Define registration processes

How do users get into the course or group?

Users must be members of a course or group to read and edit content. There are three ways users can become members of courses and groups:

  • Users join independently: The course or group is configured for independent enrollment. Users search for the course or group themselves in the repository and log in. All learners do not successfully manage Independent enrollment; some get lost and are frustrated. On the other hand, sometimes learners who are not actually the class's target audience sign up during independent enrollment. Instructors can prevent this depending on their choice of self-enrollment method, but they usually have more work than unrestricted enrollment.
  • Users are entered ('added') by course or group administrators. This is done in the Members tab. This process provides complete control over who becomes a member of a course or group. However, it means an effort for the administrators to enter all members themselves. For users who have been registered as members, ILIAS places the course or group directly on the Personal Desktop, so there is no longer a risk of 'history'.
  • Users are entered directly into courses or groups from other applications (enterprise resource planning application or campus management system) and managed from these applications. For users who have been registered as members, ILIAS places the course or group directly on the personal desktop, so there is no longer a risk of 'history'.

In the administration, you can also assign course or group memberships when importing user data. If necessary, please get in touch with your technical support.

Controlling the joining of members

Users can independently register for a course or group in ILIAS ("join"), depending on the settings. The possible self-enrollment procedures offer you varying degrees of control over who enrolls. In the Settings tab, you have the following options in the Self-joining by user section:

  • Direct join: any user can join the course or group independently. He can then immediately open the course or group and use the content.
  • Joining with course or group password: Users must enter a password to join the course or group. The instructor chooses and announces the password (e.g., by mail or face-to-face meeting). The password is the same for all users.
  • Joining after confirmation: Users must first apply for membership. Course or group administrators can be notified about applications and then confirm or reject them in ILIAS. Only confirmed members can open the course or group and view the content. While this process provides much control, it is a bit more cumbersome for the course or group administrators.
  • No independent joining: With this option, you retain complete control over who joins a course or group. No independent joining is possible; you enter users in the Members tab.

Other options to control joining are:

  • Joining by link: This option allows direct joining by calling a link. The course or group administrator creates an access link in ILIAS, which he then sends to potential participants, for example, by e-mail. Users can directly register for the course or group by clicking on this link.    
    Note: This joining procedure also works for people who do not have an ILIAS user account yet and have to create one before accessing the course. It reduces the risk of "history" for new or non-technical users.    
    Note: This option works independently of the access procedure selected above - even if No independent access has been selected. The only requirement is knowledge of the link.
  • Time-limited joining: define when users can join in one of the above independent joining procedures.
  • A limited number of members: Limit the number of seats in your course and offer a waiting list if necessary.

Enable independent enrollment

You want users to be able to sign up for the course or group independently. The option for independent enrollment is initially always disabled for newly created courses or groups.

Note: These settings only take effect if the course or group is set online and available for users.

  1. Open the Settings tab.
  2. Scroll down to the section Independent joining by users.
  3. In the Joining Method section, select the desired option.
  4. Click on Save.
  5. ILIAS configures the course accordingly and reports "Changes saved".

Note: You can further restrict the terms of self-registration in the Joining Procedure section or enable self-registration completely.

Enrollment without restrictions

You want users to be able to self-register with the course or group without further restrictions and then use the object immediately.

  1. Open the Settings tab.
  2. Scroll down to the Independent joining by users section.
  3. Select the Direct joining option: users can decide independently about joining; they can now register independently for the course or group without further restrictions and join with one click.
  4. Click on Save.
  5. ILIAS accepts your entry and reports: "Change saved".

Protect login with a password.

You want users to enter a password when logging in independently to the course or group. The password is the same for all users. Without entering the password, the user will not be able to enter the course or group or become a member.

This joining procedure saves the course or group administrator effort compared to the application with confirmation. However, entering a password prevents people from "just looking" into the course or group and downloading the documents if necessary.

Instructors can announce the password in the face-to-face session or send to course organizers with the registration materials.

  1. Open the Settings tab.
  2. Scroll down to the Independent joining by user section.
  3. Select Accession with course password or Accession with group password in the Accession procedure section.
  4. Enter the desired password.
  5. Click on the Save button.
  6. ILIAS accepts your entry and reports "Changes saved".

Registration by application for admission

Users should apply for membership by clicking. An administrator checks membership applications and confirms or rejects them.

  1. Open the tab Settings.
  2. Scroll down to the Independent joining by user section.
  3. In the Joining procedure section, select Join after confirmation.
  4. Click on the Save button.
  5. ILIAS accepts your entry and reports "Changes saved".

What is the procedure for self-joining with confirmation later for users and administrators?

  • The user navigates in the repository to the location of the desired course or group. There he opens the ▼ menu and clicks on the Join link.

The user is presented with the "Join to course" dialog; he must click the Submit button.

  • He can attach a message to the administrator to the request.
  • He will be informed that he will be notified by mail whether his request was confirmed or rejected.
  • After sending the request, ILIAS will show him the message "The admission has been requested." Below the course/group title, it will also be displayed that the administrator is still waiting for confirmation until a decision is made.
  • The course/group administrator will see the new enrollments that still need to be confirmed in the

Members tab in a separate table. Still Decide: Joining with confirmation listed.

  • Here you have the possibility to mark applications for admission and either confirm (menu option Admit as a member) or reject (Reject application) them.
  • ILIAS automatically sends emails to the users informing them about the decision.
  • Administrators can also communicate with the applicants by mail from this screen before a decision is made, for example, to clarify queries.

Note: The course/group administrator can be informed about new members and membership applications by mail. To do this, activate the Notification of new members checkbox in the Members tab.

  • By default, notification is enabled.
  • Tutors can also be notified if desired.

You want users to be able to enroll in a course or group on their own by clicking a link. The selected joining procedures (such as joining with a course or group password) are independent of this and remain in effect. For example, you can send a link to some users and provide a password to others. Link login is very easy for users.

  1. Open the Settings tab.
  2. Scroll down to the Independent joining by users section.
  3. In the Joining procedure section, select the Joining via link checkbox.
  4. ILIAS displays a link that allows direct access to the course or group.
  5. Copy the link to make it available to users later by mail or other means.
  6. Click on the Save button.
  7. ILIAS accepts your input and reports "Changes saved".


  • The link is not individualized. It is the same for all interested parties.
  • The link also works if registered users are not currently logged in on the ILIAS platform. He will then be prompted to log in before joining the course or group.
  • Furthermore, the link even works for people who do not yet have a user account on the ILIAS platform.

However, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Depending on the situation, several other views may need to be traversed between clicking the link and viewing the content. This includes, for example, the registration page on the ILIAS platform and, if applicable, the display of a user agreement.
  • Not all ILIAS installations allow independent registration. For people to be able to register on the platform, this function must be activated in the administration!
  • In some self-registration processes, the link must be clicked a second time later. This is the case, for example, when an administrator or the new user must first confirm the self-registration and must first click on a confirmation link in an e-mail.
  • The access granted by this link is independent of the settings for the joining procedure but takes into account the settings for the "availability" of the course or group.

Limit registration time

You may want to allow enrollment only during a limited time period. This can be useful to give all interested parties an equal chance to get into the course or group for popular courses with limited participants. It can also prevent participants from signing up after work has begun.

Note: The selected joining method (direct, with a password, with confirmation) remains valid regardless of this setting.

  1. Open the Settings tab.
  2. Scroll down to the Independent joining by user section.
  3. Activate the checkbox in the Temporary accession section.
  4. Specify the desired time period.
  5. Click on the Save button.
  6. ILIAS accepts your entry and reports "Changes saved".

Prevent withdrawal after a specific date.

You want to run courses or groups with binding enrollments and prevent participants from unenrolling on their own after a certain date.

  1. Open the Settings tab.
  2. Scroll down to the section Independent joining by users.
  3. Activate the checkbox Latest course exit.
  4. Enter the date until which participants should still be able to log out.
  5. Click the Save button.
  6. ILIAS sets a date for the latest course exit and reports "Changes saved".

Set the minimum and maximum number of participants
You want to limit the number of participants in your course/group or set a minimum number. Both can be especially useful for face-to-face events, for example, to be able to plan the required room sizes or the number of instructors.

Users are shown below the course or group title how many seats are still available. Within the course or group, the number of members can be viewed in the Join tab or the Info tab.

Prerequisite: These settings are only effective if independent joining (direct/password/confirmation) is possible.

  1. Open the Settings tab.
  2. Scroll down to the section Independent access by the user.
  3. Activate the checkbox "Limited number of members."
    Optional: Enter the minimum number.
    If this number of participants is not reached, ILIAS will send a mail at the end of the joining period (or the latest possible course exit) to those course administrators or tutors for whom the Notification option is activated in the Members tab.
    Optional: Enter the maximum number.
    Note: However, course administrators can continue to add members to the course even after the maximum number has been exceeded.
    Optional: Enable a waiting list. This allows you to register interest from users even if the maximum number of members has already been reached.
    Without automatic move-up: You can view registered users on the waiting list in the Members tab and add them to the course if necessary.
    With automatic moving up: Users automatically move up if other participants drop out of the course.
  4. Click on the Save button.
  5. ILIAS will accept your entries and report "Changes saved."

Add members

Add a known user as a member.

You want to pick out a specific user to add as a member. You know the user name.

  1. Open the Members tab.
  2. Enter the user name in the User text input field.    
    Note: It is also possible to enter the user's first name, last name or registered email address.
  3. ILIAS searches in the background and creates a selection of possible users.
  4. Click on the desired user.
  5. In the drop-down menu to the right of the search field, select whether the user should be added as a simple member or as an administrator.    
    Note: In the course, you also have the option to add the user as a tutor.
  6. Click on the Add button.
  7. ILIAS confirms the addition of the user. The user will now appear in the list in the Members tab.

Searching and adding unknown users

You want to search out users to add them as a member or administrators. You do not know the user name or name of the persons or you want to add a larger number of users in one step.

  1. Open the Members tab.
  2. Click on the Search Users button.
  3. ILIAS opens a new page. Depending on what you know about the user, you can here:
    Search for users: Enter the last name or user name.
    Search for role members: Enter a role description of the user.
    Search for course members: Enter a name of a course the user is in.
    Search for group members: Enter a name of a group the user is in.
    Others: Depending on the global settings on your ILIAS installation, other user data fields can also be searched here. If necessary, contact your ILIAS administrator in this regard.
  4. Click on the Search button.
  5. ILIAS will generate a list of results of the appropriate search type:
    Search for Users: You will be directly presented with a list of eligible users. Follow the instructions from step 7 onwards.
    Search for role members: You will be shown a list of eligible roles. Select the checkbox in front of the desired role and click the List Users button.
    Search for Course Members: You will be presented with a list of eligible courses. Select the checkbox in front of the desired course and click the List Users button.
    Search for group members: You will be presented with a list of eligible groups. Select the checkbox in front of the desired group and click the List Users button.
  6. ILIAS presents a list of users.
  7. Select the checkbox in front of the user(s) you want to include in the course or group. You can also use the Select All checkbox at the bottom of the list.
  8. In the drop-down menu above or below the list, select whether the users should be entered as members or administrators.    
    Note: In the course, you also have the option to add the user as a tutor.
  9. Click on the Execute button.
  10. ILIAS will confirm the addition of the user.

Why do I see the message "No access granted"?

You have added a user. However, this user still cannot access the content. In the Members tab, you will see the highlighted message: "No access granted."

This can be due to several reasons:

  • Most of the time, the learning sequence is not set online yet.
  • Sometimes the user does not have access to a parent object, such as the category in which the course, group, or learning sequence is located. Check the permission settings of this object.
  • In other cases, a precondition is not met. Read the help on preconditions.

Manage members

Contacting members by mail

You want to contact one or more members directly from ILIAS by e-mail.

  1. Open the Members tab and click on the Participant Management link if necessary.
  2. In the Members list (or Administrators/Tutors, if applicable), activate the checkboxes in front of the names of the desired members.
    Optional: To write directly to all members, click the Mail to Members button and select the desired roles (members, tutors, administrators) in the next step.
  3. Select Send Mail from the drop-down menu above or below the list.
  4. Click on the Execute button.
  5. ILIAS opens the mail module. Write and send your e-mail there. If you need assistance, follow the instructions there.
  6. After sending the e-mail, ILIAS returns to the Members tab and reports: "The mail has been sent".

Note: If you have administrator rights, you can also create templates for these emails. See Administration > Mail > Text templates. You can then send ready-prepared emails to participants with little work.

Remove member (or administrator)

You want to remove a member, tutor, or administrator from a course or group.

Note: There must always be at least one administrator. Therefore, the last/only administrator cannot be removed.

  1. Open the Members tab and click the Participant Administration link if necessary.
  2. Activate the checkbox in front of the user(s).
  3. Click on the Execute button.
  4. ILIAS opens a new page and asks you to confirm the removal.
  5. Click the Confirm button.
  6. ILIAS removes the user.

Upgrading members to an administrator

You want to upgrade a member to tutor or administrator within a course or group.

  1. Open the Members tab and, if necessary, click the Participant Administration link.
  2. Click the Edit link in the row of the desired user. If there are several users, activate the checkbox in front of the users. Select Edit from the drop-down menu above or below the list. Click on the Execute button.
  3. ILIAS opens a new page.
  4. In the Roles column, use the drop-down menu to select the desired role assignment for each user:
    You can upgrade the member's role to tutor (only possible in the course) or administrator or downgrade administrator. Please note here the extended rights that you thus assign or take away from the user.
  5. Click on the Save button.
  6. ILIAS will assign the desired role to the person.

Receive notifications about new members.

Administrators and tutors can be notified by ILIAS when new members join the course or group. If desired, you can also send this notification to ordinary members.

Notifications are enabled by default only for the creator of the course. You want to enable notifications for another user.

  1. Open the Members tab and click the Participant Management link if necessary.
  2. ILIAS displays the table of all users.
  3. Click the Edit link in the row of the desired user. If there are several users, activate the checkbox in front of the users. Select Edit from the drop-down menu above or below the list. Click on the Execute button.
  4. ILIAS loads a new page.
  5. Activate the checkbox in the Notifications column.
  6. Click on Save.
  7. ILIAS confirms the change.

Note: You can also enable notifications for administrators and tutors directly using the checkboxes in the table in the Members tab. Afterward, click the Save button to apply your changes.

Set "Passed" status (or let it be determined automatically).

You can assign the Passed status in the Members tab. Under the following specific circumstances, this can also be done automatically based on the learning progress:

  • The learning progress of the course is enabled.
  • The Derive from learning progress option is selected in the Settings tab in the Passing section of the course.

You want to assign the "Passed" status manually.

  1. Open the Members tab and click the Participant Management link if necessary.
  2. Navigate to the list of members.
  3. In the row of the desired participant, select the Passed checkbox.
  4. Click on the Save button.
  5. ILIAS accepts the status and reports, "The settings have been saved."

Locking a member

You want to block a member so that he or she no longer has access to the contents of the course or group.

Note: You can also unlock members similarly to give them access to the content again.

  1. Open the Members tab and click the Participant Management link if necessary.
  2. In the Members list, select the Locked access checkbox in the row of the desired member.
  3. Click on the Save button.
  4. ILIAS locks the member and reports: "Changes saved". Under the member's name appears: "No access granted". If the member tries to open the course or group, he/she can only access the Info tab.

Overview: Which sessions have my members attended?

You want an overview of which members have attended which session dates. You want to load this overview as a table on your computer.

Note: This display only exists if you have created at least one session in the course or group. You or another administrator may also have to confirm attendance directly in the session under Manage session participants. The display described here, therefore, obtains its data.

  1. Open the Members tab and click the Sessions link.
  2. ILIAS displays the overview.
  3. To download the overview as a table, click the CSV Export button.
  4. ILIAS generates an export file and offers it for download.

Printing participant lists or saving them as Excel

You want a printable list of members. The list should contain data such as name, username, role assignment, login status, and result (pass/fail).

  1. Open the Members tab.
  2. ILIAS shows a table with the participants.
  3. Click the Create List button.
  4. ILIAS displays a Create List page where you specify the data to print.
    Title: You can change the proposal. Then specify a different title for the list.
    Description: You can change the proposal for the subline.
    Details of users: decide which details about the users (e.g., name or e-mail) you want to print and activate the corresponding checkbox.
    Additional columns: If you need additional information about the participants in the list, enter the title of this column in the text input field. This column will appear empty at the end of your list. You can add more columns or delete already existing ones using the plus and minus buttons.
    List the following participants: Select whether only members or also course or group administrators should appear on the list, as well as, if applicable, people who are on the waiting list or have submitted an application for admission.
  5. Click Print List.
  6. ILIAS displays a list of members.
  7. Your operating system opens a separate window for the print job.

Export member data

You can export your participants' data in Excel or CSV format for further processing. You determine which user groups and what type of data you want to export.

Prerequisites: You will see the Participant Export sub-tab in the Members tab. If this is not the case, contact your technical support. Ask technical support to enable it under "Administration rights > Privacy and server security > Allow export of member data in groups and courses".

For example, you want to export the participant data and use it in Excel.

  1. Under the Members tab, open the Participant export link.
  2. Click on Start CSV export or Start Excel export.
  3. ILIAS displays the Export settings form.
  4. Under User selection, activate the checkboxes in front of the user groups whose data should be exported.
  5. Under User data, activate the checkboxes in front of the data that should be exported to these user groups.
  6. Activate the Group memberships checkbox if you want to export the distribution of members to any groups in the container.
  7. Click on Start CSV export or Start Excel export.
  8. ILIAS lists the export file in the Export Files table.
  9. Click the Download link on the right in the row of the desired file.
  10. ILIAS opens the download dialog of your browser.
  11. Save the file on your computer.

Assigning Users for Supervision

Activate support for course and group.

You can enter Administrators and tutors of your course or group as supervisors. The supervisor will then be displayed to participants in the Who-is-online? tool and can be contacted quickly in case of questions or problems.

You want to register a user as a tutor.

Prerequisite: The user is already in the course or group as a tutor or administrator.

  1. Open the tab Members and click on the link Participant administration if necessary.
  2. ILIAS displays the table of all users.
  3. Open the Actions menu in the row of the desired user and select the entry Edit.
  4. ILIAS loads a new page.
  5. Activate the checkbox in the Supervision column.
  6. Click on Save.
  7. ILIAS confirms the change.

Note: You can also enable this feature for administrators and tutors directly using the checkboxes in the table in the Members tab. When finished, click the Save button to apply your changes.

Contacting other members

Who else is in my course or group?

You want to see who is a member of your course or group.

Prerequisite: the member's tab has been activated by an administrator of your course or group.

In the member's gallery, all members are displayed. The cards of the members and those of the course administration are colored differently. It will also be displayed if members have published a picture in their Personal Profile.

Members who have published their Personal Profiles can be emailed directly. Clicking on their profile will also display more information.

  1. Open the Members tab.
  2. ILIAS shows you all members in an overview.
  3. Click on the picture of a member.
  4. ILIAS opens the public profile of the member.
    - Click the Download business card link to save the visible information to your computer.
    - Click the Send mail link to send a mail to the member.
    - Click the Request contact button to contact the member directly in ILIAS.
  5. Click the Back link to return to the member gallery.

Send mail to several members

You want to send a mail to several members.

Prerequisite in the course: The member's tab and the mail function have been activated by your course administrator.

  1. Open the Members tab.
  2. Click on the button Mail to members.
  3. ILIAS will list possible recipients:
    - All members
    - All tutors (Note: This role only exists in the course.)
    - All administrators
    - Alternatively, you can also send an e-mail to selected users. In this case, you have to select the desired users in the next step.
  4. Click on the Next button.
  5. ILIAS will open the internal mail program.
  6. Write a subject in the text input field Subject (mandatory field).
  7. Enter the text of your mail in the text input field Content.
    - If necessary, activate the checkbox Activate placeholder for mail merge to address the recipients personally.
    - For more information, see the Creating a Mail Merge Action Guide.
  8. Click on the Send mail button.
  9. ILIAS reports that your mail has been sent and takes you back to the Members tab.

Sending mail to a single member

You want to send a mail to a single member.

Prerequisite: Your teacher or administrator has activated the members' tab and the mail function. The corresponding course member has published his profile.

  1. Open the Members tab.
  2. ILIAS will show you all members in an overview.

Variant 1:

  1. Open the Actions menu below the profile picture.
  2. Click on the entry Mail.
  3. ILIAS opens the mail program.
  4. Write a subject in the text input field Subject (mandatory field).
  5. Enter the text of your mail into the text input field Content.
  6. Click on the Send mail button.
  7. ILIAS confirms your mail sending and takes you back to the Personal Profile from which you sent the mail.

Variant 2:

  1. Click on the picture of the member you want to mail to.
  2. ILIAS opens the business card of the member. If the member has a picture, you will find the link on the right below the picture; otherwise on the top right of the business card.
  3. Click on Send mail to send the member an internal mail.
  4. ILIAS opens the mail program.
  5. Write a subject in the text input field Subject (mandatory field).
  6. Enter the text of your mail in the text input field Content.
  7. Click on the Send mail button.
  8. ILIAS confirms your mail sending and takes you back to the personal profile from which you sent the mail.

Terminate Membership

Terminate course or group membership

You want to leave the course or group.

  1. Open the course or group you want to leave.
  2. Open the End course membership or End group membership tab.
  3. Click End course membership or End group membership.
  4. ILIAS terminates your membership and takes you to the repository.

Note: In some cases, you cannot end your membership alone. You will not be shown a corresponding tab. Please get in touch with your course or group administrator to unsubscribe.

What do my members see?

Use course/group on a test basis from the view of a normal member

As a tutor/administrator of a course or group, you will be shown significantly more tabs and options than ordinary members.
So participants will see a 'different course' or 'different group'.

You want to see what a course or group looks like to basic members without tutor/administrator privileges.

  1. Click on the link Activate preview as member at the right end of the tab bar.
  2. ILIAS opens the preview as a member. The member view is clearly distinguished from the previous view by a colored bar at the top of the screen.
  3. You can now try out your course or group as a member. You can open and use the objects as a member might.    
    Note: Objects you cannot see as a member are probably offline and have yet to be put online.  Close the preview as a member by clicking the Close Preview as Member button in the highlighted bar at the top.    
    Note: You can only change your role as tutor or administrator again after this.
  4. ILIAS will bring you back to your usual view.

Close preview as a member

You want to close the preview as a member and return to your usual view.

  1. Click the Close preview as member link in the highlighted bar at the top.
  2. ILIAS will return to your usual view of the course or group.

Collecting and exchanging files

Membership restrictions for courses and groups

What are membership restrictions?

Membership restrictions allow you to limit the number of participants in a course or group if other courses/groups with identical content are offered in parallel. This is useful if users are only supposed to register for one of the events at a time. This way, you can keep enough free places for other participants.

Subsequent independent registration by the user is only possible if the user is not yet a member of any restricted courses/groups.

Creating a membership restriction is done in two steps:

  1. Create restriction: you create the restriction, give it a name and specify how ILIAS should identify a participant.
  2. Assign courses: You select the courses or groups that cannot be taken in parallel.

Create membership restriction

You want to create a new membership restriction.

  1. Open the Settings tab.
  2. Click on the Membership restriction link.
  3. Click the New membership restriction button.
  4. Assign a title for the new membership restriction.
    - If necessary, you can explain the membership restriction by adding a description.

    From the drop-down menu, select a distinguishing characteristic to identify the users:
    - Username
    - Email
    - Matriculation number
  5. Click on the Add button.
  6. ILIAS accepts your input and reports, "A new membership restriction has been created". To activate this membership restriction, you must now determine the courses or groups to which this restriction should apply. To do this, follow the instructions for assigning membership restrictions.

Assigning courses that may not be taken at the same time

You now want to add to an already created restriction the courses or groups that should be mutually exclusive.

  1. Open the Settings tab.
  2. Click on the link Membership restriction.
  3. ILIAS opens a list of all existing membership restrictions.
  4. Click the Edit button in the row of the desired restriction.
  5. ILIAS opens a new page.
  6. Click the Change Assignment button.
  7. ILIAS opens a list of courses or groups.
  8. Activate the checkboxes of the courses or groups to be included in the restriction. Users can then join only one of the selected courses.
  9. Click the Change Assignment button at the top or bottom of the list.
  10. ILIAS will accept your entries and report, "The settings have been saved."

If a user now tries to join more than one course or group, he will receive the message that he can only register for one of the offerings.

Requesting further user data

What are course and group-specific user data?

In addition to the data requested when creating an ILIAS user account, you can ask course and group members to provide additional data before joining. These data are called course- or group-specific user data in ILIAS, because they can be created separately for each course and group.

To collect this user data, you need to create a corresponding data field that members must fill in as part of joining the course or group. It is possible to let users enter free text or offer them a drop-down list of options.

Please note that the data field should be created BEFORE the first participants join. Otherwise, all participants must agree to the user agreement again and provide the appropriate data.

Create data field

You want to create a new data field to collect course or group-specific user data.

  1. Navigate to the Settings tab.
  2. Click the Course-specific user data or Group-specific user data link.    
    Note: If you do not see this link, your technical support must first enable this feature.
  3. Click on the Create new data field button.
  4. Enter the name for your data field under Name. This will be displayed to the learner later.
  5. Activate one of the radio buttons under the Data field type:
    Text Field: Displays a free text entry field for learners to enter any information as they join.
    Selection List: Displays a drop-down list of predefined options to the participant upon joining, from which they can select one. To do this, create the required number of options by clicking on the (+) icon and then entering the labels in the Value field.
  6. If necessary, check the Mandatory field checkbox to make it mandatory for participants before joining.
  7. Click the Save button.

ILIAS creates the data field.

  • Users must now enter the appropriate data the first time they access the course or group.
  • Members already in the course or group will also be automatically presented with the newly created data fields to fill in.
  • Instructors and administrators can view the specified data in the Members tab.

Reusing existing content from courses or groups

Reusing content from existing courses/groups

ILIAS allows you to transfer content from existing courses or groups to a new course or group with just a few clicks. This is useful, for example, if you want to cover the same topic repeatedly in several semesters.

The procedure is the same for course and group: First, you select the course (or group) whose content you want to transfer. The object must be on the same ILIAS installation as the new course or group. Then you can determine for each object contained in it individually whether you want to copy it, link it or not take it over at all.

You want to copy objects from other courses or groups to the current course or group.

  1. Open the Contents tab.
  2. Click on the Manage link.
  3. Click on the button Take over the content.
  4. ILIAS displays a tree of all courses/groups that can be copied.
  5. Navigate to the desired course/group and activate the radio button.
  6. Click on the Next button at the end of the list.
  7. ILIAS opens a new page.
  8. Select the objects you want to transfer from the course or group. The following options are available here:
    Copy: The original object will not change if you modify the copied object in the new course/group. No participant data will be transferred.
    Link: The original object will change if you change the linked object in the new course/group. When linking, any existing participant data (from tests, surveys, exercises, forums, etc.) will also be included in the new course/group.
    Omit: The object will not be copied.
    Copy all
    Link all
    Omit all: The course or group is copied without content.
  9. Click the Copy course or Copy group button.
  10. ILIAS copies the contents and reports: "Object copied".


Activate Badges

The badge service is activated on the installation. If not, click at the bottom of the Contact Technical Support page. Ask the technical support to activate the function under "Administration > Badges ".

  1. Open the Settings tab for your course/group.
  2. Scroll down to the Additional Features section.
  3. Select the Badges checkbox.
  4. Click Save.
  5. ILIAS reports "Changes saved" and displays a new Badges tab.

Badge types

You can create different badge types in courses and groups.

Badge awarded by performance (automatic):

ILIAS automatically awards badges when a user has successfully edited an item. This is possible WITHOUT the learning progress being activated in the learning success settings.

  • Files award the badge immediately after downloading the file.
  • Learning modules award the badge automatically when all pages have been visited, or all questions have been answered correctly.
  • For SCORM learning modules, the badge is awarded automatically when the SCORM learning module reports the passing of the learning module according to its logic.
  • The badge is only awarded for sessions when the tutor has entered the attendance under "Manage participants".
  • The test awards the badge automatically when users have completed or passed the test.
  • The survey awards the badge automatically when users have completed it.
  • The badge is awarded for exercises only if tutors have set the exercise to pass in the "Submissions and Grades" tab.

Hand-awarded badge (manual):

Allows tutors to award badges to course members for special achievements manually.

Create hand awarded badge (manual).

You want to create a badge of the type 'Hand-awarded badge (manual)'.

  1. Open the Badges tab in your course or group.
  2. ILIAS will show you the Badges table, where you will find a list of the badges you have already created.
  3. In the drop-down menu above the table, select the type 'Manually awarded badge (manual)'.
  4. Click on Create.
  5. ILIAS shows you the corresponding form for creating the badge.
  6. Activate the checkbox Active.
  7. Enter a title and a description for your badge.
  8. Specify the criteria according to which this badge will be awarded.
  9. Under Image, select the Use template option or an image you want to upload.
  10. Optionally, you can specify the validity of the badge.
  11. Click Save.
  12. ILIAS reports, "The settings have been saved" and displays the new badge in the overview.

Manually award badge (manually)

Manually award badges to individual members from your course or group and reward special skills: Award the best presentation, the person with the smartest questions, with the most contributions ...

You have already created a badge of the type 'Hand awarded badge (manual)' and activated it.

  1. Open the Badges tab in your course or group.
  2. Open the Users sub-tab.
  3. ILIAS shows you the table Users.
  4. You will get an overview of which badges have already been awarded. Users who have received badges are listed with the following data:
    Type of badge
    Title of the badge
    Date of the badge
    Context from which the badge was awarded
  5. You can filter the overview by clicking the Show filter link.
  6. Select a badge from the drop-down menu above the table and click Award Badge.
  7. ILIAS displays a table with the members of the course or group.
  8. Select the checkboxes of all users you want to award the badge to.
  9. In the drop-down menu above the table, select Award Badge and click Execute.
  10. ILIAS reports "The settings have been saved." and displays the Users table. The badge you just awarded is listed in the table.

The user awarded the badge will find the badge listed under Learning Achievements in the Badges section.

Withdraw (manually) a manually awarded badge.

Manually awarded badges can be revoked from your course or group members.

  1. Open the Badges tab in your course or group.
  2. Open the Users sub-tab.
  3. ILIAS shows you the table Users with all users who have received a badge.
  4. You can filter the overview by clicking the Show filter link.
  5. Select a badge from the drop-down menu above the table and click Award Badge.
  6. ILIAS displays a table with the members of the course or group.
  7. Select the checkboxes of all users you want to revoke the badge from.
  8. In the drop-down menu above the table, select Revoke Badge and click Execute.
  9. Confirm that you want to revoke the corresponding badge from the user and click Delete.
  10. ILIAS reports "The settings have been saved." and displays the Users table. The badge you just revoked will no longer be displayed in the table and will no longer appear in the learning achievements.

Create a badge assigned by achievement (automatically)

A badge awarded by achievement is automatically awarded to individual members once they have edited the required objects. You want to create such a badge.

  1. Open the Badges tab in your course or group.
  2. In the drop-down menu under Type, select Badge awarded by achievement (automatic) and click Create.
  3. ILIAS shows the form for the badge 'Badge awarded by performance'.
  4. Activate the checkbox Active.
  5. Enter a title and a description for your badge.
  6. Specify the criteria according to which this badge will be awarded.
  7. Under Image, select Use template or select an image to upload.
  8. Optionally, you can define the validity of the badge.
  9. Under Objects, select the checkboxes of all objects that must have been edited before the badge is automatically awarded.
  10. Click Save.
  11. ILIAS reports, "The settings have been saved," and displays the new badge in the overview.

Deactivate Badges

Prerequisite: Badges have been created and acquired or assigned.

  1. Open the Badges tab in your course or group.
  2. ILIAS will show you a Badges table.
  3. At the end of the row of an active badge, open the Actions menu.
  4. Select the entry Edit.
  5. ILIAS shows the form of the badge.
  6. Remove the checkmark from the Active checkbox.
  7. Click Save.
  8. ILIAS reports, "The settings have been saved." and indicates in the overview that the badge is inactive.


  1. In the Badges table, select the checkbox before the desired badge.
  2. Select Deactivate in the drop-down menu above or below the table and click Execute.
  3. ILIAS reports, "The settings have been saved." and shows in the overview that the badge is not active.

Delete Badges

Prerequisite: Badges have been created and acquired or assigned.

  1. Open the Badges tab in your course or group.
  2. ILIAS shows you a table of badges.
  3. Activate the checkbox in front of the desired badge.
  4. Select Delete from the drop-down menu above or below the table and click Execute.
  5. ILIAS will ask you: " Do you really want to delete the following badges and all their respective assignments?"
  6. Confirm with Delete.
  7. ILIAS reports, "The settings have been saved." and removes the badge from the overview. The deleted badge will no longer appear in the learning achievements.

Working with competencies

Competencies in courses and groups - introduction

Competencies are skills, knowledge, and experience that everyone needs to be able to perform certain tasks successfully. Examining one's competencies should help to strengthen, expand and reflect on them.

In courses and groups, you can add competencies and assign individual competency proficiencies to members. You can decide when users can view the individual proficiencies. After the competency proficiencies are published, members can view them in the Competencies tab.

Adding competencies

You want to add a competency to a course or group.

Prerequisite: You have enabled competencies for the course or group.

  1. Open the Competencies tab.
  2. Click the Competency selection link.
  3. Click on the Add competency button.
  4. ILIAS shows you a folder structure that contains all the competencies created on your installation.
  5. Select the competency you want to add to the course or group by clicking on the competency name.
  6. ILIAS adds the competency and reports "Changes saved".

Note: You can add multiple competencies to a course or group. To do so, repeat the process.

Assigning a competence to a course or group member

You want to assign a competency to a course or group member.

Prerequisite: You have added at least one competency to the course or group.

  1. Open the Competencies tab.
  2. Click on the link Members.
  3. ILIAS shows you a list of all course or group members.
  4. In the Actions column of the corresponding member, open the Actions menu and select the Assign Competencies to Members entry.
  5. ILIAS lists all competencies that have been added to the course or group.
  6. In the drop-down menu behind the name of the respective competency, select the corresponding competency proficiency.
  7. Click on Save.

When are assigned competencies visible to members?

You want to determine when a course or group member can view the competencies assigned to them.

  1. Open the Competencies tab.
  2. Click on the Settings link.
  3. Under Publishing, the following choices are available:
    Automatic: course or group members can view their competency proficiency as soon as you assign it.
    Manual: The competency proficiencies are not visible after the assignment. You have to publish the proficiencies manually.
  4. Select the desired setting.
  5. Click Save.

Publish competency proficiencies

You want to publish assigned proficiencies manually.

Prerequisite: You have already assigned a competency proficiency to at least one course or group member, and you have set the publish setting off manually.

  1. Open the Competencies tab.
  2. Click on the link Members.
  3. ILIAS displays a list of all course or group members.

Variant 1:

  1. In the Actions column of the corresponding member, open the Actions menu and select Publish Assignments.
  2. ILIAS reports, "All competency assignments have been published".

Variant 2:

  1. Activate the checkboxes in front of the members whose competence assignments you want to publish.
  2. Select the entry Publish assignments in the dropdown above or below the list.
  3. Click on Execute.
  4. ILIAS reports, "All competency assignments have been published".

Reset competencies

You want to publish assigned competency assignments manually.

Prerequisite: You have published competency assignments for at least one course or group member.

  1. Open the Competencies tab.
  2. Click on the link Members.
  3. ILIAS shows you a list of all course or group members.

Variant 1:

  1. In the Actions column of the corresponding member, open the Actions menu and select the Reset Competencies entry.
  2. Confirm that you want to reset the user's competencies and click Reset Competency.
  3. ILIAS will report "Changes saved."

Variant 2:

  1. Activate the checkboxes in front of the members whose competencies you want to reset.
  2. Select Reset Competencies in the dropdown above or below the list.
  3. Confirm that you want to reset the competencies of the user(s) and click Reset Competency.
  4. ILIAS reports "Changes saved".