Overview: How do I use a group as a member?

Groups - Introduction
Groups allow you to work together in a protected area in learning groups or teams. A group can contain almost any content. Learners can often create their own learning content, upload files, or share content in groups. Exactly what you can do in a group depends on the permissions you have been given by your instructors.

For orientation:

  • You access all group content from the Content tab.
  • As a group member, you can see who else is a member of the group in the Members tab and also contact the others.
  • In order to organize the common work, a group calendar is used in many groups. This then appears as a separate block in the Contents tab.
  • An overview of all groups you are a member of can be found by default in the ILIAS-wide main menu Repository under the item My Courses and Groups.

Using a group content

You want to use content or participate in activities offered to you in the group.

  1. Open the Content tab.
  2. Click on the title of the desired object (e.g. a session, file, or wiki).
  3. ILIAS opens the corresponding object. I
  4. f necessary, open the help there again to get information on how to use the object in question.

Note on files: If you click on the title of a file, this file is either offered for download or displayed directly.

Using group scenarios

Overview Group Scenarios

ILIAS supports the following scenarios as default settings. These can be set up with a few clicks. Each of these scenarios is presented in more detail in the linked chapters:

  • Default group: default groups are visible to all users. However, the contents can be reserved for participants. You control how interested parties can participate in the group via the membership settings.
  • Closed group: A closed group is a 'secret group' and is not visible to anyone who is not a member (or administrator). It is suitable for working groups no one should 'peek' into. With closed groups, for example, you create an area where you can prepare your lessons protected from the eyes of others.
  • Blended Learning: Alternating between face-to-face events and independent learning in ILIAS, you create sessions in the group to map the face-to-face events. Topics and materials are assigned to a specific face-to-face event, and information about the date and location is provided.

How do my users find their groups?

If you enter users into groups, there is no risk of 'history': groups are displayed to participants on their dashboard. They can also view an overview of all courses and groups by opening the main menu and clicking on My Courses and Groups in the Repository entry.

Delimitation: course or group?

The course is primarily intended to support official courses.  Groups are primarily for teamwork and study groups.

Courses and Groups are similar in many of their functions:

  • Provide content and tools: Courses and groups create a delineated space to provide content and communication tools, such as files, forums, or learning modules.
  • Control access: Courses and groups regulate access to and use of content and tools. A member can see and do more or less depending on their rights and roles.
  • Manage members: Course and group members are managed by course and group administrators. A dedicated mailing list is automatically available for communication.

Courses and groups differ:

  • The group offers less functionality than the course. The following options are only available in courses but not with groups: Release of content at a certain time, learning objectives, and content or learning planning recommendations.
  • You cannot create courses within groups and courses. However, you can easily create groups within courses or groups within groups. Especially in the case of a larger event, such a subdivision can be helpful.
  • Of course, groups can also be created and used independently of a course.

Standard groups and closed groups: Examples
Only standard groups offer the possibility of self-registration. Instructors can choose between different methods for users to become members of the group: unrestricted, self-registration, self-registration with password or confirmation, or even registration of members by the group administrator.
Closed groups provide complete control over who becomes a member of a group. Users are entered ('added') to the group exclusively by the group administrator. There is no option for self-registration. Closed groups are completely invisible to non-members.

The following examples illustrate how to work with groups:

Self-organized learning or project groups

  • Goal: Users learn or work self-organized in groups. They create content themselves. Members of other groups should be able to see the content but not edit it.
  • Implementation: Create a standard group. Enter all participants who are to create content as group administrators. Activate the 'join directly' option. This way, other people can join without being able to create content themselves.

Work-sharing group work

  • Goal: Each group has its work assignment. The members work out solutions, which are presented later. Members of one group should not see what is happening in the other groups - but that the other groups exist.
  • Implementation: Create standard groups, enter the desired participants as members in each case, and activate the option 'No independent joining'.

Hidden leadership or author group

  • Goal: Members of this group jointly develop learning content for later publication. The group is not open to other users and remains invisible to other users.
  • Implementation: Create a closed group and enter only the target group as group administrators.

Blended learning: Classroom events with sessions

You can map classroom events in groups as "sessions". This way, you structure and accompany your blended learning event in ILIAS. Create a separate session for each attendance event. Material can be assigned to the session as desired.

To use sessions in the group, create them in the Content tab using the Add new object button.

Settings in the group

Settings in groups - Overview

Define how your group looks to members and what features it offers. In the Settings tab, you can:

  • determine whether it is a standard group or a closed group,
  • determine how registration works, how users get into the group, and the maximum number of members the group can have,
  • customize the group's icon and look, and choose how the group's content is organized and sorted,
  • allow members to write emails to other group members or to the administrators,
  • activate the group calendar,
  • and much more.

Using the sub-tabs of the Settings tab, you can make the following settings:

  • Group info: provide information about contact details of lecturers, goals, program, or registration.
  • Settings Map: Enter the location of your attendance group on a map.
  • Membership restriction: Make sure that users only register for one group. This is useful if the same topic is offered in multiple groups or if the attendance dates of two groups overlap.
  • Group-specific user data: Collect this data to learn more about the participants in your group (e.g., degree program or company code).
  • News: Enable a "News" block in the Content tab to notify participants about new content.
  • LTI shares: Share the group so other platforms can include it via the LTI interface.
  • Multilingual: Maintain the group content in multiple languages.

Rename group

You want to give your group a different title.

  1. Open the Settings tab in the group.
  2. In the Title input field, change the name of the group.
    If necessary, enter a description. This will be displayed in a smaller font under the group's title.
  3. Click on Save.
  4. ILIAS changes the title of the group.

Make closed groups invisible to non-members.

You want to set for which users the group is visible.

  1. Open the Settings tab in the group.
  2. Under Type, select the type of group.
    Default group: The group is visible for non-members. However, the rules of the respective joining procedure apply to gain membership.
    Closed group: The group is invisible to non-members. It would help if you enrolled members for users to use the group's content.
  3. Click Save.
  4. The group becomes visible and accessible, depending on the selection.

How do users get into the group?

Note: This guide provides only a brief overview. Please refer to the Specifying Enrollment Processes chapter for a detailed explanation of all course options and groups.

Users can either be entered into the group by a tutor/administrator or join independently. There are several options for joining: Participants can join directly and immediately, only after entering a group password, or after manual approval by a tutor or administrators, depending on the settings.

In all cases of independent joining, both the joining period and the maximum number of members in the group can be limited.

You want to set how users join the group.

  1. Open the Settings tab and navigate to the Independent joining by users section. - Under the Joining method, activate one of the radio buttons:
    Direct joining: users join the group immediately with one click.
    - Join with group password: Users have to enter the password to join, which you specify here
    - Joining after confirmation: A tutor or administrator must manually confirm joining
    - No independent joining: only tutors or administrators can add users as participants
    Optional: Check the Join by link checkbox.    
      - Regardless of the joining method selected, users can join the group directly and immediately by following the link.    
      - Joining via link works even if the user must log in to ILIAS first or register.
    Optional: Activate the Time-limited joining checkbox and select the desired time period.
    Optional: Set the Latest group exit date to prevent members from leaving the group later.
    Optional: Set a Limited number of members.    
    You can set the minimum and the maximum number of participants.    
    Using a waiting list, other users can move up if a participant leaves. This can also be done automatically if desired.
  2. Click on the Save button.
  3. ILIAS accepts your entries and reports, "Changes saved."

Adjusting the representation of the group

You want to customize the display of the group and use, for example, the tile display or your icon.

  1. Open the tab Settings of the group and scroll to the section Appearance.
  2. Select the desired settings:
    Show title and icon: Uncheck the box to stop displaying the group icon and their title above the tab bar.
    Show Actions: Uncheck the box to hide the actions menu above the tab bar.
    Customized Icon: Upload an image to replace the group icon.        
    Prerequisite: The image must be in SVG format.
    Tiled image: Upload an image to give this group its tiled image in the parent container.        
    Prerequisite: The image must be in PNG or JPG format.
    Presentation view for content: Activate the tiles here to display all content as tile images in the group.
  3. You can upload the images in each of the contained objects.
  4. Click the Save button to apply your specifications.

Set sorting of contents

By default, ILIAS sorts all group materials into object lists: all forums into one list, all tests into one list, and so on. These lists are then automatically sorted alphabetically. The sorting has no pedagogical motivation.

However, you can sort the materials according to your needs. In doing so, you have three options. You can:

  • add images and intermediate texts to the visual layout of a group using the page editor, place contents
  • of different types in a "package" on the page using object blocks,
  • and choose between various automatic and manual sorting of content.

The following guide describes your options when sorting. It applies equally to the use of the Tile and List views.

  1. Open the Settings tab.
  2. In the Appearance section, under View, choose whether and how to group content by type:
    Session view: here, sessions are highlighted and are always at the top. All other content follows below.
    Simple List: All content is sorted by its title.
    Grouped by type: All content is grouped into blocks of one type each (all files, all forums).
  3. Then choose the sorting of the lists or tiles:
    - Alphabetically by title
    - By creation date
    - Manually: If you make this selection, a new sub-tab, Sorting, will appear in the Contents tab after saving.
  4. Navigate to this sub-tab to sort according to your preferences.
  5. Click on the Save button.
  6. ILIAS accepts your entries and reports "Changes saved".

Note: If the group is within a course or another group, you can alternatively specify that the view and sorting will be based on the settings of the parent course (or group).

Activate calendar

The calendar is used to organize and publish events. These then appear in the personal calendars of all members. In addition, a separate calendar block is displayed in the group in the "Content" tab.

Only members with the "Edit Calendar" right can create new appointments or modify existing ones.

You want to activate the calendar.

  1. Open the Settings tab.
  2. Scroll down to the Additional functions section.
  3. Activate the Calendar checkbox.
  4. Click on the Save button.
  5. ILIAS accepts your entries and reports "Change saved".

Read here how to enter appointments in the calendar.

Inform group members about the news.

News about the group can be displayed as a separate block in the Content tab. This block informs members about new content in the group. This can be newly uploaded files and new posts in forums or wikis that belong to the group. News can also be written manually by tutors and administrators.

You want to activate the news block.

  1. Open the Settings tab.
  2. Scroll down to the Additional features section.
  3. Activate the News checkbox.
    To customize the appearance of the news, click the Open settings link.
  4. Click on the Save button.
  5. ILIAS accepts your entries and reports "Change saved". Participants will now see the news in the corresponding block in the Contents tab.

Note: It is possible to automatically send participants a daily email with all news from their courses and groups. This function must be activated in the administration under General settings > Cron jobs > Daily mail for groups and course news. If necessary, contact your technical support in this regard.

Filtering content via tag cloud

You want to allow participants to filter all content in the group using a "Tag Cloud". An overview of all tags (labels) assigned to group content is displayed in the Content tab. Clicking on one of the tags filters the display in the Content tab accordingly.

Prerequisite: To use this function meaningfully, the contents of your group must be tagged. This is usually done in the Info tab of the respective object.

  1. Open the Settings tab.
  2. Scroll down to the Additional Functions section.
  3. Check the Tag Cloud checkbox.
  4. Click on the Save button.
  5. ILIAS accepts your entry and reports "Change saved". The tag cloud is now displayed in the Content tab.

Allow participants to rate content.

You want to allow participants to rate files, learning modules, and wikis in the group. Participants will be shown a scale of zero to five stars for these objects in the Content tab. The object can then be rated by clicking on the desired number.

  1. Open the Settings tab.
  2. Scroll down to the Additional functions section.
  3. Activate the Rating for new objects checkbox.
  4. Click on the Save button.
  5. ILIAS accepts your input and reports "Change saved". The rating function is now displayed in the Content tab for corresponding objects.

The member gallery allows the users of your group to get to know each other and network. In the sub-tab of the same name in the Members tab, users can then see other users' names and profile pictures and get in touch with each other.

You want to activate the member's gallery.

  1. Open the Settings tab.
  2. Scroll down to the Additional functions section.
  3. Select the Calendar checkbox.
  4. Click on the Save button.
  5. ILIAS accepts your entries and reports "Change saved".

You can find more information about the member gallery there in the help.

Set up a mailing list for members.

By default, group members can send emails to all members and tutors from ILIAS via a particular mailing list. However, you can disable this functionality.

You want to enable or disable the mail to members feature.

  1. Open the Settings tab.
  2. Scroll down to the Additional Functions section.
  3. Under Mail to members, activate the desired radio button:
    - For administrators only
    - For all members
  4. Click on the Save button.
  5. ILIAS accepts your input and reports "Change saved".

Receive new members with a welcome mail.

ILIAS automatically sends an email when a user has been added to a group. Thus, the corresponding user is informed directly and receives a link to the group.

In some situations, it may be advisable to disable this feature - for example, if you add users as a semester preparation, but the content is not yet ready.

You want to enable or disable the welcome email.

  1. Open the Settings tab.
  2. Scroll down to the Additional Features section.
  3. Check or uncheck the Welcome email for new members checkbox.
  4. Click on the Save button.
  5. ILIAS will accept your entries and report "Change saved".

Using further ILIAS functions in the group

In the settings of your group, you can activate further functions which you can use in numerous ILIAS objects:

  • Custom metadata allows you to mark up your group beyond what is specified in the LOM standard. This can be useful for categorizing larger amounts of content - for example, by target groups, requirement profiles, or performance points.
  • For example, badges are a fun way to demonstrate achievement and can be awarded for participation in a group effort.
  • Access regulations according to organizational units allow supervisors to gain insight into the learning activities of their employees.
  • Finally, competencies can also be acquired in the group, defined by you in advance.

Activate the desired checkboxes and save the settings form. Then open the related new tabs Metadata, Badges, and Competencies, respectively. You can configure the access regulations according to organizational units after the central setup in the Administration in the Rights tab.

Publish contact details, program, and travel information

Publish information and contact details

You want to store general information about the group or your contact details. If the group is public, this information is already available to interested parties BEFORE they register in the info tab. Keep this in mind if you put private information like your phone number there.

  1. Open the Settings tab.
  2. Click on the Group Info link.
  3. Enter the information you want in the text entry field. For example, you could enter information such as:
    - Aim of the group work/work program
    - Contact information (name, responsibility, e-mail, phone).
  4. Click on the Save button.
  5. ILIAS will accept your information and report, "The settings have been saved".

Inserting a map of the event location

You can assign a map to a group. This allows you to easily include the venue for face-to-face events, for example, via Google or Open Layers Maps. You can also use it to allow group members to add their locations to the map.

You want to select a location on the map and display it in the group.

  1. Navigate to the Settings tab.
  2. Click on the Settings Map link.    
    Note: If you do not see this link, an administrator must first enable the map feature.
  3. Select the Enable group map checkbox.
  4. Select the desired location on the map. You have three options to do this.
    - Enter the coordinates in the Latitude / Longitude text input fields.
    - Search for an address by entering it in the Address text input field and clicking the Search address button.
    - Click the mouse on the map to select the desired location.
  5. Select a different magnification level from the drop-down menu (1=smallest magnification, 18=largest magnification).
  6. Click on the Save button.
  7. ILIAS accepts your entries and displays the map in the Members tab under the Map Group Members link.

Show group location and participants on the map

Adding your location to the map

ILIAS allows you to assign a map to a group, displayed using Google Maps. It can be accessed in the member's tab of a group under the link Map group members and show the locations of the participants.

Prerequisite: a teacher or administrator has enabled the Map to Group feature in the Settings tab in the Maps sub-tab. Otherwise, no link will be displayed in the Members tab. Also, you must have activated your Profile.

You want to add your location to the map for group members.

  1. Open the Personal Desktop menu.
  2. Click the Personal data and profile link.
  3. Scroll down to the Other section.
  4. Select the desired location on the map. You have three options to do this:
    - Enter the coordinates in the Latitude / Longitude text entry fields.
    - Search for an address by entering it in the Address text input field and clicking the Search Address button.
    - Click the mouse on the map to select the desired location.
  5. Select a different magnification level from the drop-down menu (1=smallest magnification, 18=largest magnification).
  6. Click the Save button.
  7. Open the Profile tab.
  8. Check the Own location checkbox to make your location visible to logged-in users.
  9. Click on the Save button.
  10. ILIAS will now display your location in the group under Members > Map Group Members.

Find other group members on the map

You want to find other group members on the map.

Prerequisite: an instructor or administrator has enabled the Map to Group feature in the settings. Otherwise, no link is displayed in the Members tab.

  1. In the Members tab, click the Map group members link.
  2. To the left of the map, click the link with the name of the desired participant.    
    Prerequisite: The participant has entered his location under his data and made it public in his profile. Otherwise, the name will not be displayed as a link.
  3. ILIAS displays the participant's location on the map.