Overview: How do I use an exercise?

How do I use an exercise?

With an exercise, you can:

  • set and collect scheduled tasks,
  • provide feedback to participants on their solution and/or ask participants to provide peer feedback to each other,
  • record a pass status as well as a grade for each exercise unit
  • get an overview of the scores of the individual exercise units and make an overall assessment.

An exercise can contain several exercise units of different types, which can be submitted on alternate dates.

The following submission types are available:

  • File: The exercise is completed by submitting one or more files. This allows you to collect homework with minimal effort and have larger assignments completed in parts.
  • File submission as a team: The participants themselves or you put together teams, which then submit the solution (one or more files) as a team.
  • Text: Participants can enter solution text in a simple editor.
  • Blog: A blog is submitted as an HTML export. In the blog, participants can use text, image, video, and audio elements and embed files.
  • Portfolio: A portfolio is submitted as an HTML export. As with the blog, participants can use text, image, video, and audio elements and embed files.
  • Team Wiki: A wiki is submitted as an HTML export.

To add an exercise unit, follow the Add exercise unit action guide.

Set exercise settings

Set exercise settings

In the settings, you control the behavior of the entire exercise. In the Settings tab under the General Settings sub-tab, you can:

  • rename the exercise or change the description,
  • select a tile image as the representation,
  • define which requirements the participants have to fulfill to automatically receive the status "Passed" in the entire exercise,
  • activate the automatic evaluation as Passed on submission for the individual exercise units,
  • define whether the solutions should be published for all participants,
  • activate the notification when new solutions are submitted
  • and set which feedback options you want to use in the individual exercise units.    
    Note: If you deactivate one of the checkboxes in the Feedback section, this feedback option will not be offered in any of the exercise units.

With the further sub-tabs directly below the Settings tab, you can:

  • create criteria catalogs for peer feedback or
  • configure a certificate that can be printed out by participants who have successfully passed the exercise.

Rename the exercise or change the description

You want to change the title of the exercise or add a description.

  1. Open the Settings tab in the exercise.
  2. Enter the desired name for your exercise in the Title text input field.
  3. In the Description text input field, optionally enter the desired description for your exercise. This will be displayed below the exercise title.
  4. Click on the Save button.
  5. ILIAS accepts your entries and reports "Changes saved".

Set pass requirement

You want participants to automatically "Pass" the entire exercise after a certain workload. Mandatory exercise units must always be passed in this case.

Prerequisites: You have already set all exercise units to "Mandatory" or non-mandatory.

  1. Open the Settings tab in the exercise.
  2. In the Passing section of the exercise, under the Requirement setting, activate one of the possible options:
    Only mandatory exercise units: Exercise units without the "Mandatory" checkmark are voluntary and do not affect the "Passed" status of the entire exercise.
    Minimum number of exercise units: Specify how many exercises (including the mandatory ones) must be passed to achieve "Passed" status for the entire exercise.
    Example: You have six exercise units, four of which are mandatory. From the two non-mandatory ones, the participants may select one that they must work on. Enter the value 5 in the input field Number of exercise units so that ILIAS automatically sets the status "Passed" for the entire exercise as soon as the participant has passed all four mandatory and one of the two non-mandatory exercise units.
  3. Click on the Save button.

Note: If you add more exercise units, you will need to revise this setting afterward to ensure that the "Passed" status is output correctly.

Enable automatic passing

You want to specify that a student automatically passes the exercise unit once he or she submits a solution.

Note: By default, there is no automatic grading. Changing this setting does not affect existing assessments.

  1. Open the Settings tab in the exercise.
  2. In the Passing section of the exercise, under the Assessment as "Passed" setting, enable the Automatic submission option.    
    Note: If you have activated peer feedback in an exercise unit, you can now specify in the peer feedback settings for this exercise unit whether the peer feedback should affect the "Passed" status. Cf. Action instructions Peer feedback relevant to the "Passed" status.
  3. Click on the Save button.
  4. ILIAS accepts your entries and reports "Changes saved".

As soon as a participant submits a solution, he or she automatically receives the status "Passed" for the respective exercise unit. You can overwrite this status manually at any time.

Publish solutions

You want to publish the submitted work results for all participants.

Note: If a submission deadline is set, the results will only be published after the deadline has expired and, if necessary, after a grace period.

  1. Open the Settings tab.
  2. In the Publishing section, activate the Publish solution submissions checkbox.
  3. Click on the Save button.
  4. ILIAS accepts your entries and reports "Changes saved".

The solutions will later be displayed for the participants in the opened accordion of the corresponding exercise unit in the section Your submission under the setting Public solution submissions.

Notification about new submissions

You want to be notified by email when participants submit new work results for an exercise unit.

  1. Open the Settings tab in the exercise.
  2. In the Personal notification section, select the Notification on submission checkbox.
  3. Click on the Save button.
  4. ILIAS accepts your entries and reports "Changes saved".

Note: This is a personal setting that applies only to you. Other tutors must activate the notification independently.

Create exercise units

Task types

The exercise units are the tasks that the participants have to complete. The participants submit the solution in different forms, which you define via the submission type.

The following delivery types are available:

  • File: The task is solved by submitting one or more files. This allows you to collect homework with little effort and complete larger tasks in parts.
  • File submission as a team: The participants themselves or you put together teams, which then submit the solution - one or more files - as a team.
  • Text: Participants can enter solution text in a simple editor.
  • Blog: A blog is submitted as an HTML export. In the blog, participants can use text, image, video, and audio elements and embed files.
  • Portfolio: A portfolio is submitted as an HTML export. As with the blog, participants can use text, image, video, and audio elements as well as embed files.
  • Team Wiki: A wiki is submitted as an HTML export.

To add an exercise unit, follow the Add exercise unit action guide.

Add exercise unit

You want to add a new exercise unit to your exercise.

  1. In the exercise, on the Exercise Units tab, click the Edit sub-tab just below the tab.
  2. In the drop-down menu, select the delivery type of the exercise unit (explanations of the delivery types can be found here). Once selected, delivery types cannot be changed.
  3. Click on the Add exercise unit button.
  4. ILIAS will show you the form "New exercise unit".

Now follow the instructions for action by delivery type:

  • File
  • Submit a file as a team
  • Text
  • Blog
  • Portfolio
  • Team Wiki

Set up file submission

You want to define how your exercise of type "File" presents itself to participants.

Prerequisite: You have created a new exercise unit of the type "File".

  1. ILIAS shows the form "New exercise unit".
    The title is always visible, regardless of whether the rest of the task is displayed.
    Mandatory: Participants must complete this task. You define the exact passing requirements here.
    In the field Work instruction, you enter the task.
    Files for the work instruction are displayed to participants below the work instruction. After saving, you can manage the files in the tab Files for work instructions.
    Participants can view the work instruction and submit solutions from the start time.
    Participants can submit solutions until the deadline. If you enter a fixed date, you can also activate a grace period that is not visible to participants. You can extend the deadline for individual participants separately. Activate a relative date if you want the participants to choose the start date themselves for identical processing times.
     - Activate reminders so that participants or tutors do not forget their assignments.
     - Under Limit uploads, specify how many files participants are allowed to upload. Files can be replaced as many times as needed during the submission period.
     - Activate peer feedback so that participants can rate each other. You make the settings later in a separate tab.
     - Provide a sample solution to be displayed to participants after the deadline, submission, or a specific date.
  2. Click on the Save button.
  3. ILIAS creates a new exercise unit.

Set up team delivery.

You want to specify how your team assignment will present itself to participants.

Prerequisite: You have created a new exercise unit of the "Submit file as a team".

  1. ILIAS shows the form "New exercise unit".
    The title is always visible, regardless of whether the rest of the task is displayed.
    If you want the participants to be automatically assembled into teams, first activate the assembly by tutors. Note that the participants must already be added to the exercise for the automatic composition to work.
    Mandatory: Participants must complete this task. You specify the exact pass requirements here. In the field Work instruction, you enter the task.
    Files for the work instruction are displayed to participants below the work instruction. After saving, you can manage the files in the tab Files for work instructions.
    Participants can view the work instruction and submit solutions from the start time.
    Participants can submit solutions until the deadline. If you enter a fixed date, you can also activate a grace period that is not visible to participants. You can make deadline extensions for individual teams separately. Activate a relative date if you want the participants to choose the start date themselves for identical processing times.
    Activate reminders so that participants or tutors do not forget their assignments.
    Under Limit uploads, specify how many files participants are allowed to upload. Files can be replaced as many times as needed during the submission period.
    Provide a sample solution for participants to view after the deadline, submission, or a specific date.
  2. Click on the Save button.
  3. ILIAS creates a new exercise unit.

Set up text delivery.

You want to define how your assignment of the type "Text" is presented to participants.

Prerequisite: You have created a new exercise unit of the type "Text".

  1. ILIAS shows the form "New exercise unit".
    The title is always visible, regardless of whether the rest of the task is displayed.
    To prevent participants from writing too much or too little text, you can limit the number of characters.
    Mandatory: Participants must complete this task. You specify the exact passing requirements here.
    Enter the task in the Work instruction field.
    Files for the work instruction are displayed to participants below the work instruction. After saving, you can manage the files in the tab Files for work instructions.
    Participants can view the work instruction and submit solutions from the start time.
    Participants can submit solutions until the deadline. If you enter a fixed date, you can also activate a grace period that is not visible to participants. You can extend the deadline for individual participants separately. Activate a relative date if you want the participants to choose the start date themselves for identical processing times.
    Enable reminders so that participants or tutors do not forget their assignments.
    Activate peer feedback so that participants can rate each other. You make the settings later in a separate tab.
    Provide a sample solution to be displayed to participants after the deadline, submission, or a specific date.
  2. Click on the Save button.
  3. ILIAS creates a new exercise unit.

Set up blog submission.

You want to specify how your "blog" type assignment presents itself to participants.

Prerequisite: You have created a new exercise unit of the type "Blog".

  1. ILIAS shows the form "New exercise unit".
    The title is always visible, regardless of whether the rest of the task is displayed.
    Mandatory: Participants have to work on this task. How many optional exercise units have to be passed additionally, you define here.
    In the field Work instruction, you enter the task.
    Files for the work instruction are displayed to participants below the work instruction. After saving, you can manage the files in the tab Files for work instructions.
    Participants can view the work instruction and submit solutions from the start time.
    Participants can submit solutions until the deadline. If you enter a fixed date, you can also activate a grace period that is not visible to participants. You can extend the deadline for individual participants separately. Activate a relative date if you want the participants to choose the start date themselves for identical processing times.
    Enable reminders so that participants or tutors do not forget their assignments.
    Activate peer feedback so that participants can rate each other. You make the settings later in a separate tab.
    Provide a sample solution to be displayed to participants after the deadline, submission, or a specific date.
  2. Click on the Save button.
  3. ILIAS creates a new exercise unit.

Set up portfolio submission.

You want to define how your portfolio-type assignment will be presented to participants.

Prerequisite: You have created a new exercise unit of the type "Portfolio”.

  1. ILIAS shows the form "New exercise unit".
    The title is always visible, regardless of whether the rest of the task is displayed.
    If you want participants to create the portfolio according to a template, select the appropriate portfolio template.
    Mandatory: Participants must complete this task. How many optional exercise units must be passed in addition, you define here.
    Enter the task in the Work instruction field.
    Files for the work instruction are displayed to participants below the work instruction. After saving, you can manage the files in the tab Files for work instructions.
    Participants can view the work instruction and submit solutions from the start time.
    Participants can submit solutions until the deadline. If you enter a fixed date, you can also activate a grace period that is not visible to participants. You can extend the deadline for individual participants separately. Activate a relative date if you want the participants to choose the start date themselves for identical processing times.
    Enable reminders so that participants or tutors do not forget their assignments.
    Activate peer feedback so that participants can rate each other. You make the settings later in a separate tab.
    Provide a sample solution to be displayed to participants after the deadline, submission, or a specific date.
  2. Click on the Save button.
  3. ILIAS creates a new exercise unit.

Set up team wiki submission.

You want to define how your "Team Wiki" type assignment presents itself to participants.

Prerequisite: You have created a new exercise unit of the type "Team-Wiki".

  1. ILIAS shows the form "New exercise unit".
    The title is always visible, regardless of whether the rest of the task is displayed.
    If the participants are to create the wiki according to a template, select the appropriate template.
    Select the wiki container in which the wikis are to be created. The participants must have read permission there to edit a wiki.
    If you want the participants to be automatically assembled into teams, first activate the assembly by tutors. Participants must already be added to the exercise for automatic composition to work.
    Mandatory: Participants must complete this task. You specify the exact pass requirements here.
    In the field Work instruction, you enter the task.
    Files for the work instruction are displayed to participants below the work instruction. After saving, you can manage the files in the tab Files for work instructions.
    Participants can view the work instruction and submit solutions from the start time.
    Participants can submit solutions until the deadline. If you enter a fixed date, you can also activate a grace period that is not visible to participants. You can make deadline extensions for individual teams separately. Activate a relative date if you want the participants to choose the start date themselves for identical processing times.
    Activate reminders so that participants or tutors do not forget their assignments.
    Provide a sample solution to be displayed to the participants after the deadline, submission, or a specific date.
  2. Click the Save button.
  3. ILIAS creates a new exercise unit.

Editing exercise units

Modify exercise unit or improve errors.

You want to change the settings of an individual exercise unit, add information or adjust the processing times.

  1. In the exercise, on the Exercise Units tab, click the Edit sub-tab directly below the tab.
  2. ILIAS shows you a list of all existing exercise units.
  3. Click the Edit link in the Actions column of the desired exercise unit.
  4. ILIAS opens the form where you can change the properties of this exercise unit.
  5. Make the desired changes.    
    Note: You can find an explanation of the individual elements in the respective action instructions under
  6. Add exercise unit.
    Optional: To add or change files, save your changes and click the Files tab for the work instruction. For an explanation, see the Files to Work Instruction action item.
    Optional: To adjust peer feedback settings, save your changes and click the Peer Feedback tab. For an explanation, see the Set up peer feedback action guide.
  7. Click on the Save button.
  8. ILIAS accepts your entries and reports "Changes saved".

Changing the delivery type of the exercise unit

You want to change the delivery type of an exercise unit.

The delivery type of an existing exercise unit cannot be changed. Therefore, you must delete the existing exercise unit and create a new one with the desired delivery type.

Adding a file to the work instruction

You want to add a work instruction file to an existing exercise unit. This can be useful for sending participants worksheets, materials, or more extensive formal requirements, for example.

  1. In the exercise, click the Edit sub-tab in the Exercise Units tab.
  2. ILIAS will show you a list of all exercise units.
  3. In the Actions column of the desired exercise unit, click the Edit link.
  4. ILIAS opens the form where you can change the settings of this exercise unit.
  5. Click on the Files tab for the work instruction.
  6. ILIAS opens a new page.
  7. Click the Select file button next to Upload a new file.
  8. ILIAS opens the upload window of your browser, where you can select the desired file.    
    Note: This dialog varies depending on your browser and operating system.
  9. Click on the Upload button.
  10. ILIAS uploads the file and reports: "File has been created".

Note: The files for the work instruction are displayed to the participants in the open exercise unit below the work instruction in the Files area. Images and videos are displayed directly depending on the file type; other files can be downloaded.

Order of the exercise units

You want to change the order in which the exercise units are displayed to the participants.

  1. In the exercise, on the Exercise Units tab, click the Edit sub-tab directly below the tab.
  2. ILIAS shows you the list of all exercise units.
  3. Follow one of the instructions below:

Sorting by deadline

  1. Click on the Sort by deadline button.
  2. ILIAS will sort the exercise units by the deadline, accept the order immediately, and report "Order saved".

Manual sorting

  1. To change the positions of individual exercise units, change the numerical value in the text input field of the Order column of the corresponding exercise unit. You don't need to enter tens: the 02 will be placed before the 10 or the 29 will be sorted before the 30.
  2. Now click on the Save order button.
  3. ILIAS sorts the exercise units according to the numerical values and reports "Order saved".

Delete exercise unit

You want to delete an exercise unit.

  1. In the exercise, on the Exercise Units tab, click the Edit sub-tab directly below the tab.
  2. ILIAS shows you the list of all exercise units.
  3. Select the checkboxes in front of the exercise units you want to delete.
  4. Click on the Delete button.
  5. ILIAS asks you to confirm the deletion.
  6. Click on the Delete button.
  7. ILIAS deletes the exercise unit and reports, "The exercise units have been deleted".

Setting up peer feedback for participants

Using peer feedback

You want to use peer feedback for individual exercise units. This allows participants to give each other feedback on their solutions.

You can guide this feedback by using simple feedback options (text, file and/or 5-star rating) or by creating criteria catalogs in which you can define exact requirements. You can use the criteria catalogs in multiple practice sessions.

The feedback can also be mandatory for passing an exercise unit.

The peer feedback is usable for all exercise types except for "File as Team" and "Team Wiki".

You activate it when creating or editing the exercise unit in the Peer Feedback section.

You make the exact settings of the peer feedback in the corresponding tab. You can find detailed instructions here.

Setting up peer feedback

You want to specify the peer feedback for the participants in an exercise unit.

Prerequisite: You have activated peer feedback in the settings of your exercise unit and saved the settings.

  1. In the editing view of an exercise unit, open the Peer Feedback tab.
  2. Define the required number of feedback that must be given by a participant for the exercise unit to be passed.
  3. Under Display received ratings, define when participants can view feedback from their peers. If you have enabled automatic assessment in the exercise settings, you can define whether the peer feedback should be relevant for the pass status.
  4. Define an assessment period, if desired.
  5. Under Personalized peer feedback, select whether the name of the feedback givers is displayed to the participants. By default, the feedback is anonymized.
  6. If desired, enable a notification to remind participants of their feedback that has not yet been provided.
  7. Select the criteria according to which the participants will design the feedback. Differentiated descriptions can be stored in criteria catalogs (read more). Simple feedback in text or file form or the form of 5 stars can be selected directly here. To do this, select No catalog and activate the feedback options.
  8. Confirm with Save.
  9. ILIAS saves your settings and reports "Change saved".

Peer feedback relevant to "Passed" status

You want to specify that participants, in addition to the submitted solution, must provide feedback to other participants to pass an exercise.

Prerequisite: You have set the "Passed" status in the exercise to "Automatic on submission" and are in edit mode for the desired exercise unit.

  1. In the edit view of an exercise unit, open the Peer Feedback tab.
  2. In the Determination of "Passed" status area, activate one of the available options:
    Peer feedback is optional: It does not matter whether the participant provides peer feedback for the exercise unit to pass.
    At least one feedback: only the participants who have submitted a solution and given at least one feedback will automatically receive the "Passed" status.
    All required feedback: Participants must submit a solution and provide as much feedback as required to receive a Pass status automatically.        
    Note: You can enter the required feedback in the tab above under Required Number of Feedback.
  3. Click on the Save button.
  4. ILIAS will accept your entries and report "Changes saved".

Use the criteria catalog for peer feedback.

You want to specify differentiated criteria for the feedback among the participants according to which the solutions are to be assessed.
To use the differentiated criteria in the exercise units, proceed as follows:

  1. Create a criteria catalog in the exercise and define the criteria.
  2. Select the criteria catalog in the settings of an exercise unit in the tab Peer Feedback.

The following types are available and can be used as often as desired within a criteria catalog:

  • Met Yes/No: Participants must indicate whether something is met. You define the conditions in a text.
  • 5-star rating: Here, participants give a rating on a scale of 1 to 5 in the form of stars. To do this, you define what meaning 1 to 5 has in a text.
  • Text: The participants give a free text as feedback. You can also provide more details on how long the text should be and what content needs to be edited.
  • File upload: Participants upload a file here with the feedback, which is made available to the other person.

Create criteria catalog for peer feedback.

You want to create a criteria catalog and define criteria according to which the participants should assess each other's solutions.

  1. In the exercise, click on the Criteria Catalogs sub-tab directly below the Settings tab.
  2. ILIAS opens a new page.
  3. Click on the Add Catalog button.
  4. Enter the title for the catalog in the text input field and click Create.
  5. ILIAS saves the entries and lists the catalog in the Criteria Catalogs area.
  6. Click Edit Criteria next to the desired catalog in the Actions column to define criteria.
  7. ILIAS opens a new page.
  8. Select the desired criteria to type from the drop-down menu and click Add Criterion.    
    Note: You can define multiple criteria of the same type.
  9. ILIAS opens a new page.
  10. Enter the title of the criterion in the text input field. In the description, store more detailed instructions on how to submit and design the feedback. You can activate the checkbox Required specification so that the criterion must be observed in the feedback. For the Text criterion, you also define whether the text should have a minimum length and, if so, what it should be.
  11. Click on Create.
  12. ILIAS opens a new page and reports, "The settings have been saved".
  13. Click the Back link to return to the criteria catalog overview.

Now you can select the criteria catalog for use in the settings of an exercise unit in the Peer Feedback tab.

View feedback givers and takers.

You want to view who has given feedback to whom within an exercise unit.

  1. Within the exercise, go to the Exercise Units tab and then to the Edit sub-tab directly below the tab.
  2. In the Actions column, you will see Show Peer Groups for exercises with peer feedback enabled. Click on it to view the peer groups.

The feedback can be viewed in the Submissions and Grades tab for the specific exercise session.

Viewing received and given feedback from peers

You have created an exercise unit with peer feedback and would like to see what feedback the participants gave each other.

  1. Within the exercise, open the tab Submissions and Grades.
  2. ILIAS opens a new page
  3. If necessary, click on the sub-tab Per exercise unit below the tab.
  4. Select the corresponding exercise unit from the drop-down menu and confirm by clicking on the Select exercise unit button.
  5. ILIAS displays the exercise unit participants who have already submitted or have been added to the exercise.
  6. In the row of the desired participant, click the Actions button in the Actions column and select the entry Show given peer feedback (x) or Show received peer feedback (x).
    The number in parentheses indicates how many feedbacks are present. If there is no number in parentheses behind it, there is no feedback for or from this participant.

Manage participants

Add participants

You want to add new participants to the exercise.

  1. Open the tab Submissions and grades in the exercise. If necessary, click on the sub-tab Per exercise unit.
    The selection of the exercise unit is irrelevant because the participant will be added to all contained exercise units.
  2. Enter the desired user name in the text input field User in the upper area.    
    Note: Depending on your administrator's settings, ILIAS automatically completes user names when at least three characters are entered. Otherwise, click the Find User button if you do not know the exact user name.
  3. Click on the Add button.
  4. ILIAS adds the user to the exercise and reports, "Users have been assigned to the exercise".

Alternatively, you can use the Add user from the current course button to add all course members collectively.

Add participants from the current course.

You want to add participants from the current course to the exercise.

  1. Open the tab Submissions and grades in the exercise. If necessary, click the Per exercise unit sub-tab.
    The selection of the exercise unit is irrelevant because the participants will be added to all contained exercise units.
  2. Click the Add user from the current course button.
  3. ILIAS lists the course members of the current course.
  4. Activate the checkboxes in front of the desired users.
  5. Click on the Add button.
  6. ILIAS adds the users to the exercise and reports, "The users have been assigned to the exercise."

Deleting participants

You want to exclude participants from editing an exercise and delete all their submitted solutions.

Note: This step removes the participants and all their solutions from all exercise units of this exercise - no matter which exercises unit you have selected.

  1. In the exercise, open the Submissions and Grades tab.
  2. If necessary, click on the Per exercise unit sub-tab.
  3. Activate the checkboxes in front of the desired participants.
  4. Select Remove member(s) above or below the list in the drop-down menu.
  5. Click on the Execute button.
  6. ILIAS asks you to confirm the deletion process.
  7. Click on the Remove button.
  8. ILIAS deletes the selected participants and all their submitted solutions and reports: "The participants have been removed from the exercise".

Creating teams of participants

Setting up teams for "File as a team" and "Team wiki

The teams for the submission types "File as Team" and "Team Wiki" can be created by the participants themselves, by you, or automatically. You always have the option to change the team composition in the Submissions and Grades tab, even if the participants do the team creation themselves.

If you want to activate the automatic team composition or prevent the participants from creating or changing the teams themselves, activate the option Teams are created by tutors in the respective settings of the exercise unit (File as team or Team wiki).

On the following pages, you will find more detailed information on team creation:

  • Create teams randomly and automatically
  • Create teams from individual users
  • Create teams from existing groups
  • Add users to a team
  • Remove users from a team

Create a team of individual users

You want to create a team from individual participants so that they can jointly submit one or more files or a wiki.

Prerequisite: You have created an exercise unit of the submission type "File as a team" or "Team wiki".

  1. Click on the tab Submissions and grades in the exercise.
  2. ILIAS opens a new page.
  3. If necessary, click the Per exercise unit sub-tab.
  4. Select the corresponding exercise unit from the drop-down menu and confirm with Select exercise unit.
  5. ILIAS displays the existing participants of the exercise.
  6. To see all course members, select Add user from the current course if necessary. Select the users and confirm with Add. ILIAS reports, "The users have been assigned to the exercise," and takes you back to the exercise unit.
  7. Activate the checkboxes in front of the participants who are to form a team.
  8. Select Create Team from the drop-down menu at the top or bottom and click Run.
  9. ILIAS merges the participants into a team and reports "Changes saved".

Let teams form randomly and automatically.

You want teams to be randomly and automatically assembled by the system. This setting is already made in the settings of the exercise units "Submit file as a team" or "Team wiki". To activate it later, proceed as follows:

Prerequisite: the participants to be assembled into teams are already added as participants to the exercise. No participant has yet been added to a team in the desired exercise unit or has created a team.

  1. Open the editing view of the desired exercise unit.
  2. ILIAS opens the form where you can change the properties of this exercise unit.
  3. In the Settings section of the exercise unit, under the setting Organization of teams, select Teams created by tutors.
  4. Under the new setting Creation that appears, select the option Teams are assembled randomly and automatically.
  5. Set a reasonable number of teams and a minimum and maximum number of participants. For your convenience, the total number of participants is displayed directly above the input fields.
  6. Click on the Save button.
  7. ILIAS accepts your entries and reports "Changes saved".

Note: To check or change the team composition, open the Submissions and Grades tab in the exercise and select the desired exercise unit. For more information, click here: Add user to the team or remove a user from the team

Create a team from existing groups.

You want to create teams from groups from the course.

Prerequisite: You have created an exercise unit of the delivery type "File as Team" or "Team Wiki". In addition, groups already exist in the course.

  1. Click on the tab Submissions and grades in the exercise.
  2. ILIAS opens a new page.
  3. If necessary, click on the sub-tab Per exercise unit.
  4. Select the corresponding exercise unit from the drop-down menu and confirm with Select exercise unit.
  5. ILIAS shows the already existing participants of the exercise.
  6. Click the Form teams from groups button.
  7. ILIAS opens a new page.
  8. On this page, select the group members from the groups that should each form a team. To do this, activate the respective checkboxes in front of the participants.
  9. Click on Save.
  10. ILIAS opens a new page on which the teams with the members are displayed, and reports "Users have been added".

Note: If the grouping in the course changes, this will not affect the teaming in the exercise but must be changed manually.

Add a user to a team

You want to add a user to an existing team.

Prerequisite: The teams have already been created in an exercise unit with the delivery type "File as a team" or "Team wiki" (read more).

  1. In the exercise, open the Submissions and Grades tab.
  2. ILIAS will open a new page.
  3. If necessary, click on the Per exercise unit sub-tab.
  4. Select the corresponding exercise unit from the drop-down menu and confirm with Select exercise unit.
  5. ILIAS displays the existing participants of the exercise.
    If you do not see all users who are to deliver the exercise unit, click on the Add user from the current course button, select the users and confirm with Add.
  6. Activate the checkboxes in front of the users you want to add to the existing and existing team.
  7. Select Create Team from the drop-down menu above or below the list and confirm with Execute.
  8. ILIAS adds the user to the team and reports "Changes saved".

Remove a user from a team

You want to remove one or more users from a team.

Prerequisite: The teams have already been created in an exercise unit of the delivery type "File as Team" or "Team Wiki" (read more).

  1. Open the tab Submissions and Grades in the exercise.
  2. ILIAS will open a new page.
  3. If necessary, click on the Per exercise unit sub-tab.
  4. Select the corresponding exercise unit from the drop-down menu and confirm with Select exercise unit.
  5. ILIAS displays the existing participants of the exercise.
  6. In the column with the Team heading, click the cross behind the participants you want to remove from the team.
  7. Confirm the process.
  8. ILIAS removes the participants from the team and reports, "The settings have been saved".

Contacting participants

Sending participants an e-mail

You want to send an e-mail to the participants of your exercise.
This can be useful, for example, if you have subsequently made changes to an exercise and want to inform the participants about them.

  1. Open the tab Submissions and grades in the exercise.
  2. If necessary, click on the Per exercise unit sub-tab.
  3. Activate the checkboxes in front of the names of the exercise participants to whom you want to send an e-mail.
    Optional: Activate the Select all checkbox to select all displayed participants. If not all participants are displayed on the first page, change the number of displayed rows on the right above the table. Select one of the following entries in the drop-down menu above or below the list:
    Feedback by mail: ILIAS switches to the mail system where you can formulate and send your e-mail.
    Send exercise unit by mail: ILIAS sends the exercise unit directly. You cannot add any further text in this case.
  4. Click on the Execute button.
  5. ILIAS switches to the mail system or sends the exercise unit directly.    
    Note: If the exercise unit is sent by mail, ILIAS saves the date and time and displays them in the column Exercise unit sent on (if you do not see this column, you can select it for display via the drop-down menu Columns (see Table in Deliverables and Adjust Grades to Your Own Needs)).

Time allowances for special cases

Setting up individual time extensions for individual participants

You want to grant individual participants an individual deadline extension so they can only submit a solution after the end of the general submission deadline and, if applicable, a grace period.

Prerequisite: The participants are already participants in the exercise (see Adding participants).

  1. In the exercise, select the corresponding exercise unit in the tab Submissions and grades and confirm with Select exercise unit.
  2. ILIAS displays the exercise unit participants who have already submitted or have been added to the exercise. If not all participants are displayed on the first page, change the number of rows on the right above the table.
  3. Activate the checkboxes of the participants to whom you want to grant an individual deadline extension.
  4. Select Set individual deadline from the drop-down menu above or below the participants and click the
  5. Execute button.
  6. ILIAS opens an input window.
  7. Enter the individual deadlines and confirm your entry with Save.
  8. ILIAS reports "The settings have been saved" and displays the individual deadlines in the corresponding column.

Attention: The individual deadline extension does not work if no deadline is scheduled and should only be used carefully if peer feedback is activated.

Setting up individual deadline extensions for individual teams

You want to grant individual teams an individual deadline extension so they can only submit a solution after the end of the general submission deadline and, if necessary, a grace period.

Prerequisite: The teams have already been formed (cf. Action instructions for setting up teams for "File as a team").

  1. Open the tab Submissions and grades in the exercise.
  2. ILIAS opens a new page.
  3. Select the corresponding exercise unit from the drop-down menu and confirm with Select exercise unit.
  4. ILIAS displays the participants or teams of the exercise unit. If not all participants or teams are displayed on the first page, change the number of displayed rows on the right above the table.
  5. Activate the checkboxes of the teams to which you want to grant an individual deadline extension.
  6. Select Set individual deadline from the drop-down menu above or below the participants and click the
  7. Execute button.
  8. ILIAS opens an input window.
  9. Enter the individual deadlines and confirm your entry with Save.
  10. ILIAS reports "The settings have been saved" and displays the individual deadlines in the corresponding column.

Attention: The individual deadline extension does not work if no deadline is scheduled.

Giving feedback and evaluating participants

Viewing or downloading solutions

You want to view or download solutions submitted by participants.

  1. Open the tab Submissions and grades in the exercise.
  2. ILIAS opens a new page.
  3. If necessary, click on the Per exercise unit sub-tab below the tab.
  4. Select the corresponding exercise unit from the drop-down menu and confirm by clicking on the Select exercise unit button.
  5. ILIAS will display the participants of the exercise unit who have already submitted or have been added to the exercise. If not all participants are displayed on the first page, change the number of rows on the right above the table.
  6. In the row of the desired participant, click the Actions button in the Actions column and select the Download submissions (x) or Show submissions (for text) entry.    
    Note: The entry appears only if the participant has submitted something.    
    Optional: To download all submitted solutions in one step, click the Download all submitted files button at the top of the page.        
    Note: This button is unavailable for submission type "Text".
  7. ILIAS will download the file or display the saved text.

Note: If you want to see faster if a participant has submitted something, activate the Submitted on column. You can find detailed instructions on how to do this here: Customize the table in Submissions and Grades to your needs.

Adjusting the table in Submissions and Grades to your own needs

You can adapt the tables in Submissions and Grades to your didactic and practical needs. To do this, you can, on the one hand, show and hide columns to reduce the display to entries relevant to your actions, and on the other hand, you can save these views.
This applies to the sub-tabs "Per exercise unit" and "Per participant".

Customize column display

  1. In the exercise, click on Columns in the Submissions and Grades tab on the right above the table.
  2. ILIAS opens a selection list with all columns that can be shown or hidden. ("Name" and "Rating" are not hideable)
  3. Activate all checkboxes of the columns you want to have displayed.
  4. Click on Refresh.
  5. ILIAS will display the table with the selected columns.

Save column display

  1. Above the tabular listing, open the View drop-down menu.
  2. Click on the entry Save the current view.
  3. ILIAS opens a text input field.
  4. Enter a title for your current view.
  5. Click on the Save button.
  6. ILIAS saves the currently defined view.

Calling up a saved view

  1. Above the tabular listing, open the View drop-down menu.
  2. Click on the entry with the title of the desired view.
  3. ILIAS opens the saved view.

Upload feedback file

You would like to give a participant detailed feedback on his solution, which you have written in a separate file.

Prerequisite: The user is already a participant in the exercise.

  1. In the exercise, select the corresponding exercise unit in the tab Submissions and grades and confirm with Select exercise unit.
  2. ILIAS displays the exercise unit participants who have already submitted or have been added to the exercise. If the participant is not displayed on the first page, change the number of rows on the right above the table or scroll to the corresponding page.
  3. In the row of the desired participant, click on the Actions button in the Actions column and select the entry Feedback via file.
  4. ILIAS opens a new page.
  5. Click on the Select file button.
  6. ILIAS opens the upload window of your browser.
  7. Select the feedback file on your computer.
  8. Click on the Upload button.
  9. ILIAS uploads the file and reports, "File has been created".    
    Note: An uploaded feedback file will notify the participant, and the file will be listed in their exercise unit overview.

Feedback to multiple participants: Upload multiple feedback files

ILIAS allows you to upload many feedback files in one step. For these to be assigned to participants, you must first sort the files locally on their computer into a folder structure provided by ILIAS.

Prerequisite: The users are already participants in the exercise.

  1. In the exercise, select the corresponding exercise unit in the tab Submissions and grades and confirm with Select exercise unit.
  2. Click the Feedback to multiple participants button in the upper area (previously: Multi-Feedback).
  3. ILIAS opens a new page.
  4. Follow the instructions displayed there, and make sure not to use umlauts or special characters in the file names.    
    Note: Before the files are assigned to the participants, you will receive an overview of the respective files and to whom they are assigned so that you can check once again whether everything is correct. Participants will then receive a notification that a feedback file has been uploaded.

Delete or edit the feedback file.

You want to delete or subsequently edit a feedback file that has already been uploaded.

  1. In the exercise, select the corresponding exercise unit in the tab Submissions and grades and confirm with Select exercise unit.
  2. ILIAS displays the participants of the exercise unit who have already submitted feedback or have been added to the exercise.

    If not all participants are displayed on the first page, change the number of rows displayed on the right above the table.
    In the row of the desired participant, click on the Actions button in the Actions column and select the entry Feedback via file (x).
  3. ILIAS opens a new page that displays the already uploaded files and allows you to upload additional feedback files or edit or delete existing ones.

    To delete the file, activate the checkbox in front of the file and click the Delete button above or below the detail list. Confirm the deletion to delete the file

    To edit the file, click the ▼ menu to the right of the file and select the desired item:
    Download: Downloads the file back to your computer.
    Unzip: Unzips a provided ZIP file.
    Rename: To give the file a different name, type the new name in the text input field and click Rename.

Leave a comment for the participant

You want to give the participant short feedback on his submitted solution.

Prerequisite: The user is already a participant in the exercise.

  1. In the exercise, select the corresponding exercise unit in the tab Submissions and grades and confirm with Select exercise unit.
  2. ILIAS displays the participants of the exercise unit who have submitted a submission or been added to the exercise. If not, all participants are displayed on the first page, change the number of rows on the right above the table.
  3. In the row of the desired participant, click the Actions button in the Actions column and select the Feedback by text entry.
  4. ILIAS opens an input window.
  5. Enter the desired text and click on the Save button.
  6. ILIAS saves the text and displays it in the Text Feedback column (if you do not see this column, you can select it for display using the Columns drop-down menu (see Customizing the Table in Submissions and Grades to Your Own Needs)). A notification will be sent to the user, and the comment will be listed in their exercise unit summary.

Add a note that is not visible to the student.

You want to add a private note to a submitted solution that is only visible to you (and other tutors of the exercise).

Prerequisite: The user is already a participant in the exercise.

  1. In the exercise, select the corresponding exercise unit in the tab Submissions and grades and confirm with Select exercise unit.
  2. ILIAS displays the exercise unit participants who have already submitted or have been added to the exercise. If not all participants are displayed on the first page, change the number of rows on the right above the table.
  3. If the Note for tutors column is not displayed, activate it for display using the Columns drop-down menu on the right above the table (see Adjusting the table in Deliveries and Grades to your own needs).
  4. In the row of the desired participant in the Note for tutors column, enter the desired text in the text input field.
  5. Click the Save All button on the right above or below the table.
    Alternatively: Activate the checkbox in front of the desired participant and select Save selected entries from the drop-down menu above or below the table and confirm with Execute.
  6. ILIAS saves your note and reports, "The changes have been saved (name of participant)".

Rate participant

You want to rate solutions submitted by participants.

Prerequisite: The users are already participants of the exercise.

  1. In the exercise, open the Submissions and Grades tab and select the desired view by clicking on one of the sub-tabs below the tab:
    Per exercise unit: displays the solutions of all participants per selected exercise unit and allows grading of the participants in one step. Select the desired exercise unit in the drop-down menu and click Select exercise unit.
    Per participant: Displays the solutions of one participant to all edited exercise units and allows to evaluation of the solutions in one step. Select the name of the desired participant in the drop-down menu and click Select Participant.
  2. Enter your rating in the Rating column:
    Select Pass or Fail from the drop-down menu and optionally enter a grade in the Grade column (if you don't see this column, you can select it to display from the Columns drop-down menu).
  3. Click the Save All or Save button above or below the list.
    Alternatively: Activate the checkboxes in front of the desired participants (Per exercise unit) or the desired exercise units (Per participant) and select the entry. Save selected entries from the selection menu above or below the table and confirm with a click on Execute.
  4. ILIAS accepts your entries and reports, "The changes have been saved (name of participant)".

Viewing and commenting on the total grade overview

Assigning an overall grade for an exercise

You want to give a participant an overall grade for completing all exercise units.

Prerequisite: The user is already a participant in the exercise.

  1. Open the tab Submissions and Grades in the exercise.
  2. ILIAS opens a new page.
  3. Click on the sub-tab Grade overview directly below the tab. If not all participants are displayed on the first page, change the number of rows on the right above the table.
  4. Enter a grade in the row of the desired participant in the Total Exercise column in the text entry field.
  5. Click on Save changes.
  6. ILIAS saves your entries and reports: "Grade(s)/comment(s) for learner has been saved".

Leave comments for the entire exercise.

You want to leave feedback for a participant for the entire exercise.

Prerequisite: The user is already a participant of the exercise.

  1. Open the tab Submissions and grades in the exercise.
  2. ILIAS opens a new page.
  3. Click on the sub-tab Grade overview directly below the tab. If not all participants are displayed on the first page, change the number of rows on the right above the table.
  4. In the row of the desired participant, enter your comment for the participant in the text input field in the Comment column.
  5. Click on the Save changes button.
  6. ILIAS saves your comment and reports: "Grade(s)/comment(s) for learner have been saved".

Export grade overview to Excel

You want to export the grading overview of all exercise units to Excel for further processing.

  1. Open the tab Submissions and Grades in the exercise.
  2. ILIAS opens a new page.
  3. Click on the Grades Overview sub-tab directly below the tab.
  4. Click on the Export (Excel) button.
  5. ILIAS starts the download of the Excel file.
    Optional: Save the file on your computer.

Edit tasks as a participant

Edit tasks - Introduction

In Exercises, you will find exercise units that you are supposed to work on until a certain deadline. The deadline is also displayed in your calendar.

  • Some exercise units are marked as "mandatory" and must be worked on, while others are optional. You can see how many total exercise units you must pass in the Info tab under Requirement.
  • You cannot submit solutions or change submitted solutions after the deadline. Therefore, submit your solutions on time. You can still edit your submitted solutions until the deadline.    
    Optional: If the instructor has activated the late submission option, you can still submit your solutions after the first deadline. Your solution will then be displayed to the teacher as a late submission.
  • The material in the form of files may have been attached to the assignment of an exercise unit. In each case, check that you have taken note of all the materials.
  • The following answer formats can solve the tasks: Texts, files, files as a team, blogs, portfolios, or team wikis.

View the assignment

You want to view the assignment of an exercise unit.

  1. Click on the title of the desired exercise.
  2. ILIAS will show you the Exercise Units tab. The individual exercise units are displayed one below the other.
  3. Click on the title of the desired exercise unit.
  4. ILIAS opens the exercise unit and shows you the following information, provided that the start time of the task has been reached:
    Work Instruction contains the assignment.
    Files contain files that the instructor has provided you with, e.g., the assignment, a help file, or similar.
    Schedule shows how much processing time you have left or if the time has already expired, if applicable.
    Under Submission, you can submit your solutions or change solutions that have already been submitted. Depending on the exercise unit, there are the formats file, file of a team (for group work), blog, portfolio, text and team wiki. You can also find your peer feedback here.
    Under Tutor Evaluation, you will see your instructor's feedback, your grade, and whether you passed.
    Under Tutor Feedback, you will find feedback from your instructor as files that you can download.
    Under Sample Solution, you can download a file from the instructor if the instructor has provided a sample solution.

Note: Depending on the settings of the exercise and your processing progress, not all information may be available to you.

Submitting solutions

Submitting a solution - Introduction

To submit solutions to exercise units, several options are available:

  • Submitting one or more files as an individual.
  • Submitting one or more files as a team.
  • Creation and submission of a wiki as a team.
  • Creation and submission of a blog.
  • Creation and submission of a portfolio.
  • Creation of a text directly in ILIAS.

The teacher or tutor determines the respective submission format. You, as a participant, can only ever submit your solutions in the format set.

The following instructions explain how to submit solutions in different formats. The exact instructions on using blogs, portfolios, and wikis can be found directly at the corresponding objects.

Submitting a file as a solution

You want to upload a solution to an exercise unit as a file.

  1. Click on the exercise title for which you should submit a file.
  2. ILIAS shows you the tab Exercise units. The individual exercise units are displayed one below the other.
  3. If necessary, click on the corresponding title to open the desired exercise unit.
  4. In the Your Submission section, click the Submit File button.
  5. ILIAS opens a new page.

Now choose between two options:

  • Click the Upload File button to upload a single file.
  • Click the Upload multiple files as ZIP archive button to upload multiple files in a single step.

Upload file

  1. Click on the Upload file button.
  2. ILIAS opens a page where you can select the appropriate file.
  3. Click on the Upload button.
  4. ILIAS uploads the file and reports: "File uploaded". ILIAS displays it in the Already submitted files list.

Upload multiple files as a ZIP archive.

  1. Click the Upload multiple files as ZIP archive button.
  2. ILIAS opens a page where you can select the ZIP file.
  3. Then click on the Upload button.
  4. ILIAS unpacks the file and reports: "File uploaded". ILIAS displays the included files in the Already submitted files list.

Group work: Assembling a team

You want to create a team to submit a joint solution.

Note: For the team assignment to work without problems, you should agree among yourselves so that only one of you creates the team.

  1. Click on the desired exercise unit in the exercise for which you are to create group work.
  2. ILIAS opens the exercise unit.
  3. In the Your Submission section, click the Create Team button.
  4. ILIAS creates a new team and reports, "The settings have been saved."
  5. To add your team members, click the Manage Team button in the Your Submission section of the exercise unit.
  6. ILIAS opens a new page.

You can now add users to your team. The following options are available to you:

  • You enter a user name directly and click the Add button.
  • You search for a user via the Search users button.
  • You select the users from the course members via the Add user from the current course button.

Note: If you cannot add the user because he has already been assigned to another team, the person must first delete his team assignment. Only then you can add him to your team.

Group work: Delete your team assignment

You want to delete your team assignment because one of your colleagues has already created a team.

  1. Click on the desired exercise unit in the exercise.
  2. ILIAS opens the exercise unit.
  3. Click on Delete Team. If you were the only team member, ILIAS reports, "The settings have been saved."

If there are other team members, ILIAS opens a new page and reports, "There must be at least one team member." Then proceed as follows:

  • Activate the checkbox in front of your name and click the Remove button.
  • Confirm the action by clicking the Remove button again.
  • ILIAS removes you from the team and reports, "The settings have been saved".
  • Select the Back button to return to the exercise unit.

Your team colleague can now add you to his team.

Teamwork: Submit team upload

As a team, you have edited a file for the exercise unit and want to submit the solution.

Prerequisite: You have already created a team or have become a team member. See action instruction Group work: Create a team.

Upload your file(s).

  • See Handling instruction Submit file as a solution.

Your team members will see what you have uploaded and can also upload files or delete existing files.

Working in a group: Creating a team wiki.

You want to create a team wiki as a team. Only one of your team needs to complete these steps.

Prerequisite: You have already created a team or have become a team member. See the Group Work: Create a Team activity.

  1. In the exercise for which you are to create the team wiki, click the desired exercise unit.
  2. ILIAS opens the exercise unit.
  3. In the Your Submission section, click the Create Wiki button.
  4. ILIAS creates the wiki and gives it the title of the exercise unit.
  5. Now add content to the wiki together with your team colleagues. To do this, click on the link under the Team Wiki setting and follow the instructions for action there.
  6. To submit the team wiki, follow these instructions.

Group work: Submitting the team wiki

You have edited a team wiki and would like to hand it in. Only one of your team has to perform these steps.

Prerequisite: You have already created a team or have become a team member. See Group work: Create a team. Also, you have already created and edited the team wiki.

  1. In the exercise for which you want to submit the team wiki, click the desired exercise unit.
  2. Click the link under the Team Wiki setting in the Your Submission section.
  3. ILIAS opens the team wiki.
  4. Click the Finalize Wiki and Submit button.
  5. ILIAS creates an export file and reports, "The wiki has been submitted."

Optional: Click the Download submission file (or Download) button to check the export file. You will receive a ZIP file you need to unzip on your end device. To view the wiki in your submitted form, open the included "index.html" file. If you open the "index.html" file without unzipping the ZIP file, the layout, and other pages may not display correctly.

Note: You or another team member can submit a newer version of the team wiki by repeating the steps in this action guide.

Blog: Create a new blog

You want to submit a blog as a solution. To do this, you want to create a new blog.

  1. In the exercise for which you want to create a blog, click the desired exercise unit.
  2. ILIAS opens the exercise unit.
  3. In the Your submission section, click the Create blog button.
  4. ILIAS opens a new page.
  5. ILIAS always creates blogs within your workspace. Click on the desired folder within your workspace where the blog should be created.
    Note: If you have not created any folders yet, click on Workspace to create the blog on the top level.
    Note: Your workspace can be accessed anytime via the Workspace menu item in the Personal Desktop menu.
  6. ILIAS creates the blog and names it according to the exercise unit.
  7. Add a new entry to the blog. To do this, follow the link under the Blog setting for the exercise unit and follow the instructions there.    
    Note: You can also access the blog later via the Workspace menu item on the Personal Desktop.

Blog: Using an existing blog

You want to submit a blog as a solution to an exercise. To do this, you want to use an existing blog.

Prerequisite: You already have a blog with at least one published post in your workspace.

  1. Click on the desired exercise unit in the exercise for which you are to submit a blog.
  2. ILIAS will open the exercise unit.
  3. In the Your submission section, click the Use existing blog button.
  4. ILIAS opens a new page that displays all existing blogs in your workspace and subfolders if any.
  5. Click on the corresponding title to select the blog you want to use to submit your solution.
  6. ILIAS links the blog to the exercise unit and offers you to submit it in its current form.
  7. Click the Submit button to submit the blog in its current form. Alternatively, you can submit the blog at a later time.

Note: You cannot add new posts to the blog within the exercise. To do so, please access the blog in the exercise unit using the link under the Blog to Exercise Unit setting or the Workspace menu item on the Personal Desktop and follow the instructions for action there.

Blog: Submit blog after editing

You want to submit a blog as a solution to an exercise unit.

Prerequisite: The blog is already linked to the exercise. If necessary, follow the instructions for creating a new blog or using an existing one.

  1. In the exercise for which you want to submit a blog, click the desired exercise unit.
  2. Click the link under the Blog setting for the exercise unit in the Your Submission section.
  3. ILIAS opens the blog.
  4. Click the Complete and submit blog button.
  5. ILIAS creates an export file and reports, "The blog has been submitted."

Optional: To review the export file, click the Download a copy of the submission (or Download) button. You will receive a ZIP file that you must unzip on your endpoint device. To view the blog in your submitted form, open the included "index.html" file. If you open the "index.html" file without unzipping the ZIP file, the layout, and other pages may not display correctly.

Note: You can submit a newer blog version by repeating the steps in this action guide.

Portfolio: Create a new portfolio

You want to submit a portfolio as a solution. To do this, you want to create a new portfolio.

  1. In the exercise for which you want to create a portfolio, click the desired exercise unit.
  2. In the Your Submission section, click the Create Portfolio button.
  3. If you want or need to use a template for your portfolio, select the desired template. Otherwise, select the Do not use a template option. Confirm your selection by clicking the Save button.
  4. ILIAS creates the portfolio and gives it the title of the exercise unit.
  5. Add content to the portfolio. To do this, click on the link under the Portfolio setting for the exercise unit and follow the instructions for action there.    
    Note: You can also access the portfolio later via the Portfolio menu item on the Personal Desktop.

Portfolio: Use existing portfolio

You want to submit a portfolio as a solution. To do this, you want to use an existing portfolio.

Prerequisite: You have already created a portfolio.

  1. In the exercise for which you are to create a portfolio, click the desired exercise unit.
  2. In the Your submission section, click the Use existing portfolio button.
  3. ILIAS opens a new page that displays all the portfolios you have already created.
  4. Select the portfolio you want to use to submit your solution.
  5. Click on the Save button.
  6. ILIAS will link the portfolio to the exercise unit and offer you to submit it in its current form.
  7. Click the Submit button to submit the portfolio in its current form. Alternatively, you can submit it at a later time.

Note: You cannot edit the portfolio itself within the exercise. To do so, click on the link under the Portfolio setting for the exercise unit and follow the instructions for action there. You can also access the portfolio later via the Portfolio menu item on the Personal Desktop.

Portfolio: Submit portfolio after editing

You want to submit a portfolio as a solution to an exercise unit.

Prerequisite: The portfolio is already linked to the exercise. If necessary, first follow the instructions for creating a new portfolio or using an existing portfolio.

  1. In the exercise for which you want to submit the portfolio, click the desired exercise unit.
  2. In the Your Submission section, click the link under the Portfolio setting for the exercise unit.
  3. ILIAS will open the portfolio.
  4. Click the Complete Portfolio and Submit button.
  5. ILIAS creates an export file and reports, "The portfolio has been submitted."

Optional: Click the Download Copy of Submission (or Download) button to review the export file. You will receive a ZIP file that you will need to unzip on your end device. To view the portfolio in the form you submitted, open the included "index.html" file. If you open the "index.html" file without unzipping the ZIP file, the layout, and other pages may not display correctly.

Note: You can submit a newer portfolio version by repeating the steps in this action guide.

Text: Create text directly in the exercise

You want to create a text directly in the exercise and submit it as a solution.

  1. In the exercise for which you are to create a text, click on the desired exercise unit.
  2. ILIAS opens the exercise unit.
  3. In the Your submission section, click the Edit text button.
  4. ILIAS opens a new page.
  5. Enter your answer text in the text entry field.
  6. Click the Save button below the text input field to save your input. To save your entries and return to the exercise units, click Save and return.
  7. ILIAS reports, "The settings have been saved".

Note: If characters are limited, be careful not to go under or over the character limit. This is displayed below the text input field. If you do not manage to successfully save time before the submission deadline, the entries will be lost.

Where will my submitted solution be displayed?

You want to view your submitted solution again.

  1. Click on the title of the desired exercise.
  2. Click on the desired exercise unit.
  3. You will again see the work instruction, schedule, and any files associated with the exercise. In the Your Submission section, you can view your submitted responses.    
    Note: You can review submitted blogs, portfolios, and team wikis via the export file. To do so, click the appropriate Download button. You will receive a ZIP file that you will need to unzip on your end device. To view the blog or portfolio, or team wiki in the form you submitted, open the included "index.html" file. If you open the "index.html" file without unzipping the ZIP file, the layout, and other pages may not display correctly.

If the solution has already been evaluated and, if applicable, feedback has already been deposited, you will also find the following:

  • Under your submission, your peer feedback.
  • Under Tutor Evaluation, feedback from your instructor, your grade, and whether you passed. In addition, under Status and in front of the assignment title, you will find a green check mark indicating that you have passed the exercise session.
  • Under Tutor feedback, feedback from your instructor is in the form of files you can download.

View the assessment and give feedback yourself

View assessment and feedback on the solution

You want to view your instructor's assessment and/or feedback on your solution.

Prerequisite: your instructor has graded and/or provided feedback on your solution.

  1. Click on the exercise title for which you want to view the assessment and/or feedback.
  2. Click on the desired exercise unit.
  3. The Tutor Assessment section displays the text feedback, if any, the grade, and whether you passed.
  4. The Tutor Feedback section displays the files the instructor has provided for you to provide feedback. Click the Download link next to the desired file to view or download a file.

Note: To view the overall assessment, open the Info tab in the exercise. There, in the Tutor Assessment section, you will find the feedback for the entire exercise: text feedback, grade, and/or pass status, if applicable.

Giving feedback to other participants

It would be best if you used peer feedback in an assignment, i.e., evaluate other participants' solutions.

Prerequisite: The teacher determines whether peer evaluation is possible. First, work on the task yourself. The feedback function will only be activated after the deadline.

  1. After the submission deadline has passed, open the desired exercise unit.
  2. Click the Give Feedback button under the Peer feedback setting in the Submission section.
  3. ILIAS opens a new page where you can view and rate the solution of other participants.
  4. Next to the solution you want to rate, click the Edit link in the Action column.
  5. You will now see the submission you are supposed to grade in the upper section. You will see the text submission directly. You can get to the submission under the Submission setting for the other submission types by clicking the Download link.    
    Note: If you want to view a submitted blog or portfolio, you need to save the ZIP file, unzip it on your end device, and open the included "index.html" file.
  6. In the Peer Feedback section, enter your rating. The options vary depending on your setting: a rating with a scale of 1-5 stars, a text rating, the option for you to upload a file as feedback, and/or criteria to check off if they are met.
  7. To save your entries, click the Save button.
  8. ILIAS will accept your entries and report, "Your feedback has been saved."

Viewing feedback from other participants

You would like to view the feedback that you have received from other participants.

Prerequisite: Other participants have given you feedback, and you have given the required amount of feedback (depending on your settings).

  1. In the exercise, click the exercise session for which you received feedback.
  2. In the Your Submission section, click the Show Feedback Received button under the Peer Feedback setting.
  3. ILIAS opens a new page and shows you your received feedback.