Introduction - Learning Progress

You can access the learning progress via Learning Successes > Learning Progress. Here you can view the status you have reached while editing content in ILIAS and thus track what progress you have made. You can see which learning objects (e.g. learning modules, tests, or entire courses) you have already worked on or passed and which are currently being worked on.

The Personal Learning Progress tab shows you the status of all objects you are working on. This also includes the progress in all courses and groups you are a member of. In these, if applicable, you can also see the learning progress in the contained sub-objects.

As an alternative to Learning Outcomes > Learning Progress, you can normally view your learning progress in the individual objects by opening the Learning Progress tab.

What is in learning progress reports?
The learning progress is displayed for each object in a separate row in the table.

  • The title of the object is listed first.

The status of the learning progress is represented by a colored circle:
Gray circle - not yet started: The object has not been opened yet.
Yellow circle - in progress: the object has been opened at least once.
Green circle - completely processed or passed: The object has been processed according to the defined learning progress mode (see in the corresponding column), or a tutor or teacher has set the status to "Processed".
Red cross - failed: For courses, tests, exercises, and SCORM learning modules, there is also a status of not passed. This status is set by the tutor or the teacher or calculated by ILIAS according to various criteria (e.g., number of wrong answers in the test).

  • The last status change is displayed.
  • If the object contains test questions, ILIAS shows what percentage of the possible points was achieved.
  • Received comments or grades for editing the object are displayed.
  • In the column Learning progress mode, you can see which criteria you must fulfill to get an object's status "Edited" (green circle).

Under Path, you can see where exactly the object in question is located in the repository.

  • Note: You can click on the path to open the object and edit it further.
  • Under Actions, you can hide the object or click on Show subobjects to display the learning progress for any other objects contained.

Learning progress in courses and groups

Courses and groups contain other objects like wikis, tests, learning modules, or exercises as container objects. In each course and group, a teacher determines whether the contained objects' learning progress contributes to the parent container's learning progress.

There are several ways to achieve a new status:

  • For some objects, you can determine whether you have completed work on the object.
  • For other objects, ILIAS calculates the learning progress automatically.
  • You have to pass some objects (e.g., tests), while you only have to work on others.


The learning progress of the contained objects (test, file, learning module) affects the learning progress of a course.
You register for the course and have the gray status ("not edited").

You pass the test and receive the green status in the test for it.
The status of the course is now yellow ("in progress").

You download the file and also receive the green status in the file for this.
The status of the course is still yellow ("in progress").

Only when you have also edited the learning module and achieved a green status, the status of the course will also change to green.

Filter learning progress table.

You want to filter the table of your learning progress.

  1. Open Learning Outcomes > Learning Progress
  2. Select one of the filter options.
    Object Type: Select for which type of objects the learning progress is displayed.
    Hidden: Individual objects that you have manually hidden from the table appear here.
    Title/Description: To display only the learning progress of individual objects, enter their title or description here.
       Note: You do not have to enter the exact title. A part of the title is sufficient.
    Area: Limit the search area to certain parts of the repository. To do this, click the Change area link and select the desired area of the repository in the next step.
    Also, show items with the status 'Not yet started': By default, the learning progress report lists only objects you have accessed once. So they have at least the status 'In progress' in it. If you want to show all remaining objects, activate this checkbox.
  3. Click on the Apply Filter button.
  4. ILIAS shows you the filtered table.
    Note: To return to the original table, click Reset Filter.

You can also customize the sorting of the table contents:

In the learning progress table, click the column title marked as a link to change the sort order. The following sorting options are available:

  • Title (default sorting)
  • Status
  • Last status change
  • Percent

ILIAS sorts the display according to your specifications.

You can save your selected filter options to use them again later. Follow the corresponding instructions. Save the learning progress view.

Hide single objects from the learning progress table

You want to hide objects from the learning progress table to clarify the view.

  1. Activate the checkbox in front of the object(s) you do not want to be listed anymore.
  2. Click the Hide selected content button above or below the table.
  3. The hidden objects will be removed from the table and listed in the Hidden section of the filter.
  4. To show the objects again, reset the filter or remove the checkbox in front of the object in the Hidden section and click the Apply Filter button.

Save a view of learning progress for quick recall.

ILIAS allows you to save the view of the learning progress filtered according to your wishes to be able to retrieve it quickly. Several so-called views can be saved. This can always be useful to get a quick overview of your learning progress if you have a large number of occupied courses.

You want to save the filtered table of your learning progress.

  1. Open the View drop-down menu above the table.
  2. Click on the entry Save the current view.
  3. ILIAS opens a text input field.
  4. Enter a title for your current view.
  5. Click on the Save button.
  6. ILIAS saves the filtered representation of your learning progress.

You want to recall a filtered representation of your learning progress.

  1. Above the tabular listing of your learning progress, open the View drop-down menu.
  2. Click on the entry with the title of the desired view.
  3. ILIAS opens the saved view.

Export learning progress table

You want to save your current learning progress report and save it on your own computer.

  1. Open Learning Outcomes > Learning Progress.
  2. Above the learning progress report table on the right, open the Export drop-down menu.

Select one of the entries:

  • .csv export: This will create a file with comma-separated values suitable for importing into statistical programs but not easily readable by humans.
  • Export .xls: An Excel file is generated.

ILIAS generates the file and offers it for download.

Note: Any filter options set will be considered when exporting the learning progress reports.