
SCORM and ILIAS - Introduction Authoring Mode

SCORM learning modules can be used on ILIAS and run on other platforms. Therefore, these learning modules are often chosen to provide elaborate content for a large audience.

Two usage scenarios of SCORM in ILIAS can be distinguished:

  • Presentation mode: You import a ready-made SCORM learning module. You have created this with ILIAS (or another editor) or purchased it from an agency.
  • Author mode: You create a new SCORM learning module in ILIAS or modify a module created in ILIAS.

Both modes are available if you have appropriate permissions and are within a course, group, or category.

Note: Both modes are separated from each other in terms of operation. It is not possible in ILIAS to jump back and forth between the presentation mode and the author mode. So, to make a SCORM learning module created in ILIAS available for learners, you must export it first and then import it in presentation mode.

The following chapters explain the authoring mode, i.e., how to create or edit a SCORM learning module in ILIAS. In doing so, you can also collaborate with other ILIAS users. So you do not have to create all parts of a SCORM learning module yourself.

But consider the effort of a new creation: For multimedia production, graphics, videos, text, questions, animations, and soundtracks must be produced and assembled into an equally instructive and attractive learning module. Under what conditions is it worthwhile to produce multimedia content?

  • A large target group should use the content.
  • The content should not be changed frequently and have a long useful life.

Tab in SCORM authoring mode

Here is an overview of the purposes of each tab of a SCORM learning module in authoring mode. The functionality of each tab is explained in detail in the following chapters.

  • Organization: chapters, SCOs, pages, and assets can be added in the Organization tab. You can also delete, move, copy, and edit the chapters, SCOs, pages, and assets here.
  • Info: The Info tab contains the title of the SCORM learning module and a permalink that leads directly to the learning module and - unlike the dynamic link in the address bar of your browser - always remains the same.
  • Settings: In the Settings tab, you specify how the entire SCORM learning module should be presented. You can include glossaries and determine the style in which the content is presented.
  • Learning Objectives Assignment: This tab gives you an overview of all learning objectives and the questions assigned. You can easily check if the learning objectives are tested appropriately and balanced with questions.
  • Sequencing: In the Sequencing tab, you can define rules for sequencing yourself and thus determine the behavior of the SCORM learning module.
  • Metadata: In the Metadata tab, you store data such as the author and licensing of your SCORM learning module. Here you can also change the title.
  • Export: In the Export tab, you can export and download the SCORM learning module in different formats.
  • Permissions: In the Permissions tab, you can view the current access rights. You can check and change which person has access rights to this SCORM learning module.

Information about the SCORM standard

SCORM is the standard format for multimedia e-learning content.

The SCORM standard defines how content must be technically structured to be used in different learning platforms. It specifies the data models for the content and the use of protocols. Creating content in SCORM format aims to make content usable and reusable across platforms and systems.

Content in SCORM format is launched from the learning platform and worked through by the learner in a special runtime environment. The learning platform also takes over the data from there about the learning status. This so-called tracking data provides information about the learner's performance while processing content. (Tracking refers to the continuous logging of the learner's interaction with the learning content and the results of the task processing).

What does like mean in a SCORM learning module?

A SCORM learning module (or "SCORM package") is a container that holds the learning content and all the information about its presentation. The SCORM learning module is organized into pages, SCOs, and chapters. Structuring the content (or "content") into portions, arranging them, sequencing them, and nesting them is a key didactic design tool.

  • The SCORM learning module is an all-encompassing container.
  • The structure of the individual contents - chapters, SCOs, pages, and assets - is called the organization. Chapters are located in the organization and are pure containers. They can contain SCOs, assets, or other chapters.
  • SCOs are self-contained containers and content pages. It is recorded ("tracked") how learners use the content. SCOs can be top-level or within a chapter. Each SCO has a learning objective, the achievement of which can be checked with assigned questions. Multiple SCOs can be plugged together like components to form a SCORM learning module. They are reusable.
  • Tracking refers to concurrently logging the learner's interaction with the learning content and task completion results. Tracking allows the exchange of information between the learning platform (e.g. ILIAS) and the learning content in the SCORM learning module.
  • Assets are SCOs without tracking: they are a purely representational part of the organization, as they do not collect learning state data and do not playback data to the learning platform. They are usually represented in the tree with the blue traffic light icon. Assets can be located at the top level or within a chapter. Learning objectives cannot be created for assets. They cannot be imported or exported. You use assets to prepare content that does not need to be tracked. This includes the imprint, disclaimer, and information on how to use the course.
  • A page is presented directly to the learner. A page can contain different types of content: Text, images, audio, video, tables, or test questions. Pages can also be created using page templates. Page templates are not only convenient because they save work, but they also ensure that the learning content is uniformly organized afterward.
  • A page template creates a page that already has a layout. Only the content has to be entered. For example, a page template can be a heading followed by 2 columns of text on the right and a video on the left. The default installation of ILIAS contains several page templates that you can use.
  • Sequencing describes how the user's navigation can vary the order of presentation of learning content. For example, it can be determined that learners can navigate to any part of a SCORM learning module in any order or that they must work through the content along a predetermined path.

Importing or creating a SCORM learning module

Importing or creating a new SCORM learning module

You want to create a SCORM learning module in ILIAS.

  1. Navigate to the desired location in the Repository.
  2. Click on the Add new object button.
  3. Select the entry SCORM/AICC learning module in the drop-down menu.
  4. ILIAS opens a new page.

Now you have to distinguish between two use cases:

Variant 1: Import the SCORM learning module.

The SCORM learning module is already finished. You only want to make it available to your participants or make changes with the ILIAS editor.

  1. Select Option 1: Import SCORM/AICC learning module in the accordion.
  2. In the Type drop-down menu, select the type of learning module at hand.
  3. Under Select File, select the present learning module on your computer.
    Optional: Select the Validate file checkbox to check your present learning module for SCORM standard compliance before importing it.
    Optional: Activate the checkbox Author mode to import your existing learning module and edit it in the ILIAS SCORM editor.
    Prerequisite: The present learning module must have been created with the ILIAS-SCORM-Editor and exported as SCORM 1.2/2004 package.
  4. Change the sequencing behavior if necessary. This is only recommended for experts who are already familiar with sequencing programming.
  5. Click on the Import button.
  6. ILIAS imports the learning module and takes you to the Settings tab.

Variant 2: Create a new SCORM learning module in ILIAS

You want to create a new SCORM learning module with ILIAS' own SCORM editor and compile content yourself.

  1. In the accordion, select option 2: Create a new SCORM learning module.
  2. Enter a title and, if necessary, a description of the learning module.
  3. Click the Create button.
  4. ILIAS creates the SCORM learning module and puts you in authoring mode.

Importing very large or many SCORM learning modules

Importing SCORM learning modules through your browser can cause problems or be very slow if you want to offer a particularly large or large number of learning modules in ILIAS. Therefore, you can also import SCORM learning modules via an upload directory on your server.

You want to import SCORM learning modules via the upload directory.

Prerequisite: You are an administrator on your ILIAS installation and have access to the server. Otherwise, ask an administrator to import the modules for you.

  1. Create an upload directory on your ILIAS server for your SCORM files.
  2. Upload the ZIP file containing the desired SCORM learning module to the appropriate directory on your server.
  3. In ILIAS, navigate to the Learning Resources entry in the Administration menu.
  4. Under Upload Directory, enter the full server path without the slash (/) at the end.
  5. Click on the Save button.

Now follow variant 1 of the instructions for importing or creating a new SCORM learning module.

  • Step 3 uses the Existing file drop-down menu to select the ZIP file from your upload directory.


Overview of settings

In the Settings tab of a SCORM learning module in the authoring mode, you can:

  • Include background knowledge or explanations of terms as a glossary in the SCORM learning module. The learner will then see the terms contained in the glossary as links. After a click, the glossary entry is opened in a small window. This way, you can keep the text of your SCORM learning module lean while still providing learners with more in-depth information.
  • Customize the appearance of the SCORM learning module to your liking: You can customize fonts, colors, borders, spacing, icons, and navigation elements in a custom stylesheet. You only need to edit the stylesheet once and the content throughout the learning module will be displayed accordingly. You can make changes at any time.
  • Specify how many times learners may attempt to edit the learning module. After the entered number of editing attempts is reached, learners will no longer be able to open the learning module.

Include glossary

You want to include background knowledge or explanations of terms in the SCORM learning module. However, this additional information should not inflate the central content of your learning module. You can use the glossary for this purpose.

Terms contained in the glossary are presented to the learner as links. After clicking on them, the glossary entry will open in a new window. This way, you can keep the text of your SCORM learning module lean and provide more detailed information.

The glossary becomes a part of the SCORM learning module. This includes terms you may not have included in the actual content of the learning module. However, when the finished SCORM learning module is later made available to learners, the glossary will not only be provided within the module. Still, it will additionally be presented as a separate glossary in ILIAS.

To include a glossary in a SCORM learning module, you have two options: Create a new glossary directly in the settings or link an existing one.

Option 1: Linking an existing glossary

  1. Click on the Assign Glossary button in the Settings tab.
  2. ILIAS opens the tree of the Repository.
  3. Select the desired glossary in the tree by clicking on its title.
  4. ILIAS shows you the Settings tab again. The glossary has been linked and is entered under Glossary.

Variant 2: Create a new glossary

  1. Click on the button Create new glossary in the Settings tab.
  2. ILIAS opens a new page.
  3. Enter a title and, if necessary, a description.
  4. Click on the Save button.
  5. ILIAS displays the Settings tab again. The new glossary has been linked and is entered under Glossary.    
    Note: The new glossary is located in the same container (course, group, or category) as the SCORM learning module. There you can add terms, text, and media.

Unassigning a glossary

To unassign a glossary, click the Unassign Glossary button.

Select style

In ILIAS, content and presentation are separated. Therefore you can freely change the appearance of your content with so-called styles: fonts, colors, frames, spacing, icons, and navigation elements can be customized.

For instructions on how to do this, read the chapters Styles in ILIAS and Styles for advanced users.

Language of navigation elements

Learners operate the SCORM learning module with different navigation elements. These navigation elements are partially labeled: learners click, for example, Next or Previous buttons to switch between pages.

You can specify the language of these navigation options. Your system language will be used if you do not specify a language.

  1. Select the desired entry in the Language drop-down menu.
  2. Click on the Save button.
  3. ILIAS accepts your entries and reports "Changes saved".

Change title or licensing

You want to change the title or licensing of your SCORM learning module.

The SCORM standard requires that this information is stored in the so-called metadata. There you can also store the typical learning duration, a contact person, the status of the SCORM learning module (from draft to the final version), and many other details.

  1. Open the Metadata tab.
  2. Enter a new name in the Title field.
  3. Enter a license in the Copyright area.
  4. Click the Save button.
  5. ILIAS adjusts the title of the SCORM learning module and the license.

Note: Some of the information (such as the title and license) applies to the entire SCORM learning module, while others, such as the contact person (contact), may vary from SCO to SCO. If the same person is responsible for all SCOs, you only need to enter the name once for the entire SCORM learning module. Then click the Transfer to all SCOs button to have the information entered in all parts of the SCORM learning module.

Assignment of learning objectives

Viewing the arrangement of learning objectives

On the top level of a SCORM learning module in authoring mode, you can see which SCO has which learning objective and which questions are used to test the achievement of the learning objective, if any. You can also access the learning objectives for editing from this tab.

You want to see which learning objectives and questions are included in your SCORM learning module.

  1. Open the tab Learning Objectives Assignment.
  2. ILIAS displays a table for each SCO that lists which learning objective the SCO is based on and which questions are used to test the learning objective if any.    
    Optional: Select the desired chapter in the drop-down menu above the table and click the Change button.
  3. Click on the title of an SCO to access it directly.
  4. ILIAS opens the learning objectives tab of the SCO. There you can edit the learning objectives.

Structuring a SCORM learning module

Introduction to the Organization tab

The structure of the SCORM learning module is established in the Organization tab. This tab shows in its main window the contents of the SCORM learning module in individual components: a nested hierarchy of chapters, SCOs, assets, and pages. Open the hierarchy by clicking on the [+] icon if necessary.

The organization of a SCORM learning module is also shown in the navigation tree on the left side. This tree remains even if you click on one of the components and the main window changes.

You can distinguish the different components by their icons:

  • A green book represents the comprehensive SCORM learning module.
  • A folder icon represents a chapter.
  • A colorful set of square building blocks represents an SCO.
  • A green rectangle and a blue triangle represent an asset.
  • A small yellow rectangle represents a page.

If you hover your mouse over an icon, ILIAS will show you a tooltip indicating what type of component it is. An icon only represents components without a title.

To edit a component, click on the Edit link at the end of a row in the main window. In the navigation tree, click on the title of the desired component.

The shaded areas above and below each component title in the main window are placeholders. The placeholders allow you to add new components (such as chapters, SCOs, assets, and pages). You can also drag and drop existing components onto the placeholders. ILIAS always offers you only such components that you can add at the respective place according to the rules of the SCORM standard.

The Page Template component allows you to create content faster and more efficiently than with the page.

Adding chapters, SCOs, assets, pages, or page templates

You want to add chapters, SCOs, assets, pages, or page templates to the SCORM learning module. (For a brief introduction to these terms, click here).

  1. Open the Organization tab.
  2. ILIAS will show you one or more placeholders. These are marked by a plus sign (+) and framed by a broken line.
  3. Click with the mouse on the placeholder.
  4. ILIAS opens a selection menu containing all components that you can add at this point.
  5. Click the name of the component you want.    
    Optional: Alternatively, click one of the numbers (1-10) in the row of the desired component to add multiple components of the same type in one step.
  6. ILIAS adds the desired component in the selected number.

Renaming chapters, SCOs, assets, or pages

You want to rename a component.

  1. You are in the Organization tab of your SCORM learning module in authoring mode. At least one component (SCO, chapter, asset, page) is already created.
  2. Click in the row of the desired component and enter a new title.
    Optional: If you want to rename multiple components, repeat step 2 for all desired components.
  3. Click the Save Title button.
  4. ILIAS saves your new titles.

Delete chapters, SCOs, assets, or pages.

You want to delete a component.

Note: Deleted components can NOT be restored. If you delete a Kapitel, all SCOs will also be deleted. If you want to keep the SCOs (and delete only the chapter without its contents), move the SCOs to another location.

  1. You are in the Organization tab of your SCORM learning module in authoring mode. At least one component (SCO, chapter, asset, page) is already created.
  2. Select the checkboxes in front of the components you want to delete.
  3. Click the Delete button above or below the table.
  4. ILIAS will ask you to confirm the deletion of the components.
  5. Click on the Confirm button.
  6. ILIAS deletes the components and reports, "Object(s) deleted."

Moving components within a SCORM learning module.

If you want to move a single component, the fastest way is to drag and drop it. If you move a component that contains others (such as an SCO with pages), all the components it contains will also be moved.

You want to move single components by drag & drop.

  1. You are in the Organization tab of your SCORM learning module in authoring mode. Several components (SCO, Chapter, Asset, Page) are created in it.
  2. Grab the desired component by hovering over its icon and clicking and holding the left mouse button.
  3. ILIAS will highlight all possible "landing fields" for the component.
  4. Continue to hold down the left mouse button and drag your component to an allowed landing field.
  5. Then release the left mouse button.
  6. ILIAS inserts the component in the desired location.

Moving components between SCORM learning modules

You may find that your original plan for portioning content changes, or you want to reuse content from one SCORM learning module in another. Use the Cut function to move content from one SCORM learning module to another SCORM learning module in authoring mode.

You want to move chapters, pages, SCOs, or assets from one SCORM learning module to another SCORM learning module.

  1. You are in the Organization tab of your SCORM learning module in authoring mode. You have an organization that consists of multiple components.
  2. Select the checkboxes in front of the components you want to move.
  3. Click the Cut button above or below the table.
  4. ILIAS cuts the components from the organization and copies them to the clipboard.
  5. Open the SCORM learning module into which you want to paste the components. To do this, open the
  6. Actions menu in the Repository next to the title of the target learning module and select the Edit entry.
  7. Then open the Organization tab in this learning module.
  8. Left-click on the landing field where you want to insert the cut components.
  9. ILIAS opens the Paste menu.
  10. Click the Paste component from the clipboard entry.    
    Note: You may not be able to paste the cut components everywhere according to the nesting rules.
  11. In all places where the cut components can be pasted, an entry Paste [Component] from Clipboard appears after a mouse click in the menu.
  12. ILIAS inserts the cut components.
  13. Your clipboard is now empty again.

Expanding and collapsing the organization

SCORM learning modules can have a large size. The Organization tab will then display a large number of components.

You want to expand or collapse all substructures of the organization at once.

  1. You are in the Organization tab of your SCORM learning module in authoring mode. You have an organization that consists of several components.
  2. Click the Collapse All or Expand All button above or below the table.
  3. ILIAS collapses all the contents of the container components and displays only the top-level outline components. ILIAS unfolds all the contents to the pages and displays all the components at all levels in their nesting.

Edit chapters, SCOs, or assets.

You want to edit a component of your SCORM learning module (chapters, SCOs, or assets).

  1. You are in the Organization tab of your SCORM learning module in authoring mode.
  2. Click the Edit link next to the title of the desired component.
  3. ILIAS opens the edit mode.  Depending on the component, you have different editing options here. You can:
  • add new components in the Organization tab. For example, add as many pages as you want to an SCO.
  • change the title or other description data in the Metadata tab.
  • for SCOs and assets, use other tabs explained in the chapter Working with SCOs.

Working with SCOs and Assets

Defining the entry page and learning objectives of an SCO

In the Description / Goals tab of an SCO, you can edit the entry page of the SCO. This page is automatically created based on the information you provide in this tab. You can enter information about the description and learning objectives of the SCO, but you cannot change the page's layout.

You want to specify a description and the learning objectives of the SCO.

  1. Open the desired SCO. To do this, click on its title in the left tree or the Edit link in the organization.
  2. In the SCO, open the Description/Objectives tab.
  3. In the Properties section, enter a brief description of the SCO's content.
  4. In the Learning Objectives section, enter the learning objectives to be achieved by the SCO.
  5. Click the Save button.
  6. Click the Preview link on the right side of the tab navigation to view your result, which will be presented to learners later.

Note: To display learning objectives or descriptions as a bulleted list or numbered list, write * (unnumbered list) or # (numbered list) in front of the respective list item.

Deactivate the entry page of an SCO.

If you do not want to provide information about an SCO's description and learning objectives, you can disable the display of the entry page. If you do not do this, the learner will be presented with an unattractive blank page.

You want to deactivate the entry page for the SCO.

  1. Open the desired SCO. To do so, click on its title in the left tree or on the Edit link in the organization.
  2. In the SCO, open the Description/Targets tab.
  3. Select the Hide description/learning goal page checkbox in the Properties section.
  4. Click the Save button.

Overview of questions in the SCO/Asset

You can use the Page Editor to add questions to any page within an SCO as you see fit. To help you keep track of these questions, their distribution across the pages of an SCO is shown in the Questions tab.

The table lists the question titles in the left column and the titles of the pages they are located on in the right column. Here you can check which and how many questions exist, wherein this SCO without clicking through the content. Click on the title of a page to go directly to its edit mode.

You want to see which questions are included in an SCO.

  1. Open the desired SCO. To do so, click on its title in the left tree or the Edit link in the organization.
  2. Open the Questions tab in the SCO.

Overview of media files in the SCO/Asset

Pages within SCOs typically include many different media types (e.g., images, videos, or audio files). The Files tab contains a list of all included media. A table lists the format, name, size, and date of upload of each file. You can download all files directly from the list.

You want to view which media are included in an SCO.

  1. Open the desired SCO. To do this, click on its title in the left tree or the Edit link in the organization.
  2. Open the Files tab in the SCO.

Add pages and page templates.

You want to add pages or page templates to the SCO or asset.

  1. Open the Organization tab of the desired SCO or asset.
  2. ILIAS will show you one or more placeholders next to any pages that may already exist. These are marked by a plus sign (+) and framed by a broken line.
  3. Click with the mouse on the placeholder.
  4. ILIAS opens a selection menu where you can insert pages or page templates.
  5. Click on the desired component.    
    Optional: Alternatively, click one of the numbers (1-10) in the line of the desired component to add multiple components of the same type in one step.
  6. ILIAS adds the desired component in the selected number.

To edit the component click the Edit link at the end of the row of the component in question.

Fill in placeholders in page templates.

Placeholders are initially displayed for all content in the edit mode of a new page created from a template. You can drag and drop the placeholders onto the page as you wish and then fill them with your content.

You want to fill a placeholder on a page template.

  1. Click on the placeholder with the mouse.
  2. ILIAS opens a selection menu with all possible actions.
  3. Select the Edit option to enter content.
  4. ILIAS will open the next step depending on the type of placeholder (text, image, etc.).

Import SCO

You do not have to create SCOs within a learning module; you can also import them there. Files for import can come from different sources:

  • Export files of SCOs from other SCORM learning modules in authoring mode on your ILIAS installation.
  • Export files of SCOs from other SCORM learning modules in authoring mode from other ILIAS installations
  • Export files of SCOs from external authoring systems if they are SCORM-2004 compatible.

The SCO will be available as a ZIP file in each case.

You want to import an SCO.

  1. Open your SCORM learning module in authoring mode.
  2. Create an empty SCO in the Organization tab.
  3. Open the SCO in edit mode.
  4. Open the Import tab.
  5. There, under Select File, select the ZIP file from your computer.
    Optional: Check the Validate file checkbox to have the file automatically validated for compliance with the SCORM standard when it is uploaded.
  6. Click the Upload button.
  7. ILIAS will import the SCO.


Sequencing behavior

Sequencing rules determine sequencing and navigation in SCORM learning modules. The author of the SCORM learning module sets these behavior rules when creating the content. The runtime environment executes the rules while the LMS receives the learning state data.

If you do not store sequencing rules, the default rules take effect: The learner can access any element in any order. He can access all SCOs in the SCORM learning module at any time.

Otherwise, sequencing rules can be entered as programming code in a tab in the organization. The design of the rules is very demanding for the creator and the testers.

An explanation of sequencing programming in SCORM learning modules is omitted in this help: It is expert knowledge, the superficial treatment of which does more harm than good.

Adding Sequencing Rules

You want to add your own sequencing rules.

  1. Open the Sequencing tab of your SCORM learning module in authoring mode.
  2. To add sequencing rules, click the Enable Sequencing Expert Mode button.
  3. ILIAS will ask you to confirm the change.
  4. Click the Enable Sequencing Expert Mode button.
  5. ILIAS shows you the preset default rules in the Sequencing tab.
  6. Now edit the rules for the entire learning module and/or for the individual SCOs. Enter the rules below the learning module title or the SCO title.
  7. Click on the Save button.
  8. ILIAS will adopt your sequencing rules.

Embedding the glossary into the SCORM learning module
Follow this action guide to link a glossary in the Settings tab.

Linking glossary terms to pages

You want to link a glossary term directly on a page within your SCORM learning module. You can also use glossaries to play sample videos with case descriptions in them, for example. These then appear as a pop-up above the actual content on your page.


  • The corresponding glossary has already been linked to the SCORM learning module.
  • The request already exists in the linked glossary.
  • The glossary is set online.
  1. Open the page on which you want to include a glossary link.
  2. Switch to the edit mode (text editor) of the desired text section.
  3. In the text editor, select the [could not resolve link target: il_6127_git_43] or text section you want to link to the glossary term.
  4. In the Links section of the text editor, click the link button.
  5. ILIAS opens a small window.
  6. In the Link Type drop-down menu, select Glossary Term and click the desired keyword. If necessary, select the assigned glossary in the Repository tree beforehand.
  7. ILIAS takes you back to the text editor and has inserted syntax around the selected text. This is the link to the glossary.
  8. Click on the Save button.
  9. ILIAS will accept your entries.

Include files on pages.

You can embed files as download links in the text of a page of your SCORM learning module. Files are excellent for storing larger amounts of background information that participants can download directly. These can be checklists, legal texts, case studies, etc.

Prerequisite: You have already prepared the desired file on your computer.

  1. Open the page where you want to embed a file.
  2. Switch to the editing mode (text editor) of the desired text section.
  3. In the text editor, select the text section you want to link to the file. Create this text first, if necessary.
  4. Click the link button in the Links section of the text editor.
  5. ILIAS opens a small window.
  6. In the Link Type drop-down menu, select File/Document.
  7. Click the Browse button and select a file on your computer.
  8. Click on the Create link button.
  9. Click on the Save button.
  10. ILIAS uploads the file and creates the link.

Making a learning module available to learners

Export and import of SCORM learning modules - Introduction

You can export your SCORM learning module in different formats. To make the module available to learners, you must first export it and then import it in "learner mode" (more precisely: as a SCORM learning module with a runtime environment). Without exporting, it is impossible to switch directly from authoring to learner mode.

ILIAS offers the following export formats:

  • SCORM 2004: This export format provides a SCORM file containing all sequencing rules.
  • SCORM 2004 (4th Edition): Latest version of the SCORM standard.
  • SCORM 1.2: SCORM 1.2 is an older version of the SCORM standard. It is supported by almost all learning platforms and authoring tools. However, you cannot use sequencing rules in this standard version.
  • HTML: If you export the SCORM learning module as HTML, you can easily read it with a browser without a runtime environment. For example, you can embed the content in a web page or use it offline.
  • HTML Review Mode: This export format delivers the entire content as an HTML document on a single page. This format is great for performing quality assurance or allowing editorial revisions by people who are not tech-savvy.

Follow this action guide to create an export file of your SCORM learning module.

Export SCORM learning module

You want to export your SCORM learning module.

  1. Open the Export tab of your SCORM learning module.
  2. Select the desired export format from the Type drop-down menu.
  3. Click the Export button.
  4. ILIAS will begin the desired export. Depending on the size of your SCORM learning module, this process may take longer.
  5. ILIAS displays the generated export file in the table in the Export tab.
  6. Click the Download link in the table to download the file.
  7. ILIAS opens the download dialog of your browser.
  8. Save the file on your computer.    
    Note: To be able to import the file again, do NOT rename the file. Do NOT unzip the file. Import the file as is in the runtime environment.

Import SCORM learning module

Follow this action guide to import your SCORM learning module.