The page editor at a glance

Page Editor - Introduction

With the page editor, you can customize the appearance of a page in different ILIAS objects and insert many types of page elements. This includes pages in learning modules and wikis but also of container objects (categories, courses, groups, or folders).

The content of the page can be designed similarly to a web page:

  • You can insert texts, images, animations, and videos.
  • You can create column layouts to arrange page elements according to your preferences.
  • Using so-called style sheets, you can determine the visual appearance of the page elements (colors, font size, or spacing).

You open the page editor by opening the Edit tab to the right of the title of the desired page.

For container objects (categories, courses, groups, and folders), open the page editor by clicking the Design page link right below the Content tab. Contact your administrator to enable this feature if you do not find a link.

Overview of all content and design elements

The following content and design elements can be inserted using the page editor:

  • Text: Text in various formats, such as paragraphs, headings, and simple lists.
  • Materials list: Presents all materials of a certain type in category, course, or group pages.
  • Image/Audio/Video: Media of all formats can be displayed directly in the Internet browser.
  • Question: Various question types for learners to self-test.
  • File list: One or more files for download.
  • Data table: Texts and numbers in simple tabular form.
  • Extended table: Can contain media and other page elements (non-responsive).
  • Extended List: This can also contain other page elements, such as text and images
  • Column layout: this can contain other page elements and be used to create a responsive page layout.
  • Block: Design element that visually highlights content with borders or background. It can contain text, images, etc.
  • Accordion: Design element that presents even extensive content. Successive tabs are referred to as an accordion.
  • Interactive image: image with definable click areas that can be used for navigation or self-testing.
  • Program code: Display program code without it being executed by the browser.
  • Content module: Page content as a reusable element that can be inserted on different pages with just one click. Content modules can only be used within ILIAS learning modules.  Insert from the repository: Content from media pools or Personal Clipboard used page elements.
  • Map: Google map with a location defined by you

Note: Not all elements may be available depending on your administrator's ILIAS object or settings.

View preview

You want to see what the page you designed looks like.

  1. Click on the Page, Content, or Preview tab.
  2. ILIAS loads the new tab and displays the area you designed.

Move page elements

ILIAS allows you to copy/cut entire paragraphs of text and other elements in the page editor and paste them elsewhere with just a few mouse clicks.

You want to move already existing page elements.

Prerequisite: The JavaScript editing mode is activated.

Variant 1: Via Drag&Drop

  1. Click the mouse on the desired page element and press the mouse button.
  2. Drag it to the light gray shaded area at the target position. This area will then be darker.
  3. Release the mouse button.
  4. ILIAS moves the element to the desired position.

Variant 2: Via Copy&Paste

With this variant, you can also move or copy elements to pages of another learning module, wiki, or container object.

  1. Click with the mouse on the desired page element.
  2. ILIAS opens a selection menu.
  3. Select the Cut or Copy entry.
    Note: The Cut or Copy function is not available for all elements.
  4. ILIAS copies the element and reports, "The selected elements have been cut/copied. Now click the desired target placeholder and click Paste.
  5. Navigate to the desired target position and click on the light gray shaded area.
  6. ILIAS opens a selection menu.
  7. Select the Paste entry.
  8. ILIAS moves/copies the element to the desired position.

Variant 3: Move or copy several elements in one operation.

  1. Double-click with the mouse on the first desired page element. ILIAS will then display it with a bold border.
  2. Repeat this process with all page elements you want to move or copy.
  3. Navigate to the bottom of the page.
  4. Click on the Cut or Copy button.
    Note: The Cut or Copy function is not available for all elements.
  5. ILIAS copies the elements and reports, "The selected elements have been cut. Now click the desired target placeholder and click "Paste."
  6. Navigate to the desired target position and click on the light gray shaded area.
  7. ILIAS opens a selection menu.
  8. Select the Paste entry.
  9. ILIAS moves/copies the elements to the desired position.

Deactivate or delete page elements.

You want to delete or deactivate already existing page elements. In the latter case, the element will no longer be displayed to users with reading permissions but will remain available for you to edit further.

Prerequisite: The JavaScript editing mode is activated.

Variant 1: Delete or deactivate a single page element.

  1. Click with the mouse on the desired page element.
  2. ILIAS opens a selection menu.
  3. Select the entry Delete or Deactivate.
  4. ILIAS asks you to confirm the deletion or deactivates the element.

Variant 2: Delete or deactivate several elements in one process.

  1. Double-click with the mouse on the first desired page element. ILIAS will then display it with a bold border.
  2. Repeat this process with all page elements you want to delete or deactivate.
  3. Navigate to the bottom of the page.
  4. Click the Delete or Deactivate button.
  5. ILIAS will ask you to confirm the deletion or disable the elements.

Editing pages without Javascript, HTML execution, or media

ILIAS offers the possibility to edit pages even on computers without Javascript. Likewise, the execution of inserted HTML code and displaying images, videos, and other media can be disabled in the page editor.

You want to change the editing mode of the page editor.

  1. Open the Edit Mode drop-down menu at the top right of the page.
  2. Click on the desired entry.
    Disable media: Prevents images, videos, and other media from displaying in the page editor's edit mode. This can reduce load times for pages with a lot of media.
    Disable HTML rendering: Prevents HTML code that you have entered by hand in the page editor from being executed. This only affects rendering in the page editor's edit mode. If you want to disable code execution in page rendering for users, format your text as program code.
    Enable form mode: Allows pages to be edited even in browsers without Javascript. This mode is less comfortable for the user but technically less demanding. To leave the form mode, click Enable Javascript Mode.
  3. ILIAS switches to the desired editing mode.

Inserting text

Text Editor - Introduction

In contrast to the page editor, the text editor is only used to design a single section of text. The text editor works like a simplified word processor. It consists of a bar with control elements and an input field.

In the text editor, you can:

  • define and apply paragraph styles,
  • set individual words in bold, italics, or color,
  • create simple bulleted lists,
  • insert links.

Note: Footnotes, keywords, and LaTEX code support facilitate the use in a scientific context.

Insert text

You want to insert text.

  1. Click on the light gray shaded area.
  2. Select Insert Text from the drop-down menu.
  3. ILIAS opens the text editor. It consists of a bar with controls and an input field.
  4. Enter your text in the input field.
    Optional: You can copy and paste an external program's text into the input field. Caution: Any existing formatting (such as fonts and font sizes) will be lost.
  5. Save your text by clicking on one of the buttons in the control bar. You have three options when doing this:
    Click Save to stay in the same paragraph in the text editor and continue writing.
    Click Save and New Paragraph to save the current paragraph and immediately start a new one.
    Click Save and Return to exit the text editor after saving and return to the Design Page area, where you can add more page content.
  6. ILIAS will accept your entries.

You can also edit the text later, mark up headings and individual format words in the text, and set internal links to ILIAS pages or external links to websites.

Format text paragraph

The paragraph format defines the function and the presentation style of a text. Thus, a paragraph can be marked not only as standard text but also as a heading or a mnemonic and highlighted accordingly.

You want to format a text paragraph.

Prerequisite: You are already in the editing mode of the text as described in the Insert text action guide.

  1. Click with the mouse in the desired paragraph.
    Note: It is not necessary to select the entire paragraph.
  2. In the edit bar above your text, click the button under Paragraph Format.
  3. ILIAS will open a selection menu showing the different paragraph formats.
  4. Click on the desired paragraph format.
  5. ILIAS formats the paragraph according to your selection.
  6. Click the Save button to apply your specifications.

Formatting individual words or sentences in the text

You want to format individual words or sentences within a paragraph.

Prerequisite: You are already in the editing mode of the text as described in the Insert text action guide.

  1. Select the desired words with the mouse.
  2. Format your text.
  3. Click on one of the buttons in the editing bar above your text under Character Format to format the text accordingly:
    STR: Familiar with word processing as bold or boldface.
    EMP: Known from word processing as italic or cursive.
    IMP: Known from word processing as underline.
    A: This drop-down menu contains Comment, Quote, Accented, and Code formatting.
  4. Click one of the buttons in the edit bar above your text under Lists to format the text accordingly:
    Bulleted List
    Numbered List
    Indent list
    Indent list
  5. In the editing bar above your text, under Links, click one of the buttons to format the text appropriately:
    XLN: External links on other web pages or installations.
    ILN: Internal links that link to pages within your ILIAS installation.
  6. Click one of the buttons in the edit bar above your text under More to format the text accordingly:
    KW: Marks a word as a keyword. This can make it easier to search for content.
    TEX: Marks included TeX code.
    FN: In the presentation view, ILIAS creates a numbered footnote with the marked text.
    ANC: Creates an anchor link. (See Inserting anchor links for instructions).
  7. ILIAS formats the paragraph according to your selection.
  8. Click the Save button to apply your selections.

Anchor links allow you to send users directly to a specific paragraph within a page. This can be useful if you use longer pages in ILIAS and want to link to a specific section elsewhere.

You want to insert an anchor link.

Prerequisite: This feature is only available in ILIAS learning modules. You are already in the edit mode of the text as described in the Insert text action guide.

  1. Click with the mouse at the place you want to link to.
  2. In the edit bar above your text, under More, click the ANC button to insert an anchor link.
    Note: It is unnecessary to select text before inserting the anchor link.
  3. Enter a name for your anchor between the quotation marks (e.g. anc name="example anchor").
  4. Click the Save button.
  5. Now navigate to the location you want to link to the anchor and switch to edit mode.
  6. Use the mouse to select the text you want to activate as a link.
  7. Click on the ILN button in the editing bar above your text under Links to insert an internal link.
  8. ILIAS opens a new window.
  9. Select Page from the drop-down menu under Link Type.
  10. ILIAS shows you all linkable pages. Below you will also find your anchor name behind a hash. (E.g. #example anchor)
  11. Click on the link with the name of the desired anchor.
  12. ILIAS inserts an internal link.
  13. Click the Save button to apply your information.

External links allow you to refer to pages outside your ILIAS installation.

You want to insert an external link.

Prerequisite: You are already in the editing mode of the text as described in the Insert text action guide.

  1. Use the mouse to select the text to be activated as a link.
  2. Click the XLN button in the editing bar above your text under Links to insert an external link.
  3. Enter your target page's URL (Internet address) between the quotation marks. (E.g. xln url="<")>
  4. Click the Save button to accept your entries.

You can refer to pages, chapters, glossary terms, and other objects within your ILIAS installation with internal links. These can also be pages located in a different object than the current page.

Internal links are not a classical internet address in the form of a hyperlink but a reference to the unique identification number of the page in ILIAS. This has the advantage that the links still work even if the linked page has been moved.

Note: If you want to link to content on other ILIAS installations, follow the instructions for inserting external links.

You want to insert an internal link.

Prerequisite: You are already in the editing mode of the text as described in the action instruction. Insert text.

  1. Use the mouse to select the text to be activated as a link.
  2. Click on the ILN button in the editing bar above your text under Links to insert an internal link.
  3. ILIAS opens a new window.
  4. Select the link type from the drop-down menu. You can choose from the following types:
    Chapter: link to the first page of a chapter of a learning module.
    Chapter (New Frame): As mentioned above, but the chapter will be opened in a new window.
    Page: Link to a specific page within a chapter.
    Page (FAQ Frame): As above, but in the case of multi-window views, the linked page is displayed in the corresponding FAQ window on the right or bottom right.
    Page (New Frame): The page is opened in a new window.
    Glossary term: Reference to an in a glossary.
    Glossary term (New Frame): The glossary is opened in a new window.
    Media Object (Inline): Includes a media object directly in the body text of your page.
    Media object (Media Frame): Reference to a media object displayed in the corresponding media window on the right or bottom right in multi-window views.
    Media Object (FAQ Frame): As above, but in multi-window views, the linked media object is displayed in the corresponding FAQ window on the right or bottom right.
    Media object (New frame): The media object is opened in a new window.
    Wiki page: Reference to a wiki page on your ILIAS installation.
    File/Document: Reference to a file that you can select and upload directly in the same mask.
    Object in repository: Reference to all other ILIAS objects within your installation.
    User: Reference to a user of your ILIAS installation.
  5. ILIAS shows you all linkable objects.
  6. If necessary, navigate to the desired object.
  7. Click on the link with the name of the desired object.
  8. ILIAS inserts an internal link.
  9. Click on the Save button to accept your entries.

Edit existing text

You want to edit an existing text section.

  1. Click with the left mouse button on the desired text.
  2. ILIAS opens a selection menu.
  3. Select the entry Edit.
  4. ILIAS opens the text editor.
  5. Make the desired changes and save the text.

Inserting image/audio/video

What options do I have to insert media objects?

You want to add a new image, video, or audio file to the page. ILIAS can handle any format that can be displayed in an internet browser.

To insert these media objects into a page, you have several options:

Note: Each of these options is suitable for different use cases and has specific advantages and disadvantages:

  1. Create a new media object
    • The fastest way is if the media object is likely to be used only once.
  2. Link existing media objects from ILIAS internal media pools.
    • Suitable for multiple uses.
    • Can be easily updated: If the object in the media pool is changed, all references change as well.
    • Multiple authors can use the same files, which only need to be uploaded once.
    • If the media object in the media pool is deleted, it still remains on the page where it was inserted.
    • The use of a media pool is particularly suitable for professional and especially extensive content production with several collaborators.
  3. Linking an existing media object from the ILIAS internal clipboard
    • Similar to linking from a media pool.
    • Central difference: Only you have access to your clipboard.
    • Less clear than a media pool if you have a large number of files.
  4. Link existing media objects from external web pages.
    • Suitable for multiple uses.
    • Less control if you don't own the external object: If it is changed or deleted on the external site, the display in ILIAS also changes.
    • Suitable for very large files that exceed ILIAS internal size limits.

Which media formats are supported?

The ILIAS page editor supports all media formats displayed in a modern web browser. This includes, for example:

  • Images and graphics in the format JPG, JPEG, PNG, or GIF
  • Audio files in MP3, FLV, or WAV format
  • Video files in MP4 or FLV format
  • Subtitle files for MP4 videos in SRT format Note: To use subtitle files, first upload the corresponding MP4 file and then click the Subtitles link.

On the other hand, other media objects (e.g., from the print area in formats such as BMP, PSD, or TIF) cannot be displayed directly in the Internet browser. However, you can make them available for download as a file in ILIAS.

Create a new media object.

You want to create a new media object in ILIAS.

  1. Click on the light gray shaded area.
  2. Select Insert Image/Audio/Video from the drop-down menu.
  3. ILIAS opens a new page.
  4. If necessary, click the New Media Object link.
  5. ILIAS opens the "Media Object" dialog.
  6. Make the following entries:
    • Enter a title for your new media object.
    • Select the desired file under Resource.
    • If the display should differ from the original size, activate the Adjust size radio button and make the appropriate specifications.
    • If necessary, enter a caption.
    • If necessary, select a full-screen display. The full-screen image can be either the already uploaded file in its original size or an even larger file that you additionally provide under Full-screen.
  7. Click on the Save button.
  8. ILIAS uploads the file and accepts your specifications.

Insert existing media object from ILIAS-internal media pool

You want to link an existing media object from an ILIAS-internal media pool.

  1. Click on the light gray shaded area.
  2. Select Insert Image/Audio/Video from the drop-down menu.
  3. ILIAS opens the "Media object" dialog.
  4. Click the Select from media pool link.
  5. ILIAS opens the repository with the first-level categories.
  6. If necessary, click the + icon to navigate to the category where the desired media pool is located.
  7. Click on the media pool that is displayed as a link.
  8. Select the checkbox in front of the desired media object.
  9. Click on the Insert button.
  10. ILIAS inserts the media object at the selected location.

You want to embed an existing media object of an external website via link.

  1. Click on the light gray shaded area.
  2. Select Insert Image/Audio/Video from the drop-down menu.
  3. If necessary, click the New Media Object link.
  4. ILIAS opens the "Media Object" dialog.
  5. Make the following entries:
  6. Enter a title for your new media object.
    • Under Resource, activate the URL radio button.
    • Enter the complete Internet address of the media object to be included.
    • If you want the display to differ from the original size, select the Adjust size radio button and enter the appropriate information.
    • Enter a caption if necessary.
    • If necessary, select a full-screen display. The full-screen image can be either the already uploaded file in its original size or an even larger file that you provide additionally under Full-screen.
  7. Click on the Save button.
  8. ILIAS will accept your specifications.

Inserting an existing media object from the ILIAS-internal clipboard

You want to insert a media object from the ILIAS clipboard.

Note: The ILIAS-internal clipboard keeps all copied files until they are deleted manually. Thus, you can paste a frequently used media object from the clipboard repeatedly without creating a media pool separately.

  1. Click on the light gray shaded area.
  2. Select Paste from the clipboard in the selection menu.
  3. ILIAS opens a new page.
  4. Activate the checkbox in front of the desired media object.
  5. Make sure Paste is selected in the drop-down menu.
  6. Click on the Execute button.
  7. ILIAS inserts the file from the clipboard.

Creating a new media object in the ILIAS internal clipboard

You want to create a new media object in the ILIAS-internal clipboard to be able to reuse it.

Note: Only you have access to your clipboard. To use the media object by other authors, you must create a media pool.

  1. Click on the Clipboard tab.
  2. ILIAS opens your clipboard.
  3. Follow the instructions there.

Inserting questions

Insert question

Questions are mainly used at the end of learning units to offer learners a self-learning check. You can create these questions from scratch or copy existing questions from a question pool.

You want to insert a new question.

Note: This function is only supported by ILIAS and SCORM learning modules.

  1. Click on the light gray shaded area.
  2. Select Insert Question from the drop-down menu.
  3. ILIAS opens the "Insert question" dialog.
  4. Select the desired question type from the drop-down menu:
    Single Choice
    Multiple Choice
    Kprim Choice
    Cloze Question
    Assignment question
    Arrangement Question - Vertical
    Arrangement question - horizontal
    Name terms
    Mark errors/words
    'Long Menu' question
  5. Click on the Save button.
  6. ILIAS opens a new dialog that allows you to create the question.

You want to insert an existing question from a test question pool.

  1. Click on the light gray shaded area.
  2. Select Insert question in the selection menu.
  3. ILIAS opens the "Insert question" dialog.
  4. Click the Copy question from the test question pool link.
  5. ILIAS opens the repository with the first-level categories.
  6. If necessary, click the + icon to navigate to the desired category where the question pool is located.
  7. Click on the question pool, which is displayed as a link.
  8. Click the Copy to Page link next to the desired question.
  9. ILIAS inserts the question in the selected location.

Paste questions from the question pool.

You want to insert an already existing question from a test question pool.

  1. Click on the light gray shaded area.
  2. Select Insert question in the selection menu.
  3. ILIAS opens the "Insert question" dialog.
  4. Click the Copy question from the test question pool link.
  5. ILIAS opens the repository with the first-level categories.
  6. If necessary, click the + icon to navigate to the desired category where the question pool is located.
  7. Click on the question pool, which is displayed as a link.
  8. Click the Copy to Page link next to the desired question.
  9. ILIAS inserts the question in the selected location.

Overview: The different question types

Here is a short overview of the different question types you can insert in ILIAS and SCORM learning modules via the page editor.

  • Single Choice: You offer several answer options to a question, from which the learner has to select one single one via a radio button.
  • Multiple Choice: You offer several answer options to a question, from which the learner has to select several via a checkbox.
  • Kprim Choice: You offer four answers to a question. The learner has to decide whether they apply or not. Alternatively, you can select other option labels (e.g., true/false, +/-) or enter your labels.
  • Gap question: You create gaps in a text that the learner has to fill using free text or a drop-down menu.
  • Matching question: You create pairs of terms that the learner has to match using the drop-down menu.
  • Vertical assignment question: You create a vertical hierarchy of terms that ILIAS will later display in a mixed way. The learner has to put the terms in the right order by dragging and dropping them with the mouse. Images can be used in the vertical arrangement question instead of text answers.
  • Arrangement question - horizontal: You create a horizontal hierarchy of terms, which will later be displayed mixed up by ILIAS. The learner has to put the terms in the correct order by drag&drop with the mouse.
  • Hotspot/Imagemap: You upload an image in ILIAS and mark specific areas. The learner must select the correct area with the mouse.
  • Naming terms: You ask for individual terms. The learner must enter the terms they are looking for using free text.
  • Marking errors/words: You create a text that contains some errors. The learner has to mark the errors with a mouse click.
  • Long menu question: You create a long menu question. This consists of a question and a text with one or more text gaps. For each gap, you must decide whether it should be a text or a selection field.

Giving feedback on the solution

For all question types, you can create general feedback displayed to learners after they answer the question.

Prerequisite: The Disable default feedback checkbox is enabled in the learning module settings.

  1. Create or edit the desired question.
  2. Open the Feedback tab.
  3. Enter your feedback in the text input fields:
    Correct answer: text displayed if the learner answered the question correctly.
    At least one answer is incorrect: Text displayed if the learner did not answer the question (completely) correctly.
  4. Click on the Save button.
  5. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Create/edit the single-choice questions.

You want to create or edit a single-choice question.

Prerequisite: This feature is only available in ILIAS or SCORM learning modules.

  1. Enter a title for your question.
  2. Enter your question.
  3. Under Number of Attempts, enter the number of times a learner may attempt to solve the question.
    Note: Enter 0 to allow an unlimited number of attempts.
    Optional: Select the Shuffle answers checkbox to display the answers randomly on each new page load.
    Optional: If you want to use images as answer choices, enter a value in Preview Size to resize uploaded images to that size automatically.
  4. In the Answers area, type the first answer choice you want in the text entry field under Answer Text or upload an image under Answer Graphic.
  5. Click the (+) icon to add more answers.
  6. Award one or more points for the correct answer. For the other answers, give 0 points.
  7. Click on the Save button to accept your entries.
  8. ILIAS accepts your entries and reports, "Changes saved."

Create/edit the multiple-choice questions.

You want to create or edit a multiple-choice question. With this question type, one or more answers can be selected as the correct solution.

Prerequisite: This feature is only available in ILIAS or SCORM learning modules.

  1. Enter a title for your question.
  2. Enter your question.
  3. Under Number of Attempts, enter the number of times a learner may attempt to solve the question.
    Note: Enter 0 to allow an unlimited number of attempts.
  4. Select the Shuffle answers checkbox to display the answers in random order on each new page load.
    Optional: If you want to use images as answer choices, enter a value in Preview Size to resize uploaded images to that size automatically.
  5. In the Answers section, type the first answer choice you want in the text entry field under Answer Text or upload an image under Answer Graphic.
  6. Click the (+) icon to add more answers.
  7. Award one or more points for each correct answer if selected. For the other answers, give 0 points—also, award points for not selecting answers, if applicable.
  8. Click on the Save button to accept your entries.
  9. ILIAS accepts your entries and reports: "Changes saved."

Create/edit the Kprim choice question.

You want to create or edit a Kprim Choice question.
Prerequisite: You are already in the edit mode of the question.

  1. Enter a title and optionally another author and a description for your question.
  2. Enter your question.
    • Optional: Change the editing duration of the question.
    • Optional: If you want the answers to always remain in the defined order, clear the Shuffle answers checkbox.
  3. Select option labels or enter your own labels for the decision options.
  4. Enter the maximum points that can be achieved.
    • Optional: Select the Enable half-point scoring checkbox if you want to award half of the maximum achievable points for three correct answers. Enter four answer texts in the text entry fields under Answers and select the correct answer options for each.
    • Optional: If you want to enter longer answer options, select Multiline Answers in the Answer Editor drop-down menu. Click on the Save button. ILIAS applies the change and increases the size of the answer text box. (Note: This only works if you have not yet uploaded a graphic).
    • Optional: Add a graphic in addition to or instead of the answer text. Click on the Select file button. ILIAS opens the upload dialog of your browser. Select a graphic. Click on the Upload button. ILIAS uploads the image under Answer Graphics. (Note: This option is only displayed if the answer type Single-line answers is selected).
  5. Click the (^) or (v) icon to move the affected answer text up or down.
    Note: You can assign the question to taxonomies and nodes in the Assignment to Taxonomy Nodes section, assuming you have already created them. For the individual steps, follow this action guide Assigning questions to taxonomies and nodes.
  6. Click on the Save button.
  7. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Create/edit cloze question.

You want to create or edit a cloze question.

Prerequisite: This feature is only available in ILIAS or SCORM learning modules.

  1. Enter a title for your question.
  2. Enter your cloze question. To create a text gap, enter [gap][/gap] at the desired position in the text. You can also create multiple gaps in the cloze text.
  3. Under Number of Attempts, enter the number of times a learner may attempt to solve the question.
    Note: Enter 0 to allow an unlimited number of attempts.
  4. Click the Generate Gaps button.
  5. ILIAS will now generate custom input fields for each of your gaps.
  6. Edit your text gaps.
  7. If necessary, select the type of gap you want in the drop-down menu of each gap under Type. Then click Create Gaps again and follow the appropriate instructions.
    Text Gap: In this type, the learner has to write a solution text in the text gap by himself. In doing so, the given spelling must be followed precisely. As a solution specification, enter the answer text and the points to be achieved. Two or more correct solutions can also be entered if there are several spellings of the solution word.
    Choice Gap: In this type, the learner must choose the correct answer from a drop-down menu. An answer text and the points to be achieved for each answer choice must be defined. Check the Shuffle answers checkbox to display the questions in random order on each new page load.
    Numerical gap: With this type, the solution is a numeric value. This must be within a defined numeric range. Define the exact value as well as the respective lower bound and upper bound. Determine the points to be awarded for the correct solution.
  8. Click on the Save button to accept your entries.
  9. ILIAS accepts your entries and reports, "Changes saved."

Create/edit assignment question

You want to create or edit an assignment question.

Prerequisite: This function is only available in ILIAS or SCORM learning modules.

  1. Enter a title for your question.
  2. Enter your question.
  3. Under Number of Attempts, enter the number of times a learner may attempt to solve the question.
    Note: Enter 0 to allow an unlimited number of attempts.
  4. Enter the definitions to which terms should be assigned.
    Optional: Click the (+) icon to add more definitions.
  5. Enter the terms that should be assigned to the definitions.
    Optional: Click the (+) icon to add more terms. You can also create an assignment question so that the number of definitions and terms is not identical. In this case, terms remain that cannot be assigned to a definition. This increases the level of difficulty. Under Assignment pairs, specify which term belongs to which definition and how many points are achievable for a correct answer.
    Optional: Click the (+) icon to add more answer choices.
  6. Click on the Save button to accept your entries.
  7. ILIAS accepts your input and reports "Changes saved."

Create/edit arrangement question (vertical)

You want to create or edit a vertical arrangement question.

Prerequisite: This function is only available in ILIAS or SCORM learning modules.

  1. Enter a title for your question.
  2. Enter your question.
  3. Under Number of Attempts, enter the number of times a learner may attempt to solve the question.
    Note: Enter 0 to allow an unlimited number of attempts.
  4. Under Points, enter how many points to score for a correct arrangement.
  5. Enter the answers to be ordered by the learner:
  6. Click the (+) icon to add more answers.
  7. Arrange the answers as required for the correct solution. ILIAS will shuffle the display later in the learner's view.
  8. Click the arrow buttons to the right of the answers to change their order.
  9. You can change the order by clicking the To View: Outline Terms button. Use the mouse there to drag the terms into the desired order.    
    Optional: You can also upload images that need to be ordered by the learner. To do this, click the Use Answer with Images button and upload an image under each answer field.
  10. Click the Save button to apply your entries.
  11. ILIAS will accept your entries and report "Changes saved."

Create/edit arrangement question (horizontal)

You want to create or edit a horizontal arrangement question.

Prerequisite: This function is only available in ILIAS or SCORM learning modules.

  1. Enter a title for your question.
  2. Enter your question.
  3. Under Number of Attempts, enter the number of times a learner may attempt to solve the question.
    Note: Enter 0 to allow an unlimited number of attempts.
  4. Enter the text to be arranged. In doing so, arrange the individual answers as required to provide the correct solution. ILIAS will mix the display later in the learner's view.
    If you only want to arrange single words, separate them with a space. ILIAS will then display each word in a separate box, which the learner must move and order.
    If the answer choices include multiple words, separate each with two colons (e.g., Answer One::Answer Two).
    Optional: In the text entry box, enter the desired text size as a percentage.
  5. Under Points, specify how many points will be awarded for a correct answer.
  6. Click on the Save button.
  7. ILIAS will accept your entries and report "Changes saved."

Create/edit hotspot/imagemap question.

You want to create or edit a hotspot/imagemap question.

Prerequisite: This function is only available in ILIAS or SCORM learning modules.

  1. Enter a title for your question.
  2. Enter your question.
  3. Under Number of Attempts, enter the number of times a learner may attempt to solve the question.
    Note: Enter 0 to allow an unlimited number of attempts.
  4. Select an answer mode:
    Single Choice: Only one clickable area ("hotspot") is correct.
    Multiple Choice: Multiple hotspots are correct. You can assign points for selecting correct hotspots and for not selecting incorrect hotspots.
  5. Under Image, select the underlying image file for the imagemap. This must be in GIF, PNG, or JPG format and already have the correct size for display in ILIAS.
    Optional: Alternatively, you can upload a finished imagemap file you created in another program under Import Imagemap. Steps 7 to 11 are then omitted.
  6. Click on the Save button.
  7. ILIAS uploads the image and opens a new mask.
  8. Click one of the buttons below the image to add the corresponding shape as a clickable area ("hotspot"): Add Rectangle, Add Circle, or Add Polygon.
  9. ILIAS opens a new page.
  10. Follow the ILIAS instructions to select the desired area on the image.
    Optional: Enter a name for the clickable area. This will be displayed to the participant as they scroll over the corresponding hotspot.
  11. Click the Save button.
  12. ILIAS creates the hotspot and a list of defined areas.
    Optional: Repeat the process to create more hotspots.
    Optional: If you have previously defined a name for the created hotspot, you can find it in the hint field. If not, enter a hint for each hotspot that will appear to the subscriber as they scroll over the corresponding area. The hint and name are identical for the imagemap question.
  13. Under Points, specify how many points are reachable for selecting the correct area.
  14. Click on the Save button.
  15. ILIAS accepts your entries and reports, "Changes saved."

Create/edit a term-naming question.

You want to create or edit a question in which terms must be named.

Prerequisite: This function is only available in ILIAS or SCORM learning modules.

  1. Enter a title for your question.
  2. Enter your question.
  3. Under Number of Attempts, enter the number of times a learner may attempt to solve the question.
    Note: Enter 0 to allow an unlimited number of attempts.
  4. Enter the number of desired answers. Depending on the number value, the learner will see several input fields and the Maximum Achievable Score calculated after the question is saved.
  5. Under Method for text comparisons, select whether or not ILIAS should check for correct capitalization when checking the answer.
  6. Under Answers, specify the correct answer and how many points are awarded for a correct answer.
    Optional: Click the (+) icon to add more answer choices. This may also be necessary for this question type to allow for tolerances in spelling.
    Note: You can define more answer choices than answers are desired.
  7. Click on the Save button.
  8. ILIAS will accept your entries and report "Changes saved." The value under Maximum Achievable Score will now be calculated automatically by ILIAS.

Create/edit error/word mark questions.

You want to create or edit a question in which errors or words must be marked.

Prerequisite: This feature is only available in ILIAS or SCORM learning modules.

  1. Enter a title for your question.
  2. Enter your question.
  3. Under Number of Attempts, enter the number of times a learner may attempt to solve the question.
    Note: Enter 0 to allow an unlimited number of attempts.
  4. Under Mark errors/words, enter the text in which to mark the errors/words. Mark each word with a hashtag (e.g., #mark).
  5. Click on the Analyze Text button.
  6. ILIAS analyzes the text and creates a text entry field in the new Error Data section for each word marked with a hash.
  7. Enter the correct text for each and the number of points to score for a correct answer.
  8. Under Incorrect Selections, specify how many points will be deducted for words mismarked.
  9. Click on the Save button.
  10. ILIAS will accept your entries and report "Changes saved."

Creating/editing a 'Long Menu' question

You want to create or edit a long menu question.

Prerequisite: You are already in the edit mode of the question.

  1. Enter a title for your question.
    Optional: enter another author and a description.
  2. Enter your question
    Optional: Change the editing duration of the question.
  3. Enter your Long Menu text. To create a text gap, click the Insert Gap button at the point where you want to insert the gap. You can also create multiple gaps in your text. ILIAS creates input fields for the gaps.
  4. For each long menu, decide whether you want to have a text field edited or offer a choice of answer options. To do this, select the respective entry in the Type drop-down menu.
    Optional: Change the number of characters from which ILIAS provides search suggestions. To do this, enter a value > 0 for Autocomplete (Note: This option only applies to the Text field type).
  5. Create answers for each long menu. To do this, click on Add answers. ILIAS opens a window with the answer options. Enter answer options in the available text fields. Click the (+) or (-) icon to add or remove answer options. Click the Save button.
    Optional: You can upload a text file with answer options. To do so, click the Select file button. ILIAS opens the upload dialog of your browser. Select a text file. ILIAS transfers all answer options from the file into the list.
  6. Enter the correct answers for each long menu. Enter letters in the search field that appear in the term you are looking for. ILIAS returns a list of matching answer options. Click on the answer you are looking for. Click the (x) icon to remove existing answers from the list.
  7. Specify the points for the respective long menu.
  8. Click on the Save button.
  9. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Insert question overview

Questions are used to offer learners self-learning control. (Cf. the instructions for action "Insert question.") To provide learners with feedback or an easier overview, a question overview can also be inserted at the end of a learning unit.

You can use two types of question overviews: A status message about the number of answered/not answered questions or a list of questions that have not yet been answered or answered incorrectly.

You want to insert a question overview.

Note: SCORM learning modules only support this feature.

  1. Click on the light gray shaded area.
  2. Select Insert question overview from the drop-down menu.
  3. ILIAS opens the "Insert question overview" dialog.
  4. Activate the radio button in front of the desired type:
    Question status
    List of incorrectly answered questions
  5. Click on the Save button.
  6. ILIAS creates the question overview.

Content modules: Adopting predefined paragraphs

What are content modules?

Content modules are paragraphs (or whole pages) that are to be used in several places. They can be, for example, directions or legal information. They can consist of text, images, files, and other elements. Once created, content modules can be reused as often as desired in the following tools:

  • Learning module ILIAS
  • Course
  • Group
  • Folder
  • Category
  • Repository

The creation, administration, and updating are ALWAYS done in a so-called media pool, which you may have to create separately. Updates and changes to the module in the media pool are automatically applied wherever the content module is inserted.

For this reason, content modules cannot be edited in the learning module, course, folder, or group itself but can only be inserted or deleted as a whole block.

Note: This function must be activated in the administration in the Media objects and pools area. If necessary, contact your administrator in this regard.

Inserting a content module

You want to insert a content module.

  1. Click on the light gray shaded area.
  2. Select Insert content module from the drop-down menu.
  3. ILIAS opens a tree overview of all repository content.
  4. Navigate to the desired media pool and click on the link with its name.
  5. ILIAS opens a list overview of all contents of the selected media pool.
  6. Activate the checkbox in front of the desired content module.
  7. Click on the Insert button.
  8. ILIAS inserts the content module.

Note: You can only edit the content module directly in the media pool. Changes you make will then automatically apply wherever the content module is inserted.

Inserting structuring and design elements

Inserting new files as a file list

You want to upload one or more files and insert them on the page as a file list.

Note: The procedure described here is unsuitable for category, course, and group pages, as files are always inserted as repository objects. Please refer to the instructions for the respective objects.

  1. Click on the light gray shaded area.
  2. Select Insert file list in the selection menu.
  3. ILIAS opens the dialog "Insert file list."
  4. Give the new file list a title.
    Optional: Select the language of the file in the drop-down menu.
  5. Select the first file to upload.
    Note: The upload dialog varies depending on the browser and operating system used.
  6. Click the Save button.
  7. ILIAS uploads the file and returns it to the page editor.

To add another file to the file list, do the following.

  1. Click on the title of your file list.
  2. ILIAS opens a selection menu.
  3. Select Edit Files.
  4. Select the next file to upload.
  5. Click on the Save button.
  6. ILIAS uploads the file and returns it to the page editor.

To change the order of the files in the list, do the following.

  1. Click on the title of your file list.
  2. ILIAS opens a selection menu.
  3. Select Edit files.
  4. Enter numbers under Position to sort the files accordingly.
  5. Click on the Save order button.
  6. ILIAS takes your entries and presents the files in ascending order from smallest to largest number.

Insert existing files from the repository or workspace

You want to insert one or more files from the repository or workspace as a file list on the page.

Note: The procedure described here is unsuitable for category, course, and group pages, as files are always inserted as repository objects. Please refer to the instructions for the respective objects.

  1. Click on the light gray shaded area.
  2. Select Insert file list in the selection menu.
  3. ILIAS opens the dialog "Insert file list."
  4. Click on the link File from the repository or File from my workspace.
  5. Navigate to the desired file in the tree structure.
  6. Click on the name of the file that is marked as a link.
  7. Give the new file list a title.
    Optional: Select the language of the file from the drop-down menu.
  8. Click the Save button.
  9. ILIAS creates the file list and returns it to the page editor.

Do the following to add another file from the repository or workspace to the file list.

  1. Click on the title of your file list.
  2. ILIAS opens a selection menu.
  3. Select Edit files.
  4. Click on the Add file button.
  5. Follow the instructions above from step 4.

To change the order of the files in the list, do the following.

  1. Click on the title of your file list.
  2. ILIAS opens a selection menu.
  3. Select Edit Files.
  4. Enter numbers under Position to sort the files accordingly.
  5. Click on the Save order button.
  6. ILIAS takes your entries and presents the files in ascending order from smallest to largest number.

Insert block

A block is used to structure and design the page content. It can be highlighted or framed to emphasize certain contents of your page.

You want to insert a block.

  1. Click on the light gray shaded area.
  2. Select Insert Block from the drop-down menu.
  3. ILIAS opens the Insert Block dialog.
  4. Click on the arrow next to Paragraph Format.
  5. ILIAS opens a selection menu.
  6. Select the desired format for the block.
  7. Click on the Save button.
  8. ILIAS creates the block. You can add any content to this block by clicking on the shaded area.

Insert data table

A data table can contain only (formatted) text in its cells. Therefore, unlike the extended table, it cannot be used for layout purposes. You can enter the data of the simple table in ILIAS itself or import it from a spreadsheet like Excel.

You want to create a new table and enter the data in ILIAS.

  1. Click on the light gray shaded area.
  2. Select Insert data table from the drop-down menu.
  3. ILIAS opens the Insert Table dialog.
  4. Set the properties of the table:
    • Specify the number of columns and the number of rows.
    • Note: These values can be changed later.
    • Specify the table width in pixels (e.g., 500px) or percent of the page width (e.g., 50%). The width is set automatically according to the content if you don't specify anything.
    • Specify the table border. Specify 0px to create an invisible border.
    • Under Inside Table Cell Spacing, specify the distance of the cell content from the border.
    • Under Paragraph Format, select the layout of your table.
    • Select the number of header and footer rows or columns.
    • Under First Row Style, choose the layout of the first table row.
    • Choose the alignment of the cell contents.
    • Under Caption, specify an explanation of the table, and under Alignment, choose whether it appears above or below the table.
    • Make sure that the HTML Table radio button is enabled under Insert Table.
  5. Select the language of the table.
  6. Click on the Save button.
  7. ILIAS creates the table and loads a new page where you can add content.
  8. You can then edit the table properties using the various tabs.

Of course, you can also edit the table afterward.

You want to create a new table and import the data from Excel spreadsheets.

  1. Activate the radio button Spreadsheet under Insert table.
  2. ILIAS opens an input field.
  3. Copy your table's data in the spreadsheet (e.g., via Ctrl+C or Cmd+C).
  4. Click in the input field and paste the data (e.g., via Ctrl+V or Cmd+V).
  5. Click on the Save button.
  6. ILIAS creates the table and loads a new page where you can edit the contents further if necessary.

Edit the data table afterward

You can edit all elements of a data table afterward. Depending on which element you want to edit, you have to proceed differently:

You want to edit the properties of the table defined at the beginning.

  1. Click on the table in the page editor.
  2. ILIAS opens a selection menu.
  3. Click on Properties.
  4. ILIAS opens the Properties tab of the table, which is described in the "Inserting a data table" action guide.
  5. Click the Save button when you have made the desired changes.

You want to edit the data of the table.

  1. Click on the table in the page editor.
  2. ILIAS opens a selection menu.
  3. Click on Edit data.
  4. ILIAS opens the Edit Data tab, where you can change the table contents.
  5. Click the Save button when you have made the desired changes.

You can use the tabs to switch back and forth between the two editing modes. In addition, you can also use this to access a third editing mode that allows you to adjust the appearance, width, and alignment of the individual table cells.

You want to adjust the individual table cells' appearance, width, and alignment.

  1. In the edit mode, click the Table Cell Properties tab.
  2. Make the changes in the desired area by clicking on the links:
    Style: mark individual table cells visually unique.
    Width: Adjust the width of the table cells in percent (%) or pixels (px).
    Alignment: Customize the alignment of the contents of each table cell.
    Merge Cells: Connect multiple cells.
  3. Finally, click the appropriate button to save your changes:
    Set Styles
    Save widths
    Set Alignment
    Save Cell Joins

Insert extended table

In extended tables, you can insert page elements other than text. You can place several paragraphs of text, images, lists, or tables in one table cell. Extended tables can thus be used as a container for structuring pages.

You want to create and edit an extended table.

  1. Click on the light gray shaded area.
  2. Select Insert extended table in the selection menu.
  3. ILIAS opens the "Insert Table" dialog.
  4. Follow the "Insert Data Table" action guide from step 4 to set the properties of the table.
  5. After saving, ILIAS opens the page editor again.
  6. Now click on the + sign in the light gray shaded area of a cell to add content. If necessary, again, follow the instructions for action for the individual elements. The following content can be added (the selection list may vary depending on the object):
    File list
    Data table
    Extended table
    Extended list
    Interactive image
    Program code
    Content block
    Question Overview

Insert extended list

In extended lists, you can insert page elements other than text. You can place several text paragraphs, images, tables, or even lists under a single list item. Extended lists can thus be used - similar to extended tables- as a container for various page elements.

You want to create and edit an extended list.

  1. Click on the light gray shaded area.
  2. Select Insert extended list in the selection menu.
  3. ILIAS opens the "Insert extended list" dialog.
  4. Activate the Unnumbered or Numbered list radio button to select the list type.
  5. Select the number of entries.
  6. If you have created a numbered list, define the number type and the start value of the list.
  7. Click the Save button.
  8. ILIAS creates the list and returns it to the page editor.
  9. Now click on a list item's light gray shaded area to add content. Again, follow the activation instructions for each item as needed. The following content can be added (depending on the item, the number of items may vary):
    Materials list
    File list
    Data table
    Extended table
    Extended list
    Interactive image
    Program code
    Questions overview
    Insert my courses
    Paste from clipboard

Inserting tabs and accordions

You can use tabs and accordions to make a page with extensive content clearer. Like the Extended Table and the Extended List, a tab is a container object that can contain all known page elements.

A single tab consists of a title and the respective content. Several registers together form an accordion. The contents are then shown and hidden after a mouse click in the accordion. Temporarily hiding content makes a page in ILIAS clearer and more user-friendly.

Tabs can be arranged in a vertical or horizontal accordion. A horizontal accordion opens from left to right, and a vertical accordion from top to bottom.

You want to create a new accordion.

  1. Click on the light gray shaded area.
  2. Select Insert Accordion from the drop-down menu.
  3. ILIAS opens the Insert Accordion dialog.
  4. Under Type, activate the Vertical Accordion or Horizontal Accordion radio button.
  5. Optional: If necessary, determine the appearance of the accordion under Paragraph format.
  6. Select the number of tabs and specify the width and height of the content.
  7. Specify the behavior of the accordion: determine whether and how many tabs should be open when the accordion is called.
    Note: Depending on the setting, all tabs can be closed or opened when the page is first opened. It is also possible that only a single tab is open. If the user clicks on the title of another tab, that tab will be opened, and the contents of the first tab will be closed.
  8. In the Alignment drop-down menu, choose the way of arranging the text and accordion.
  9. Click the Save button.
  10. ILIAS creates the accordion with its tabs and returns it to the page editor.

Insert column layout

You can use the column layout to structure a page and divide it into columns. Unlike extended tables, the column layout behaves responsively, i.e. the columns break as the screen size decreases and are displayed one below the other.

You want to create and edit a column layout.

  1. Click on the light gray shaded area.
  2. Select Insert Column Layout from the drop-down menu.
  3. ILIAS opens the "Insert column layout" dialog.
  4. Enter the number of columns in the Number of the columns input field.
  5. Define the Column Width area for each screen size (Small, Medium, Large, Very Large) and the width of the columns.
    Note: The full-screen width is 12/12. If you want four columns to be displayed side by side on a Very Large screen, you must define a column width of 3/12.
  6. Now, if you want the four columns to be displayed in pairs below each other on a Medium size screen, specify a column width of 6/12 under Medium.
  7. Click on Save.
  8. Now click on the + sign in a column's light gray shaded area to add content. Again, follow the activation instructions for each item as needed. The following content can be added (the selection list may vary depending on the object):
    File list
    Data table
    Extended table
    Extended list
    Interactive image
    Program code
    Content block
    Question Overview

Insert my courses

You want to list all the courses you are a member of.

  1. Click on the light gray shaded area.
  2. Select Insert my courses from the drop-down menu.
  3. ILIAS opens the dialog "Insert my courses."
  4. Check the Alphabetical or By Location radio button to specify the sort order of the listing of your courses.
  5. Click on the Save button.
  6. ILIAS lists all the courses you are a member of and returns to the Page Editor with the sort order you specified.

Insert from clipboard

You want to paste a media object from the clipboard.

Note: This is not the usual copy-and-paste function! See the introduction to the clipboard for media for how it works.

  1. Click on the light gray shaded area.
  2. Select Paste from the clipboard in the selection menu.
  3. ILIAS opens the clipboard.
  4. Activate the checkbox in front of the desired media object.
    Note: You can also select multiple objects.
  5. Select Paste from the selection menu above or below the media list.
  6. Click on the Execute button.
  7. ILIAS inserts the media object at the location you selected.

Inserting interactive elements

Interactive image - introduction

Interactive images can be used to convey complex content as well as to break up longer text passages.

You upload a photo or a graphic on which you define so-called "trigger areas" in ILIAS. If the user moves the mouse over this trigger area (overlay image) or clicks on it (content popup), another image or an explanation is displayed.

Creating an interactive image involves several steps: First, you insert the underlying image on which you want to define the trigger area(s). Then you create overlay images or content popups. The latter are container objects for other content and are therefore "filled" via the page editor in a third step.

Insert underlying image

You want to insert an interactive image.

  1. Click on the light gray shaded area.
  2. Select Insert interactive image from the drop-down menu.
  3. ILIAS opens an upload dialog prompting, "Please upload the underlying image file for the interactive image."
  4. Select an image and click the Save button.
  5. ILIAS uploads the image and reports "Interactive image saved."
  6. Select any option from the Range for Triggers drop-down menu.
  7. Click the Add button.
  8. Follow the on-screen instructions from ILIAS to select the area.
  9. Under New Trigger Area, enter the name of the highlighted area.
  10. Click on the Save button.
  11. ILIAS accepts your entries and reports, "Link is saved."
  12. ILIAS now presents you with the triggering area in a table. There you can assign overlay images or popups. (Cf. the following sections.)

Assign overlay image

An overlay image is displayed when users move the mouse over the defined area of the underlying image. You must first upload overlay images and assign them to the associated trigger area in the Trigger tab.

You want to upload and assign an overlay image.

  1. Click on the Overlay images tab.
  2. Click on the Add image button.
  3. ILIAS opens the upload dialog.
  4. Select an image and click the Upload button.
  5. Click on the Trigger tab.
  6. In the Image for an Overlay table column, select the desired image from the Image drop-down menu.
  7. Click the Save button.
  8. ILIAS assigns the overlay image and reports "Changes saved."
    Note: You can change the position of the overlay image, for example, to display this offset above the underlying image.
  9. After saving, click the Edit Overlay Position link in the Actions table column.
  10. Move the overlay image to the desired position with the mouse.
  11. Click the Save button.

Creating content popups

A content popup is displayed when users click the mouse on the defined trigger area of the underlying image. Creating a content popup involves three steps: First, you create the popup as a container. Then, you assign it a defined trigger area and the desired size. Finally, you fill it with content using the Page Editor.

You want to create and assign a content popup.

  1. Click on the Content Popups tab.
  2. Click the Add popup button.
  3. ILIAS adds the popup and reports "Changes saved".
  4. In the text entry field under Title, enter a descriptive title for your popup.
  5. Click the Save title button.
  6. ILIAS accepts your entries and reports "Changes saved".
  7. Click on the Trigger tab.
  8. Select the desired popup from the Title drop-down menu in the Content Popup table column.
    Optional: In the Content Popup table column, enter the desired popup size in pixels under Width and Height.
  9. Click the Save button.
  10. ILIAS assigns the content popup and reports "Changes saved."
    Note: You can change the position of the content popup, for example, to display this offset above the underlying image.
  11. After saving, click the Edit Position of Popup link in the Actions table.
  12. Move the popup to the desired position with the mouse.
  13. Click the Save button.

You want to fill a content popup with content.

  1. Click the Page link.
  2. Click the light gray shaded area under the title of the desired popup.
  3. You can now add content as usual.

Inserting a map

You want to insert a map on a page.

Prerequisite: For this function, Google Maps must be activated on your installation. If necessary, please get in touch with your ILIAS administrator.

  1. Click on the light gray shaded area.
  2. Select Insert Map from the drop-down menu.
  3. ILIAS opens the "Insert Map" dialog.
  4. Enter the desired position to be displayed on the map. Usually, the easiest way to determine the longitude and latitude is to search for an address.
  5. Select the desired display size in the Magnification level drop-down menu.
    You can also determine the degree of magnification by selecting the desired display on the map with the + and - buttons.
    Optional: Specify width and height (in pixels) to insert a larger or smaller map.
    Optional: Change the orientation of the map on the page.
    Optional: Enter a caption for the image.
  6. Click the Save button.
  7. ILIAS inserts the map on the page.

Inserting program code

It must be specially marked to display the program or source code in ILIAS. Otherwise, ILIAS would delete the code when calling the page for security reasons or, in unproblematic cases, execute it.

You want to insert program code as text.

  1. Click on the light gray shaded area.
  2. Select Insert program code in the selection menu.
  3. ILIAS opens the dialog "Insert program code."
  4. In the Language drop-down menu, select the language of the comments and content used in the program code, if applicable.
  5. In the Programming language drop-down menu, select the programming language used. ILIAS then highlights the variables and functions of this language.
  6. Activate the Show line numbers checkbox to display the corresponding line number before each new line of program code.
  7. Activate the checkbox Automatic indentation to make the display clearer.
  8. Enter the program code into the text input field. You can also copy and paste it.
    Optional: If you want to upload a file with program code, you can change its title under the Title of the download file.
    Optional: If you want to upload a file with program code, select it under Import file and click the Import button.
  9. Click the Save button.
  10. ILIAS creates the program code representation and returns it to the page editor.

Adding multilingual content

Multilingual content - introduction

ILIAS supports content presentation in multiple languages on the repository home page, in categories, and in ILIAS learning modules. To do this, multilingualism must first be enabled in the settings of the respective object. The content is then created and managed in the page editor.

The content presentation is done automatically according to the respective user language. If no translation is available for a language, a previously defined default language is displayed.

Necessary steps and prerequisites:

  • Multilingual content is currently only supported on the repository home page, in categories, and ILIAS learning modules.
  • The support of multilingual content must have already been activated in the settings of the respective object. You can recognize this because the current and the default language are displayed in the page editor (e.g., "Current language: German, default language: German").
  • You have already added another language in the settings.
  • Only then can you add multilingual content in the page editor.

Adding content in another language

You want to add content in another language.


  • Multilingual content is currently only supported on the repository home page, in categories, and ILIAS learning modules.
  • The support of multilingual content must have already been activated in the settings of the respective object. You can recognize this because the current and the default language are displayed in the page editor (e.g., "Current language: German, default language: German").
  • You have already added another language in the settings.
  1. Open the Actions menu at the top of the page.
  2. Select the language you want to edit (e.g., "Edit version: English").
  3. ILIAS opens a new page and asks you to confirm the creation of the page in the new language.
    Note: To facilitate translation, ILIAS creates the page as a copy of the language you already have.
  4. Click the Confirm button.
  5. ILIAS opens the newly created page.
    Note: You can recognize this by the changed display of the current language at the top of the screen (e.g., "Current language: English, default language: German").
  6. Edit the page content in the new language.
  7. To return to the source language after editing, select it in the Actions menu (e.g., "Edit version: German").

Who changed what?

History tab - introduction

The History tab lists the entire history of all changes made to a page.

You can see in it when which change was made by which user. You also can compare different editing states and undo changes.

Compare versions of a page.

Thanks to the history function, you can track which person made which changes to a page and when.

You want to compare two different versions of a page.

  1. Navigate to the page whose changes you want to view.
  2. Click on the History tab.
  3. ILIAS shows you a list of the versions of this page sorted by date.
  4. In the list, activate the radio buttons of the two versions you want to compare.
  5. Click the Compare selected changes button.
  6. ILIAS shows you a comparison page: On the left, you can see the older version, and on the right, the newer one. They are marked with different colors:
    Green: Newly added content.
    Blue: Changed contents
    Red: Deleted content
  7. To switch back to the overview, click the History tab again.

Restore the old version of a page

You want to restore a previous version of a page.

  1. Navigate to the desired page.
  2. Click on the History tab.
  3. ILIAS will show you a list of versions of that page sorted by date.
  4. Pick the version of the page you want to restore. Click the Rollback link in the Action column on the right.
  5. Confirm that you want to restore the previous version.
  6. ILIAS restores the previous version.

The clipboard for media

Clipboard - Introduction

The clipboard keeps media objects (such as images, videos, etc.) that you use more than once during your work with ILIAS. You can use media objects with it quickly and easily in several objects everywhere on your ILIAS installation.

The unique feature compared to the usual copy & paste functionality is that multiple objects can be kept ready in the clipboard. These are also each provided with a small preview image, which makes it easier to quickly find the proper media object again, even in more extensive collections.

In contrast to media pools, only you have access to your clipboard.

Media objects remain on the clipboard until you delete them.

Uploading media objects to the clipboard

You want to upload a media object from your computer to the clipboard.

  1. Click on the Clipboard tab.
  2. Click on the Create media object button.
  3. ILIAS opens the "Media object" dialog.
  4. Make the following entries:
    Choose a title for your new media object.
  5. Select the desired object under Resource:
    File: Upload a file from your computer.
    URL: Specify the address of a media object on the Internet. Attention: The file will not be saved in ILIAS itself in this case.
    If the display should differ from the original size, activate the Adjust size radio button and enter the corresponding information.
    If necessary, enter a caption.
    If necessary, select a full-screen display. The full-screen image can be the already uploaded file in its original size or an even larger file that you provide additionally under Full-screen.
  6. Click on the Save button.
  7. ILIAS uploads the file and gives you the feedback Media object saved. You will now find the media object on your clipboard.

Inserting media objects from the clipboard

You want to insert a media object from the clipboard.

  1. Click on the light gray shaded area.
  2. Select Paste from Clipboard from the drop-down menu.
  3. ILIAS opens the clipboard.
  4. Activate the checkbox in front of the desired media object.
    Note: You can also select multiple objects.
  5. Select Paste from the selection menu above or below the media list.
  6. Click on the Execute button.
  7. ILIAS inserts the media object at the location you selected.