Introduction object block

What is an object block?

ILIAS can combine several objects in an object block under an individually named section.

With an object block, you provide your participants with 'packages' that belong together in terms of content or time. For example, you can group a file, a test, and a learning module on the same topic in a standard block. You can give these 'packages' a title. You can place object blocks anywhere on the pages. For example, the start page of a course can be structured as follows:
Image - heading - text - first object block with file, mediacast, learning module, test - image - text - second object block test, exercise, forum.

An object block can contain objects of different types in your category, group, course, or folder. Material lists are more suitable if you want to offer all objects of the same type together.
The object block appears in your category, group, folder, or course layout. When designing a container object with object blocks, you proceed in four phases:

  • Create object block: create an object block at the location you want.
  • Assign objects: Assign existing materials or create new objects in the object block.
  • Sort assigned objects: In the Sort sub-tab of your course, folder or group, or category, set the order of the objects in the object block or re-place the whole block.
  • Decorate the page above and below the object block: Optionally, you can include the object block between other contents and design elements of the page editor.

Create object block

Creating a new object block

New object blocks are created like all other ILIAS objects and combine several mentioned objects into one section.

You want to sort your created objects coherently and list them under one block.

  1. Click the Add New Object button and select the Object Block entry.
  2. In the New Object Block section, enter the desired title of the object block and, if necessary, a description in the input field.
  3. Click on the Add object block button.
  4. ILIAS creates the object block, reports "Object added," and opens the list of all objects in the object block.

Note: You can now edit the settings of the object block, assign existing objects, or directly create objects in this object block via the Add new object button.
Note the visibility rights of the object block: If users cannot see the object block, the objects it contains are also invisible.

Editing the settings of the object block

Define settings

ILIAS offers you the possibility to change the title and settings for it afterward.

You want to edit the settings of your object block.

  1. Click on the ▼ menu to the right of the object block and select the Settings entry.
  2. ILIAS opens the editing view in the Settings sub-tab of the object block.
  3. In the Edit object block section, edit the title and description of the object block.
  4. Under the Show Title setting, select or clear the Hide Title checkbox.
  5. Click the Save button.
  6. ILIAS reports, "Change saved."


  • Always open - the title is displayed continuously and cannot be clicked. Thus, the entries will always be displayed under this title.
  • Expandable (initially closed) - means that the block's content is initially hidden and must be manually expanded by the user - The title is indicated by a leading ► icon, which must be clicked to expand the object block. Only then will the entries that are grouped under this title appear.
  • Expandable (initially open) - means that the block's content is initially expanded and must be manually collapsed by the user - The title is indicated by a leading ▼ icon, which must be clicked to collapse the object block.
  • For the last two options, the user must not have performed any click action on the title earlier in the session, as ILIAS remembers the state afterward until the user logs out).
  • While all other objects in ILIAS must have a title, it is possible to disable the title display for the object block.

Change settings

ILIAS offers you the possibility to change your settings afterward.

You want to edit the settings of your object block.

Prerequisite: You have already created an object block with corresponding default settings.

  1. Click on the Settings tab within the desired object block.
    Or click on the ▼ menu to the right of the object block and select the Settings entry.
  2. ILIAS opens a new page.
  3. In the Edit object block section, edit the desired input fields Title and/or Description.
  4. Activate or deactivate the Show title checkbox if you want to show or hide it.
  5. Click on the Save button.
  6. ILIAS saves the changes.

Note: If you have activated the title, another subitem opens where you can determine the presentation behavior of the title. You can determine whether it should Always be open, Expandable (initially closed), or Expandable (initially open).

Manage objects

Assigning existing objects

You want to add already existing objects to the object block.

Prerequisite: You are in a container object where objects have been created.

  1. Click the ▼ selection menu to the right of the object block.
  2. Select the Edit content entry.
  3. ILIAS opens the editing view of the object block.
  4. Click on the Objects tab.
  5. ILIAS lists all objects that are in the parent container object.
  6. Select the checkboxes in front of the objects you want to add to the object block.
  7. Click the Save button.
  8. ILIAS will save the changes.


  • The added objects are no longer displayed in the usual content overview of the respective container.
  • There are no further effects on the objects.
  • You can assign an object to several object blocks at the same time.
  • Note the visibility rights of the object block: if users cannot see the object block, the objects it contains are also invisible to them.
  • You can also create new objects and delete objects directly in the object block.

Assigning new objects

ILIAS offers you not only the possibility to assign existing objects but also the possibility to create new objects directly in the object block.

You want to add a new object block to the object block.

  1. Click on the▼ selection menu to the right of the object block and select the Edit contents entry.
  2. ILIAS opens a new page-
  3. Click the Add new object button and select the object you want to create in the object block.
  4. Create the new object.
  5. Switch back to your desired object block.
  6. ILIAS now displays the new object in your desired object block.

Remove objects

ILIAS offers you the possibility to remove objects from the object block.

You want to delete one or more objects from the object block.

  1. Click the▼ drop-down menu to the right of the object block and select the Edit content entry.
  2. ILIAS opens a new page.
  3. Deactivate the checkboxes in front of the objects you want to remove.        
    You can also select multiple objects if you want to remove multiple objects.
  4. Click the Save button.
  5. ILIAS saves the changes and reports "Change saved".
    Note: Deleting the object block does not delete the objects associated with the object block. In the Objects table in the object block, you can now see the removed ones in the Included column. Included objects are displayed with a green checkmark icon, and unincluded objects are with a red "X" icon.

Delete object block

You want to remove an object block from your page.

Prerequisite: You are in a container object that contains objects.

  1. Click the ▼ selection menu to the right of the object block.
  2. Select the Delete entry.
  3. ILIAS asks whether you want to delete the object block.
  4. Click on the Confirm button.
  5. ILIAS reports, "Object(s) deleted."

Note: The objects assigned to the object block are also not deleted by deleting the object block.