Question pool for test - introduction

Introductory notes

You can collect and manage your questions in the question pools. For example, you can assign a question to a question pool according to content criteria. You can create and edit different types of questions in the question pool.

You can also create taxonomies in question pools to which you can assign individual questions. This allows you to structure and organize your question pool and the questions using the taxonomies.

The comment function provides you with another tool for structuring. You can add comments to individual questions, edit existing ones or delete them. This also facilitates the joint editing of question pools.
Note: Comments are not saved when exporting a question pool and are therefore unavailable to you after import.

You can use the created questions in tests:

  • You can make a fixed selection when doing so.
  • You can have a random selection created according to selected criteria.
  • The participants can control the random selection using the taxonomy filter.

Advantages of creating questions in the question pool

The question pools can be included in tests. Depending on the setting, the test can consider all items in the question pool or only a selection. This selection is then random and can be controlled using filters. You can set the filter criteria or leave it up to the participants.

Another advantage of creating questions in the question pool is that you can collect and manage any number of questions there. You can use the questions in multiple tests. When creating a test, you can use questions from all question pools that you own or have access rights to. This allows you to create and edit tests effectively and save time.

Also, you can edit the questions in the question pool and the questions in the test independently. The changes you make to a question in the test object can be transferred to the question pool, provided it was previously created and saved there.

Note: Changes made to a question in the question pool do not affect the question inserted in the test object.

Creating, exporting, and importing a question

Creating a new question

You want to create a new question in the question pool.

  1. Click the Create question button.
  2. ILIAS opens a new page to select the question type.
  3. Select the desired question type from the drop-down menu.
  4. Decide whether to use the rich text editor or the simple ILIAS page editor. Note: This decision cannot be reversed for these questions.
  5. Click on the Create button.
  6. ILIAS opens the edit form for the question type in the Edit Question tab.
  7. Create the question and click the Save button.
  8. ILIAS saves the question in the question pool.

Export question

You want to export one or more questions, e.g., to transfer them to another ILIAS installation.

Note: If you want to export the entire question pool, switch to the Export tab.

  1. Activate the checkboxes next to the questions you want to export.
  2. Open the selection menu above or below the questions. Select the Export entry.
  3. Click on the Execute button.
  4. ILIAS creates a compressed ZIP file in XML format containing the selected question(s).
  5. ILIAS opens the save dialog of your browser.

Import question

You want to import single questions or a whole question pool.

Prerequisite: You need a file that contains the question(s) or the question pool. This file can be an export file generated by ILIAS in .zip format, an XML file, or in QTI file format.

  1. Click on the Import button.
  2. ILIAS opens a new page with the Import Question(s) dialog.
  3. Click on the Select file button.
  4. ILIAS opens the upload dialog of your browser.
  5. Select the desired file in the upload dialog of your browser.
  6. Click on the Upload button.
  7. ILIAS lists the questions found in the file and shows the current question pool.   Note: You can copy the files directly into a new question pool if you change the name of the question pool.
  8. You can exclude questions from the import if you remove the check mark from the respective questions.
  9. Click on the Import button.
  10. ILIAS imports the question(s).

Overview of the different question types

Question types - introduction

ILIAS offers different question types for the test. The question types differ according to the way they are processed.
On the following pages, you will find more detailed explanations of the question types:

  • Single-Choice
  • Multiple-Choice
  • Kprim-Choice
  • Mark errors/words
  • Hotspot/Imagemap
  • Cloze question
  • Numerical answer
  • Formula question
  • Name terms
  • Arrangement question (vertical or horizontal)
  • Assignment question
  • Free text question
  • Upload file
  • Long Menu Question


The single-choice question consists of a question text with several answer options. You create the answer options and assign the corresponding points for the answers or deduct points (minus points). You can include graphics in addition to or instead of an answer text.

The test taker can select only one answer.

Note: To prevent participants from receiving minus points for the question, you can activate the radio button "Change negative points per question to '0 points'" in the test object in the Settings tab on the Evaluation page.

Multiple choice

In the multiple-choice question, you provide several answer options to choose from, of which several can be correct. You can include graphics in addition to or instead of an answer text. The test taker can select several or all answers.

You can award points for selected (correct) and unselected (incorrect) answers. In addition, you can also deduct points (minus points). The participant has the possibility to get the full score for a question only if he selects only the correct answers. In case he selects all answers, the points for the wrong answers will not be awarded.

Note: If a test taker does not select any answer, he will still get points for unselected answers. To avoid this, you can set the test object in the Settings tab on the Evaluation page to award 0 points for multiple-choice questions if no answer is selected.

Note: To avoid that, participants receive minus points for the question; you can activate the radio button "Change negative points per question to '0 points'" in the test object in the Settings tab on the Evaluation page.

Kprim Choice

In the Kprim Choice question, you give exactly four answers to choose from for a question. You can include graphics in addition to or instead of an answer text.

It would be best to decide whether or not each of these four answers is true or false. Alternatively, you can select other option descriptions (e.g., correct/wrong, +/-) or enter your own descriptions.

To get the maximum possible points, all four answers must be correct. Alternatively, you can award half the maximum possible points for three correct answers (half-point evaluation).

Mark errors/words

In this question type, you create a text with errors or searched words that the participant must find and select by clicking on them. You mark the words to be selected beforehand in the question text with a hash sign (#). Alternatively, you can define a group of error words.

You can assign points for each word to be selected. Since the test taker can click on any word in the text, you should also assign minus points for selecting incorrect words.

Note: To prevent participants from receiving minus points for the question, you can activate the radio button "Change negative points per question to '0 points'" in the test object in the Settings tab on the Evaluation page.


In an imagemap question, you upload a graphic on which you mark clickable areas ("hotspots") in the form of circles, polygons, or rectangles. Depending on the answer mode, one area (single choice) or are multiple areas (multiple choice) the correct answer to your question. You can assign or deduct points (minus points) for each state of an area (selected/not selected).

To make it easier for the test taker to find the areas, you can give each area a name that will be displayed when you touch it with the mouse cursor.

Note: To prevent participants from receiving minus points for the question, you can activate the radio button "Change negative points per question to '0 points'" in the test object in the Settings tab on the Evaluation page.

Cloze question

In cloze questions, gaps are created in which either a free text is to be entered or a selection from defaults is to be made. Three types are available for each gap: Text, numeric, and selection gaps.

Text gap

A text must be entered in this type of gap. You award points for the correct term. You can also define several terms as correct and, if necessary, graduate the points awarded for the terms. You can also set a spelling tolerance so that terms with incorrect spelling are scored as correct.

Numerical gap

The participant with a number must answer this type of gap. You can use an upper and a lower bound to define the range in which ILIAS evaluates the answer value as correct.

Selection gap

With this gap type, the participant has to select an entry from a selection menu. In this case, you specify the selection and determine for which answer the participant receives points.

You can award additional points for combinations of several gaps or deduct them (minus points). You can then award bonus points, for example, if all questions were answered correctly.

Note: To avoid participants receiving minus points for the question, you can activate the radio button "Change negative points per question to '0 points'" in the test object in the Settings tab on the Evaluation page.

Numerical answer

A numerical value is required as an answer. You can define the numerical range within which ILIAS evaluates the answer value as correct by means of an upper and a lower bound.

Formula question

You create a calculation task with any number of variables. ILIAS assigns individualized calculation values for each participant from a range you define beforehand.

To calculate the result, you enter a formula with which the question can be solved. Results can be used in further calculation steps again as a variable for calculating new results. Thus, the use of intermediate results is possible.

For example, you can also assign physical units to the variables and results. The participants must then also select the appropriate unit of the result.

Naming terms

You formulate a question whose answer requires naming one or more terms. You determine which terms are correct and how many should be named. The participant enters the searched terms in one or more text input fields.

Arrangement question (vertical)

You create a list of terms, parts of sentences, or graphics, which the participant has to put into the correct order, previously defined by you, by moving them. This can be a chronological or size-based arrangement, for example. Be sure to state the desired type of arrangement in the question clearly.

Arrangement question (horizontal)

You create a list of terms or parts of sentences that the participant must put in the correct order you have previously defined. This can be, for example, an arrangement based on content or size. The participant arranges the individual components by clicking and dragging them.

Be sure to state the desired type of arrangement in the question clearly.

Assignment question

In the assignment question, the participant must assign given terms to one or more definitions. Terms and definitions can consist of text and/or pictures. Individual points can be awarded for each correctly assigned pair.

Optionally, the created definitions and terms are displayed in random order. It is also possible to offer terms that cannot be assigned to increase the difficulty level.

Free text question

You create a question that the participant has to answer with a continuous text or in bullet points. These cannot be evaluated completely automatically by ILIAS. However, you can define keywords the participant has to name to automatically get points from ILIAS. Here you can decide whether ILIAS

  • distributes fixed points for the naming of single terms or deducts them (see note 2),
  • distributes all points if all keywords have been named or
  • awards points if at least one term was found.

Note 1: Even if you automatically assign points for the free text question, a manual correction after the test has been performed is indispensable.

Note 2: To avoid participants receiving minus points for the question, you can activate the radio button "Change negative points per question to '0 points'" in the test object in the Settings tab on the Evaluation page.

Upload file

You create a question or a working note for which the participant has to create a file and upload it to ILIAS. For example, tasks that involve the creation of sketches or presentations are suitable for this.
You can already assign points for uploading the file. The allowed file types and the maximum file size can be defined.

"Long Menu" question

A "Long Menu" question consists of a question and a text with one or more gaps. Each gap is decided whether it should be a text field or a selection field.

Text field: As soon as an input is made into the text field, a list of answer options is displayed where the typed string occurs. Answer options are only displayed after a predefined number of characters has been entered.

Selection field: The test participant receives a list of predefined answer options from which a selection must be made.

The list of answer options can be created manually or imported as a file.

Copying, moving, and deleting questions

Copy question

You want to copy questions from one question pool to another question pool. These will then be in the selected question pool and the original question pool. You can also copy questions within a question pool, for example, to edit the copy with little effort.

Prerequisite: You are in the original question pool.

  1. You only want to copy one question: Click the Actions menu on the right side of the question in the
  2. Actions column and select Copy there.
  3. You want to copy multiple questions:
    - Select the checkboxes next to the questions you want to copy.
    - Open the selection menu above or below the questions. Select the Copy entry.
    - Click on the Execute button.
  4. ILIAS copies the selected questions to the clipboard.
  5. Open the question pool to which you want to copy the questions (Questions tab).
  6. Click on the Paste button.
  7. ILIAS inserts the questions into the question pool.

Move question

You want to move questions to another question pool of the same ILIAS installation. These are then no longer in the original question pool.

Prerequisite: You are in the original question pool.

  1. You only want to move one question: Click on the Actions menu to the right of the question and select Move there.
  2. You want to move multiple questions:
    - Select the checkboxes next to the questions you want to move.
    - Open the selection menu above or below the questions. Select the Move entry.
    - Click on the Execute button.
  3. ILIAS copies the selected questions to the clipboard.    
    Note: As long as you do not paste the questions into another question pool, they will remain at the starting point.
  4. Open the question pool to which you want to move the questions (Questions tab).
  5. Click on the Insert button.
  6. ILIAS will move the questions.

Delete question

You want to delete questions from the question pool.

  1. You only want to delete one question: Click the Actions menu to the right of the question and select
  2. Delete there.
  3. You want to move multiple questions:
    - Activate the checkboxes next to the questions you want to delete.
    - Open the selection menu above or below the questions. Select the Delete entry.
    - Click on the Execute button.
  4. ILIAS asks you to confirm the deletion.
  5. Click on the Confirm button.
  6. ILIAS deletes the selected questions.

Note: Whether the questions remain in the tests in which they are used depends on the test settings. You can decide in a test in which way the selection of test questions should be made:

  1. Fixed question selection: If a question has already been copied into a test, that question will remain in that test, even if the question has been deleted from the question pool.
  2. Random question selection: In this mode, the questions in the test are synchronized with the question pool. In this process, a question is copied from the question pool to the test. If the question is deleted from the question pool, this question remains in the test until the next synchronization.
  3. Resubmission mode: If a question is deleted from the question pool, the question is then no longer available for the test.

Filtering, sorting questions and changing display options

Filtering questions

You want to search for specific questions in a question pool. Use the filter function to facilitate the overview even in large question pools. You can filter the questions by title, description, author, and question type.

  1. Click on the link Show filter above the question list on the right.
  2. ILIAS opens three input fields (title, description, author) and a selection menu (question type).
  3. Enter the title, description, or author in the text input field or select a question type in the drop-down menu to search for it.
    Optional: You can also combine several filters to refine the results (for example, only multiple-choice questions written by a specific author).
  4. Click the Apply Filter button.
  5. ILIAS filters the questions and updates the display accordingly.

Reset filter

You have used the filter to search for questions in the question pool. Now you want to have all questions displayed again.

  1. Click on the Reset Filter button.
  2. ILIAS will display all questions in the question pool again.
    Note: If ILIAS does not display all existing questions on one page, click the Next button or select a page in the drop-down menu to jump to the next questions. Alternatively, you can change the number of questions per page.

Sorting questions differently

You want to sort the questions of the question pool according to a certain criterion. It is possible to sort the questions by title, description, question type, points, author, date of creation, date of the last update, or duration of processing.

Prerequisite: the column you want to sort by must be visible (see Varying the columns display).

  1. Click on the heading of the column by which you want to sort.
  2. ILIAS will re-sort the questions.    
    Optional: Click the sort arrow to reverse the sort order.

Vary the display of the columns

You want to change the display of the columns in the question pool display.

  1. Click the column menu on the right above the questions.
  2. Check the checkboxes of the columns you want to display in the plot.
  3. Click on the Refresh button.
  4. ILIAS will display the selected columns.

Set the number of displayed rows per page.

You want to set the number of rows displayed in the table.

  1. Click on the Rows menu on the right above the table.
  2. ILIAS opens a list of numbers that indicate how many rows are visible in a table per page.
  3. Select how many rows should be displayed in a table. To do so, click on the corresponding entry.
  4. ILIAS accepts your change and updates the table view.

You can display all questions within one page again if you select "Default (unlimited)" in the Rows menu.

Note: The default value is usually "unlimited". However, you can adjust this value in your Personal Desktop settings.

Filter by taxonomies

You want to filter by taxonomies to access the assigned questions.

Prerequisite: You have created taxonomies and assigned questions to their nodes. In addition, you have enabled the display of taxonomies for filtering purposes in the question pool settings.

  1. If the filter is not displayed, click on the "Show filter" link above the list of questions.
  2. ILIAS opens the question filter.
  3. Click the "Select" link below the taxonomy you want to filter by.
  4. ILIAS opens the tree structure of the taxonomy at the side margin.
  5. Activate the checkboxes next to the nodes that should be displayed. If necessary, expand the tree structure using the gray arrows.
  6. Click on the Select button.
  7. ILIAS updates the list of questions and displays the assigned questions of the selected nodes.

If you want to unfilter the taxonomy, click the "Reset" link below the filtered taxonomy. Then click "Apply filter".

You can display all questions within one page again by clicking the "Reset Filter" button.

Viewing statistics for individual questions

Viewing statistics for individual questions

You want to view statistical information for individual questions from your question pool.

  • Option 1: You are in the Questions tab. Click the icon in the Statistics column in the row of the question whose statistical values you want to see.
  • Option 2: You are in the edit mode of a question. Jump to the Statistics tab to view the statistical values for the edited question.
    ILIAS opens the cumulative question statistics. Here you can see the total number of answers and the total percentage of correct answers. It also shows in which tests the question is already used.    
    Optional: You want to jump into one of the displayed tests. Click on the title in the row of the desired test. ILIAS opens the Info tab of the selected test.    
    Optional: You want to go back to the listing of all questions. Click on the link Question pool for tests. ILIAS jumps back to the initial page.

Making questions available for a test

Putting the question pool online

You want to make the questions from your question pool available for a test. To do so, you have to switch the question pool online.

  1. Open the Settings tab in the question pool.
  2. Activate the checkbox Online.
  3. Click on the Save button.
  4. ILIAS switches the question pool online.

Note: If you change a question pool after creating a test or take it offline again, the questions in the test will not be affected.

Create/edit question type.

Open the edit mode of a question

The edit mode of a question refers to the screen display where you can create new questions or edit them later. The editing mode looks different depending on the question type and is therefore also described separately in the following instructions.

However, the way to this editing mode is always the same: Either create a new question or open an existing question in edit mode:

  1. Click on the Actions button of the desired question in the Questions tab and select "Edit question" there.
  2. ILIAS opens the question in the Edit question tab. Then follow the corresponding action instructions.
    Note: To add further content, images, or additional materials to the question as a file, click on the Edit Page tab. If necessary, call up the help of the ILIAS page editor for this purpose.
  3. To exit the editing mode click on the Save and return buttons.

Creating/editing a single-choice question

You want to create or edit a single-choice question.

Prerequisite: You are already in the edit mode ("Edit question" tab) of the question.

  1. Enter a title for your question.
    Optional: Enter a different author and a description.
  2. Enter your question.
    Optional: Change the editing time of the question.
    Optional: If you want the answers always to be displayed in the defined order, deselect the Shuffle answers checkbox.
  3. Enter the first of the desired answer options in the text input field under Answer text.
    Optional: If you want to enter longer answer options, select Multiline Answers in the Answer Editor drop-down menu. Click the Save button. ILIAS applies the change and enlarges the answer text field. Note: However, the change from single-line to multi-line answers only works if you have not yet uploaded any graphics. These must be deleted beforehand.
    Optional: Insert a graphic in addition to or instead of the answer text. Click on the Select file button.
  4. ILIAS opens the upload dialog of your browser. Select a graphic. Click on the Upload button. ILIAS uploads the image under Answer Graphics. (Note: This option is only displayed if the answer type Single-line answers are selected).
    Optional: You want to resize a graphic. Under Preview Size, enter a value ≥ 20.
  5. Click the (+) or (-) icon to add or remove answer choices.
  6. Specify the points for each answer choice
    Note: Only one answer can be selected for single-choice questions, but you can assign points to each answer option.
    Note: You can subtract points (minus points) if you assign enough points to the other answer options.
    Note: You can assign the question to taxonomies and nodes in the Assignment to Taxonomy Nodes section, provided you have already created them. For each step, follow this action guide Assigning Questions to Taxonomies and Nodes.
  7. Click on the Save button.
  8. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Create/edit the multiple-choice questions.

You want to create or edit a multiple-choice question.

Prerequisite: You are already in the edit mode ("Edit question" tab) of the question.

  1. Enter a title and, optionally, a different author and description for your question.
  2. Enter your question
    Optional: Change the editing duration of the question.
    Optional: If the answers stay in the defined order, uncheck the Mix answers checkbox.
    Optional: If you want to limit the number of selectable answers, enter a value under Answer Limit.
  3. Once the designated number of responses is selected, all other responses are disabled.
  4. Enter the first of the desired answer options in the text input field under Answer text.
    Optional: If you want to enter longer answer options, select Multiline Answers in the Answer Editor drop-down menu. Click the Save button. ILIAS applies the change and enlarges the answer text field.
    Note: However, the change from single-line to multi-line answers only works if you have not yet uploaded any graphics. These must be deleted beforehand.
    Optional: Insert a graphic in addition to or instead of the answer text. Click on the Select file button.
  5. ILIAS opens the upload dialog of your browser. Select a graphic. Click on the Upload button. ILIAS uploads the image under Answer Graphics. (Note: This option is only displayed if the answer type Single-line answers is selected).
    Optional: To resize a graphic, enter a value ≥ 20 under Preview Size.
  6. Click the (+) or (-) icon to add or remove answer choices.
  7. Enter the points for selected and unselected answers. You can also subtract points in the process.
    Note: To prevent participants from receiving minus points for the question, you can activate the radio button "Change negative points per question to '0 points'" in the test object in the Settings tab on the Evaluation page.
    Note: In the Settings tab of the test on the Evaluation page, you can set various scoring options for multiple-choice questions, e.g., "Do not save empty answers". This prevents ILIAS from awarding points if a participant has not selected an answer.
    Note: You can assign the question to taxonomies and nodes in the Assignment to taxonomy nodes section, provided you have already created them. For the individual steps, follow this action guide
  8. Assigning Questions to Taxonomies and Nodes.
  9. Click on the Save button.
  10. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Create/edit the Kprim-Choice question.

You want to create or edit a Kprim choice question.

Prerequisite: You are already in the edit mode ("Edit question" tab) of the question.

  1. Enter a title and, optionally, another author and description for your question.
  2. Enter your question.
    Optional: Change the editing duration of the question.
    Optional: If you want the answers to not always stay in the defined order, select the Shuffle answers checkbox.
  3. Select option labels with which you want to label the options.
    If you want to enter other option labels, click Custom labels. Enter the label for each of the TRUE and FALSE states.
  4. Enter the maximum points that can be achieved.
    Optional: Select the Enable half-point scoring checkbox if you want to award half of the maximum achievable points for three correct answers.
  5. Enter your answer texts in the text entry boxes under Answers and select the correct answer options for each.
    Optional: If you want to enter longer answer options, select Multiline Answers in the Answer Editor drop-down menu. Click on the Save button. ILIAS applies the change and increases the size of the answer text box. (Note: This only works if you have not yet uploaded a graphic).
    Optional: Add a graphic in addition to or instead of the answer text. Click on the Select file button. ILIAS opens the upload dialog of your browser. Select a graphic. Click on the Upload button. ILIAS uploads the image under Answer Graphics. (Note: This option is only displayed if the answer type Single-line answers are selected).
  6. Click the (^) or (v) icon to move the affected answer text up or down.    
    Note: You can assign the question to taxonomies and nodes in the Assignment to Taxonomy Nodes section, assuming you have already created them. For the individual steps, follow this action guide Assigning questions to taxonomies and nodes.
  7. Click on the Save button.
  8. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Mark errors/words-Create/edit question

You want to create or edit a question in which errors (individual words or groups of words) have to be selected.

Prerequisite: You are already in the edit mode ("Edit question" tab) of the question.

  1. Enter a title and, optionally, another author and description for your question.
  2. Enter your question.
    Optional: Change the editing time of the question.
  3. In the "Mark errors/words" input field, enter the text in which you want to select the errors/words. Mark each word to be marked with a hash (e.g. #word) and a group of words with double brackets: ((multiple words)).
  4. Click the Analyze Text button.
  5. ILIAS analyzes the text and creates a text entry field in the Error Data section for each highlighted word or group of words.
  6. In the Error Data section, enter the points for each correctly selected word.
    Optional: In Correct Text, enter the correct term.
  7. Under Incorrect Selections, specify how many points are deducted for incorrectly selected words.    
    Note: To prevent participants from receiving negative points for the question, you can select different options to cut off negative points in the Settings tab on the Scoring page in the test.  Optional: If you want to increase or decrease the size of the answer text, enter a value of at least ≥ 10 under Text size. This value indicates the percentage of the original size.    
    Note: You can assign the question to taxonomies and nodes in the Assignment to taxonomy nodes section, provided that you have already created them. For the individual steps, follow this action guide Assigning questions to taxonomies and nodes.
  8. Click on the Save button.
  9. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Create/edit hotspot/imagemap question.

You want to create or edit a hotspot/imagemap question.

Prerequisite: You are already in the edit mode ("Edit question" tab) of the question.

  1. Enter a title and, optionally, a different author and description for your question.
  2. Enter your question.
    Optional: Change the editing duration of the question.
  3. Under Image, select the image file for the imagemap question. This must be in the format GIF, PNG, or JPG and already have the size in which it should be displayed in ILIAS.
    Optional: Alternatively, you can upload a finished imagemap file you created in another program under Import Imagemap. Steps 6 to 10 are then omitted.
  4. Select whether only one area (single choice) or several areas (multiple choice) are to be selectable in the image map. In the Answer Mode area, activate the Single Choice or Multiple Choice radio button.
  5. Click on the Save button to accept your entries.
  6. ILIAS uploads the image.
  7. Click one of the buttons below the image to add the corresponding shape as a clickable area (hotspot):
  8. Add a Rectangle, Add Circle, or Add Polygon.
  9. ILIAS opens a new page.
  10. To add a rectangle/circle/polygon to the image map, follow the action instructions above the image map.
    Optional: Enter a hint for the hotspot. This will be displayed to the participant when the mouse pointer hovers over the corresponding area.
  11. Click the Save button.
  12. ILIAS creates the hotspot and a list of defined areas.
    Optional: Repeat the process to create more hotspots.
    Optional: If you have previously defined a name for the created hotspot, you can find it in the hint field. If not, enter a hint for each hotspot that will be displayed to the subscriber when they hover over the corresponding area. The hint and name are identical for the imagemap question.
    Optional: To remove a hotspot, click the (-) icon next to the hotspot.
    Optional: Select the Delete existing file checkbox to delete the imagemap again. Click on Save. ILIAS deletes the imagemap.
  13. In the list below the image, specify the points for the correctly selected hotspot. In the case of a multiple-choice image map, also specify points for unselected areas, if applicable.    
    Note: You can assign the question in the Assign to Taxonomy Nodes section to taxonomies and nodes, assuming you have already created them. For the individual steps, follow this action guide
  14. Assigning questions to taxonomies and nodes.
  15. Click on the Save button.
  16. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Create/edit cloze question.

You want to create or edit a cloze question.

Prerequisite: You are already in the edit mode ("Edit question" tab) of the question.

  1. Enter a title and, optionally, another author and description for your question.
  2. Enter your question.
    Optional: change the editing duration of the question.
  3. Enter your cloze text question. To create a text gap, click the Text Gap button where you want the gap to be inserted or enclose the desired position in the text with [gap] and [/gap]. You can also create multiple gaps in your text. Click the Save button.
    Optional: You can define a maximum length for all text and numeric gaps. To do this, enter a value > 0 under the Length of the text field
  4. ILIAS generates input fields for the gaps.
  5. Enter the correct answers or answer options for each gap. To do this, click on the corresponding gap in the cloze text question. ILIAS opens a dialog box. Alternatively, you can use the text input fields at the bottom of the form.
    Note: If you want to remove the gap again, click the Remove gap button or delete the desired position in the text with the enclosing characters [gap][/gap] in the gap text question.
    Optional: You can change the gap type. To do so, select the appropriate entry in the Type drop-down menu of the respective question in the lower form area.
    Text gap: ILIAS creates an empty input field that the participant must fill. Enter the correct answer. If multiple answers are correct, add more text fields using the (+) icon. Enter the respective points for each answer.
    - Optional: Select an option in the Method for text comparison drop-down menu to introduce a tolerance for spelling errors. Note: The larger the Levenshtein distance, the greater the tolerance with which variant spelling is evaluated as correct.
    Selection gap: ILIAS generates a drop-down menu of answer choices from which the student must select one. Enter the answers to be selected under the Answer text. Add further text fields via the (+) icon. Enter the respective points for each answer.
    - Optional: You want the answers remaining in the order you defined. Uncheck the "Shuffle answers" checkbox.
    Numeric Gap: ILIAS creates an empty input field in your question text where the participant has to enter a numerical value. Enter the correct value in the text field provided. Enter a lower and an upper bound (i.e., a minimum and a maximum value) in the input fields where the numerical value should be evaluated as correct. Only the entered solution will be evaluated as correct by entering the same value for the upper and lower bound. Enter the points for the answer.
    - Optional: You can define a maximum length for the text gap or numerical gaps. To do this, enter a value > 0 under the Length of the text field. If you leave this field blank, the value entered in the upper form area applies.
    - Optional: Uncheck the Identical scoring checkbox to prevent identical solutions for multiple text gaps from being scored multiple times.
    Note: You can assign the question in the Assignment to taxonomy nodes section to taxonomies and nodes, provided you have already created them. For the individual steps, follow this action guide Assigning Questions to Taxonomies and Nodes.
  6. You can assign or deduct additional points for special answer combinations.
    - You can create a section for answer combinations by clicking the Gap Combination button.
    - ILIAS will create a Cloze Combination section.
    - Select the desired gaps for the cloze combination.
    Note: A gap can only be selected in a single cloze combination. Therefore, only gaps that have not yet been included are available in a section for a gap text combination.
    - Combine the values for the gaps and assign points to these combinations. You can create additional combinations within a section; to do this, click the (+) icon.
    - You can delete a section for a cloze combination by removing all combinations using the (-) icon.
  7. Click on the Save button.
  8. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Create/edit numerical answer question.

You want to create or edit a question of the type "Numerical answer".

Prerequisite: You are already in the edit mode ("Edit question" tab) of the question.

  1. Enter a title and, optionally, another author and description for your question.
  2. Enter your question.
    Optional: change the editing duration of the question.
  3. Specify the maximum number of characters the participant can enter in the answer field.
  4. Specify the points for the correct answer.
  5. Enter values for an upper and lower bound within which the correct answer value may fall.
    Note: If only one exact value is correct, enter it for the upper and lower bounds.
    Note: You can assign the question to taxonomies and nodes in the Assignment to Taxonomy Nodes section, provided you have already created them. For the individual steps, follow this action guide
  6. Assign questions to taxonomies and nodes.
  7. Click on the Save button.
  8. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Create/edit formula question.

You want to create or edit a formula question.

Prerequisite: You are already in the edit mode ("Edit question" tab) of the question.

  1. Enter a title and, optionally, a different author and a description for your question.
    Optional: Change the editing duration of the question.
  2. Enter your calculation question. Enter $v1, $v2, $v3...$vn in the place where you want a variable to calculate the task. Enter $r1, $r2, $r3...$rn in the place where a result is to be entered.
  3. Click on the Analyze question button.
  4. ILIAS creates sections for defining each variable and result.
  5. In the section of a variable $vn, enter a minimum and a maximum value for each. ILIAS then creates numbers within this range of values for each test taker.
    Optional: Select a unit for the variables in the drop-down menu. Prerequisite: You have already created units in the Unit tab.
    Optional: The precision specifies how many decimal places a number should have. The default is 0. This setting generates only whole numbers.
    Optional: In the Divisible by input field, enter a value by which the variable must be divisible. The default is 1. By specifying this, you restrict the random selection of variable values by ILIAS to those that are divisible by the specified number.
     - Note: This setting only affects variable creation when the precision is 0.
  6. In the Result, $rn section, enter a mathematical formula that can be used to calculate the result. For the definition of the formula, use the variables ($v1, $v2, ...) that you have already specified in the task. You can also use the results ($r1, $r2, ...). To create the formula, you can bracket the expressions and use the mathematical operators and constants given in the description text below the question.
  7. In the Result, $rn section, enter a minimum and a maximum value for each result in the input fields. The result to be calculated should be within this range of values.
    Optional: Click the Suggest Range button to have ILIAS automatically suggest a minimum and a maximum value for the result and enter it in the text entry fields. Note that these values are only an approximation of the result range since ILIAS only performs a certain number of calculations in the background.
    In the Precision text entry field, enter a value that specifies the decimal places of the result. The default is one and corresponds to one decimal place.
    Optional: If you want the result in the test to still be evaluated as correct within a percentage deviation, enter a corresponding value in the Tolerance text input field. With the default setting of 0, only correct results are evaluated.
    Optional: If you want participants to have to select the correct unit of the result from a selection of units in addition to the result, activate the check boxes of the units to be available for selection under Available units. Also, select the correct unit for the result in the Unit drop-down menu. Prerequisite: You have already created units.
  8. Under Result type selection, select which form the result should have. Activate the corresponding checkbox.
  9. Enter how many points should be awarded for the correct solution to the question.
    Optional: If you want to divide the total number of points into percentages for the different elements of the result, activate the Advanced evaluation checkbox. Enter the respective percentage value for the sign, the value, and the unit in the input fields. The sum must add up to 100%. Note: The extended evaluation is only possible if you have determined a unit for the result.
    Note: You can assign the question in the Assignment to taxonomy nodes section to taxonomies and nodes, provided you have already created them. For the individual steps, follow this action guide
  10. Assign questions to taxonomies and nodes.
  11. Click the Save button.

Create/edit a term-naming question.

You want to create or edit a question in which terms must be named.

Prerequisite: you are already in the edit mode ("Edit Question" tab) of the question.

  1. Enter a title and, optionally, a different author and description for your question.
  2. Enter your question.
    Optional: change the editing time of the question.
  3. Enter the number of desired answers. Depending on the number value, several input fields will be displayed to the participant, and the maximum achievable score will be calculated after saving the question.
  4. Select an option in the Method for text comparison drop-down menu to introduce a gradual tolerance of deviating spelling.
    Note: The greater the Levenshtein distance, the greater the tolerance for deviant spelling.
  5. Enter the answer texts you are looking for and the corresponding points.
    Optional: Click the (+) or (-) icon to add or remove answers.
    Note: You can define more answer choices than answers you want.
    Note: You can assign the question to taxonomies and nodes in the Assignment to Taxonomy Nodes section, provided you have already created them. For the individual steps, follow this action guide Assigning questions to taxonomies and nodes.
  6. Click on the Save button.
  7. ILIAS will accept your entries. ILIAS will now automatically calculate the value under the Maximum achievable score.

Create/edit arrangement question (vertical)

You want to create or edit an arrangement question (vertical).

Prerequisite: You are already in the edit mode ("Edit question" tab) of the question.

  1. Enter a title and, optionally, another author and description for your question.
  2. Enter your question.
    Optional: change the editing time of the question.
  3. Enter the answers that you want the learner to rank. Click the (+) icon or the (-) icon to add or remove answers. Arrange the answers with the (^) and (v) icons as required for the correct solution. ILIAS will mix the representation later in the learner's view.
    Optional: You can also upload images to be ordered by the learner. To do so, click the Use answer with images button and upload an image under each answer field.
    Note: The answers you have already entered or images you have uploaded will be lost if you switch from text mode to image mode or vice versa.
    Note: You must enter a preview size value if you want to use answers with images.
    Optional: You can arrange the text answers or the images in an articulated order. This allows you to be subordinate or superordinate terms to other terms.
     - After you have inserted all answers or images for the arrangement, click on the button To View: Arrange Terms or To View: Arrange Images to arrange the answer options.
     - ILIAS switches to the outline view.
     - The terms to be arranged are now displayed on movable bars. Use drag and drop to bring the bars into the correct order. If a term is subordinate to a preceding term, move the bar to the right.
  4. ILIAS moves the bar to the right to indicate the subordination. Create as many subordination levels as you like this way. ILIAS will evaluate the order and arrangement defined here as the correct solution.
  5. Under Minimum height, enter a value ≥ 20 to define the minimum height of the answers or graphics in the test.
  6. Enter the points for the correct arrangement.    
    Note: You can assign the question to taxonomies and nodes in the Assignment to Taxonomy Nodes section, provided you have already created them. For the individual steps, follow this action guide Assigning questions to taxonomies and nodes.
  7. Click on the Save button.
  8. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Create/edit arrangement question (horizontal)

You want to create or edit an arrangement question (horizontal).

Prerequisite: You are already in the edit mode ("Edit question" tab) of the question.

  1. Enter a title and, optionally, another author and description for your question.
  2. Enter your question.
    Optional: change the editing duration of the question.
  3. Enter the text to be arranged. Arrange the individual answers as required for the correct solution. ILIAS will mix the display later in the learner's view.
    - If you only want to arrange single words, separate them with a space. ILIAS will then display each word in a separate box that the learner can move and arrange.
    - If the answer options comprise several words, separate each of them with two colons (e.g., Answer One::Answer Two).
    Optional: In the text entry box, enter the desired text size as a percentage relative to the normal size.
  4. Specify the dots for the correct arrangement.    
    Note: You can assign the question in the Assignment to Taxonomy Nodes section to taxonomies and nodes, provided you have already created them. Following this Assign Questions to Taxonomies and Nodes action guide for each step.
  5. Click on the Save button.
  6. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Create/edit assignment questions.

You want to create or edit an assignment question.

Prerequisite: You are already in the edit mode ("Edit question" tab) of the question.

  1. Enter a title and, optionally, another author and description for your question.
  2. Enter your question.
    Optional: change the editing duration of the question.
  3. Enter the definitions to which terms should be assigned. Definitions and terms form pairs of assignments that must make sense together. Moving boxes (terms) are assigned to fixed boxes (definitions).
    Optional: Click the (+) icon to add more definitions.
  4. Enter the terms to be assigned to the definitions.
    Optional: Click the (+) icon to add more terms. You can also create an assignment question so that the number of definitions and terms is not identical. You are left with terms or definitions that cannot be mapped in this case. This increases the level of difficulty.
    IB Insert images in addition to or instead of definitions and terms. Click on the Select file button. ILIAS opens the upload dialog of your browser. Select an image. Click the Upload button.
    Optional: In the Shuffle Answers drop-down menu, select whether the terms and/or definitions should always be displayed in random order.
    Optional: Select the assignment mode n:n if several terms are to be assigned to a definition or vice versa.
    Optional: Change the size of a graph by entering a value ≥ 20 in the Preview size section.
  5. Under Assignment pairs, specify which term belongs to which definition and how many points are achievable for a correct answer.
    Optional: Again, click the (+) icon to add more answer choices.
    Note: You can assign the question to taxonomy nodes in the Assignment to taxonomy nodes section, taxonomies, and nodes, provided you have already created them. For the individual steps, follow this action guide. Assign questions to taxonomies and nodes.
  6. Click on the Save button.
  7. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Create/edit free text questions.

You want to create or edit a free text question.

Prerequisite: You are already in the edit mode ("Edit question" tab) of the question.

  1. Enter a title and, optionally, another author and description for your question.
  2. Enter your question.
    Optional: Change the editing length of the question.
    Optional: If you want to limit the length of the answer text, enter a value > 0 in the text field in the
  3. The maximum number of characters section. ILIAS will then indicate that only a certain number of characters can be entered when running the test and will remove any excess characters.
  4. Under Scoring Mode, select one of four options for scoring the answer by activating the corresponding radio button:
    - No automatic scoring: select this option if you want to assign points for the question only in a manual post-correction. Enter the points that are achievable in the text input field.
    - Automatic scoring when single terms are mentioned: Select this option if points are to be awarded for mentioning individual terms. Enter the answer term in the text input field. Enter the desired points for naming the term.
    - Automatic scoring when all terms are mentioned: Select this option if you want the participant to receive points only if they name all the terms you have defined. Enter the answers in the text input field. Enter the desired points for naming all terms in the text input field below.
    - Automatic score when a term is mentioned: Select this option if you want the entire score to be awarded for mentioning one of the terms you have defined. Enter the answer in the text input field.
  5. Type the points you want in the text entry box below.
    Note: Click the (+) or (-) icon to add or remove additional answers.
    Optional: Select an option in the Method for text comparison drop-down menu to introduce a tolerance for spelling errors. Note: The larger the Levenshtein distance, the greater the tolerance with which variant spelling is evaluated as correct.
    Note: You can assign the question in the Assignment to Taxonomy Nodes section to taxonomies and nodes, provided you have already created them. For the individual steps, follow this action guide Assigning questions to taxonomies and nodes.
  6. Click on the Save button.
  7. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Note: Even if you automatically assign points for the free-text question, you should always correct the answer manually after taking the test to ensure its accuracy.

Create/edit file upload question.

You want to create or edit a question that requires participants to submit a file as a solution.

Prerequisite: You are already in edit mode for the question.

  1. Enter a title and, optionally, a different author and description (Edit Question tab) for your question.
  2. Enter your question.
    Optional: Change the editing time of the question.
    Optional: You want to limit the size of the uploaded file. Specify a maximum file size (in bytes).
    Optional: Under Allowed file extensions, specify the file formats that can be uploaded.
  3. Specify the points for the uploaded file.
    Optional: Select the Pass by submission checkbox if you already want the maximum number of points to be awarded for uploading the file.
    Note: Manual scoring is possible at any time.
    Note: You can assign the question in the Assignment to Taxonomy Nodes section to taxonomies and nodes, provided you have already created them. For the individual steps, follow this action guide Assigning questions to taxonomies and nodes.
  4. Click on the Save button.
  5. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Note: Even if you automatically assign points for the file upload question, you should always correct the answer manually after taking the test to ensure it is correct.

Creating/editing a "Long Menu" question

You want to create or edit a "Long Menu" type question.

Prerequisite: you are already in the edit mode ("Edit question" tab) of the question.

  1. Enter a title for your question.
    Optional: enter another author and a description.
  2. Enter your question
    Optional: change the editing time of the question.
  3. Enter your Long Menu text. To create a text gap, click the Insert Gap button at the point where you want to insert the gap. You can also create multiple gaps in your text. ILIAS creates input fields for the gaps.
  4. For each "Long Menu", decide whether you want to have a text field edited or offer a choice of answer options. To do this, select the respective entry in the Type drop-down menu.
    Optional: Change the number of characters from which ILIAS provides search suggestions. To do this, enter a value > 0 for Autocomplete (Note: This option only applies to the Text field type).
  5. Create answers for each long menu. To do this, click on Add answers. ILIAS opens a window with the answer options. Enter answer options in the available text fields. Click the (+) or (-) icon to add or remove answer options. Click the Save button.
    Optional: You can upload a text file with answer options. To do so, click the Select file button. ILIAS opens the upload dialog of your browser. Select a text file. ILIAS transfers all answer options from the file into the list.
  6. Enter the correct answers for each "Long Menu". Enter letters in the search field that appear in the term you are looking for. ILIAS will return a list of matching answer options. Click on the answer you are looking for. Click the (x) icon if you want to remove existing answers from the list.
  7. Specify the items for the respective "Long Menu".
  8. Click on the Save button.
  9. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Notes on question type overlapping settings

Title (mandatory entry)

For each question, you have to enter a title. This title can fulfill different functions, e.g.:

  • The title is used for orientation in the question pool. Select a title with which you can quickly find the question again if you want to edit it or use it in a test.
  • The title should be displayed to the participants in the test. Select a title that names the question but does not reveal anything about the answer.

Note: You can specify the display of question titles in the test in the ILIAS Test in the Settings tab on the General Settings page in the Execution: Question Behavior section. To do this, follow the instructions for displaying question titles and points in the test.

Author (mandatory entry)

An author must be specified for each question. The owner of the question pool is automatically entered as an author by ILIAS. If several persons work together in one question pool, entering the respective editing author is useful. This way, you can track the authorship of the question.

Question text (mandatory entry)

For each question type, a question text or task must be entered in the text input field under Question. For questions of the type "Mark errors/words" or formula questions, enter specific codes directly in the question text field to extract words or define variables.

Points (mandatory entry)

Points must be awarded for each question. You can also assign negative points if necessary. However, the total score must be > 0. When awarding half points, use the English notation 0.5 and not 0.5. For multiple-choice questions, award points for both selected (correct) answers and unselected (incorrect) answers. This way, the participant gets the full score only if he/she selects only the correct answers.

Note: You can set the display of the points to be awarded in the test in the ILIAS Test in the Settings tab on the General Settings page. To do this, follow the instructions for displaying question titles and points in the test.


Entering a description for a question is optional. However, a description can often be helpful. It can serve several functions, for example:

  • Filter by description to search for a question in the question pool.
  • Use the question description to document your criteria for creating the question.
  • Use the question description to provide test takers with information about the question or question type. To do this, have the question description appear in the question summary in the test.

Note: If you want to provide the description to the participants in the question overview, enable the display of the question overview in the test in the Settings tab on the General Settings page in the ILIAS test.

Processing time

The processing time indicates the expected processing time of the question. It is set to one minute by default. Changing the duration has no effect on the participants in the test. There, only the total processing time counts, which is defined in the settings of the test. The test taker can decide how much time to spend on each question, just like in a paper exam.

Levenshtein distance

The Levenshtein distance is a method for text comparison that tolerates spelling or typing errors in an answer. The larger the Levenshtein distance, the greater the tolerance with which deviating spelling is evaluated as correct. For example, a Levenshtein distance of 2 allows two letters to be swapped in a word. Likewise, in this case, two characters may be missing or supernumerary (no matter where in the word), or two characters may be incorrectly capitalized or lowercase.
Setting a Levenshtein distance can be useful, for example, for cloze questions with gaps in the text. However, if the Levenshtein spacing is too large, the meaning of a word can be completely changed.

An alternative is to create all correct spellings for you as answer options and score them with points. In this case, you can also give more points for the orthographically correct answer than for answers with a different spelling.

Special character editor

A special character editor is available for editing the questions. This editor allows you to insert selected special characters into your question and/or answer text. The special character editor is also available to test takers to answer questions in the test.

A special character editor is only available if the administrator of the ILIAS installation has also activated it. In addition, the administrator can specify which special character pages should be available.

To insert special characters into your text, proceed as follows:

  1. Click on the Ω-button in the upper area of the edit form.
  2. ILIAS opens the special character editor in the header area of the page.
  3. Select the category of special characters you need for your question from the drop-down menu.
  4. ILIAS displays the selected special characters in the header area of the page.
    Optional: If the list of special characters is several pages long, scroll down the page using the scroll bar. Alternatively, click the Next/Back buttons or select the desired page from the drop-down menu.
  5. To insert special characters in the text, first position the cursor where you want to insert the special character.
  6. Then click on the desired special character in the list called the special character category.
  7. ILIAS inserts the special character at the desired position.
  8. Repeat the process as often as you like.
  9. If you want to close the special character editor, click the Ω-button again.

Assigning questions to taxonomies and nodes

If you have created taxonomies in the question pool settings, you can assign the created questions to the taxonomies and the associated nodes. In the editing forms for the questions, the Assignment to taxonomy nodes section appears at the bottom of each page, where you can assign the question to the taxonomies and nodes.

To assign taxonomies to a question, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the question in question in edit mode.
  2. Scroll to the Assignment to taxonomy nodes area.
  3. Open the drop-down menu next to the associated taxonomy to which you want to assign the question.
  4. Select the taxonomy to which you want to assign the question. click Select. ILIAS opens a new selection menu. Place a checkmark at the nodes to which you want to assign the question.
    Optional: You want to assign the same question to an additional taxonomy. Open the corresponding taxonomy's selection menu (Select) and select the desired node.
    You can reset the assignment to a taxonomy if you click the Reset button of the taxonomy concerned.
  5. Click on the Save button.
  6. ILIAS takes over your assignments.

Creating content for repetition

Content for repetition - Introduction

With this function, you can assign content for repetition of the learning content. In doing so, you refer to objects in ILIAS within a question, provided you have editing rights to them. You can choose between learning modules, chapters, pages, and glossary terms. You can also upload a file or enter a text.

You can remove content for repetition or a reference to it at any time or change the reference type. Only one reference can be assigned to each question at a time.

The participants can call up the content for repetition depending on the selected test set in the test results. To do this, you must activate the content display for repetition in the Details test results section in the Evaluation sub-tab in the Settings tab. When the participants can access the content for repetition depends on the access to the test results, which you can set on the same page.

Assigning content for repetition

You want to assign content to a test question for a retake.

  1. Check the option you want to refer to.
  2. Click on the Select button.
  3. ILIAS opens a new page:
    Option 1: Select the learning module to be linked.
    Option 2: Select a page, chapter, or glossary term in the overview and click the Add link.
    Option 3: Upload a file. Enter a title for the file. Click on the Select file button. ILIAS opens the upload dialog of your browser. Select a file. Note the upload limit.
    Option 4: Enter your sample solution in the text input field.
  4. Click on the Save button.
  5. ILIAS saves your entries.

Note: The retake content can be displayed in the test results presentation. To do this, set the content display for repetition in the test in the Evaluation sub-tab directly under the Settings tab in the Test results details section.

Removing content for repetition

You want to remove an assigned content for repetition.

  1. Select the Remove content for repetition checkbox.
  2. Click the Save button.
  3. ILIAS removes the assigned content for the retake.

Previewing a question

Previewing a question

In the Preview tab, you can see how your created question will look to the test taker. In addition, this view helps you find errors that you can then correct.

Preview lets you view the deposited feedback and, if applicable, the best possible solution to the question.

All comments stored for a question are also displayed in the preview of the question. Here you have the possibility to add further comments and edit or delete existing ones.

Option 1: You are within a question pool in the Questions tab. Select Preview in the Actions menu at the end of the corresponding question. ILIAS opens the preview of the question.
Option 2: You are already in the editing mode of the question. Switch to the Preview tab to view the question.

Feedback on answers

Feedback on answers - introduction

You can store feedback for each question, which the participant can request while editing the question. It is also possible to have the feedback also/only available in the test results. You can store feedback for the correct solution and different feedback per given answer.
For this purpose, pages are available in which you can embed different text and structural elements. For example, you can also embed media files and show an explanatory video.

Prerequisite: For the feedback to be displayed, you must activate the desired checkboxes within the Direct Feedback setting in the General Settings sub-tab in the Execution: Question Behavior section of the test settings.

Feedback on the correct solution:

  • You can store feedback that will be displayed if the question is answered correctly.
  • You can also specify an alternative text to be displayed in all other cases.

Different feedback per given answer:

  • A special feedback text can be stored for each answer option.
  • You can decide whether the feedback should be given for all, selected or correct answers. Note: These options are not available for all question types.

Note: Feedback is displayed when the participant clicks the Request Feedback button after answering the question and/or in the test results at the end of the test.

Edit feedback on answers.

You want to edit feedback on answers.

Prerequisite: You are on the Feedback tab within a question.

  1. ILIAS shows you an overview of feedback available for the respective question type.
  2. If feedback is to be given when the question is answered correctly, create a page for Correct Solution.
  3. You can also give feedback in case a question is incomplete or not answered correctly by creating a page for At least one answer that is not correct.
  4. You can also store different feedback per given answer. ILIAS shows you all answer options for which you can deposit content. (Note: This option is not available for the question types Numerical Answers, Formula Question, Name Terms, Upload File).
    For questions of the type Single-Choice, Multiple-Choice, or Kprim, you can additionally select a mode.
  5. You can either display feedback for all answer choices or only for selected answers of the participant. Alternatively, you can display feedback only for correct answers.
  6. Click Edit content at the desired location. (Prerequisite: You have activated the ILIAS page editor for editing feedback and solution notes when creating questions).
  7. ILIAS opens the page editor.
  8. Follow the instructions for designing a page.
  9. ILIAS saves the entered feedback texts.

Creating solution notes

Create solution notes - introduction.

In the Solution Hints tab, you can enter one or more hints to solve a question. You can provide the hints to the participants in the test and deduct points for using the hints if necessary. This option is suitable for self-assessment tests, for example.

The Request solution hint button appears to the test taker. If this is clicked, a view appears with the question: "Do you really want to request the 1st solution hint? There will be ... point(s) deducted for this solution hint."
The solution hint is displayed if the participant clicks the Request Solution Hint button again.
After returning to the question, the hint can always be recalled by clicking the Show requested hints button. If further hints have been saved, they can be called up via the Request next solution hint button.

Note: To make the hints available to the participants in the test, in the General Settings sub-tab under the Settings tab of the test, select the Solution hints checkbox in the Execution: question behavior section.

Creating a solution hint

You want to create a solution note for a test question.

Prerequisite: You are on the Solution Notes tab within a question.

  1. Click the Add solution hint button.
  2. ILIAS opens a new page.
  3. Specify the points to be deducted for claiming the hint. If no points are to be deducted, enter "0" in the
  4. Point deduction field.    
    Note: Be careful not to deduct more points than can actually be scored in the question.
  5. Click the Save points and edit page buttons.
  6. ILIAS opens the page editor.
  7. Follow the instructions to design a page.
  8. ILIAS saves your input.

Edit solution hint

You want to edit an already created hint.

Prerequisite: You are on the Solution Notes tab within a question.

  1. Open the question in edit mode and open the Solution Notes tab.
  2. ILIAS shows an overview of already saved solution hints.
  3. Open the Actions menu to the right of the solution note you want to edit.
  4. Select the entry Edit page.
  5. ILIAS opens the page editor.
  6. Follow the instructions for designing a page.
  7. ILIAS saves your entries.

Edit points

You want to edit the point deduction for a solution note.

Prerequisite: You are on the Solution Notes tab within a question.

  1. Click the Actions menu to the right of the solution note whose points you want to edit.
  2. Select the entry Edit points.
  3. ILIAS opens a new page.
  4. Change the point deduction in the corresponding input field.
  5. Click on the Save points button.
  6. ILIAS applies the new point deduction.

Sorting solution notes

You want to sort the created solution notes into a certain order. The sorting defined here corresponds to the sequence of solution hints as they are displayed to the participant in the test.

Prerequisite: You are on the Solution hints tab within a question.

  1. Enter the desired order in the input fields in the Order column (e.g., 10, 11, 12).
  2. Click on the Save order button.
  3. ILIAS saves your entries.

Delete solution note

You want to delete solution notes that have already been created.

Prerequisite: You are on the Solution hints tab within a question.

You want to delete a solution note:

  1. Open the Actions menu to the right of the solution hint you want to delete.
  2. Select the entry Delete solution hint.
  3. ILIAS opens a new page and asks you to confirm the deletion.
  4. Click the Delete solution hint(s) button.
  5. ILIAS deletes the hint.

You want to delete multiple hints:

  1. Select the checkboxes of the solution notes you want to delete.
  2. Select Delete solution hint(s) from the drop-down menu above or below the form.
  3. Click the Delete solution note(s) button.
  4. ILIAS opens a new page and asks you to confirm the deletion.
  5. Click on the Delete solution hint(s) button.
  6. ILIAS deletes the hints.

Designing feedback and solution hints

Contents and design elements - overview

You want to design a page for feedback or a solution note according to your wishes.

For this purpose, you can choose from the following elements:

  • Text: Text in various formats, such as paragraphs, headings, and simple lists.
  • Image/Audio/Video: Media of all formats can be displayed directly in the internet browser.
  • File list: One or more files for download.
  • Data Table: Texts and numbers in simple tabular form.
  • Extended Table: This can contain media and other page elements and be used to structure the page.
  • Extended List: This can also contain other page elements, such as text and images
  • Column Layout: This can contain other page elements and can be used to create a responsive page layout.
  • Block: Design element that visually highlights content with borders or background. It can contain text, images, etc.
  • Accordion: Design element that displays even extensive content clearly. Successive tabs are referred to as an accordion.
  • Interactive image: image with definable click areas that can be used for navigation or self-testing.
  • Program code: Display program code without it being executed by the browser.
  • Paste from tray: Content from media pools or Personal Clipboard used page elements.

Note: Depending on your administrator's ILIAS object or settings, not all elements may be available.

You want to print a list of test questions.

  1. Open the Print view tab in a question pool.
  2. Open the Output mode selection menu. Select an entry:
    Overview: Create a simple table with information about each question (Title, Description, Author, Question Type, Points, Generated, actualized).
    Detailed output with solutions: The tabular overview is supplemented with information about the correct solution for each question.
    Detail output with a print view of the questions: The tabular overview is supplemented with the question details.
  3. Click on the Submit button.
  4. ILIAS opens the view of the questions according to the selected entry.
  5. Click on the Print button.
  6. The print dialog of your browser opens. You can print the list.

Varying the display of the columns

You want to vary the columns in the print view.

Prerequisite: You are in the Print view tab of a question pool.

  1. Open the Columns menu on the right above the table.
  2. Activate the checkboxes of the desired columns or deactivate the checkboxes of the columns that should not be displayed.
  3. Click on the Update button.
  4. ILIAS will apply your changes.

Change sorting

You want to print the questions sorted by a certain criterion. It is possible to sort the questions by title, description, author, question type, points, creation date, or the last update date.

Prerequisite: The column by which you want to sort must be visible (see Varying the display of columns).

  1. Click on the heading of the column by which you want to sort.
  2. ILIAS will re-sort the questions.
    Optional: click the sort arrow next to the column heading to reverse the sort order.

Units and Categories - Introduction

Units and Categories - Introduction

The Units tab allows you to define units that can be assigned to the variables and results of your task. First, create parent categories, e.g., the category "Mass," and then create the corresponding units such as mg, g, kg, and t. You can define as many categories and units as you like. However, for each formula question, the categories and units must be created again.

Note: If you want to use the same units for another question, you can copy the created question. This way, all units will be preserved. Then edit the copied question.

Add, edit, delete categories, and display units

Add category

You want to create a category.

  1. Click on the Add category button.
  2. ILIAS opens a new page.
  3. In the text entry field, type a title for the category, such as "Mass," "Length," or "Speed."
  4. Click on the Save button.
  5. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Edit Category

Do you want to edit the title of an already-created category

  1. Open the Actions menu to the right of the category you want to edit.
  2. Select the entry "Edit".
  3. ILIAS opens a new page.
  4. Change the title of the category.
  5. Click on the Save button.
  6. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Delete category

You want to delete an already created category.

  1. Open the Actions menu to the right of the category you want to edit.
  2. Select the entry "Delete".
  3. ILIAS opens a new page and asks you to confirm the deletion.
  4. Click the Confirm button.
  5. ILIAS deletes the category.

Show units of a category

You want to edit the units you have assigned to a category.

  1. Open the Actions menu to the right of the category you want to edit.
  2. Select the entry Show units.
  3. ILIAS opens a new page with the list of units.

Create, edit, delete, and change the order of units

Create a unit for formula question

You want to create a unit for your formula question.

Prerequisite: you have already created a category to which the unit will be subordinated.

  1. Click on the category to which you want to subordinate the unit.
  2. ILIAS opens a new page.
  3. Click on the Add unit button.
  4. ILIAS opens a new page.
  5. In the Unit text input field, type the name of the unit or the character for the unit (e.g., m, km, g, kg, s, min).
    Optional: In the drop-down menu, select a base unit that is superior to the one you are creating. For example (if you are creating the unit m (meter), the base unit could be km (kilometer)). Prerequisite: you have already created units that can be offered as base units.
  6. Enter a factor indicating how the unit relates to the base unit (if the unit is m and the base unit is km, enter 1000 as the factor). If you have not selected a base unit, leave factor 1.
  7. Click on the Save button.
  8. ILIAs will accept your entries.

Edit unit

You want to edit a unit that has already been created.

Prerequisite: you are already in the category where you want to edit the units.

  1. Open the Actions menu to the right of the unit you want to edit.
  2. Select the entry "Edit".
  3. ILIAS opens the editing form of the unit.
  4. Make your changes and click the Save button.
  5. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Delete unit

You want to delete a unit that has already been created.

Prerequisite: You are already in the category where you want to edit the units.

  1. Activate the checkbox of the unit you want to delete.
    Optional: You can also delete several units at once.
  2. Click the Delete button.
  3. ILIAS opens a new page and asks you to confirm the deletion.
  4. Click the Confirm button.
  5. ILIAS deletes the unit.

Changing the order of the units

You want to change the order of the units in the list.

Prerequisite: You are already in the category where you want to edit the units.

  1. In the text entry fields to the left of the units, enter the desired position of the unit by typing, for example, 10, 20, 30, and n in the text entry field.
  2. Click on the Save order button.
  3. ILIAS adopts the entered sequence.

Global units

Global units - introduction

The system administrator can create global units. If this is the case, you will see a list of all available categories on this page to which the corresponding units are subordinated. These units are available for each formula question.

Entries assigned to taxonomy nodes

Assigned entries - introduction

You can see all the questions assigned to a taxonomy node on this page. You can also sort the questions into a new order.

Click on a taxonomy node within the tree structure on the left to have the associated questions displayed.

Sort assigned entries

You want to sort the questions assigned to a node into a specific order.

  1. Enter numbers in increments of ten (10, 20, 30,...n) in the text entry fields next to the question titles to sort the questions in the list into the desired order.
  2. Click on the Save button.
  3. ILIAS saves the sorting.

Show taxonomy selection in the question filter.

Show taxonomy selection in the question filter.

You would like to be able to filter by taxonomy in the question filter.

  1. Open the Settings tab.
  2. You are on the General settings page.
  3. Select the Taxonomies checkbox.
    Optional: You want one of the taxonomies to be used as the navigation tree in the Questions tab.
  4. Select the desired taxonomy in the drop-down menu. This will then be displayed as a navigation tree to the left of the question list. This allows you to navigate the taxonomy nodes and display the assigned questions. However, all other taxonomies are still available as a filter field.
  5. Click on the Save button.
  6. ILIAS will apply the settings.

Adding, editing, and deleting comments

Introductory notes on comments

The comment function allows you to add comments to individual questions within a question pool. Existing comments can be edited or deleted. You can activate the public comment function if you want the comments to be visible to other users.

ILIAS displays the number of stored comments in the question overview in the Comments column. The comments themselves are displayed in the Preview tab of a question below the question text.

Add and edit comments.

You want to add a public comment to a question. You are in the question overview ("Questions" tab):

  1. Click the Actions menu on the right side of the question in the Actions column and select Comments there.
  2. Click Enable Public Commenting if the public commenting feature has not yet been enabled for this question.
  3. ILIAS opens the Public Comments window.
  4. Edit the text field and click on Add Comments.
  5. ILIAS saves the comment and displays it below the text field.
  6. You can now create more comments and edit or delete existing ones.

You can edit the comments within a question if you do not want to activate public commenting.

Prerequisite: You are in the Questions tab of the question pool.

  1. Click on the question title in the Title column. Alternatively, you can also open the preview via the Actions menu to the right of the question.
  2. ILIAS opens the question in the Preview tab and displays the existing comments below the question preview.
  3. You can edit or delete existing comments. To do so, click on the corresponding entry to the right of the comment.