Searching with the help of a filter

You want to search the table according to certain criteria. For this purpose, you can work with a filter.

  1. Click the Show filter button.
  2. ILIAS opens the view of the filter menu above the list of participants.
  3. Click on the drop-down menu Optional filters.
  4. ILIAS opens the selection menu.
  5. Select a property by which to filter the list of participants.
  6. Click on Refresh.
  7. ILIAS displays the name of the filter under the Optional Filters selection menu. Below that is a text entry field for entering the term to filter by.
  8. Enter a [could not resolve link target: il_6127_git_43] in the text input field.
  9. Click Apply Filter.
  10. ILIAS applies the filter to the list of participants and displays the participants that match the search. If no participant matches the search, ILIAS does not display any participants in the list.
  11. Click Reset Filter.
  12. ILIAS resets the filter and displays the complete, unfiltered list of participants.
  13. Above the Optional Filters drop-down menu, click the Hide Filters button.
  14. ILIAS hides the filters, and the list of participants is displayed.

Set columns of the table.

You want to specify which column headers and contents are displayed.

  1. Click on the selection menu Columns.
  2. ILIAS opens the Columns selection menu.
  3. Select the categories you want to display as a column in the table.
  4. Click on the Refresh button.
  5. ILIAS displays the table according to the selected categories of the columns.

Sort table with participants

This function allows you to sort the participants according to several properties.

  1. Click on a column heading.
  2. ILIAS sorts the list according to the logical order of the selected column heading. A sort arrow to the right of the corresponding column heading marks this.
  3. Click repeatedly on the column heading marked by the sort arrow to change the sort direction.

Save the table with participants

You want to save the state of your table.

  1. Click on the View drop-down menu.
  2. ILIAS opens the action Save the current view.
  3. Click on the action Save the current view.
  4. ILIAS opens a text input field and a Save button.
  5. Enter a title for the current view. The view will then be saved under this title.
  6. Click on the Save button.
  7. ILIAS saves the current view under the specified name.
  8. Click on the View selection menu.
  9. ILIAS opens various actions.
  10. Click on the name of the already saved view.
  11. ILIAS opens the saved view.

Call up saved table

You want to call up a saved table of participants.

  1. Click on the selection menu View.
  2. ILIAS opens different actions.
  3. Click on the name of the already saved view.
  4. ILIAS opens the saved view.

Delete saved table

You want to delete a saved table.

  1. Click on the selection menu View.
  2. ILIAS opens several actions.
  3. Click on the action Delete saved view.
  4. Then select the view you want to delete from the drop-down menu.
  5. Click on the Delete button.
  6. ILIAS deletes the selected view.

Export table with participants

You want to export the table of participants as a .csv or .xls file.

  1. Click on the Export drop-down menu.
  2. ILIAS opens several actions.
  3. Click on the Export .csv action. CSV files can be edited with the text editor, various spreadsheet programs (e.g., Microsoft Excel, Calc, LibreOffice Calc), and database systems (e.g., Oracle, MySQL).
  4. ILIAS opens a window to download the .csv file.
  5. Open the file or specify where you want to save the file on your computer.
  6. Or click on the Export .xls action. Xls files can be edited with Microsoft Excel.
  7. Open the file or specify where you want to save the file on your computer.