Working with the data collection

Data collection - Introduction

The data collection allows systematic and structured collection and organization of data.

Users can create entries in the data collection and filter, evaluate or export the stored data. Possible application examples are:

  • Link lists or literature recommendations
  • Distribution of topics or tasks
  • Address lists
  • Documentation of work steps and assignments
  • Protocol directories

A data collection can be used for similar purposes as a wiki. However, due to the predefined structure, users are more clearly guided in creating their entries.

A data collection has the following elements:

Tables: After creation, a data collection contains an initial table (named the same as the overall object).
- You can create additional tables that are, for example, thematically different, editable at different times, or allow for different user activities.
- If multiple tables exist, you can switch back and forth between them.

Fields: Within a table, you can give different fields to which entries can be added afterward.
- Fields can have different formats ("data types "): Text, Integer, Link, Rating, Image, and others.
- Analogous to an Excel table, fields are the table columns.

Entries: Within a table, users can add entries to the existing fields.
- Analogous to an Excel table, fields are the table rows.
- Entries can be added to one or more fields, just like filling in one or more columns in an Excel spreadsheet.

In addition, the data collection has an ace up its sleeve that makes it particularly powerful: you can specify different views. This allows you to control who can (or must!) see and edit which fields and what depth of information (just an overview or a detailed page with more content?) can be viewed. The views can be designed quite differently depending on the global roles.

Switching back and forth between tables

You want to switch back and forth between the data collection tables to view them or to make entries.

  1. You are in the Contents tab.
  2. Open the Table drop-down menu and select the desired table.    
    Note: The selection menu will not pop up if your data collection contains only one table.
  3. Click on the Change button.
  4. ILIAS will show you the table you want.

Add an entry

You want to create a new entry and fill existing fields with content.

Prerequisite: This function must have been activated for you accordingly beforehand.

  1. You are in the Content tab.
  2. Click on the Add entry button.    
    Note: This function is, unfortunately, unavailable if you do not see a button next to the Table drop-down menu. You can only read this table but not edit it.
  3. ILIAS opens a page with input options: The titles of all table columns are entered on the left, and you can make your entry on the right.
  4. Make your entry for each aspect. It is already defined what kind of entry should be made. Not all possible types of entries are used in every table:
    - You can type into the text input fields.
    - You can upload images or files from your computer by clicking the Browse button first.
    - You can make ratings with the star system directly in the table.
  5. Fill in the relevant fields and/or check the appropriate checkboxes. Please note that some fields may be mandatory. Other fields you can leave blank and enter later if necessary.
  6. Click on the Save button.
  7. ILIAS will accept the new entry and return to the original view.

Change entry

You want to change an existing entry.

Prerequisite: This function may not be available to you. It is possible that you can only change your entries or none at all. This depends on the settings in the corresponding table, which you cannot influence.

  1. You are in the Contents tab.
  2. At the end of the row of the entry you want to change, open the Actions menu.
    No actions menu will be displayed at the end of the line for entries you are not allowed to change.
  3. Select the entry Edit.
  4. ILIAS opens a page with the previous entry.
  5. Change the desired entries.
  6. Click the Update entry button.
  7. ILIAS updates the entry and returns to the previous view.

Sort entries

You want to sort the entries (cell contents) in a table.

  1. Click on one of the column headers.
  2. ILIAS sorts the fields in ascending order (for example, alphabetically, numerically, by date, or by rating).
  3. Click the same heading a second time.
  4. ILIAS sorts the fields in descending order (e.g., alphabetically, numerically, by date, or by rating).

Working with tables and fields

Add new table

After creating a data collection, the first table with some automatically created fields always already exists. You can create more tables to collect different contents in a single data collection. You can also create a link between the tables using the "Reference" field type.

You want to add a new table.

  1. Open the Tables tab in the data collection.
  2. Click on the Add new table button.
  3. ILIAS shows you the form for creating a new table.
  4. Give the table a name in the Title input field. This title will later be displayed to users in a drop-down menu, which they can then use to switch back and forth between tables.
    If you enter a text under Additional information, this will be displayed for users later directly above the table.
  5. In the Permissions area for this table, specify what users can do with this new table. (Note: These settings only affect users authorized to enter the data collection).
    Adding new entries allows users to enter new records.
    Confirm storage ensures that the user must explicitly confirm entries in the table.
    Edit entries allow editing existing entries. By activating the corresponding radio button, you determine whether all or only your entries can be edited.
    Delete record allows you to delete existing entries. By activating the corresponding radio button, you determine whether All entries or Only your entries can be deleted.
    Show only their entries restricts users' view, so they cannot see other users' entries.
    Export table allows users to export the records of the table.
    Import table allows users to import records into the table.
  6. The Time-limited editing checkbox allows to control in which period users can make and edit entries.
    To do this, activate the checkbox and enter the desired start and end dates or select the date using the calendar icon.
  7. Click on the Create table button.
  8. ILIAS creates a new table and reports Table created. The new table is initially empty - except for the automatically created fields ID, Last modified, Owner, Creation date, and Last modified by. So you still have to add your own fields.

Adding fields

A newly created table already contains some fields at the beginning, but by default, they are not displayed in the table. They are only used for the internal administration of the table.

You want to add a new field in a table. The fields are displayed in the table as column headers.

  1. Open the Fields tab in the desired table.
  2. Click on the Add field button.
  3. ILIAS shows you the form to create a new field.
  4. Give the field a name under Title. This name will be displayed later as text in the header of the column of your table.
  5. If necessary, enter a text in the Description field. This text will be displayed below the field title when a new entry is created and can explain the desired content.
  6. Under Data type, specify what type of entry you want in this column. For the data type of the field, activate the corresponding radio button. The available choices are:
    Text drop-down menu
    Integer numbers
    Date input
    Selection menu date
    Media object
    File Upload
    Object in repository
  7. If necessary, activate the Prevent same entries checkbox so that no entry can be created twice later.
  8. Click the Add field button.
  9. ILIAS creates a new field and returns to the Fields tab.

Note: You can still change the column title or other information later. Only the data type can NOT be changed afterward.

Which data type to use for what?
Fields can have a variety of data types. The following overview explains what distinguishes these types and what special settings you can choose in each case.

  1. Text input: Here you can collect text, links, or e-mail addresses.
    Length: Limits the maximum number of characters for the entry.
    Regular Expression: This allows you to enter a regular expression to limit the text entry. Two examples:
     - Allows only lowercase letters: /^[a-z]*$/.
     - The word "hello" must appear at least once: (hello)+
    URL or email: Requires the input of http:// or @, thus increasing the quality of the input.
    URLs and email addresses are automatically converted to links.
    Multiline text input field: Increases the size of the input field. This option facilitates longer text entries.
    Link to detail page: The text field is displayed as a link to the detail view of the entire entry.        
    Prerequisite: A detail view has been activated in the Tables tab.
  2. Text selection menu: Options you have created are offered as choices.
    Type: List all options, like single or multiple choices, one below the other, or choose a space-saving display as a drop-down menu
  3. Integers: Natural numbers can be entered
  4. Checkbox: The field can be activated or not
    In the later display, a checkmark (selected) or a cross (not selected) will then appear accordingly.
  5. Date input: Here you can select or enter a date in the calendar.
  6. Date drop-down menu: Specify dates as options.
    Type: List all options one below the other as single or multiple selections, or choose a space-saving display as a drop-down menu
  7. Media Object: Image, audio, or video files can be saved and displayed directly in the data collection. 
    The width and height of the display in the table view can be specified. The uploaded file is automatically scaled according to the specifications.        
    Attention: A subsequent change of the values does not lead to a new scaling of the existing files!
  8. Link to detail page: The media field is displayed as a link to the detail view of the entire entry
  9. File Upload: This field allows users to upload a file of any type that can be downloaded via a link.
  10. Reference: Reference the field of another entry. ILIAS fills this field automatically.
  11. Object in Repository: It can be used to reference other objects in the repository of ILIAS.
    Show learning progress: The learning progress of the viewer is displayed in the corresponding field.
    Link to object: The displayed ILIAS module is shown as a hyperlink.
    Copy: The referred object can be copied.
  12. Rating: The user can rate an item on a scale from 1 to 5.
  13. Formula: ILIAS automatically populates this field by mathematically relating other existing fields: Add, subtract. multiply, divide and exponentiate values of other entries.
  14. Plugin: If you have installed a corresponding plugin, you can select the associated field type here. By default, ILIAS is delivered without plugins.

Note: You can NOT change the data type afterward.

The data type "Reference”

A reference field allows you to let users select data that has been collected in another field.


  • You collect the favorite books of your users in table 1. These are entered independently in several fields (author, title, page number...)
  • In table 2 you insert a reference field "Reading plan". This refers to the field "Book title" from table 1.
  • Users can then select their next reading from the collected titles.

Special features of the "Reference" field type:

  • References can refer to fields of any table of the data collection
  • Even if the user of the reference field has no access to the referenced table, this is possible. So, the book collection mentioned in the example could be compiled only by instructors while learners make their selections in Table 2.
  • You can only allow your users to select from the collected options - but you can also give them the right to add their entries.
  • Single and multiple selections are possible.

The "Formula" data type

The "Formula" data type works differently from the other types: Here, users do not enter data themselves. Instead, the field's value is calculated from the data in other fields.

Due to its mathematical nature, this field is especially useful in combination with some fields. But it is also possible to combine it, e.g., with the checkbox (activated = 1, not activated = 0).

The most important instructions for using calculation fields are displayed directly when you use this data type. Some explanations at this point:

  • The "valid operators" allow you to add (+), subtract (-), multiply (*), divide (/) and exponentiate (^) values of other fields.
    - Example book list: [[Number of pages of book]]*[[Total number of pages]] would calculate how long it takes to read a book.
  • The "supported functions" allow to sum values of other fields, and show the minimum, maximum, or average.
    - Example Evaluation of a lecture: AVERAGE([[Evaluation Session 1]];[[Evaluation Session 2]];[[Evaluation Session 3]])

Change the title of a field or other information

You want to edit an existing field, for example, change its title or adjust other options.

Note: The data type cannot be changed afterward. If necessary, create a new field for this purpose.

  1. Open the Tables tab.
  2. Click on the title of the desired table.
  3. ILIAS opens the Fields tab of the table.
  4. Open the Actions menu of the relevant field and click on the Edit entry.    
    Note: The fields "ID", "Last modified", "Owner", "Creation date" and "Last modified by" are default and cannot be edited.
  5. ILIAS loads the view where you can edit the field.
  6. Make the desired changes.
  7. Click the Update Field button.
  8. ILIAS applies the changes and reports: "Field has been updated".

Delete fields

You want to delete an existing field.

Attention: If data has already been collected in a field, this data will also be deleted when you delete the field!

  1. Open the Tables tab.
  2. Click on the title of the desired table.
  3. ILIAS opens the Fields tab of the table.
  4. Open the Actions menu of the field in question and click on the Delete entry.    
    Note: The fields "ID", "Last modified", "Owner", "Creation date" and "Last modified by" are default and cannot be deleted.
  5. ILIAS will ask you to confirm the deletion.
  6. Click on the Delete button.
  7. ILIAS deletes the field and opens the Fields tab.

Note: If you want to delete multiple fields, check the checkboxes in front of the desired fields in step 3 and click the Delete Fields button.

Adjusting the settings of a single table

When it comes to settings in the data collection, we distinguish between the global settings of the entire data collection and the settings of individual tables. Here we are concerned with the latter.

You want to adjust the settings of a table:

  1. Open the Tables tab.
  2. Click on the title of the desired table.
  3. Open the Settings tab.
  4. Make the desired adjustments (see below!).
  5. Click the Save button to finish.

For each table, you can specify the following settings:

  1. Under Title, change the name of the table.
  2. Select the default sort order and sort direction of the table.
    Users can adjust the sorting later according to their needs.
  3. Under Additional information, add a text that will later be displayed to users directly above the table.

In addition, under Permissions for this table, you can specify exactly what a user with the "Enter" permission can do in it:
Add new entry: This allows users to create new records.
Save confirmation: Before creating a new entry, ILIAS displays the entered data and asks to verify it. This allows you to increase the quality of user input.
Edit entries: Allows subsequent editing of existing records.
  - By activating the corresponding radio button, you determine whether All Entries or Only Own Entries can be edited.
Delete entries: This allows the deletion of existing data records.
  - By activating the corresponding radio button, you determine whether all or only your entries can be deleted.
Show only own entries: Records of other users cannot be viewed by simple users.
Export table: This allows users to export the records of the table.
Import Table: This allows users to import records from Excel.
Time-limited editing: Restricts the time period in which users can add and edit records.

Delete table

You want to delete an existing table.

Attention: Deleting a table also deletes all content that was collected in the table!

  1. Open the Tables tab.
  2. Open the Actions menu of the desired table and click the Delete entry.    
    Note: If the data collection contains only one table, it cannot be deleted. However, its content can be removed. To do so, simply follow the next steps.
  3. ILIAS will ask you to confirm the deletion.
  4. Click the Delete button.
  5. ILIAS deletes the table and opens the Tables tab.

Note: If you want to delete several tables, activate the checkboxes in front of the desired tables in step 2 and click on the Delete tables button.

Set different views of a table.

Restricting and filtering the user’s role

For each table in a data collection, you can determine who can see it - and which fields are displayed to the user, filtered if necessary. This is done with the help of so-called views.

  • For each existing view, you can determine which user role (e.g., tutors vs. simple users) of your ILIAS platform has access.
  • In the next step, you determine which fields are displayed in a view. This way, you can offer simple users a clearer display than experienced tutors or management staff.
  • You can also have the content filtered automatically. This allows you to create different views to focus on different aspects of a large data collection quickly - or to display only the most recent entries in the case of large collections.
  • The default view displays all content to all users who have access to the data collection. If there are multiple views, you can switch between them in the Content > Show tab.
  • A single view (also called a detail page) can be configured if desired for each view. In it, only a single entry of the data collection is displayed. You can freely design the single view using the page editor.

Create new view

You want to create and configure a new view.

  1. Open the Tables tab.
  2. Click on the title of the desired table in the overview.
  3. ILIAS opens the Fields tab.
  4. Open the Views tab.
  5. Click Default view to customize it. Or click Add a new view to add another view.
  6. Enter a title and, if necessary, a description.
  7. Select the desired roles that will use the view.
  8. Click on the Save button.
  9. ILIAS accepts your entries and reports: "View updated".

You can now configure the view in more detail in the next step.

Configure existing view (by roles or filters)

You want to configure an existing view.

Prerequisite: You have created a new view or called up the default view.

  1. Open the Visibility and Filters tab.
  2. Activate the Visible checkbox to display the associated fields in the view.
  3. Select the Available in filter checkbox to allow users to filter the data collection by field.
  4. If necessary, enter a filter preset. This allows you to immediately filter the data collection when the view is loaded.
  5. Select the Filter modifiable checkbox to allow users of the view to customize the filter.
  6. Click on the Save button.
  7. ILIAS accepts your entries and reports: "View updated".

Configure single view

So far, we have only configured the view of the entire table. Additionally, it is possible to create a single view. This way, only a single table entry - i.e., a table row- is displayed. The single view can then be accessed by clicking on a magnifying glass icon that is available in the table.

You want to create or configure a new single view.

  1. You are at the desired table.
  2. Open the Views tab.
  3. Click on the title of the desired view.
  4. Open the single view tab.
  5. ILIAS opens the ILIAS page editor.
  6. Design the view freely according to your wishes. If necessary, use the online help of the page editor.
  7. Insert placeholders to place the contents of the corresponding fields in the view.
    - You can use as many or as few placeholders as you like.
    - Each placeholder in square brackets can be used individually on the page. It will then be filled with the existing data when the single view is displayed.
    - The English placeholders correspond to the mandatory fields that each table contains:

    id: The internal ID of an entry
    last_update: The date when this entry was last modified.
    owner: The owner of this entry.
    create_date: The date when this entry was created.
    last_edit_by: The user who last modified this entry.
  8. Save your changes.

Activate, use, and delete a single view.

You want to activate a single view to be called from the table after creation.

  1. You are in the Single view tab.
  2. Click on the Activate page template button.
  3. ILIAS activates the single view: In the table, a new column with a magnifying glass symbol is now displayed in the "Contents" tab. A click on the magnifying glass opens the single view.

If you want to deactivate or delete the single view again, use the corresponding buttons.

You can also open the single view by clicking on the entries of a table. To do this, activate the Link to detail page checkbox in the desired table fields under "Data type".

Settings of the entire data collection

Settings of the data collection

For the settings in the data collection, we distinguish between the settings of the entire data collection and the settings of the individual tables. Here we are concerned with the former.
In the Settings tab you can:

  • rename the data collection (as opposed to renaming tables)
  • put the data collection online so that users can see and use it
  • specify whether you want to be notified when new entries are added.

Rename data collection

You want to give your data collection a different title. You can change the titles of the individual tables elsewhere.

  1. Open the Settings tab in the data collection.
  2. In the Title input field, change the name of the data collection.
  3. Click on the Save button.
  4. ILIAS changes the name of the data collection.

Note: In the Description input field, you can add an explanatory subtitle or edit an existing description.

Putting the data collection online

You want to put the data collection online so that users can use it.

Note: Users can view and edit the content only when the data collection is online.

  1. Open the Settings tab in the data collection.
  2. Activate the Online checkbox.
    - If this checkbox is not activated, only users with editing rights will see this data collection.
  3. Deselect the checkbox if you edit the data collection or users should not see it for other reasons.
  4. Click the Save button.
  5. ILIAS puts the data collected online.


You want to be notified by email when users enter the data collection.

  1. Open the Settings tab in the data collection.
  2. Activate the checkbox Notification.
  3. Click on the Save button.

ILIAS will notify you by email when a user has made an entry. This way, you can find out what changes are being made in the data collection without logging in.