You want to search for a course, instructor, or other materials: The search function allows you to search courses, groups, and other materials specifically for a keyword.
You will find the search on the right in the header.
The search is supported by auto-completion. ILIAS provides you with term suggestions for the keyword you have typed. For this, the keyword must be at least three characters long.
- Click on the magnifying glass in the header.
- ILIAS opens the search.
- Enter the term you are looking for in the search field.
- Click the Enter key on your keyboard or the Go button right next to the search field.
- ILIAS opens a new page.
- ILIAS displays the search information and the search results. Under Advanced Search, you can narrow down the search further.
Note: ILIAS saves your last search query. Click in the search box to see the Last Search Result link.
Narrow search range
You want to narrow your search range further and only want to search a certain part of "Repository".
Precondition: Using the search, you have already searched the [could not resolve link target: il_6127_git_43]. However, you received too many or too imprecise search results.
- Below the search box, the current search range is displayed. The default setting for the search range is the entire Repository.
- Click on the title of the current search area and select Change Search Area.
- ILIAS displays the contents of the Repository in a tree structure.
- Limit the search to a part of the tree by clicking on it.
- Click on the section.
- ILIAS searches only this part of the tree. ILIAS displays the information about the search and the search results.
Note: Via Reset, you can extend the search range again to the whole Repository.
Click on the titles of the search type or Filter by creation date to narrow the search in terms of the object type or the creation date of the term you are looking for.
70.2 Advanced search
Advanced search
You can narrow down general settings, life cycles, technical specifications, education, rights and licenses, and classification for the searched terms.