Media pool introduction


Media pools are the appropriate tool to create content together with other authors. In media pools, shared libraries of media objects or content modules can be created and managed:

  • Media objects are images, graphics, animations, and audio or video files. These media objects are created and edited in a corresponding program outside ILIAS and then uploaded to ILIAS.
  • Content modules are entire page elements of text and media reused in ILIAS learning modules.

The advantage of a shared media pool is that all files only need to be uploaded to ILIAS once and can then be embedded as often as desired in different learning content. When the media object in the media pool is updated, all learning content that contains the object is automatically updated. You can save a lot of work in content maintenance this way.

By default, media pools are not visible to roles usually assigned to learners. So you can create them in a course or category, and they will remain invisible to the users of the media pool.

Working with media pools

What are media objects?

Media objects are images, graphics, animations, and audio or video files. These media objects are created and edited in a corresponding program outside ILIAS and then uploaded to ILIAS.

You can create all media objects in media pools displayed in a browser. The following list is not exhaustive:

  • Images and graphics, such as .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .bmp, .tif, .tiff
  • animations such as flash or animated gif
  • audio files such as m4a, .mp4, .wma, .wav, .mp3
  • video files such as .mpg, .mov, .wmv, .avi, .swf, .m4e

Creating files as media objects

You want to create a file as a media object to embed in ILIAS learning modules and use it multiple times.

  1. Open the media pool in the repository by clicking on its title.
  2. ILIAS opens the media pool and shows you the Folder tab.
  3. Click on the Create media object button.
  4. ILIAS shows you the form for creating a media object. The form has two sections: Media Object and Full Screen.
  5. In the Title input field, give the media object a descriptive name.
  6. To upload a finished media object, select Select file under Resource. Select a file from your computer.
  7. Under Size, you decide between the original size in which the media object is available and a self-selected size. To do this, specify the desired width and height in pixels under the Custom size option.    
    Note: Be sure to activate the Keep proportions checkbox.
  8. In the Caption text input field, enter a text that will later be displayed to users directly below the media object.
  9. Then click the Save button.    
    Note: Under Full Screen, the media object can be displayed in a full-screen view, or a completely different object can be stored. To do this, follow the instructions for Creating a different full-screen view.
  10. The media object is now available in the media pool and can be inserted into ILIAS objects via the page editor.

Creating videos from external websites as a media object

You want to create a video from an external website as a media object to embed in ILIAS learning modules and use it multiple times.

  1. Open the media pool in the repository by clicking on its title.
  2. ILIAS opens the media pool and shows you the Folder tab.
  3. Click on the Create media object button.
  4. ILIAS shows you the form to create a media object. The form has two sections: Media Object and Full Screen.
  5. In the Title input field, give the media object a meaningful name.
  6. For example, select the URL option under Resource to embed a video from Youtube. Enter the URL of the Youtube video in the input field.    
    Note: You can embed any media objects from other websites this way.
  7. If you want to resize the embedded video, select the Resized checkbox and specify the desired width and height in pixels.    
    Note: Be sure to select the Preserve Proportions checkbox.
  8. In the Caption text input field, enter a text that users will later see directly below the media object.
  9. Then click the Save button.    
    Note: Under Full Screen, the media object can be displayed in a full-screen view, or a completely different object can be stored. To do this, follow the instructions for Creating a different full-screen view.
  10. The media object is now available in the media pool and can be inserted into ILIAS objects via the page editor.

What are content modules?

Content modules are page elements that can be compiled in the media pool and then included in ILIAS learning modules. Content modules can contain texts, videos, audio, tables, interactive images, accordions, etc.
Note: Content modules cannot contain internal links.

This allows you to create text/media combinations that you can use in multiple places but only need to maintain in one place:

  • Content modules can be easily embedded on ILIAS learning module pages but cannot be edited there.
  • Content modules can only be edited and modified in the media pool. If the content module is changed in the media pool, it is automatically updated in all places where it is embedded.
  • Content modules can therefore be used to assemble complete learning modules in a modular fashion from existing modules by simply creating the outline and embedding one or more corresponding modules on each page. This approach can save a lot of work when you create several learning modules for different target groups on a large topic.

Creating content modules

You want to create a content module to embed in ILIAS learning modules and use it several times.

  1. Open the media pool in the repository.
  2. ILIAS opens the media pool and shows you the Folder tab.
  3. Click the Create content module button.
  4. ILIAS shows an input field Title.
  5. Enter a meaningful title for the content module.
  6. Click on the Save button.
  7. ILIAS shows you a page, and the title of the content module is kept as a page title.
  8. Click on the light gray colored area.
  9. ILIAS opens a selection menu. It lists all page elements that you can insert into a content module.
  10. Select the desired entry from the selection menu.
  11. ILIAS opens the corresponding part of the page editor.
  12. Make the desired entries.
  13. The content module is now available in the media pool and can be inserted into ILIAS learning modules via the page editor.

What is a folder in the media pool?
A folder in a media pool is a collection point for various media objects.
A carefully managed folder in a media pool offers several advantages. Folders can be uploaded one by one to match events in courses or groups for easy structuring in teaching.

Creating a folder in the media pool

You want to create a folder to ensure the structuring of the media pool.

  1. Open the media pool in the repository by clicking on its title.
  2. ILIAS opens the media pool and shows you the Folder tab.
  3. Click on the Create Folder button.
  4. ILIAS shows an input field Title.
  5. Enter a descriptive title for the folder.
  6. Click on the Save button.
  7. ILIAS saves the folder and reports: "Change saved".

Structuring the contents of the media pool thematically

You have compiled a library of images and other media objects in the media pool. Since there are many images, you want to sort them by topic. You can create folders for this purpose. Structuring by folders makes it easier to find content when working in the authoring team.

  1. In the repository, open the media pool by clicking on its title.
  2. ILIAS opens the media pool and shows you the Folders tab.
  3. Click on the Create folder button.
  4. ILIAS shows an input field Title.
  5. Enter a meaningful title for the folder that describes, for example, the topic of the media objects or their target group.
  6. Click on the Save button.
  7. ILIAS creates the folder and displays it both in the list of objects and the tree to the left of the list.
  8. Click on the title to enter the folder and create new media objects.

Copying media objects to the clipboard

You want to copy a media object to the clipboard. Media objects can be embedded from the clipboard easily and quickly. This way, you no longer have to search the media pools for the respective media object.

  1. In the repository, open the media pool by clicking on its title.
  2. ILIAS opens the media pool, shows you the Folder tab, and lists all media objects and content modules of the media pool.
  3. Activate the checkbox in front of the object you want to copy to the clipboard.    
    Note: You can copy several objects to the clipboard by activating several checkboxes.
  4. Then select Copy to clipboard from the drop-down menu above or below the listing.
  5. Click on the Execute button.
  6. ILIAS copies the media object and/or the content module and reports: "Changes saved".

Removing media objects and/or content modules

You want to remove a media object and/or a content module.

  1. Open the media pool in the repository by clicking on its title.
  2. ILIAS opens the media pool, shows you the Folder tab, and lists all media objects and content modules of the media pool.
  3. Select the checkbox in front of the object you want to remove.    
    Note: You can delete multiple objects by activating multiple checkboxes at once.
  4. Then select Remove from the drop-down menu above or below the listing.
  5. Click on the Execute button.
  6. ILIAS will ask you to confirm the deletion.
  7. Click on the Confirm button.
  8. ILIAS removes the media object and/or content module and reports Objects removed.

Importing an existing media pool into ILIAS

You want to import a media pool as a .zip file.

  1. Open the Import tab.
  2. Click on the Select file button.
  3. Select the desired file from your computer.    
    Note: the file must be a .zip file not exceeding 400.0 MB.
  4. Confirm your selection with the Open button or similar.
  5. If necessary, you can change the target language of the import if you have enabled multilingualism.
  6. Click the Import button to upload the media pool.
  7. ILIAS imports the media pool and reports "Changes saved".

Media pool settings

Settings of the media pool

You want to rename the media pool, add a description or change the default setting for the width and height of the media objects.

  1. Open the media pool in the repository by clicking on its title.
  2. ILIAS opens the media pool and shows you the Folder tab.
  3. Click on the Settings tab.
  4. ILIAS shows you the properties of the media pool.
    Under Title, you can rename the media pool.
    The description is displayed in small font below the title to the users for whom the media pool is visible.
    Under Default width or Default height, you define which default settings should apply to new media objects. If you set the Default width and Default height, then for newly created media objects under Size, the option Customized size is automatically preselected and set to the set values. The proportions are retained.
  5. Click the Save button.
  6. ILIAS saves the settings and reports: "Changes saved".

The multilingualism of the media pool

You would also like to offer the content in your media pool in another language. Users who use this language as their user language will then automatically see the correct version.

You have the following two options:

  • You only want to add the Title and Description in another language.
  • You also want to add multilingual content to your page content using the Page Editor.

Users who are shown the interface in one of the stored languages will then see the media pool under the translated title, with the translated description and - if added- the translated page content.

Note: Users who use ILIAS in a language not translated here will see the media pool displayed in the default media pool language.

Enable multilingualism

You also want to offer the content of your media pool in another language. Users who use this language as their user language will then automatically see the correct version.
To do this, you must first enable multilingualism in the media pool settings and define a default language that will be displayed if there is no translation in the respective user language.

  1. Open the Settings tab.
  2. Click on the Multilingualism sub-tab.
  3. ILIAS opens a new page with a list of all currently used languages.
  4. Click on the Activate Multilingualism button.
  5. ILIAS opens the "Activate multilingualism" dialog.
  6. Select the desired default language from the drop-down menu.  Attention: This selection cannot be changed afterward.
  7. Click on the Save button.
  8. Follow the steps in the Add title and description in the additional languages action guide to add the desired new language.

Note: Users who use ILIAS in a language not translated here will see the category in the default language of the media pool.

Disable multilingualism

You want to disable multilingual content support again.

Attention: If multilingualism is deactivated, only the default language content remains available. All other content will be deleted.

  1. Open the Settings tab of the media pool.
  2. Click on the Multilingualism sub-tab.
  3. ILIAS opens a new page with a list of all currently used languages.
  4. Click on the Deactivate multilingualism button.
  5. ILIAS asks you to confirm the deactivation.
  6. Click the Confirm button.
  7. ILIAS disables support for multilingual content in the page editor.

Remove added language

You want to remove a previously added language.

  1. Open the Settings tab.
  2. Click on the Multilingualism sub-tab.
  3. ILIAS opens a new page with a list of all currently used languages.
  4. Select the checkbox in front of the language you want to remove.    
    Note: You can also select multiple languages. However, the default language of the category cannot be removed.
  5. Click the Remove button above or below the list.
  6. ILIAS removes the selected language.

Add title and description in another language.

You want to offer the title and description of the media pool in another language.

  1. Open the Settings tab.
  2. Click on the sub-tab Multilingualism.
  3. ILIAS opens a new page with a list of all currently used languages.
  4. Click on the Add language button.
  5. Select the desired language from the drop-down menu.
  6. If necessary, click on the plus behind a language to be able to select another language.
  7. Click the Save button when you have added all the languages you want.
  8. ILIAS saves the newly selected languages and reports: "Changes saved".

Editing media objects

Where is the media object used?

You want to find out where the media objects are currently used.

  1. Open the media object in the media pool by clicking the Edit link at the end of the corresponding line.
  2. ILIAS will show you the Default settings tab.
  3. Click the Usage tab.
  4. ILIAS will show you a list of places where the media object is currently used. The first column lists a link to that object, and the second column lists the object type.
  5. To check where older versions of the media object are used, click the Include Old Versions tab just below the tab navigation.
  6. ILIAS will show you a list of places where old versions of the media object are used. The first column lists a link to that object, and the second column lists the object type.

Managing multiple files of a media object

You have created a media object that consists of multiple files, and you want to manage them.


  • For the Files folder to be displayed, the Always show file structure option must be enabled in the Administration section of ILIAS in the Media Objects and Pools area.
  • The Files tab is not usually displayed for simple media objects that consist of only one file, such as images.
  1. Open the media pool.
  2. ILIAS displays all media objects of the media pool in a list.
  3. Click the Edit link in the right column of the corresponding media object.
  4. ILIAS opens the Default settings tab of the object.
  5. Switch to the Files tab.
  6. ILIAS lists all files of the respective media object.
  7. In the Files tab, you can:
    Create a new directory via the text input field New content waiver and the Create button.
    Upload a new file.

    The following functions are available via the selection menu above or below the list:
    As standard view
    As full view
  8. To execute the functions, activate the checkboxes in front of the respective files.
  9. Then click the Execute button.

Additional files may be present. For example, if you create a thumbnail of an image and scale the original image smaller for this purpose, a complex media object, which always consists of several files, is uploaded as a .zip archive.

Creating a thumbnail

You want to display the media object in a thumbnail view. In full-screen mode, the media object is opened in its original size.

  1. Open the media pool.
  2. ILIAS displays all media objects of the media pool in a list.
  3. Click the Edit link in the right column of the corresponding media object.
  4. ILIAS opens the Default settings tab of the object.
  5. In the Fullscreen area, activate the Custom Size radio button in the Size section.
  6. In the fields that appear, enter the size to which the media object should be scaled.    
    Note: Make sure that the Keep proportions checkbox remains activated.
  7. In the Fullscreen area in the Resource section, activate the Use above file radio button.
  8. Leave the Original size of the resource radio button activated in the Full-screen area in the Size section.
  9. Then click on the Save button.
  10. ILIAS reports: "Changes saved".

Creating a different full-screen view

You want to create a deviating full-screen view for the media object. You can use this, for example, to keep a movie in the background that is represented on the page by a simple image.

  1. Open the media pool.
  2. ILIAS presents you with all media objects of the media pool in a list.
  3. Click the Edit link in the right column of the corresponding media object.
  4. ILIAS opens the Default settings tab of the object. In the Media object section, upload a file that will serve as a thumbnail display on the corresponding page.    
    Note: Change the size if necessary. To do so, follow this Create Thumbnail action guide.
  5. In the Full-Screen section, create the media object to be displayed to the user in full-screen view. Under Resource, ILIAS offers you the following choices:
    None: No full-screen view of the media object will be created.
    Use the above file: ILIAS creates a full-screen view of the file you created as a media object.
    File: Click Choose File to configure a file from your local hard drive as a full-screen view.
    URL: Enter a URL if you want to configure external content as a full-screen view.
  6. If you want to customize the size of the full-screen view, enable the Customized Size radio button and specify the desired width and height in pixels.    
    Note: Be sure to check the Preserve Proportions checkbox.
  7. Enter a caption for the full-screen view.
  8. Enter an alternative text for the full-screen display. The alternative text will be used if the graphic cannot be displayed.
  9. Click the Save button. ILIAS reports: "Changes saved".

You want to link a media object with an internal or external link.

  1. Open the media pool.
  2. ILIAS displays all media objects of the media pool in a list.
  3. Click the Edit link in the right column of the corresponding media object.
  4. ILIAS opens the Default settings tab of the object.
  5. Open the Linked areas (default) tab.
  6. Select the Whole image format from the drop-down menu.
  7. Click the Add Area button.
  8. Check the box in front of the Link (external) or Link (internal) according to the type of website you want to link to.
  9. Enter the URL in the field that appears.
  10. Then click on the Save button.
  11. ILIAS reports: "Link are saved".

You want to link a media object with an internal or external link. Due to the possibility of assigning several link areas to one media object, you can also create an image map in this way.

  1. Open the media pool.
  2. ILIAS displays all media objects of the media pool in a list.
  3. Click the Edit link in the right column of the corresponding media object.
  4. ILIAS opens the Default settings tab of the object.
  5. Open the Linked areas (default) tab.
  6. Select the Rectangle, Circle or Polygon format from the drop-down menu. Use the format to define the shape of the link area within the media object.
  7. Click the Insert Area button.
  8. You will get the following messages (Rectangle format):
    Please click in the upper left corner of the desired area.
    Please click in the lower right corner of the desired area.
  9. ILIAS will show you the area you selected for the link.
  10. Activate the checkbox in front of the Link (external) or Link (internal) according to the type of website you want to link to.
  11. Enter the URL in the field that appears.
  12. Then click on Save.
  13. ILIAS reports: "Links are saved".