Introduction SCORM Learning Module Presentation

SCORM and ILIAS - Introduction Presentation Mode

SCORM learning modules can be used in ILIAS and run on other platforms. Therefore, these learning modules are often chosen to provide elaborate content for a large audience.

Two usage scenarios of SCORM in ILIAS can be distinguished:

  • Presentation mode: You import a ready-made SCORM learning module. You have created this with ILIAS (or another editor) or purchased it from an agency.
  • Author mode: You create a new SCORM learning module in ILIAS or modify a module created in ILIAS.

Both modes are available if you add a SCORM/AICC learning module to the Repository. This is always possible if you have appropriate rights and are within a course, group, or category.

Please note: Both modes are separated in terms of operation. It is not possible in ILIAS to jump back and forth between the presentation mode and the author mode. So, to make a SCORM learning module created in ILIAS available for learners, you must export it first and then import it in presentation mode.

The following chapters explain presentation mode: how to import a finished SCORM learning module into ILIAS and make it available to learners.

Tabs in SCORM presentation mode

This section briefly introduces the individual tabs in the SCORM learning module.

  • The File Directory tab contains all files of the SCORM learning module. You can selectively delete or replace individual files, for example, to correct minor errors without having to export and import the entire package again.
  • From the Info tab, you can open the SCORM learning module directly from the learner’s perspective. It also contains a permalink that leads directly to the object and - unlike the dynamic link in your browser's address bar - always remains the same.
  • In the Settings tab, you specify how the SCORM learning module should behave. Among other things, you can specify which type of navigation should be offered to the learner, and you can set the SCORM learning module online and thus make it available to learners.
  • After the required settings have been made, you will receive an overview of the learning progress of all courses or group members who have worked on the learning module in the Learning progress tab. The tracking data from the runtime environment is displayed in the tab Log data. You can also export them for further analysis.
  • In the License tab, you can check the licenses' consumption and see how many people can still access the SCORM learning module. In the metadata tab, you can store description data for the SCORM learning module, e.g., the title, the author, and the licensing.
  • In the Rights tab, you can view the current distribution of access rights. If necessary, you can adjust a specific person's access rights to this SCORM learning module.

Information about the AICC standard

While the ILIAS internal SCORM editor only allows the creation of learning modules according to the SCORM standard, when importing with ILIAS you can also use learning modules that comply with the historically related but functionally different AICC standard.

A special feature of the AICC standard is that it also supports such modules with the HACP format whose content is not located on the server operated for ILIAS, but is obtained from other servers. More information about this can be found at

Information about the SCORM standard

SCORM is the standard format for multimedia e-learning content. The SCORM standard defines how content must be technically structured to be used on different learning platforms.

SCORM defines the data models for the content and the use of protocols. Creating content in SCORM format aims to make content usable and reusable across platforms and systems.

The content in SCORM format is started from ILIAS and then worked through by the learner in a special runtime environment (RTE). ILIAS takes data from this RTE, which is returned about the learner's learning status. This so-called tracking data provides information about the learner's performance while processing content. Working through a learning module offline

Working through a learning module offline

Using SCORM learning modules offline

In some cases, it is not possible or desired to work through SCORM learning modules with a permanently active internet connection. For these cases, ILIAS allows using SCORM learning modules in an offline player. All required content can then be downloaded before playing and subsequently edited even without an Internet connection. Information about the editing will only be played back to ILIAS when an internet connection is available again.


  • Use of the offline player has been enabled by your instructor or a system administrator in the settings.
  • You can only use the SCORM-offline player with the browser Firefox version 20 or higher. Other browsers are not supported.

You want to use a SCORM learning module offline.

  1. Navigate to the desired SCORM learning module in the Repository.
  2. Open the Actions menu to the right of the learning module title.
  3. Click on the Offline mode entry.
  4. ILIAS opens the learning module and checks whether your system meets the requirements. If you want to use the offline player for the first time, ILIAS prompts you to install the required extension.
    - Click on the link sop.xpi.
    - Depending on your browser settings, Firefox will ask you for permission to download the add-on.
    - Click the Allow button.
    - Firefox downloads the add-on and alerts you to potential threats to the computer.
    - Click the Install Now button.
    - The offline player is installed in Firefox.
    - The (still empty) SCORM Offline Manager opens.
    - Close the (empty) browser tab.
  5. ILIAS now shows the view from step 4 again.
  6. Click on the Refresh Page button.
  7. ILIAS loads the learning module so you can use it offline.


  • The SCORM learning module is downloaded from ILIAS for offline use and stored in your computer's browser. This means that there is no longer any computer-independent access: You can only use the offline version on the device you have loaded.
  • Once offline use has started, you can only use the online version again AFTER your learning state data has been restored. This prevents two different learning states from being saved for you.

Managing files in the file directory

Create new directory

You want to create a new directory in your SCORM learning module.

  1. Click with the mouse in the empty text field New directory.
  2. Enter the desired name for the new directory.
  3. Click on the Create button.
  4. ILIAS creates a new directory and reloads the page.

Upload a new file

You want to upload a new file to your SCORM learning module.

  1. Click the Browse or Select file button above the file list next to Upload a new file.    
    Note: The exact name of the buttons varies depending on your browser and operating system.
  2. Select the desired file on your computer.
  3. Click on the Upload button.
  4. ILIAS uploads the file and reloads the page.

Depending on the settings in your ILIAS profile, the number of objects per page will be limited. This may result in the files in your file directory being spread across multiple pages.

You want to navigate to another page in the file directory.

  1. To go forward or back to one page, click the next or backlink above or below the file list.
  2. To navigate a specific page, click the desired page above or below the file list in the Page drop-down menu.
  3. You can increase the number of displayed objects in the file directory by opening the Lines menu above the file list and then clicking on a higher entry.

Sort file directory

You want to sort the files/directories in the file directory alphabetically or by date.

  1. Click on the title Directory/File or Size in the header of the table in the file directory.
  2. ILIAS sorts the files and/or directories according to the selected attribute.

An arrow in ascending or descending directions appears next to the criterion for sorting.

  • Click on the title again to reverse the sort order.

Download file

You want to download a file from the file directory.

  1. Activate the checkbox in front of the desired file in the file list.
  2. Open the selection menu above or below the list.
  3. Click on the Download entry.
  4. Click the Execute button to the right of the menu.
  5. Depending on your browser, a dialog for saving the file opens or is downloaded directly.

Delete file

You want to delete one or more files and/or directories.

  1. Activate the checkboxes in front of the desired file.    
    Note: You can also select multiple files or directories.
  2. Open the selection menu above or below the listing.
  3. Click on the Delete entry.
  4. Click the Execute button to the right of the menu.
  5. ILIAS asks you to confirm the deletion.
  6. Click on the Delete button.
  7. ILIAS deletes the selected file and reloads the page.

Unzip file

You want to unzip the contents from a zip archive located in your file directory.

  1. Activate the checkbox in front of the desired zip file.
  2. Open the selection menu above or below the file list.
  3. Click on the Unzip entry.
  4. Click the Execute button to the right of the menu.
  5. ILIAS unzips the archive and reloads the page.

Rename file

You want to rename a file or directory in your file directory.

  1. Activate the checkbox in front of the desired file or directory.
  2. Open the selection menu above or below the file list.
  3. Click on the Rename entry.
  4. Click the Execute button to the right of the menu.
  5. ILIAS opens a new view.
  6. Enter the desired name in the Name text box.
  7. Click on the Rename button.
  8. ILIAS changes the file name.


Settings of the SCORM learning module - overview

In the Settings tab of the SCORM learning module imported into the runtime environment, you can specify how the learning module should behave. In particular, you can specify the following:

  • Access: set the SCORM learning module online, and allow offline access.
  • Display: Open in a new window or in the same window, set window size, and hide navigation elements.
  • User activities: Select which user activities should be tracked; specify whether successful completion should be automatically saved
  • Debugging: The test tool makes the interaction of the learning module with ILIAS visible
  • Presentation: Should users be able to comment on the content

Put learning module online to make it available for learners

You want to make the SCORM learning module available to learners.

  1. In the SCORM learning module, open the Settings tab.
  2. Select the Online checkbox to make the learning module generally available.
    As long as the learning module is not online, only users with editing rights can use it.
  3. Click the Save button.

Using SCORM learning module offline - Introduction

SCORM learning modules can be worked online OR offline by learners.

Offline use is always of interest when learners do not have a permanent internet connection (e.g., during long submarine journeys or on the Deutsche Bahn).

Prerequisite: Offline use is only possible with learning modules according to the SCORM-2004 standard. Learners must use Firefox version 20 or higher and install an add-on: the ILIAS SCORM Offline Player. Other browsers are not supported.

Users work with the ILIAS SCORM Offline Player as follows:

  1. The learner establishes an Internet connection.
  2. He opened the desired SCORM learning module in ILIAS.
  3. He disconnects the internet connection.
  4. Now the user can work through the SCORM learning module offline.
  5. After editing, the user reconnects to the Internet to send the learning status data from the SCORM Offline Player to ILIAS.

To enable users to work offline, follow this action guide. Detailed instructions for users can be found here.


  • The SCORM learning module is downloaded from ILIAS for offline use and stored in the computer's browser. This means that there is no longer any computer-independent access: learners can only use the offline version on the device on which they have downloaded it.
  • Once offline use has begun, the learner can only use the online version again AFTER his learning status data has been restored. This prevents there from being two different learning states for one user.

Using SCORM learning module offline - activation.

SCORM learning modules can be worked online OR offline by learners.

You want to enable offline usage for users.

  1. Open the Settings tab in your SCORM learning module.
  2. Select the Allow offline mode checkbox.
  3. Click the Save button.

Set presentation of the learning module for learners

You want to specify how the SCORM learning module is presented to your users.

  1. Open the Settings tab in the SCORM learning module.
  2. Navigate to the Display section.
  3. In the drop-down menu under Learning module display, select where you want the learning module to open and at what size:
    In the new tab/new window: the learning module is displayed in a new browser tab or a new window, depending on the user's browser settings. No ILIAS main navigation will be displayed.
    In iFrame with full size: The learning module is opened below the ILIAS main navigation and displayed in its predefined size.
    in iFrame with defined width and height: The learning module will be opened below the ILIAS main navigation and displayed in the size you defined.
    In a new window without defined width and height: The learning module is displayed in a new window in its predefined size, independent of the user's browser settings.
    In the new window with specified width and height: The learning module is displayed in a new window of the size you specify, regardless of the user's browser settings.  
    Optional: Specify the dimensions of the window/iFrame in pixels under Height and Width.

    If you use your own navigation elements in your SCORM learning module, you can disable the navigation provided by ILIAS. To do so, check the following checkboxes:
    - Hide top navigation menu
    - Hide left navigation tree
  4. Check the Continue with the last visited section checkbox to have ILIAS directly open the last edited section of the SCORM learning module.

    If you want to reach users who probably use old versions of Internet Explorer, you can improve the display for this browser with two settings:
    - Internet Explorer 7 compatibility mode
    - Let Internet Explorer re-render
  5. Click on the Save button.
  6. ILIAS accepts your settings and reports: "Changes saved".

SCORM options and preview mode

You want to control whether and how users' success is evaluated as they work through the course, or you want to turn on preview mode.

The following options are available:

  1. In your SCORM learning module, open the Settings tab.
  2. Navigate to the SCORM Options section and make the desired entries there.
  3. Under Maximum number of attempts, enter the number of times a learner may access the learning module without completing it completely and successfully. Enter 0 so learners can work through it as often as they want.
  4. Under Mode for SCO usage, specify whether or not activities should be recorded when using the learning module.
    Normal usage: activities are recorded.
    Preview only: Activities are not recorded.
  5. In the Assessment / Control of Learner Activities drop-down menu, specify whether a success status (completed or passed) can be achieved with the processing of the learning module.
    With assessment
    Without assessment
  6. When using Automatic Review mode, a user's success status is not lost once it has been achieved - even if the module is started again. Users must manually trigger Review Mode again at the end of the walkthrough. Choose between the following options:
    disabled: as soon as a user opens the learning module the next time, a positive success status ('fully processed' or 'passed') is lost.
    if 'fully processed' or 'passed' but not 'failed' (recommended): Once a user achieves a positive success status ('fully processed' or 'passed') in the learning module, it is no longer lost. So a fail can still be changed with this setting in a new attempt.
    If 'passed': Only if a user has reached the success status 'passed', this status can no longer be lost.
    if 'passed' or 'failed': Only if a user has already passed or failed (any value is available for 'cmi.success_status'), this status will no longer be lost. Unlike the option, if 'passed', a fail can also NOT be changed anymore.
    if 'completely processed': Only if a user has already processed the learning module completely he will not lose this status anymore.
    if 'completely edited' and 'passed': Only if a user has both fully edited and passed the learning module he will no longer lose this status.
    if 'fully edited' or 'passed: If a user has either fully edited or passed the learning module, they will no longer lose this status.    

    Important note: To achieve the status "passed" at all, the learning module MUST contain test questions. Please keep this in mind when selecting an option that includes this status.
  7. Click on the Save button.
  8. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Prevent automatic logout during editing.

ILIAS automatically logs out inactive users after a defined period of time (so-called "session timeout"). Usually, this period is 30 minutes. For technical reasons, ILIAS does not evaluate activity in the runtime environment of a SCORM learning module as activity. Therefore, users of a SCORM learning module may be automatically logged out after the session expires, although they are active in the learning module. They do not notice the expiration of their session in the background and sometimes lose the achieved learning level.

To prevent this, you should suspend the session timeout (i.e. the automatic logout) by activating this option.

You want to prevent session timeout while editing a SCORM learning module.

  1. Open the Settings tab.
  2. Navigate to the RTE Settings section.
  3. Activate the checkbox Prevent session timeout.
  4. ILIAS accepts your entries and reports: "Changes saved".

Disable SCORM2004 features for better performance.

With SCORM2004 and with the SCORM2004 4th Edition, some features were introduced that are rarely used but can negatively impact the speed of a SCORM learning module in ILIAS. ILIAS, therefore, allows disabling all features that are not needed to make a learning module faster.

You want to disable some features of the runtime environment (RTE).

  1. Open the Settings tab.
  2. Navigate to the section RTE settings.
  3. Uncheck the checkboxes of the features you do not need:
    SCORM 2004 4th edition: SCORM 2004 4th edition allows more data to be shared across SCO boundaries.
    Sequencing & Navigation: If you activate this option, the sequencing rules of the learning module are executed, and the learning module controls its sequencing. If you deactivate this option, the default rules you may have set in authoring mode will apply.
    Enable saving of results from tasks (interactions): This option allows a detailed evaluation of user behavior.
    Enable saving results from learning objectives: This option allows a detailed analysis of user behavior.
    Enable saving of comments: This option allows users to leave comments in a learning module.
  4. Click on the Save button.
  5. ILIAS accepts your entries and reports: "Changes saved".

RTE settings to prevent errors

You want to define the further behavior of the runtime environment (RTE) to prevent errors.

  1. Open the Settings tab.
  2. Navigate to the section RTE settings. Activate the desired options there:
    ILIAS determines processing times: Time tracking by the RTE of a SCORM learning module often leads to difficulties. Check this box to allow time tracking by ILIAS itself,
    Check values sent by SCO: ILIAS will check the values it receives from the RTE.
    Ensure retrieval of existing learner data: Some SCORM2004 learning modules do not provide a button to stop or pause editing the module. They do not send default values for "cmi.exit" to the learning platform. Enable this option to allow interruption of editing even for a non-standard SCORM2004 learning module without losing the learning state.
  3. Click on the Save button.

Check the interaction of ILIAS and SCORM learning module for the correctness.

You can call the SCORM learning module in a debugging mode: Presentation mode then displays data that you can use to check how the learning module interacts with ILIAS.

Note: For learners, the debugging mode can be confusing. Therefore, please always deactivate the testing tool before releasing the learning module to learners.

You want to display the test tool.

  1. Open the Settings tab.
  2. In the Debugging section, activate the Show test tool checkbox.
  3. Click on the Save button.
  4. ILIAS accepts your entries and reports: "Changes saved".

Preview SCORM learning module

You want to preview the SCORM module.

  1. Open the Settings tab.
  2. Click the Show button above the settings.
  3. ILIAS opens a preview of the SCORM learning module.

Correct small errors, keep learning levels anyway

If you upload a corrected SCORM learning module after discovering an error, you will usually lose any learning state data accumulated up to that point. You can prevent this by using the Upload New Version feature: First, correct the error in authoring mode, export the corrected version, and upload it according to the following instructions.

You want to upload a new version of the SCORM module.

  1. Open the Settings tab.
  2. Click the Upload new version link below the tab navigation.
  3. ILIAS opens a new page with the Import SCORM/AICC learning module form. In the form, select the export file on your computer.    
    Note: The exact display of this form depends on the browser and operating system you are using.
  4. Click on the Upload button.
  5. ILIAS uploads the new file and replaces the SCORM learning module.

Log data

Introduction Log Data

Learner activities in SCORM learning modules can be logged in detail. The data collected is called the log or tracking data and is recorded by the SCORM learning module itself in the runtime environment (RTE) and not by ILIAS. However, excerpts of this data are transferred to ILIAS and can be viewed by you in the Learning Progress tab. There you can see, for example, which user accessed which parts of the SCORM learning module when and how often.

ILIAS offers different views that can be accessed via the links below the tab bar:

  • By Users: Here, you can find the data of individual users organized in different reports.
  • By Chapters: Here, you will find the data of all users sorted by chapters (or SCOs).
  • Modify data: Here, you can export, (re-)import, delete the data and reset a participant's attempts (for example, to give them an extra attempt).

Export log data

You want to export the existing log data of ONE user.

  1. Open the Log data tab.
  2. Click the Modify data link below the tab bar.
  3. Activate the checkbox in front of the desired entry.
  4. Select the Export entry in the drop-down menu above or below the list.
  5. Click on the Execute button.
  6. ILIAS opens the download dialog or loads the export file directly on your computer, depending on your used browser and operating system.

You want to export all existing log data of ALL users.

  1. Open the Log data tab.
  2. Click on the Modify data link below the tab bar.
  3. Click on the Export all button.
  4. ILIAS will open the download dialog or load the export file directly to your computer, depending on your browser and operating system.

Import log data

You want to import previously saved log data.

  1. Open the Log data tab in your SCORM learning module.
  2. Below the tab bar, click the Modify data link.
  3. Click the Import button.
  4. ILIAS opens a new page with the Import Log Data form.
  5. Under Choose file, select the export file in CSV format.    
    Note: The exact display of this form depends on the browser and operating system you are using.
  6. Click on the Import button.
  7. ILIAS imports your log data.

Sort and filter log data

ILIAS allows you to sort the log data in several ways and filter it by the last name of the participants.

You want to change the sort order of the displayed entries.

  1. Open the log data tab.
  2. Click the Modify data link below the tab bar.
  3. Click on one of the column headings (User, Last Access, Attempts, Version).
  4. ILIAS will sort the list according to the selected criterion.
    - The arrow next to the column title indicates whether the sorting is in ascending or descending order.
    - A click on the arrow reverses the sorting direction.

You want to filter the list of participants by their last name.

  1. Open the Log data tab.
  2. Below the tab bar, click the Modify data link.
  3. Above the list, click the Show filter link.
  4. ILIAS will display the filter.
  5. In the text entry field, type the last name of a participant. You can also filter by individual letter(s).
  6. Click the Apply filter button.
  7. ILIAS filters the list according to your specifications.

Delete log data

You want to delete existing log data.

  1. Open the Log data tab.
  2. Click the Modify data link below the tab bar.
  3. Activate the checkbox in front of the desired entry.
  4. Select the Delete entry in the drop-down menu above or below the list.
  5. Click on the Execute button.
  6. ILIAS asks you to confirm the deletion.
  7. Click on the Confirm button.
  8. ILIAS deletes the entry.

Reducing the number of attempts by a participant

You want to reduce the number of attempts of a participant afterward.

  1. Open the tab Log data.
  2. Click the Modify data link below the tab bar.
  3. Activate the checkbox in front of the desired entry.
  4. In the drop-down menu above or below the list, select the entry Trials -1.
  5. Click on the Execute button.
  6. ILIAS reduces the number of attempts of the participant by 1. The new number appears in the Attempts column.

Note: To further reduce the number of attempts, repeat the process.

Managing licenses

License management - introduction

Suppose you use professionally produced SCORM learning modules. In that case, you often have to purchase licenses for their use: You then usually buy a license for each user working through the SCORM learning module.

In ILIAS, a license counter registers every user's first access to the learning module, if required: If a user accesses the learning module once, he consumes a license and can continue to use the learning module. If no license is left for a learning module, it cannot be accessed by any new user. Additionally, a corresponding red status message appears in the Repository below its title. Users with a license can, of course, continue to use the learning module.

ILIAS provides license management in the License tab to keep track of your licenses. Here you can find your existing licenses and see how many users could access the SCORM learning module (and thus consume a license each).

The following data is provided for you:

  • How many licenses were initially available?
  • How many licenses have already been consumed?
  • How many licenses are still available?
  • How many users potentially have access to the SCORM learning module? Each user with read permission who has not yet accessed counts as potential access.

Activate license counter

You want to activate the license counter.

Prerequisite: For the license counter to be available, it must be activated in the administration in the learning resources area. Only then is the License tab displayed in the SCORM learning modules' edit mode. If you do not see a License tab, ask your administrator to turn on the tool.

  1. Open the License tab in your SCORM learning module.
  2. Under Existing licenses, enter the available number of licenses.    
    Note: When activating the license counter, check if the SCORM learning module has been linked from other places in ILIAS than where you are currently using it. Accesses from other places also consume licenses!

    If you enter "0" under Existing licenses, the license counter for the SCORM learning module is deactivated. First accesses are then no longer recorded. However, the license-relevant access data alreaNotedy recorded will remain.
  3. Click the Save button.

In courses that contain license-required learning modules, an automatic check takes place: If new course members are added, ILIAS checks whether the remaining licenses are sufficient for all new additions. If this is not the case, ILIAS displays a warning. When activating the license counter in the administration, you can specify at which number of remaining licenses this warning should appear.

Debugging with the Test Tool

Introduction to the debugging of SCORM learning modules

With ILIAS, a test tool, a so-called debugger, is delivered by default for SCORM learning modules.
The test tool checks whether the data exchange between a SCORM module and ILIAS is correct and efficient: The test tool checks the completeness and correct usage of SCORM variables and their correct and efficient transfer to the SCORM runtime environment of ILIAS - and vice versa.

The tool runs while the SCORM learning module is displayed: Which clicks and navigation actions send which data through the interface? How long does this take? Do errors occur in the process, and if so, which ones? You can use the data to judge for yourself how well the interaction of the content with ILIAS works. The results can be exported from the test tool at any time.

Using the debugger saves manual (and thus time-consuming and personnel-intensive) analyses of SCORM variables in SCORM learning modules. The reduction of correction loops can be another positive effect.

However, detailed knowledge of the SCORM standard and the SCORM interface in ILIAS is necessary for the meaningful use of the debugger. Otherwise, it is impossible to judge what an error indication means, how serious the error is, and how it can be fixed. However, users who do not have such knowledge can use the debugger to at least provide their IT manager or the manufacturer of the SCORM material with accurate and comprehensive analysis data without much effort.

Activate test tool

You want to activate the test tool.

Prerequisite: An administrator has activated the test tool for your ILIAS installation. If you do not see a Debugging section in the Settings tab, your administrator needs to activate the feature in Administration under Learning Materials.

Make sure you deactivate the test tool again before releasing the SCORM learning module for learners!

  1. Open the Settings tab.
  2. In the Debugging section, activate the Show test tool checkbox.

    The ILIAS navigation elements are required for using the test tool. Therefore, make sure that the following checkboxes in the Appearance section are NOT checked:
    - Hide Top Navigation Menu
    - Hide the left navigation tree
  3. Click on the Save button.
  4. ILIAS will accept your entries and activate the test tool.

Read here how to use the test tool.

Check the SCORM learning module.

You want to check if all variables are set correctly in your SCORM learning module and if it communicates correctly with the learning platform.

Prerequisite: You have already activated the test tool. Only a restricted variant is available for learning modules with SCORM 1.2 interface.

  1. Open the Settings tab in the SCORM learning module.
  2. Click the Show button below the tab.
  3. ILIAS opens the SCORM learning module.
  4. Click the Show test tool link at the bottom left in the tree view.
  5. ILIAS opens the test tool in a separate window.
  6. Now edit the contents of the SCORM learning module. You can edit it completely or only randomly.

The test tool continuously generates new entries. Its interface offers two tabs:

  • The Console tab displays the currently running check of the SCORM data exchange between the learning module and ILIAS in the browser window.
  • The recording started with the start of the test tool and can be interrupted via the black button at the top of the browser window. This primarily serves as a way to interrupt a test run to create a summary file without exiting the test tool. It also provides a way to avoid redundant data logging during a test pause.
  • The Log Files tab displays the log files recorded during the previous use of the learning module. To exit the test tool, close the window.    

Note: Exiting does not stop the recording of the data exchange. All actions in the SCORM learning module are logged until the module is exited.

Comments on individual test runs.

You want to record comments during test runs so that it is understandable what exactly happened.

  1. Click the blue speech bubble icon at the top of the test tool window.
  2. The test tool opens a new window.
  3. Enter your comment.
  4. Click the Submit button.    
    Note: Inserting a comment is also possible when the recording is stopped.
  5. The test tool saves the comment in the log.

Viewing and exporting logs from the test tool

You can access the test tool logs via the Log files tab. Various output formats are available there:

  • CSV files (.csv) contain the recorded data about the data exchange between the SCORM learning module and ILIAS in an Excel-compatible table. You can save them on your computer by clicking on Download.
  • The HTML files (.html) can be opened directly in the browser (Open). The test tool then opens a new browser window and displays the test data in the same way as the console.
  • The summary files (...summary...csv) display the test results in an Excel-compatible table analogous to the SCOs of the learning module and summarize the previous test runs.

A test run always includes the CSV file, the HTML file, and the summary file with the same numbering.

Reset test tool

Test results should not be deleted in the interest of complete documentation and quality assurance. However, for performance reasons, the deletion of test data might seem reasonable in the long run. ILIAS, therefore, allows the deletion of the log files of the test tool. There are several options for this.

Variant 1: Delete single log files within the test tool

  1. Open the test tool in a SCORM learning module.
  2. Open the Log files tab.
  3. Click on the Delete link in the desired line.    
    Note: The current files cannot be deleted here.
  4. The test tool asks you to confirm the deletion.
  5. Click the Ok button.
  6. The test tool deletes the log file.

Variant 2: Delete all log files via the file directory

  1. Open the SCORM learning module in edit mode.
  2. Navigate to the File directory tab.
  3. Activate the checkbox in front of the logs folder.
  4. Select Delete from the drop-down menu above or below the list.
  5. Click on the Execute button.
  6. ILIAS asks you to confirm the deletion.
  7. Click on the Delete button.
  8. ILIAS deletes the folder and all the log files it contains.

Variant 3: Delete single log files via the file directory

  1. Open the SCORM learning module in edit mode.
  2. Navigate to the File directory tab.
  3. Open the logs folder by clicking on it with the mouse.
  4. ILIAS opens the logs folder.
  5. Activate the checkboxes in front of the desired files. A test run always includes a CSV file, the HTML file, and the summary CSV file of the same numbering.
  6. Select Delete from the drop-down menu above or below the list.
  7. Click on the Execute button.
  8. ILIAS asks you to confirm the deletion.
  9. Click on the Delete button.
  10. ILIAS deletes the selected log files.