Introduction learning sequence

Starting a learning sequence

Managing and configuring steps of a learning sequence

Determining the sequence of steps

You have already added content to the learning sequence and now want to determine the order of the content.

  1. In the Position column, adjust the numbers according to your desired order.
  2. Click Save above or below the list.

Set objects online

You want to manage the content of a learning sequence and determine which content should be put online. The Content management list gives you an overview of all the objects the learning sequence contains. You can use this list to manage the online status of all objects.

  1. In the Online column, activate the checkboxes for the content you want to put online.
  2. Click Save above or below the list.

Determine mandatory steps

You want to manage the content of a learning sequence and determine which content is mandatory to work on. Users cannot edit the next step of the learning sequence until they have edited the mandatory content.

Note: When content is considered to be edited depends on the learning progress settings of the respective object. So, ensure that the mandatory objects' learning progress is configured correctly.

  1. Open the drop-down menu in the User may proceed column.
    Select the entry always. Users can always proceed and edit the next step of the learning sequence.
    Select the entry Learning progress. Users must meet the learning progress prerequisites and pass the object before editing the next step of the learning sequence.    
    Note: Additional options are available for some objects. For example, if you include a test in a learning sequence, you can set Passed, Failed, Completed, and Not Completed in addition to the above options.
  2. Click Save above or below the list.

Delete steps

You have already added content to the learning sequence, and now you want to delete some content.

  1. In the Content Management list, select the checkboxes in front of the items you want to delete.
  2. Click Delete above or below the list.
  3. Confirm the deletion and click Confirm.

Making settings

Rename learning sequence

You want to give your learning sequence a different title.

  1. Open the Settings tab in the learning sequence.
  2. Change the name of the learning sequence in the Title input field.
  3. Click on the Save button.
  4. ILIAS changes the name of the learning sequence.

Note: You can also use the Description input field to add an explanatory subtitle, which will be displayed in a smaller font under the title.

Configure availability

You want to determine the availability of the learning sequence.

  1. Open the Settings tab.
  2. In the Availability section, you can make the following settings:
    - Activate the Online checkbox to make your learning sequence visible and usable for other users.
    - Under Period, you can determine the time period in which the learning sequence should be available.
    Note: Users cannot access the learning sequence outside of the time period.
  3. Select the desired options.
  4. Click the Save button.
  5. The learning sequence is available according to your settings.

Editing the introduction and conclusion pages

You want to create an introduction or conclusion page or edit it.

  1. Open the Settings tab.
  2. Enter your wording for the closing page using the test input field in the Edit introduction page area.
  3. Use the editor to shape the text.
  4. Under Image for Introduction Page, click Choose File if you want to display an image on the introduction page.
  5. Enter the wording for the closing page using the test input field in the Edit Closing Page area. Use the editor to shape the text.
  6. Click Choose File under Closing Page Image if you want to display an image on the introduction page.    
    Note: The pages are created as soon as you enter text for the introduction or closing page.
  7. Click the Save button.
  8. ILIAS changes the introduction or conclusion page according to your input.

You want to give users access to the member gallery and enable the member gallery.

  1. Open the Settings tab.
  2. Navigate to the Additional Features section.
  3. Activate the checkbox Member gallery.
  4. Click the Save button.
  5. ILIAS saves the settings. Users can access the Members tab and view the Members Gallery.

Determining the presence of the learning sequence

You want to make or change the settings for the learning sequence for the first time.

  1. Open the Settings tab.
  2. In the Appearance section, you can make the following settings:
    - Activate the checkbox Show title and icon to make your Mediacast object visible and usable for other users.
    - Under Tile image you can determine which image the learning sequence should use in the tile view.
  3. The tile image is displayed when the tile view is selected.
  4. Select the options you want.
  5. Click on the Save button.
  6. ILIAS configures the learning sequence according to the selected settings.

Adding members

Add a known user as a member.

You want to pick out a specific user to add as a member. You know the user name.

  1. Open the Members tab.
  2. Enter the user name in the User text input field.    
    Note: It is also possible to enter the user's first name, last name or registered email address.
  3. ILIAS searches in the background and creates a selection of possible users.
  4. Click on the desired user.
  5. In the drop-down menu to the right of the search field, select whether the user should be added as a simple member or administrator.
  6. Click the Add button.
  7. ILIAS confirms the addition of the user. The user now appears in the list in the Members tab.

Searching and adding unknown users

You want to search out users to add them as members or administrators. You do not know the user name or name of the person, or you want to add a larger number of users in one step.

  1. Open the Members tab.
  2. Click on the Search Users button.
  3. ILIAS opens a new page. Depending on what you know about the user, you can here:
    Search for users: Enter the last name or user name.
    Search for role members: Enter a role description of the user.
    Search for course members: Enter a name of a course the user is in.
    Search for group members: Enter a name of a group the user is in.
    Others: Depending on the global settings on your ILIAS installation, other user data fields can also be searched here. If necessary, contact your ILIAS administrator in this regard.
  4. Click on the Search button.
  5. ILIAS will generate a list of results of the appropriate search type:
    Search for Users: You will be directly presented with a list of eligible users. Follow the instructions from step 7 onwards.
    Search for role members: You will be shown a list of eligible roles. Select the checkbox in front of the desired role and click the List Users button.
    Search for Course Members: You will be presented with a list of eligible courses. Select the checkbox in front of the desired course and click the List Users button.
    Search for group members: You will be presented with a list of eligible groups. Select the checkbox in front of the desired group and click the List Users button.
  6. ILIAS presents a list of users.
  7. Select the checkbox in front of the user or users you want to include in the learning sequence. You can also use the Select All checkbox at the end of the list.
  8. In the drop-down menu above or below the list, select whether the users should be entered as members or administrators.
  9. Click on the Execute button.
  10. ILIAS confirms the addition of the user.

Why do I see the message "No access granted"?

You have added a user. However, this user still cannot access the content. In the Members tab, you will see the highlighted message: "No access granted."

This can be due to several reasons:

  • Most of the time, the learning sequence is not set online yet.
  • Sometimes the user does not have access to a parent object, such as the category in which the course, group, or learning sequence is located. Check the permission settings of this object.
  • In other cases, a precondition is not met. Read the help on preconditions.

Manage members

Contacting members by mail

You want to contact one or more members directly from ILIAS by e-mail.

  1. Open the Members tab and click on the Participant Management link if necessary.
  2. In the Members (or Administrators, if applicable) list, activate the checkboxes in front of the names of the desired members.    
    Optional: To write directly to all members, click the Mail to members button and select the desired roles (members, administrators) in the next step.
  3. Select Send Mail from the drop-down menu above or below the list.
  4. Click on the Execute button.
  5. ILIAS opens the mail module. Write and send your e-mail there. If you need assistance, follow the instructions there.
  6. After sending the e-mail, ILIAS returns to the Members tab and reports: "The mail has been sent".

Note: If you have administrator rights, you can also create templates for these emails. See Administration > Mail > Text templates. You can then send ready-prepared emails to participants with little work.

Remove member (or administrator)

You want to remove a member or an administrator from the learning sequence.

Note: There must always be at least one administrator. Therefore, the last/only administrator cannot be removed.

  1. Open the Members tab and click the Participant Administration link if necessary.
  2. Activate the checkbox in front of the user(s).
  3. Select Remove from the drop-down menu above or below the list.
  4. Click on the Execute button.
  5. ILIAS opens a new page and asks you to confirm the removal.
  6. Click the Confirm button.
  7. ILIAS removes the user.

Upgrading members to the administrator

You want to upgrade a member to the administrator within a learning sequence.

  1. Open the Members tab and click the Participant Administration link.
  2. Click on the Edit link in the row of the desired user.
    If there are several users, activate the checkbox in front of the users. Select the Edit entry in the drop-down menu above or below the list. Click on the Execute button.
  3. ILIAS opens a new page.
  4. In the Roles column, use the drop-down menu to select the desired role assignment for each user:
    You can upgrade the member's role to Administrator or downgrade Administrators. Please note here the extended rights that you thus assign or take away from the user.
  5. Click on the Save button.
  6. ILIAS assigns the desired role to the person.

Receive notifications about new members.

Administrators can be notified by ILIAS when new members join the learning sequence. If desired, you can also send this notification to ordinary members.

Notifications are enabled by default only for the creator of the learning sequence. You want to enable notifications for another user.

  1. Open the Members tab and click the Participant Management link.
  2. ILIAS displays the table of all users.
  3. Click the Edit link in the row of the desired user.
    If there are several users, activate the checkbox in front of the users. Select Edit from the drop-down menu above or below the list. Click on the Execute button.
  4. ILIAS loads a new page.
  5. Activate the checkbox in the Notifications column.
  6. Click on Save.
  7. ILIAS confirms the change.

Note: You can also enable notifications for administrators and members directly using the checkboxes in the table in the Members tab. When you are finished, click the Save button to apply your changes.

Viewing passed steps of members

You want to see how many steps the members of the learning sequence have already completed.

  1. Open the Members tab and click the Participant Management link.
  2. Navigate to the list of learning sequence participants.
  3. In the Passed Steps column, you can view how many steps the user has completed.
  4. In the Last Visited column, you can see which step was last edited by the user.
  5. In the columns First access and Last access, you can see when the user started editing the learning sequence and when the last access took place.    
    Note: The information about access to the learning sequence depends on the configuration of the learning step. If you do not see these columns, this learning progress option is disabled on your installation.

You want a printable list of members. The list should contain data such as name, username, role assignment, login status, and result (pass/fail).

  1. Open the Members tab.
  2. ILIAS shows a table with the participants.
  3. Click the Create List button.
  4. ILIAS displays a Create List page where you specify the data to print.
    Title: You can change the proposal. Then specify a different title for the list.
    Description: You can change the proposal for the subline.
    Details of users: decide which details about the users (e.g., name or e-mail) you want to print and activate the corresponding checkbox.
    Additional columns: If you need additional information about the participants in the list, enter the title of this column in the text input field. This column will appear empty at the end of your list. Using the plus and minus buttons, you can add more columns or delete already existing ones.
    List the following participants: Select whether only members or also administrators should appear on the list, as well as, if applicable, persons who are on the waiting list or have submitted an application for admission.
  5. Click Print list.
  6. ILIAS displays a list of the members.
  7. Your operating system opens a separate window for the print job.

Contacting other members

Who else is a member of the learning sequence?

You want to see who is a member of your learning sequence.

Prerequisite: A learning sequence administrator has activated the member's gallery in the settings tab.

All members are displayed in the Member Gallery. It will also be displayed if members have published a picture in their profile.

Members who have published their Profiles can be emailed directly. Clicking on their profile will also display more information.

  1. Open the Members tab.
  2. ILIAS shows you all members in an overview.
  3. Click on the picture of a member.
  4. ILIAS opens the public profile of the member.
    - Click the Download business card link to save the visible information to your computer.
    - Click the Send mail link to send a mail to the member.
    - Click the Request contact button to contact the member directly in ILIAS.
  5. Click the Back link to return to the member gallery.

Send mail to several members

You want to send a mail to several members.

Prerequisite: A learning sequence administrator has activated the member's gallery in the Settings tab.

  1. Open the Members tab.
  2. Click on the button Mail to members.
  3. ILIAS lists possible recipients:
    - All members
    - All administrators
    - Alternatively, you can also send an email to selected users. In this case, you must select the desired users in the next step.
  4. Click on the Next button.
  5. ILIAS opens the internal mail program.
  6. Write a subject in the text input field Subject (mandatory field).
  7. Enter the text of your mail in the text input field Content.
  8. If necessary, activate the checkbox Activate placeholder for mail merge to address the recipients personally.
    For more information, see the Creating a Mail Merge Action Guide.
  9. Click on the Send mail button.
  10. ILIAS reports that your mail has been sent and takes you back to the Members tab.

Sending mail to a single member

You want to send a mail to a single member.

Prerequisite: The member gallery has been activated in the tab Settings by a learning sequence administrator. The corresponding course member has published his profile.

  1. Open the tab Members.
  2. ILIAS will show you all members in an overview.
  3. Click on the picture of the member you want to mail to.
  4. ILIAS opens the business card of the member. If the member has a picture, you will find the link on the right below the picture; otherwise, on the top right of the business card.
  5. Click on Send mail to send the member an internal mail.
  6. ILIAS opens the mail program.
  7. Write a subject in the text input field Subject (mandatory field).
  8. Enter the text of your mail in the text input field Content.
  9. Click on the Send mail button.
  10. ILIAS confirms your mail sending and takes you back to the personal profile from which you sent the mail.