIAS loads a new page with the print view.

View and export participants

ILIAS offers you the possibility to manage the data of your session.

You want to see which course members have participated in which sessions and export this data.

Prerequisite: You have already created at least one session within a course or group and maintained members' participation there.

  1. Click on the Members tab.
  2. Click on the Sessions sub-tab.
  3. ILIAS will show you a tabular overview containing all sessions and members:
    A red cross indicates that a member did not attend the session.
    A green tick indicates that a member has attended a session.
  4. Click the CSV Export button to export the table data. You can then process the data in a spreadsheet application (e.g., Excel) on your computer.
  5. ILIAS opens a download dialog.

Note: This dialog varies depending on your browser and operating system.

Adding notes and comments

ILIAS offers you various editing functions within a session.

You want to add a note or a comment for a session participant.

  1. Open the Manage session participants tab.
  2. Make your entries in the row of the desired participant. Enter your note or comment in the input fields.
  3. Click on the Save button.
  4. ILIAS will accept your entries.